» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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'good guys'?" I fix my question. I'm intrigued to hear his answer, I mean it has to be a big risk to be hear does it not? He chuckles, and I'm throughly confused. Why be laughing when your life is in danger!?


"Tatum sent me out to make sure you were safe." He sits on the edge of the fountain. I looking down the paths making sure no one is coming.  "Calm down." He sighs, sticking his fingers in the water then pulls away right away.


"What's your problem?" I ask, walking over to him. His fingers are burned red.


"Holy water." He say blowing on his hand. I glance in the water, looks like normal water to me. Does holy water look different though? "There isn't a difference, accept priest has blessed the water." He laughs, so no wonder he couldn't tell either.


"Okay... well you seen me I'm safe." I sigh, while the thought of pushing him in the water buzzes through my mind.


"I see that." He says, hoping up from the fountain. "It was nice to see you again." Then with lightening speed his arm reaches out from mine, and his lips are brushing against my palm.


"Isn't it suposed to be the other way?" I breath out, I thought he was going to bite me. My heart is racing!


"It's easier to feel a pulse on this side." He snickers, and I pull my hand away.


"Tatum would kill you himself." I inform, he hols up his arms.


"Yes he would."  he replies, then his eyes slide all over my body. "But you are very tempting." He adds.


"Are you flirting with me?" I ask him, and he smiles. "I'm sure Tatum would also love to know that." I say waving. He bows, being funny.


"Until we meet again?" he smolders. Then he is gone, must be something Tatum gave him.


"Who ya waving at?" Sebastien asks, appearing in his place. I pull my hand back, oh geez thank god he came when he did and not a momment before. 


"Swatting away a bug." I sigh, moving away from the holy water fountain. What is he doing over here anyways? He laughs, walking closer keeping his distance though. I bet I have offended him in some way. I mean I was a little distant when I found out he was the prince. I don't understand, if I'm supposed to protect the royal family . . . why I'm a friends with them? Shouldn't I be considered a lower class?  I watch him, as he watching the water squirt out of the angel mouths. It gives me the shivers, I can't get the idea od that being puke out of my mind now.  "What's with the holy water?" I ask, and then heat rushes to my face. I shouldn't be able to tell if it's holy water, only vampire if they touch it! How do explain myself?


"Holy water," He sighs, catching on right away that I shouldn't know what it is.  "How exactly did you know it was holy water?' He sits on the edge watching me now. I can't tell if he is upset or mad about me knowing, of course it's a bit odd for me to know. But the look he is giving me is making me feel even worse for saying anything.


"Something I learned in human school. That if places like churches and castles, had holy water in fountains instead of normal water. It's supposed to help keep the land holy." I lie, hoping that sounds legit. Also hoping he hasn't been to any human schools lately.


"Really? They teach that kind of stuff?" He asks, loosing the look. Either he is a good liar, or he believed me.


"At religious school. Not public schools." I lie again, sitting semi next to him on the edge. He gives me an ununderstanding look. "Public schools can't pray during school, and they don't have religious classes." I say, He nods now understanding.


"So you went to a  religious school then?" he asks, I nod even though I didn't. I'm telling lie after lie to the prince of my people. I could probably be thrown into some kind of prison!  "Well, are you excited for school a couple days? My mother told me you would be coming back." He says, changing the subject. He scooches closer to me in the edge, and I look at the green grass under my feet.


"Yeah, I'll be going to school and training." I reply, leaving out seeing the brain specialist. I don't want to sound like I'm sick or need help. I don't, I don't really need to see the specialist either. They want me too.


"My mother said that you were going to see Dr. Drake as well. The see if you could get your memories back." He says looking at me quizically. Apparently nothing is secret around this place. Dr. Drake huh? I wonder what kind of doctor he is.  Maybe he is a therapy person, they get called doctor sometimes right? Or maybe he is a reall doctor?


"So . . . everyone knows about that." I take note, and by the look on his face I'm wrong. "Only you know?" I question.


"I listen in on a phone call I shouldn't of." He admits, looking around making sure no one was around to hear. "Next week he is coming apparently, around the time school starts  . . . for you at least."  He adds. I just now am getting the whole entire he goes to school with me thing. Why would they send  the prince and princess to a public school where other people go?


"You and Chaston go to the same school as us." I say, in question form. He nods. "Why?"


"Our parent's don't want us to seem superior. They want to make sure we know the people and the people know us. I also asked to go to school and not have tutor." He  shares. That makes since I guess. We both stand here awkwardly, I don't know what to say. What if I say the wrong thing? Since he is the prince, I could get in trouble! I don't know what his problem is, he normally never has a problem with starting conversations.


"Wanna go have that lunch?" He asks, holding out his arm for me. I'm a little hungry now, and again I'm not turning down a 'date' with him. Even if it isn't real at all.  I can dream.  He leads the way to the kitchen, and we points out different things to me about the castle.  Stuff like, who the people are in pictures, who whore a certain suit of armor in the past. Boring stuff, but for some reason it is intersting. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the person telling me the information.  Reaching to grand door, I can already smell the scents of cooking. I smell sweets, and chicken and maybe even a little chili! I've never noticed how good my sense of smell is until now.


"The smells!" I sigh breathing them in.


"You're mom is a good cook." He opens the two big wooden doors, they swing open the smells rushing at me like a wrecking ball. He pulls me into the room, and we sit at a island. I notie no actual table in the kitchen, I wonder where the main dinning room is then. Maybe Sebastien can show me sometime, or Chaston or Flora or anyone! Getting a little carried away here with the prince.


I spot Molly dashing around the kitchen, taste checking, fixing, cooking, doing everything and anything that should be done in a kitchen. No wonder she makes home made meals at home, and no wonder they're delicious! I wonder what Garret does? I don't see him, so he mustn't be a cook.  Molly spots me, and waves. Then I can see as her eyes turn to Sebastien next to me. I can't read her face. It emotionless. That is probably a bad thing.


"Should we be here? Together?" I ask hesitantly. He didn't hear me, so I tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Should I be here? With you, is there like some rule I don't know about?" I repeat myself.  He sighs,  roling his eyes. Shit! There is a rule!?


"No, not techniquely." He whispers, I can barely hear him over the pots and pans and other banging noises. I glance at Molly, whispering well look suspicous. she didn't see. I knudge him with my elbowunder the counter, he needs to explain! "Before," He begins, oh boy. Before as in before I lost my memories. "You and I... I'll just say had a past. Secretly though because you didn't want Chaston mad at you." he says. I thought I was engaged to Frederick?


"But I thought Frederick and I were . . . " I trail off, he lets out a huff of air. scratching the back of his neck. He is mad?!


"You were. You and I had been together secretly for a year, and then you two were forced into an arranged marriage. You told me that we couldn't be together anymore, that it would be unfair to Frederick." He sighs, leaning back in his bar stool.


"So what that's the past." I say, feeling giddy. Sebastien and I were secretly togethr in the past! Maybe, there is a future for us? My heart soars.


"Once you broke it off with me, we  stopped being around each other. We couldn't do it, we coudn't keep our feelings in check. People noticed that. Like Molly and Chaston."  He responds glancing at Molly, who is still running around the kitchen. "They figured out something was up, they talked to me about it. I told them that I was just jealous, and that I did like you . . . to protect you keep you out of trouble."  He goes on, and I'm still confused. 


"After the acident and you disapearing,  I sort of went into a depression." He sighs looking at the ground. "For a while, and thenI heard Frederick and Sierra were getting together. . . that's unimportant.  Anyway, now you are back and I think your parents were hoping your engagement would come back into play. Also for some reason I don't think Molly likes me much." He finishes. I take in all he just said. He is wrong, Frederick already talked to my parents. He doesn't want to get engaged anymore.


"Well, even if they were or are hoping for that it wont happen." I say, happily. He gives me a questioning look. "Frederick told my parents he doesn't want to be married to me." I cheer quielty. "I wouldn't of married him anyway." I add, and I can see Sebastien's whole body relax. It bugged him that much?


"What can I get you to?" Molly is all of a sudden in front of us, Sebastien who is unphased sits up, and asks for Mac-n-cheese with bacon along with a cup of milk and two chocolate chip cookies.  "Alright. Lyra?"she turns to me. I shrug.  "BLT?" She asks, oh bacon does sound yummy. I nod.  Then she is off.


"Why doesn't Molly like you?" I ask him, and he rubs his forehead. "Sebastien?"


"The day she asked me about you, I told her that I love you. She just hasn't bee n the same with me since, I think she thinks I was trying to take you away from her or something." He sighs, then Molly is back with his milk. I take note to that fact the he said I love you and not I loved you. He used a present tense form! GIRLFRIEND Lyra. My mood goes down to the negetives.


"I seen your girlfriend today." I say out of the blue, as if I didn't plan on bringing her up. "At the strip mall." I add.


"Peru isn't my girlfiriend." He almost chokes on his milk. I go back to the first time I saw him. She did kiss him right? Yeah, it was small and abrupt but still a kiss.  "That

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