» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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gray tint to it, andyou pants and sweatshirt. . .  Have you been out all night?" She asks me.  I look for a clock, walking into the kitchen I find one. It's 2:43 P.M Saturday afternoon. I haven't really slept accept for when I cried myself to sleep for an hour.


"Sophie," I begin, I have to tell her she is my bestfriend. Although I wouldn't want to put her in danger.  "I learned something really bad about Sean, Melanie and Tatum. I can't say what exactly, but you can't trust them." I tell her.


"What? Why? Melanie is upstairs now, showeri-" She states.


"SHHHHHH!" I clamp my hand over her mouth. I mouth the word  Are You Serious to her and she shakes her head yes.  " I have to go!" I say,  running from the room. Why is Melanie here? Didn't Tatum no that his vampire dude found me already?


"Leaving so soon?" Melanie asks, at the bottom of th stairs.  I freeze, pulling my hand away from the door. Oh god.


"Melanie," Sophie greets walking in the room. "Lyra what is the matter?"  She asks me. I turn, glaring at Melanie.  She is smiling.


"You knew all along." I say to her. She nods.  "Everything was a lie." I add, and she shrugs. "What's that supposed to mean!" I yell, grabbing the vase of flowers next to me and throwing it at her. I hear Sophie shriek, and then glass breaking. My eyes never leaving Melanies, I can still see the black good oozing from her left shoulder. I almost got her head.


"That hurt a little bit." she sighs, and Sophie is screaming how mad she is at me from the kitchen where she is getting supplies to clean up my mess. She didn't see the black blood.  "I'm not here to harm you... or Sophie."  she says, as the cut bleeds. "I'm jut hear to keep an eye on you." She sighs, and then the bleeding stops. I gape the scar that's now there.


"Why?" I demand, grabbing the small marbe bowl that was right next to the flower vase.


"Tatum sent a bunch of us out to find you." She sighs, "It looks like I found you..." Now she is smilling. " Come on Tatum's going to want to see you're  okay."  she says holing out her hand.


"Bullshit I'm going with you!" I say,  kicking away glass from my feet. Just as Sophie walks in.


"Lyra Castir you put that down now!" she yells, dropping the cleaning stuff.  "Melanie you okay? I can't believe you throw a vase at her!" She says ready to smack me. I can't either, I mean to Sophie I must look nuts! "What is going on?" She asks, looking at both of us.  The front door behind me opens, and I jump out of the way.  "Dream boy?" Sophie scratches her head. Dream boy? Who is that? Why is he coming now of all times? I turn around, ready to push him out of the house. The bowl rops from my hand hitting the ground with a thud. It's Chase!


"Lyra, your parents have been worried sick about you!" He scolds, noticing me first. He was looking for me as well. I look at Melane and Sophie, they're staring at Chase.


"Parents?" Sophie asks, picking up the bowl I dropped. It wasn't broken!


"Chase, not the time." I warn him, he glance now at Sophie and Melanie. Freezing on Melanie, oh... so there is a way to tell if someone is a drarkal. "Chase no stop!" I say to late, the marble bowl goes flying towards Melanie. Sophie is screaming again, and Chase is reaching for me.  Melanies arm reaches up stopping the bowl. Holy shit!


"I've already got one scar I don't need another." She growls at him, wiping it back at Chase and me. I thorw up my hands, I'm going to die! Then there is  loud hud on the ground. I look, and I woop with exitement. I froze the bowl! 


"What the FUCK is going on!" Sophie yells at the top of her lungs, and we all stop what we are doing.  "My house! My friends... have super powers?"  She is freaking out.


"Chase!" I grab him and Sophie. She has seen so much already whats a little more. He understands, and then I feel a pull and tingle. Then I'm in the living room of Molly and Garrets house.  Sophie starts screaming her head off, and Molly runs in.  "Help her... like a sleep posion... or something to calm her!" I beg. She nods once then runs out of the room, coming back in a minute later. Giving her a small baby like bottle, Sophie drinks it all and then she is out like a light. "Finally..." I sigh, colasping on the couch behind me.


"Lyra Katherine Castir, where have you been?" Molly starts right away. I smile, it's the first time I've been yelled at by my mom.  "What on Earth are you smiling about!?" She asks confused.


".... It's what the... third or fourth time I'm seeing you and I'm already getting grounded.." I laugh and she smiles.  "Although... I'm gonna fall asleep soon... so maybe I should sleep then get grounded?"  I say, already dozing off. An hour of sleep isn't enough.




Looking from Molly to Garret to the Queen to the King, I begin to worry.  They're trying to decide on a punishent for me, from yesterday. . . running away. I couldn't have Sophie or anyone else in here with me either.  Just me and four adults! I twiddle my thumbs, I don't think I should get in any trouble really. I mean, Molly's comment set me off. Now though it doesn't bug me.  We don't know each other, and I haven't put in much effort to change that so . . . 


"Alright, Lyra," Rashelle (AKA the Queen) says quietly. I look at Molly and Garret one last time, please be something not totally horrible! Taking a deep breath, I meet eyes with Rashelle. "You will move back in with Molly and Garret." she begins. It's already bad, I was hopping for like a banishment type thing, and I know that sounds horrible but I don't want this life! I mumble quietly, and begin to stand up.


"I'm not finished yet." She orders in a silk voice, I imediately sit back down. "You will be retrained, in karate and on your powers.  Which includes going to school here." She throws in the last sentence nonchallantly. Now I stand.


"You must be fu-. . .  I mean-" I begin.


"I can guess what you meant." She smiles, oh shit. I'm pissing off the wrong person.  "Oh, one more thing." I growl under my breath but I don't sit. " You will see a specialist in the brain, everyday for a while until we figure out if we can retain your memories." She finishes.


"Yeah, because I'm not good enough for you without them." I tort, pushing away my chair. No way am I staying here.  "What do I have to do to get banished!?" I ask, pacing.


"Lyra. . . could you maybe just try it for a week or two. Then if you still have strong feelings about not wanting to stay. . ." Molly begins, but can't finish. She starts crying.  Oh now I'm the bad one.  I don't want to hurt there feelings, but she said it herself I'm not her little girl anymore.


"Ah... what your mother is trying to say is if you really don't want to be here . . .  with your real family and friends. . .  you can go back to Earth." He says, but for some reason he isn't upset at all. So, maybe he hopes I'll leave. "Although I think if you try you'll find you'll like it here, in your birth place." I was wrong. He is positive I'll stay here!  My mind is screaming at me to prove him wrong, but then that means staying here for a week. So what! prove him wrong, say your goodbye to Chase and Flora. Then get the hell out of here!


"Fine, two weeks tops." I say. Everyone in the room sighs. "School, Doctor, Training.... not to hard." I say. Then Molly and Garret lead the way out. "So... like can I redo my room? I'm not afan of all the pink and white." I ask hating the quiet. I know I upset them by asking to be banished, but don't they want me happy now matter what?


"Yes, you can redo your room." Garret says, and we turn the to left. I'm learning my way around! "Do you want to say goodbye to Flora or Chaston?" He asks a while later. I hesitate, should I. Probably so I look like I'm trying, but I might be here fore anohter 30 minutes trying to find them.


"Actually, no. Could we just go home, maybe have a nice meal. The last thing I ate was a plate of greasy gravy over biscuits." I sigh, remember the delicous taste of it. That was a day ago.


"Sure, what do you like?" Molly asks, and I actually smile. She didn't say something like 'I can my make your favorite' She is learning as well.


"My absolute favorite?" I ask, and the wraps and arm around me laughing. "I really really love mashed potatos with brown gravy, and coleslaw." I say. Not what normal people like, like chicken, steak, and sweets. They both stop walking and pause with them. "We playing red light green light?" I laugh slightly looking at them. Maybe they don't have the same food here!


"Mashed potatos and coleslaw." Molly repeats, I nod. She is going to cry, she scurries back to me grabbing me in both arms holding me in a bear hug. "You asked me to make that exact same meal every night for super." She whispers, and I feel tears myself.  Garret pulls Molly off a couple minutes later, and we continue our journey home.

Chapter 6- Awesome (Lyra's POV0

After I finish eating, I say my goodnights. I head up to my room, with my own bathroom! Ignoring everything, there is a tunel of light leading the bathroom. One of my very own! No sharing with two boys, just myself!  I walk in, and almost faint.  It's fantastic!  A nice porcelain sink and toliet.  Claw foot tub, with pink shower curtains and a shower head hanging from the cieling!  Holy shit, it's bathroom for a queen. I could live here, just switch out the shower curtain, and the towels!  Turning on the water, I watch it fall from the cieling. Beautiful.


Running out of the bathroom, and grabbing my ipod I left here the first day I was here. I press play on a random song, and get in. I have perfec hair soaps and body washes. Purple shampoo and conditioner is best for blonde hair, or in my case white. Then I have three different body soaps, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Japanese Cherry Blossom, and Lilac. I choose the vanilla one, and finished up my shower. Wrapping my self in the plushy pink towel, I head out to see what I have for clothes. No comfy shorts or tank tops. Night gowns. I have satin and silk night gowns.  Sighing I grab one, looking for

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