» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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Chapter 5- Story Time (Lyra's POV)

 Everyone is sitting in Molly and Garret living room, and I mean everyone. Molly, Garret, Mr. Holt, Mrs. Holt, Flora, Chase, Sierra, Chaston, Janessa, Asia, Frederrick, and that boy from garden. I, on the overhand, am just peeking around the corner and watching all these people.  They expect me to come out, so they can explain. I understand must things perfectly in my head!


1. Sean, Melanie, and Tatum are drarkals . . . Tatum just happens to be the prince too


2. I didn't lose my memories figthing drarkals . . . Tatum said they found me like that


3. I used two elements last night . . . Ice and Air . . . I shouldn't be able to do that


I stop myself there, no need to freak myself out anymore then I already am. Who do I believe though, I mean with Tatum being evil it's like well obviously he is the one lying, but last night he did say that they found me that way. I don't know who to believe both  sides have already lied to me enough. Leaning against the wall, I take a minute to clear my thoughts. If I go out there I need to have an open mind. What if they just lie to me more?


"I have to tell you, Molly Garret," The queen speaks breaking the silence. "We have found someone who might be able to help with her memories."  I scouch closer, my memories!?


"Oh that's just perfect." Molly sighs, "We'll get our little girl back."  In my stomach I feel a ball forming, and I feel like I'm about to barf.   I'm still her little girl, memories or no. I can't cry anymore tonight, I don't want to. But what she just said is tearing me at the seams. Pushing away from the wall, I walk back to my room. Going through everything to try and find my traveling stone. Flora hid it from me, not very good, but she still hid it. I find it under my matress. Gripping, it in my hand I think. Where do I want to go. Not back to Harris, although I need to get out of this dress. My bedroom at Harris. I appear in my room, quickly changeing into jeans and my black hoodie.  I let down my hair and then brush through it, with isn't has hard as I thought it would be. Then I braid it, flipping up my hood I grab the stone again. Now where? I can't stay here, what if Sean comes back? Before I go, I remid myself to wie off my face. Getting rid of the make-up I grip the stone.  I'm hungry, I'll go to the cafe by the park. I grab the $30, I had sitting n my desk and go.


"Isn't it a bit early for you to be out?" the waitress asks me, as I sit at the bar.


"No, I just finished babysitting.  Had to walk home.  I was going by this place and decided that some good breakfast would be nice." I say to her, and she s gives me a menu.  I eat with out other distractions, then leave after paying the bill and leaving a tip. Now what to do? I head over to the park, sitting on a swing I look at the sky. The sun is about to come up. It's been a long couple of days, I don't know if I believe all of this really happened! I mean it must've, I couldn't still be dreaming not after what happened at Tatum's party. Knife throwing, and power using. I'm wide awake, none of this has been a dream. I really am Lyra Castir the elemental!


I watch as the sun slowly rises, it's beautiful. Something I've only seen from my window, which faces the oposite way so I don't even really see the sun. I remember reading books that have the characters watching the sunrise. It always sounds like the coolest in the world to see, and I guess the books exxagerated a little. It still is a nice sight.


"Whatcha doing all alone so early in the morning, little girl?" A mans voice says behind me. How does he know I'm a girl? He can't see my face or hair? My jeans maybe, but my sweatshirt is a guys, I remember Tatum gave it to me on a school trip because I was cold. Tatum, the evil drarkal prince. I stand up from the swing, I want to run but that seems wrong. What if it is just a guy worried about me being out so early?


"Ah... I wanted to watch the sunrise. Never really seen one." I say, looking at the man. He isn't  old and creepy, or creepy at all. He looks like your everyday average dad. Short brown hair, jeans, nice dress suit like shirt on  with the sleeves folded.  What's he doing out here though? Law and Order SVU passes through my mind, and I shiver. Oh yeah, not all rapist and creepy guys are old and ... creepy!


"I'm not a fan of sunrises personally, they tend to give me head aches." He sighs, folding his arms over his chest. Okay, well thats my que to leave.


"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I should probably get back to my house now though." I say waving. I turn and start walking. Before I'm completely out of the park I turn looking for the man, he isn't there. Okay, now I run. . . smack into somebody.  "How did you .... when.... ah.. what?" I stutter, back away from the creepy fast man. He smiles, and  almost have a heart attack.  "You're a vampire..." I sigh, like it's normal. He even looks confused.  My mind and body scream run, but obviously he will be able to catch me.   "Of course... when I find out I'm some weird alien like thing, vampires come for me!" I begin ranting, trying to keep myself  from screaming.


"Alien? That's a new term. You consider yourself an alien?" he asks leaning on the tree next to him. so, he knows that I'm not human. He can probably smell it or something, but wouldn't that be a werewolf? Are those real to now though? 


"I don't know. I mean I didnt know that I wasn't hu- why am I telling you this? You're going to eat me!" I say, ranting again. He laughs, I pause. Oh great the vampire is laughing at me!


"I see what he sees in you."  He sighs, looking me up and down.


"Who?" I ask, ranting pushed aside now.


"I work for prince Tatum, he sent me to find you. Report on your where abouts, and try and bring you back with me." He says, getting off the tree.


"Oh, Tatum sent you. He couldn't just come himself, I'd have a harder time saying no." I sigh turning and walking.  "Peace!" I yell, and keep walking. Then he is next to me in a second, oh why me! "You saw me, so you can go tell Tatum, I'm fine." I growl.


". . . and I will. I'm just trying to figure you out.  I mean, haven't your friends and family warnned you about drarkals and vampires and all us other 'bad guys'?" he asks. I sigh, oh boy.


"No not really. I didn't even know Tatum was a 'bad guy', as you put it, until last night. Also I understnad he is supposedly evil, but the past two years he has been a normal teenage boy, and he's been good. Nice. Or maybe that was just what I saw." I begin babbling. "He was probably just acting so I would kiss him... what ever that was suposed to do.." I start up again.


"They really didn't tell you anything." he interupts, I nod. " If an elemental kisses, prounounces their love, marries, or anything around those natures to a drarkal they a changed to dark. . .  the bad guys side.  You'll still be you, but you wouldn't be bound to the royals, or your family. You woul join the drarkals, as witches and warlocks." He informs me. I'm learning more about my people in five minutes with this guys then I did a whole day with my family!


"That makes since, but why didn't Tatum just use my memory loss as anvantage then? Just lie and say oh we were boyfriend and girl friend. Or say something about marriage?" I ask aloud.


"We may be evil, but it doesn't mean we don't have feelings. Whether it's hate, embarassment, love. We still have attractions to other people, we just are unforgiving and bitchier then you guys.  Like, the whole entire bible Jesus story, with the sins and asking for forgiviness.  We don't forgive so easily."  The he is explaining this makes total since.  I don't understand what the difference is though, because I'm sure there is someone in Spridge who is a flat out bitch, and that doesn't make them a drarkal. "Of course..." He adds, here we go. "Powers and true nature I guess have something to do with it as well. Drarkal powers are more evil, and so are vampires and witches and wizards. Like take a vampire for example. We run around sucking peoples blood, thats pretty evil.  Then take a healer, they heal things, using there powers to heal." He finishes.


"What if one switches? Like you said before, a vampire being good, or a healer being bad?" I ask.


" It does happen." He replies. "Healers when they go dark, can still heal, but they can also hurt. Start fires, shoot lightening, and jut plain out kill someone with a look. Vampires can change to good,   like they swear off human blood. We can live of special mixtures of different fruit juices as well."  I nod, hmm.


"Thanks." I say.


"For?" He asks.


"The history lesson. " I say walking away from him now. "Tell Tatum I'm fine." I add.


"Will do." He replies.




My brain is still buzzing. He didn't seem evil at all, but he was. The way he explained it though was good. It's not like they walk around killing people for fun.  Maybe some do.... but some humans even do that! I sigh, I've been walking around in the flower garden thing now for three hours.  I'm so bored and I have no place to go. Maybe to Sophie, I should tell her about what happened at the party. Although I can't. I'll go to Sophie's, maybe She'll let me shower and change into better clothes. Or at least wash these.  It takes me an hour to just to walk to her house, since it's on the other side of town. Once I get there I ring the doorbell, and she answers the door.


"Oh my god! Where have you been?!" She grips my arms pulling me into the house. "I've tried to call you, Melanie stopped by looking for you, Sean even!"  Sean and Melanie came here! I tense, pushing her hands off of me. I wish there was a way for me to sense if they set up traps but there isn't.


"when were they hear?" I ask walking around slowly getting a good look at everything.  She eyes me funnily.


"Around 3 A.M. They said you ran off before the party ended, and didn't know where you went." She whispers behind me. I laugh.


" I ran away my ass!" I say to myself.


"What?" She asks, oops maybe a little to loudly.  "Why are you all grubbing looking? and your hair has a

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