» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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this is for him.


"Sebastien," I begin " You have no idea how it feels to finally kiss you." I say, and he laughs. "I'll stay, but not just for you." I whisper.


"I wanted to keep you all to mysef though." He whispers. I smile, and look at him in the eyes. For a second they are golden, and I get lost in them, but they aren't his. This eyes are Dr. Drake's! Then his come back, and I shake off the weird feeling that gave me. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to kiss you again!" He says, and I blush a second.


"Lyra? Sebastien? What's going on?" Molly asks on the other side of the door. We jump apart, even though she didn't come in.


"Nothing Mom!" I yell, and then I realize I called her mom! The door flies open, and Her eyes are brimming wth tears.  I get up and run and hug her. I hear Sebastien behind me sigh through Molly's cries. Garret comes flying up the stairs, asking what's wrong.  "Nothing." I say. Gulp, and take a breath. "Dad." I say, and he joins the hug.


"Sebastien what ever you said to her thank you!" Molly cries, and then I practically have to push the two of them out of the room. Asking for another second alone with Sebastien. Once they are gone, I lean against the door letting out a breath.


"That's the first time I've ever called them that." I inform, him and he smiles. "I guess you're the one who made me say it to. I should thank you." I say.


"I'll take you staying here as a thank you." He says getting up from the bed. Walking to the door.


"Wait before we go downstairs." I say, I grab his hand, and kiss him on the cheek. Then we head downstairs.  Sebastien gets to stay for  ice cream. We all talk about a bunch of different stuff. I glance at the clock and it's a little past nine. Then the doorbell rings and it's Chaston asking for her brother, he leaves with a wave goodbye and a secret wink to me. Then the door closes.  I'm bone tired, and my body is sore from those flips today.  "Night, Mom Dad." I say hugging them goodnight. Then I head upstairs, shower and hop into bed.

Chapter 12- Complications (Lyra's POV)

Slouching around in one of the many palace studies, I wait for Molly to finish in the kitchen. Theodore, was sick today and couldn't train, and Molly didn't want to leave me home alone. I got shoved in here and told to stay put, although I don't know where else I would go. Grabbing a bunch of books with interesting titles, I read the back of them all once I sit back down. What the hell kind of a library is this? It's all political science, and actual science! No wonder Sebastien was at the book store that one day! Shoving them all away from me, I walk around searching for somethig else to do. A cheeker board,  sewing kit, a cross word book. Nothing, why have a study if know one is ever in it anyways? They have enough studies you would think this was a huge  well-known college in England or London!


Finding a blanket I snuggle into a couch again. Nothing else to do, I might as well sleep. Turning my ipod on I place it next to my head, already dozing off. Not having training today really will kill me!  I should've just went anyways, and ran through the training course. Listening as the song changes, I hum along with it. Stopping almost instantly I can't keep up I'm to tired.


"Lyra!" Tatum's voice wakes me. I shoot off the couch, checking for drool and wiping my hair back. "We must talk." He says, and my eyes get used to the light. I'm the palace study still, I look for a clock. It's only been five minutes!


"Tatum what are you doing here?" I ask, folding up the blanket. Why is he here, in the castle! If I get caught with him, I might get kicked out! Putting the blanket away, I still don't look directly at him.  The door should probably get locked. 


"I'm serious, Lyra." He says grabbing my wrist. I whirl on him using a weak hook punch, he lets go holding his side. "That was good, you've have some training." He says, lifting his shirt  showing off his stomach and the spot where I punched him.  I continue to the door, what ever it is it must not be to important.  "Okay, seriously though. You're in danger!" He says keeping pace behind me. The door swings open in front of me, smacking me in the face. "Oh shit!" Tatum yells, and the door swings closed revealing Sebastien. My nose! I rub my nose,  groaning in pain.


"Oh I'm sorry! I heard you where here and I just wanted to see you!" Sebastien say, hugging me with an apology.


"Yeah, you're so sorry." Tatum sighs behind me. He is still here? Even with Sebastien in the room!?  "Anyways,  you have to come with me. You're not safe here!" He says, ignoring me and Sebastien glaring at him. I give Sebastien a give me a second look, he sighs and lets go of my hand he is holding. He doesn't leave the room like I wanted him to, but I'll live. I glare back at Tatum, and he gets that I now mean business.  "I promise!" He adds.


"Why?" I ask, checking my nose in the reflection of an armor suit in the room. It's red, but nothing else. It might bruise a little but that's it. Great Molly will ask me what happened and I will say I was hit in the face with a door! "I'm not in the mood Tatum, so this better be good."


"One of my subjects has ran off." He begins, and I already want to slap him. "She disapeared here somewhere, and I think she may be after yo-"


" A darkling is here?" Sebastien speaks up from the other end of the room, obviously he is listening. Tatum, looks at him funny.


"Yeah maybe... and who are you?" Tatum replies, oh jeez they are already fighting!


"Doesn't Matter!" I join in, "Tatum, what happened?" I say, looking at Sebastien and pleading with him.   He sighs, looking out the window. This sucks, we just worked everything out too. We're going to need to talk again.


"She found out about  . . . " He looks towards Sebastien, and I step on his foot. He grumbles something that sounds like swear words, and returns to me. "She found out about YOU, and I think she may try to end your life." He emphasizes the word you. My life might be in danger? Because this idiot likes me?


"It sounds like jealousy." Sebastien says still looking out the window, and more mumbling comes from Tatum.


"Yes, thank you for pointing that out." Tatum says, his eyes turning black a second. I step back, innocently even though it scared me half to death. "Lyra, all the locaters said she is somewhere here, in Spridge. I can't leave you here now. Please come with me." He says, holding out a hand for me. I rub my forehead. Do I believe him? Even if I do believe him, do I go with him? 


"She will stay here. I'm sure she is safer here then with you." Sebastien says, standing next to me. Ugh, he is heroic . . . and jealous.


"Is that jealousy I'm sensing?" Tatum asks, smiling at him. "Lyra, are you being unfaithful?" He asks, throwing me a smirk. Of course Tatum trying to cause problems. There is way to much tension between these two for me to think!


"Sebastien, maybe you should go. Only for a second." I say looking up at him, and his face goes blank and unreadable. I pissed him off.


"Oh so this is the knightly prince? I don't believe we have ever a officially meet. I'm Tat-" I step on his foot again, and he groans in pain. Grabbing at his toes.  While he is withering in pain I grab Sebastiens hand, and kiss his cheek.


"Calm down, please." I whisper in his ear. Then I let go of his hand, and take a couple steps away from him. Tatum didn't even notice he is to busy worrying about his foot.  "Okay, say you're telling the truth, one of you people is here. Why would I be safer with you? Where more of your people would try to kill me?" I ask, him.


"If you came with you would eventually become one of us, Lyra." He smiles forgetting his foot, he pushes my bangs out of my face. "All it takes is one kiss." He smolders with lust buzzing off him. I shiver at his voice, stepping away. Tatum's eyes flick to Sebastien who standing somewhere behind me, and then back to me. " I will leave for now. I will be back, and we waill talk about this with privacy." He says, grabbing my hand with quick speed. Laying a kiss on it he disapears. I wipe my hand on my shirt,  for some reason his kiss feels funny like some kind of trick or something.  Turning on my feet to Sebastien, I rub my forehead.


"He is kind of a prick." Are Sebastien's first words, and I laugh. Leaning against the couch with him, and we talk for a little while about what just happened. He obviously doesn't want to believe any of it, and is telling me its just another trick to try and get me to go with him. That is a posibility, but I mean its also possible that wha he said is actually true. "Lyra, the guy wants in your pants. He lieing." He says, and I take it as he doesn't want to talk about it anymore.  He wants in my pants. I glance down at my pants, I'm wearing a skirt. I laugh a second, and then I pick up on all the jealousy Sebastien is holding next to me.


"Is that all you want?" I ask, elbowing him and he grunts surprised. I look at him out of the side of my eyes, I caught him off guard and embarrassed him.


"What?" He asks, me grabbing my hand. " I hope you would know better then that." He sigh, kissing my forehead. I do know better,  I just hope that I'm right. My mind wonders now what if Sebastien doesn't like me . . . what if he is just trying to 'get in my pants'? Maybe he is some kind of player, I mean he was hangig around with the blonde slut in the garden. Also Molly told me to stay away, but we have past?  "Don't think so hard," He says touching a finger to my forehead now. "You'll get wrinkles." He smiles, and I giggle.


"Is there any truth to that?" I ask, making my way to the couch behind us. Plopping down together I ask him questions about the study, and he has no answers, and doesn't understand either.  We move on to playing dodgeball with the throw pillows, surprisingly not breaking anything. Once both our

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