» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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from me.


"Nothing... just Melanie she attack me. . ." I say, what could she be keeping from me? I look for a clock, it's only be a couple hours since what happened so, it's not like anything huge could've happened.  I try and get up from the bed, and the machines beep at me more. I take that as I need what ever medecine they giving me.  "What happened to me?" I ask, looking at all the machines around my bed. I'm still in the castle/palace, I'm even in Dr. Drake's patient room, but where is the sexy -- where is the nice doctor?  I mentally smack myself, now isn't the time to fantasizing!  Molly takes in a deep breath, and looks around at the machines.


"Hunny, you had major blood loss, a bad concusion, and sprained ankle. Well and stitches in your side." She sighs. I smile, hell that's a lot better then what I was thinking! I was thinking stuff like I only had hours to live and that I was paralyzed! "That's nothing to be happy about!" Molly says, and my face drops. Major blood loss is the worst, and it looks like I'm okay now so I don't know what else is so bad! Unless there is more, and she just didn't tell me!


"What else?" I say worried. Maybe I am dying! What about Dr. Drake and Sebastien and Chaston, and Flora, and . . .  well everyone else! I try to move my legs, I can. Then my arms, and I can. I'm not paralyzed! She doesn't answer me, and now I start panicing! "Holy shit am I dying!" I yell, and the machines roar with beeping. Molly stands up pushing me to lay down. I am! I am dying!


"You're not dying! Calm down, you're going make Mrs. Grinich  come in and check on you." She hushes me. Mrs. Grinich? Now I'm confused, and happy. I'm not dying! "Goodness, Lyra you panic easily just like your father." She says sitting back in her chair rubbing her forehead. She just compared me to my father! Is that good? Yes, it is ins't it? I mean shouldn't kids be like the parents? I smile slightly, then lean back in the bed.


"Wait! You said Mrs. Grinich, where is Dr. Drake?" I ask, sitting up again, feeling a littl ejolt of pain in under my ribs. My mom, looks at me for a second, and then at the floor. Panicing! "Mom? Where is Dr. Drake?" I ask, getting up. The machines go crazy again, but I don't care. I look down at what I'm wear. A gown, and nothing else.


"Lyra stop! You could hurt yourself!" Molly says, I glare at her. Paniced I look around the room for my clothes. I find them in a pile, along wih clean clothes! Thank god. Grabbing then clean clothwes I head towards the bathroom. Molly grab my amr gently. "Lyra, you can't leave. You might faint or something, they don't know if you're okay yet." She says now she is paniced.


"Where is he!?" I ask. What if he got hurt? Why am I so paniced! He is a vampire for pete's sake! "Molly! Where is Elijah?" I ask one more time, ripping my arm from her grip. She is taken back, and head towards the bathroom. I pause when I hear her speak.


"Dungeon." She whispers. I change as fast as I can, and leave. Behind me I can hear Molly yelling for me to come back. Dungeon. Where is the dungeon? I run  looking for a door that looks like it leads to a dungeon. My stomach killing me. My head is pounding. I stop to catch my breath for a second, I spot a guard walking down the other hall. 


"Hey you!" I yell, clapping my hands to catch his attention. He looks and stops walking. "Yeah, where is the dungeon?" I ask, and he explains to me how to get there with out questioning me. I thank him and go the way he shows me. "Turn left at the first four way.... go straight past inside greenhouse. . . .  Right a the next to fourways.. . . . Continue on past the kithen. . . . . " I speak to myself out loud as I do each thing. Anticipation is building in me. I wonder if one of the people locked up needed him. Since he is a doctor that sounds about right.  He isn't hurt or anything. I don't know why I'm panicing so easily. I don't normally panic like this. Or do I? I slow down to a walk, I'm confusing myself! All I know is that I need to see him, and I don't know why.


Walking past the kitchen I turn to left like the man said. There isn't anything here though! It's just a wall! I scream,  for some reason. Then I close my mouth, What is going on? I'm going to kick that guards ass! I kick the wall, and it moves an inch. I back up, holy shit did I just break the wall? I look closer, noticing the small crack in the wall. I push on the wall, and it swings open!  Those sneaky bastards! Looking down the hallway, I get the shivers. It looks like dungeon. Brick mossy walls.  lit by torches, and it smells really bad!  He is here! My heart leaps! I rush down the hall, ignoring the smell and the pain in my stomache. I come toa four way again. Which way, he didn't say where exactly he was in here!  I start to head to the right, but I get a gut feeling his isn't that way. I turn around and go straight, and I keep going.  I run around,  ignoring the sounds the people in the cells make. There are old men and women, and young men and women. I'm surprised.  I thought this place didn't have poverty, and bad people.


I glance at a name plate on one of the rooms I pass,  all it says is Drarkal. I back away, and the girl inside cackle and points at me. I keep walking, where is Dr. Drake!? I wonder if that is what all of them are, I don't want to look. Keeping to the middle of the hall so they cant reach out and touch me, I keep walking. I want to yell for him, but then again I don't. I pass an empty cage, and I grab it for suport for a second. Something fuzzy touches my hand, and I jump away from the bars.  It's like a big bear!   I almost scream. I look at the name plate. Berchi. That's all it says. I apoligize quickly walking away Berchi? I meet have to ask who or what that is! I pass a bunch of more cages,  with out seeing him. I keep walking and I get stopped by a door.  In huge bold letters, the word DEADLY is written on the door. Deadly? He shouldn't be in there, but my gut tells me other wise. I reach out opening the door, a cool wind blows out of the room. I take a step in the and the door behind me closes tightly. I take a deep breath. Walking through the hall, I can't help but look at some of the names. All creatures I have never heard of. They all watch me as I walk through, speaking to me even though I don't answer any of them.  I reach the end again, with another door I didn't see him in here. I look at the door, and I gulp. The word VAMPIRE is placed on the door on a plaque. Oh god. He is in here for something bad unless there is another vampire in here, that needed his doctor skills. Opening the door, I peek inside. I don't see anything. Not even bars, or a cage.


"Dr. Drake?" I whisper, I don't hear anything I walk in more, and the door behind me closes and I hear a click. I go to open it again. It doesn't, it must be locked!  "Okay. . ." I say turning around. How do I get out of here! Dr. Drake isn't even here! God, where is he! Why do I even want to see him!?


"You shouldn't be here Lyra." I hear his voice, it sounds weak and raspy. I walk in closer to where I heard his voice, he is here! I can't hide my excitement. "No. Don't come any closer." He warns, and I can hear him moving. I stop, and I don't know what to do.  Oh god, so he does hate me? I should've just went with the cold shoulder! I back away, but then I remember I can't leave the door is locked!


"I'm sorry, I just... I heard you where here..." I say,  grabing the door. It's still locked. God, I'm embarrassed now, and I hate being in the same room with him espicially if we're alone. I'm already all jittery, even though he told me to leave!


"I didn't say leave." He says, and I can here him moving again. I could feel the panic in his voice.  "Are you okay?" He asks, I stay where I am. 


"I've got a minor concusion and sprained ankle. Apparently there was a lot of blood lo-" I  take in a breath. Blood loss. It's quiet in the room for a minute.  "Can I..  can I see you?" I ask, moving in closer again. He is in here because of me!? In the room, all my blood! "Dr. Drake?" I whisper.  I'm frightened.


"You should be."  He says, I rub my forehead, he can read my thoughts! Clear the mind!


"I'm not scared of you!" I say, moving closer. "I'm scared that I hurt you, and that you don't like me. God I'm horrified that you don't like me!" I start spilling out my feelings. I reach some bars, and I grip them. " I put you in here didn't I?" I ask. It's still pitch black, I can't see anything.  "Elijah?" I ask, using his name. I hear him move, and then I can tell he is close. Maybe just on the othe side of the bars  . . . a foot away from me.


"I can't be around you Lyra." He whispers, I feel tears. Didn't I already know this though. "Not with out craving, and wanting." he whispers. I don't understand. craving and wanting? My blood?  "Yes, not only that though." He says. Now I'm confused. "You feel it. I know you do." He whispers, and then I can see him. His hair is a mess. His white shirt and black plants are messy from being in here. He only could have been in here for three hours how is he so groungy looking?


"Because, I had a break down." He sighs reaching a hand out of the bars, hesitantly. "The smell of all of your blood was to much." He whispers. Placing my cheek in his hand, I feel tears again. I'm not crazy.


"I don't understand." I whisper, still confused.


"Do you remembr that day in the kitchen." He asks, and I nod. "I was trying to tell you. Vampires are sort of like werewolves in a way, we have people in our lives that meaning everything to us. We don't call them mates. They're called the partners."  He says, and my heart starts racing.


"Partnerss? Isn't that what they are normally called isn't it?"  I ask giggling, slightly.


"Yeah, but to us is means something more special." He says, leaping into an explaination of what exactly a partner is. My hear rate gets faster and faster with my detail. I wonder if he is telling me this because I'm his partner?!


"Why are you telling me this?" I ask when he finishes, and he laughs.


"I think you know why." He whispers, and my heart jumps out of my chest! I'm his partner! Oh. My. God.  "Lyra why did you come

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