» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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the door so I can't be disturbed. Nah, I just leave it.  I feel like I am already snoring and out cold on the couch. 


Reaching down into my bag I fish out one package of Gushers, slowly tearing into it letting the juicy flavors take over my mouth. These are proably the worst thing to be eating for breakfast, but at this momment I could careless. Shoving the wrapper bag in the bag, I turn around so I'm facing the back of the couch and snuggle in for more comfort. The couch it's self is a little cold, but with the fire heated blanket it's perfect! Sitting up suddenly from the couch, my heart beat quickens. I look down at my bag, maybe that was to much sugar so early in the mornig.  Clutching my chest, I realize I'm startig to burn like fever and overheat like. Pushing the blanket off of me, I stand up. I reach out to steady myself with the couch or just anything, I need to sit back down!


"Lyra!" I hear a familiar  boys voice, although it isn't a boy it's a man. Cold, frozen like arms wrap around me. Then start a fire, burnig my skin and my insides. "Lyra, hey I need you look at me. Say something." his voice demands, and I try. Focus here Lyra, come on you want to see his handsome face! Fire spreads through my body, and burns everywhere. Everywhere accept where his arms are, I can't focus my eyes on anything. I think I might be on the floor,  with a spinning cieling why would you build a house with a spinning cieling?


"Fire!" I gasp for air, I can't breath it's like I'm choking in a cloud of smoke. His hands are checking things on my body. On my wrists for a second then my neck.


"Stay with me now." He pleads, he sounds worried.  "I'll be right back!" He speaks, but I don't comprehend what he is saying. It's when the cooling pain freeness of his touch disapears that I understand what he said. Fire takes, over and I don't understand how I'm not dead yet. The pain becomes unbarible, and I cry out in pain. When will I be dead? Then I wont be able to feel this inferno!


"Ahhhhh!" I begin screaming, and my eyes start seeing black spots. Touching my face checking for flames and burns, I don't feel anything other then heat. What kind of fire is this? Water. That jar of holy water,  I throw my hands everywhere hoping by chance I'll catch the back and I'll beable to reach my jar of holy water. Whithering in pain I pull my arms back in.


"I'm back!" he returns one hand grabbing my hands, and pulling them above my head. The other lifting my shirt, what is he going to do. He runs the hand over my stomach, and it soothes my skin only for seconds not even! Screaming out again, he tries to sooth me some more. Brushing my friizy hair out of my face. "Where does it burn the most?" he asks.


"Ev- everywh- everywhere." I stutter,  gasping again. I hear doors slamming and opening, and feet everywhere. Voices, voices start screaming in my head. "Make it stop!" I yell. The noise isn't helping!


"They're here to help me." Dr. Drake whispers, and I try and focus on whats going on. The  door starts up again, and this time there is screaming and crying.


"What's happening!?" Molly?


"What did she take? Did she take something?" Garret?


"Lyra!" Sebastien? What? He is here? No, but that was him. More of Molly and Garret, and my ears burn with such fire that I feel like I''m being  baked in a 1000º oven! I grip his hand. More noise, Molly and Garret and others that I don't know. He grabs my hand that grabbed his, squeezing it tight.


"Do something!" Molly yells. I groan at the sounds of yelling.


"I can't." He replies. "We have to wait until it passes. It shouldn't last much longer." He says, and the pain get more intense. Squeezing his hand tighter, I groan and start hyperventalating.


"Lyra, you need to breath! Don't stop breathing!" his voice panics. Why is he panicing! If he panics I'll panic!  "I need the injection!" He says, loudly his hand leaving my stomach. Then it is back pulling my sweater up farther, farther as in it was pull over my head again leaving my stomach and chest bare!  "I promise, this will help." He whispers next to my ear.  I feel a pinch in my side, and I feel groggier then before.


"Wha. . . " I begin.


"Shhhh, Lyra. Please just sleep." Dr. Drake whispers, and I don't argue. My body numbs as I fall asleep, and I think why couldn't they have given me that earlier?




"-nder what happened, Elijah seemedd to know." Chaston's voice slips into my mind.  I can hear her, but I am still groggy and sleepy. My eyelids feel like they weigh three tons, my whole body feels like it weighs 10 tons!


"Well, he is a doctor. I would hope he might have some idea." Sebastien murmurs, he is here? Open eyes! I try pushing open my eyes I can't. What the hell was in that injection? What the hell happened to me? I need to talk to Dr. Drake. Where is he? Everything in the room is quiet, or maybe I'm falling back asleep. Maybe I am asleep!?


"Although, I find it odd that he didn't want to leave her." Sebastien's voice breaks the silence. My mind is all jumbled, how long have I been in here for?! I'm so hungry, and my throat is parched.  Inside me my voice is trying to break free, but I still feel like multiple elephants are sitting on me!


"Hmmm,he is a doctor worried about he patient. What's so odd about that?" Chaston replies, and I picture her sittingin a chair filing her nails and twirling her hair. "I did how ever see the way he was looking at her." She breaths out in an aww. Jealously leaking through hes voice, then she puffs out air yeah. . . that's jealously. They're talking about Dr. Drake, looking at me funny? Yeah probably because I was screaming, fire when nothing was happening. But holy shit did it feel like I was really on fire!


"That's what I was talking about, he seems to have . . . what's the word I'm looking for. . . " Sebastien says, ignoring the jealously in her voice.


"He has a crush on her!?" Chaston screeches, and again I just picture her jumping up from the chair throwing her nial filer in the air.  I listen closely for the small thud of it hitting the ground, nothing. I got my hopes up for nothing.


"No!" Sebastien growls, he sighs loudly then I can feel something touching me. His hand, on my cheek!


"You have a crush on her Sebastien, just like before."  her voice is quiet, and the room goes quiet. No one moves, and no one speaks. It feels like hours pass, and it drives me crazy. Because I know I am awake, I'm just still to druggged to even move an inch! "Don't think I don't see the longing in your face when ever you are around her, you smiled for hours after you seen her back and alive. Although, something happened. You stopped talking to her just like before, she isn't engaged this time though . . .  What happened?" Chaston finally speaks, I want to sit up! I want explain myself, I want to see Sebastien, I want to get up and talk to Dr. Drake! There is a lot more I want to do to that man, but. . .  EWW Not the time! Groaning on the inside I lay where ever I am and keep listening to the conversation going on.


"She isn't the same girl anymore. That's all.  I don't have a 'crush' on her Chas." He says, he didn't even fool me and I can't see his face.


"Yeah right. Admit it Sebastien, you are head over heels all over again."  Chaston replies, and I hear a thud. Maybe a pillow falling, or just a creak from the floor.


"You are wrong!" He says, and then I hear foot steps. The door opens and closes, and the room goes quiet.  He left, she upset him.


"You're way to obvious!" Chaston yells, at no one. I laugh inside. I can tell they are siblings.


"What's way to obvious?" Dr. Drake's voice asks, as the door opens and closes again. He is here! Okay you can wake up now! I urge my body but nothing happens.


"Oh. . . nothing." Chaston sighs, then I hear multiple foot steps. I listen to them with there small talk . . . mostly about me and if I  moved at all or woke up. "All right, well I leave you to your... job." She says, and the door opens and closes. I can feel his presence now, closer and getting closer. His eyes, burning into me everywhere. WAKE UP!  I hear the rustling of paper, and writting. Then he hands grabs mine,  checking my pulse. It's cold, like usual then heat to a comfortable  warm touch.


"Lyra, you should've woken up by now."  He whispers worried, he is panicing again! His hand just lays on top of mine a while, and I save the moment if only I was awake! The room goes silent again, but this time I'm okay with it since it is just us two. I'm way to comfortable with the sexy doctor. Wouldn't this normally be the time when he turns out to be a complete creeper, and he rapes me in my sleep? Sleep Asualt! If I could've I would've shuddered. I begin to doze in and out,  and slip into a light sleep.




Sitting up from the, what I can now see is a bed. I look around, I'm in a room that looks like a hospital. I panic, I'm alone, in an unknown area! There is an Iv plugged into my arm. Okay, not cool! Ripping out the Iv,  I get up. Alarms start buzzing and the door flies open. 


"God damn!" Dr. Drake yell his voice frantic. "Don't scare me like that!" He says, gripping my shoulders and looking me up and down. I smile, the warm feeling from his touch creeping in.


"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I whisper, my voice is weak. "How long was I out for?" I ask, making eye contact and drowning in the golden color of his eyes.


" A week." He replies, and I'm taken back.


"What about school? and ... and my training... I mean I don't want training but.  I was supposed to be there! School I'm going to be so far behind, and my parents oh god what do they think!" I start babbling.


"Lyra!" He shushs me with his finger which is on my lips. I zip my mouth shut. "It's fine, you don't have to worry." He says looking me in the eyes, I nod slowly. His finger still on my lips, I reach a hand up to his. I'm getting jumpy again and shakey. Although his hand is bigger then mine, I grab it. I know I have way crossed the line with what you should and shouldn't with your doctor, but hey he isn't complaining. It's not like I'm trying to kiss him either, I just grabbed his hand! Although kissing him sounds very nice and twice as tempting! Still staring in his eyes, I wish I could tell what he is thinking! He is studying me, as I study him. I wish I had memories from  the other times we had meet, I wonder if I still felt like this if he touched me, and if I had ever gotten lost in his eyes.


"Knock knock." Molly's voice says on the other side of the door, and I drop my hand from his. He also drops his hand, and my

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