» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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Unless you're trying to get me in trouble again. Although I'm sure if any of the elementals so you they would just kill yu on the spot." I say, now wishing that Sierra or Flora would come along. I still haven't even meet the other two, I know their names and I'm pretty sure I know what there elements are, but that's it. Asia and she is water, and Janessa she is fire.


"I see your boy toy didn't rat you out." He finally speaks, I frown getting up off the stone. Boy toy? Sebastien wasn't my boy toy, if anything he was  my crush . . . is my crush.


"Don't call him that. He wasn't my toy . . . or my boy." I threaten, grabbing the jar again. He holds up his arms again. "Now, if you don't mind I would rather be alone." I utter tired of argueing with him about this everyday. I glance over in his direction, or at least where he was. He is gone! Thank you! Making my way back to the stone fountain, I tell myself to carry around a jar of holy water everywhere it tends to come in handy when you have vampire stalkers. Dozing off, I have little visions about wha tmight happen when I meet Dr. Drake. That's going to be hell. Then also in the next couple days I'll be getting my school schedule so school will be in the picture. School, Dr. Drake, and training. I signed up for all of it though, I still have a week and half left. So far things aren't looking prety enough for me to stay. But I don't want to leave Molly and Garret, now that I know I have parents. I'm sure it would break their hearts if I chose to leave as well.


After about an hour of dozing off a palace worker finds me, telling me it's finally time for me to meet the doctor. I faint from hyperventalating! As we are walking I realize I need to use the restroom, and eat something, and probably go running and screaming like a kid when they see a snake or bug.  I do get to stop at the bathroom, taking my sweet time in there. I'm partly sure I was in the bathroom for 30 minutes of more. I mean I washed my hands 16 times I counted.  Then I practically force the poor guy leading me around to take me to the kitchen. Once there I just head right in, staying out of workers way of course, Digging for the junkiest junk food I can find. I find a box of gushers, which I just happen to love to death. I just grab the box and go. Without a word or even a peek at Molly I'm out the door, and following my guide. I get shoved back into the study and told to wait here for the dude to come  and see me. I flop onto one of the many couches, and open my box of Gushers, tearing into one package. I doze in and out again, and I'm shappy I was brought somewhere which a fluffly couch instead of stone fountains.


"Someone didn't get enough sleep during the night." A quite but very dominant and demanding voice says. He sounds horrible already, and I haven't even spoken a word to him or even looked at him. "No welcome for the man who delivered you?" he questions, dam doctor can tell I'm awake even though I pretending to sleep. Delivered me? So he must be like 60 or something years old I bet. He sounds like he could be. Although there is  a certain youngness in his voice. I sit up with a sigh looking down at the ground for my box of Gushers. Brabbing a package and opening them, I look at my deliverer, thinking of him like that gives me shivers. My body switches gears and flips into a hyperactive mode at the site of him. Holy Bolagna! I'm grabbing the couch cushions beneath me to make sure I don't actual start jumping.


"You're Dr. Drake?" I ask, again I was thinking old guy with no hair or at leeast white hair.  Was I wrong! Platitum blonde hair, golden eyes, and pale I mean pale skin. I get the urge to reach out and touch him, obviously that wouldn't be right.


"Surprised?" He asks, setting down the last of the papers. I nod, jaw dropping. Oh my god, I let go of the couch and tuck my hands under my butt. This is so weird, like total atraction going on for this man in front of me! "Well why don't we get right down to it, that way I don't keep you from anything." He begins. You can keep me as long as you want. Heat rushes to my cheeks, Did I really just think that? He face  scrunches a second, and then small smile slies across. Then it's blank, like a piece or new paper. 


"Hmmm, yeah." I admit. "You're a lot more. . . "  good looking, sexy, hotter, ETC " You're younger then I thought you would be." I  finally get out something that is semi appropriate t say your doctor.  He smiles another second then goes back to blank page.


"Well, thank you." He says, sophisticatedly. He shrugs into a white doctors coat "All right now this might be cold." He informs grabbing a stethoscope. Then he walks over to me, and my heart is racing again. I thought Sebastien made my heart race!  He places one of his hands, on my shoulder his touch is cold. It warms up in seconds almost like a burning fire. I watch has he slowly moves his other hand holding the end of the stethscope, and he places it on my chest. Is this a check up or something? I thought he was here for my memories?  "Am I,  but I should probably check your heart first." He says, and I jump.


"What?" I ask, now I'm really lost.


"I am here to  see if you can get memories back." He says, moving his hand with the tool in around my chest.  "We aren't going to get anywhere doing this though, your heart is racing." He says, moving away from me and back to the desk. My shoulder feels like it's naked now from his touch leaving.  What is this? Why is my body being so funny?


"Oh... I'm sorry, I think I ate to much sugar." I say glancing at the box of Gushers, I only ate to packages though. Now it's not sugar,, it's definately the doctor! He is looking threw his paper work again. I take this time and stare, I can't not stare at him it's ridiculous!


"Ahhhh, I don't have any of the right materials to get started on looking at your brain today." He sighs, turning away from the desk. He leans back on it looking at me, and my faces heats up all over again.  "We're going to have to reschedule." He finishes. My que to leave!


"Oh, well. I'm sure you can talk to Molly and Garret when you'll be able to see me." I say in rush standing up and grabbing the Gushers.  "I'll see you then." I smile and wave with my free hand. Then I head for the door.


"Ah . . . Lyra." He utters, and I stop right in front of the door before I open it. "Try to not eat sugar before your next appointment." He says looking away from me. Nodding I leave the room. I shut the door behind me, and lean into it for support.  That was Dr. Drake. My heart is still beating a mile a minute! My should and chest burn from where he had touched me!  Pushing away from the door, I walk down the hall I'm leaving. I'll walk home if I have to! Once outside I'm meet with Molly. She is waiting for me and Garret.  We walk down the stairs to the wagon, and she talks about her day. I forgot my day other then Dr. Drake!


"Who is Dr. Drake?" I ask,  interupting her story about  someone spilling a full pot of stew on the floor. She regards me with suspicious eyes.


" He is one of the more known doctors in Spridge. He actually was the doctor in the room when you were born." She smiles at the memory, and I recall him saying something like that to me. "I must give him credit, to for all he has done with his heritage. I mean being a vampire and switching over, and then becoming a doctor. He really is a true hero in some eyes." She tells me, and the Garret is hopping in next to us. She said vampire, she said he is a vampire!


"Vampire? How hold is he?" I say mortified. I can't believe I didn't pick up on any off that. I mean pale skin gold eyes. He reminds me a someone out of twilight! The dad with that weird name.


"Well, he was 22 when he was changed." Molly thinks aloud. "Oh just asked him this last time he was in town!" She giggles.


"Dr. Drake? He is 163. Just talked to him, before I left. He was talking about not having the right tools for the appointment, he seemed a little off. Lyra what happened?"  Garret enters the converstion. I'm still stuck on the 163 part. "Lyra?" He asks again.


"Nothing. I just had to much sugar, and sleep before he came. My heart wouldn't calm down." I sigh, as the wagon jerks forward.


"Hmmm well I rescheduled you appointment for tomorrow, he said he should have everything he needs by then."   Garret says, leaning over and kissing Molly on the cheek.  Oh tomorrow is a lot sooner then I planned on seeing him. Just thinking about seeing him tomorrow makes my heart race. Once we are back at the house, I head inside taking my shoes off at the door.  I head straight to the kitchen and throw the box of Gusher in the cabinet, then I head to the livng room and turn on the t.v.   Molly and Garret walk in behind me and Garret heads to his study, then Molly goes to the kitchen and starts supper. I head up to my room I'll put comfy clothes on, and get out of this skirt and nice shirt. Changing into more comfortable clothing, I head back downstairs. I help Molly with supper, she assigns me frosting the cupcakes. I'm okay with this job, since it's something I actually know how to do!  I frost at least 30 cupcakes, and I wonder how exactly a three person family is going to eat  30 cupcakes. Once I finish frosting the last couple ones I sit down my hand is cramping! Garret comes in sniffing the air, exclaiming about how good it smells and hiw everyone will love the meal she is preparing.


"What? Who is all going to be here?" I ask. Now thinking I should probably go change back into my nicer clothes.


"The holts and Dr Drake.  Maybe the other elementals." Garret answers, confused by my outbreak. Oh good god! I get up and head back upstairs, shoving my comfy clothes off and my nicer dressy clothes on again. Redo my hair and make-up, then I head back downstairs. Just in time.  Everyone is already here, I didn't think it took me so long to get ready, I look at a clock. I just spent to hours getting ready, it felt like five minutes! I look in th mirror, I look no different. Same outfit same here just a fixed up, and same make-up with re touches. What the hell happened?  I must've lost time  while doing my hair. Slowly slipping into the kitchen, I get a glimpse at Dr. Drake. the race begins again, I slip back out of the room. He is even cuter dressed in normal everyday clothes!

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