» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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bras and underwear. I'm gonna have to go through my wardrobe again. It's mostly skirts and dresses . . . in pink and yellow.  Grabbing the only sports bra in the draw I shove it on, then pull on the underwear. Maybe I could just sleep in this? No, I want to be a little more covered.  Shoving the night gown over my head, and pulling me arms through, I walk towards my window. Tonight was great, they told me stories about when I was younger. Funny ones and sad one. Like the first time I broke bone . . . which I apparently happened a lot. Closing the curtains over the window, I turn off the lights, and head to my bed.  Pulling back the covers, there is a gasp, and a flash of movement. I run the lights, and flick them on.


"Sophie?" I ask, my eyes must be playing tricks. What is she still doing here?


"Lyra! I was brought here, a little while ago. Dream boy said to make myself comfortable, and I did I guess." She sighs, wiping her face checking for drool.  She is a quiet sleeper, but drools a lot. 


"His name is Chase." I sigh, "How long are you hear for?"  I saying, Unsure what to do. Molly and Garret didn't say anything, so do I send her back home or let her stay? The bed is big enough for five people I don't see why she can't stay the rest of the night. Turning off the light again, I walk back to the bed. She stays standing in the middle of my room. "You coming?" I ask, getting comfortable. She rustles her way over to the bed slowly, pulling she blankets up to her chin like usual.


"Lyra." she breaks a long silence, I figured she'd start the questions soon.


"Yes?" I reply, getting all my thoughts together to begin explaining.


"Are you happy? Hear with your mom and dad?" She asks, and I am caught off guard. That wasn't what I thought she would ask me. I was thinking more on the lines of . . . 'what are you?' 'do you have super powers?' what happened earlier at my house?'.    What do I say? I'm not sure, but if I say that it might hurt her feelings in some way.  "Chase and Flora filled me in on everything, like about Tatum and Sean. You and your powers, and parents." She adds.  Chase and Flora? Why would they do that? Isn't that breaking a law or something?


"I . . . don't know." I whisper finally. "I don't know them well, and they don't know me wel . . . or at least the me with out my memories." I say.


"Yeah, Flora hinted that you had changed a lot." Sophie says.


"Did Flora and Chase tell you what happened?" I sit up, I don't even know yet!


"I asked. But they both jut acted as if I didn't." She yawns.


"Hmmm..  Oh well." I reply, and wait for her to speak again. She doesn't for a couple minutes. She must be asleep again.




I wake up to a loud pounding on my door, Harris already?  I sit up stretching, what on earth could he want school is over. I'm not at Harris's, I take note, Molly and Garret's house! Sophie stirs next to me as I get up heading to the door.


"There you are, sorry I just wanted to tell you breakfast is ready." Molly smiles, then looks at the night gown.


"Okay thanks! Also could we maybe do that shopping and redecorating soon?" I gesture to the gown. She laughs, and nods. I close the door, and shake Sophie awake. We go through my wardrobe trying to find something for to wear.  Laughing at what my style used to be like, we finally find outfits. Mine is a nice, but still me,  floral printed romper. Sophie slides into one of the many bright yellow sun dresses with white pokadots.


"Looks good with the black hair." I say, and we apply make-up fix up our hair. She curls mine, and does my make-up. Apparently I don't make myself pretty enough when I do it, so she is doing it for me. Of course she takes an hour to do us both, and once she is finished the smell of bacon is so heavy I could eat the air.  We run down stairs, and chow down. Sophie telling stories to my parents, and they are laughing  and compairing it to what I was like. I'm apparently not as different as they thought, just not as girly, prissy, and weak.  After a nice needed breakfast, Sophie has to go back home.


"Come back anytime Sophie!" Molly waves, to Sophie and me.


"I'll be back." I wave, I kind of have to be. I made a promise. I feel a pull and tingling, then We're in Sophie's bedroom.  "See ya soon?!" I ask, and she nods. We hug, and I wave bye one last time. then before I can change my mind I leave.  I appear back in the kitchen at my house, and help clean up breakfast. We talk about what we could do today,  and Molly offers to go shopping today. Once we finish dishes I let her get ready, and watch Garret head off to work. When Molly comes out to the living room, all showered and cleaned up  we head out. Harris would never let me do this, or do this with me so it's nice being able to pick out my own things. Harris just went out and bought things and I tokk them if I liked them if I didn't he reutrned them and got something different. Now I get to pick and choose myself!


"What about this?" Molly asks, as we enter a store that's just like Bed Bath & Beyond. Poiniting at a bedding set that is being showed on a bed. It's plum purple with small white stripes, and the pillow cases are a lilac purple color. It actually looks nice. I walk over to feel the fabric, I like my of a silky blanket, and sure enough it's made of pure silk! I love it, then I glance at the price.


"Well it's beautiful, but maybe something not so...." I don't know exactly what to say.


"Pay no attention to price Lyra." She whispers,  walking towards the isle that has the bedding in it. Okay, I guess. We find more bedroom things that go with the purples on the beding, and then head to the bathroom things. Molly and I pick out a japanese floral print theme for my bathroom, which include a new rug, towels, soap dispencer, toothbrush holder, garbage can, and wall decor stickers. Then we head out after the check out, and Molly doesn't let me see the price. She sends me out to the map, yes a map, there is a hufe square field with different stores and places. I look through the clothing columm, where should I go. All the store are ones that aren't in the human world, so I just have to take a guess at which ones sound like teenage clothing stores. I pick out a couple, and then wait for Molly to come out.


"Picture of Grace and Now were your two favorite stores." She notes as we're walking towards Picture of Grace. Once we get there I'm amazed by all the different styles they have. With what it's called you'd expect  dresses and high heels. But there is multiple different styles here,  punk rock and nerd to name a couple. I head right to the nerd shelves. I'm in love with the plaid skirts, and uniform looking outfits for some reason. I've always wanted to try a school uniform, just from watching TV  there are really cute.  I get a couple things for there, and then I do make my way to the elegant side, picking out  dresses more my styles now, and  getting comfortabe flats instead of heels.  Then we head over to Now, and I find a couple more outfits, and just normal pants and shirts.


"Thank you. So much." I hug Molly as we sit down at the smoothie bar. Sounds so cliché, but there is a smoothie bar here in the middle.


"No problem, I had a lot of fun." She smiles, and we order our drinks. "You know you're a lot more like you, then I at first thought." She sighs, once the waiter leaves.


"Am I?" I ask,  ignoring the little whispers I can here, behind me about how I'm back and not dead. I glance behind me, teenagers. They're my age, girls, and they are staring. I lock eye with the blonde one for a second.


"Lyra." she sneers my name.  For some reason I know this girl, she is familiar.  Blonde hair, sluttly outfit,  bad make-up . . . this is the girl I seen with that boy in the garden! I don't even smile to her. I turn around facing Molly again. Molly pretends she didn't see anything or she really didn't notice what just happened. I'm okay with it though, I myself don't know what for sure just happened other then a gil my age not liking me.


"Molly." I say, after a couple minutes of silence.


"Yes?" She replies, looking up from her drink. I decide to not ask her about what happened. I don't want to ruin the fun we've been having.  I glance at the person who is walking past us, he is holding a bag the says Books+.


"It's there a book store?" I ask, turning back to her. I sit up in my seat, almost jumping. She nods, and I get up crom my seat. "We must go!" We take our drinks, since they were put in to go cups and make our way to the book store. I've been waiting to read the Vampire Academy books, maybe they'll be here!  Pushing open the doors, I almost shed a tear. It feels nice to be in a book store, the school library really sucked, and never got new books.


"Go look around, I'll be over in the coffee shop area." Molly pushes me towards the shelves. I don't argue. Making my way through all categories, I see christian, si-fi, manga, non-fiction, and then I find teen fiction.  The catergory teen fiction has smaller categories in it, so I have to find where they keep the supernatural ones. . . if they even have them. I see the The Fault in Our Stars and  Divergent, those are good books I've already read them. I spot Twilight, and my anxiety gets higher. If they have Twilight they better have Vampire Academy! I spot Vampire Academy! Runny towards the package that holds all six of them.


"Thank you!" I squeel looking towards the cieling, gripping the books as if someone trying to rip them out of my hands.


"Shhh, trying to read." A boy whispers farther down the isle. I drop the books. I look down the ilse, there is a boy . . . sure enough.  All I see is a dark brown maybe it's black hair, and a book shoved in the face.


"I'm sorry, I just..." what do I say? I lean down, picking up my books I dropped.


"Got excited about books? Unlike most girls here."  He says,  with a sigh. "Lyra!" Shit, he knows me? I stand up, gripping my books. I stand back up, and wipe off the books as if there was dust. I don't know who he- Yes I do. It garden boy! Who was making out with the slut girl in the garden.


"Ah... sorry about ... the other day.." I blurt. Of course, I scratch the back of my neck. I don't want to look at him, but damn I was right thinking he was hot.


"That was you?" He asks, embarassed looking at the floor. I just nod, even though he isn't looking. Well awkward!


"Well... I'm sure Molly is wondering where I am, so it was nice meeting you . . ." I

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