» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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don't know his name.  I'll just leave it at that. I turn, and speed walk away. One I leave the long hall, I glance down. He is there staring at me, god who is that?  I find Molly talking to some girls, and when they see me they all squeell and hug me.  Introducing themselves, even though I didn't catch any of there names.  Grabbing Molly and dragging her to the check out we leave. 


"Hungry?" She asks me. I think about if a minute, and decide I'm not. "No, well how about we take all of your stuff home, and then we can decide from there?" I agree. Once we are back at our house, we carry all the bags inside. Then we clean out everything in my room,  and bring in the new! 


"Perfect!" I sigh, closing the last drawer in my dresser. Everything is in it's place now!  "I'm kind of hungry now." I whisper, and Molly laughs. We head out to the kitchen and I watch her cook something I can't pronounce. It's delicious though! Then I help with dishes, and we colaspe next to each other on the couch. We chit chat about small things like favorite movies, music artist.  Out of the blue a phone starts ringing, and Molly excouses herself. I hear a hello and that's it. A minute later, she walks out.


"I have to go to the castle." she sighs, slipping on her shoes again.


"Oh, how long will you be?" I ask her, and she shrugs. "Could I come?" I mean I'll go out to the garden, with a book. I just don't want to be here alone." I say, a little embarassed. Grabbing Vampire Academy, the first book in the series


"That is fine." she says holding out her arm for me.  I grab her elbow, and we walk out of the house hoping into the horse and coachmen that was already waiting for Molly. The ride is quick, and once we're there I head straight to the garden. I don't need to get lost in the castle. I find a nice spot, by some really good smelling flowers and I begin reading.  I could've just stayed at the house to read, but I really don't want to be alone. Here I know there is always someone even if I can't see them.


"Sierra!" I here a boy. "Can we talk about this later? The others are waiting." as the voice gets closer it gets more familiar. Frederick.  I haven't seen him in a while.  I bend the page in the book and get up.


"No Frederick. She is back, you know whats going to happen. Even if it's not right away, you two will get engaged again." Sierra says pissed off. I remember her, little eletric girl. "Besides, you're still atracted to her. I can see in you eyes." She growls.


"I thought she was dead for two years! Sorry." He retorts. "Sierra, I'm not into her anymore. Only you."  They are fighting. . . because I'm back? Right I was engaged to Frederick, and by the sounds of while I was away those two got together.  Sierra looks 12 though!


"So if the Castir's ask you about getting married again?" Sierra asks, and they stop right on the other side of the bush I'm next to.


"No. They wont ask me, I already talked to them." He sighs, and then Sierra grabs his hand, and they walk off.  Well, that was something else. I've never seen anyone fight like that.  Harris wasn't married, and Molly and Garret are happy . . . from what I see at least.  Remembering that they said the others were waiting, I follow behind them. Then I can here the other laughing talking. They're at the sand bar beach place.  I spot, Frederick, Sierra, Flora, Chase, and Chaston. There are two other girls there who I remember from the party. One with blue eye, and the other has red hair. I should go out there, say hi. Although maybe I shouldn't. I wouldn't want to cause more problems for Sierra and Frederick.


"Spying are you?" Garden boys voice whispers behind me.


"Ugh, no." I sigh, glancing. I had to look, how could I not. "What are you doing here? Waiting for your blonde?" I sigh, moving away from the arch that lead to the beach.


"No actually." He says, and I note that he is now wearing a suit again. "I came out to spy on people like you." He smiles, and I blush a little. I wasn't spying, but I guess it some kind of way I was.


"Well, I'm afraid this spot is taken." I grin, and he gives me a mystifying look.


"So now you admmit to spying?" He  interogates with a playful grin. A blush starts creeping up my face, and I push it down.  I think he is flirting with me, but that blonde girl. I can't flirt back, no matter how bad I want to.  I don't even know his name! Stranger danger here!


"Maybe . . . Maybe not." I say. "You can have to spot, I best be on my way." I say, heading the way I came.


"Leaving already?" He asks, reaching for my hand. "Lyra why don't you stay? Your parent's will be a bit longer."  He knows what my parent's are doing, okay. Stalker much.


"I . . . um," I stutter, "You're name?" I blurt. He gets a striken look, and then lets go of my arm. "I'm sorry, I didn't mena to offend you,  in anyway. I just. . ." I shrug, I thought everyone knew I lost my memories.  His face now clear of any emotion, is staring at me.


"So all of your memories are gone." He sighs, " I heard you'd forgotten, I wasn't told the extend of how bad it was."  He sighs, then a smile appears. What's he laughing about?


"What's so funny?" I ask.


"Have lunch with me?" He holds out his arm. Now I'm thoroughly confused, but even though I already ate I  want to say yes. This gorgeous boy has asked me out . . . sort of. I'm not turning down the offer.


"Why?" I sigh, "I mean it's not like I don't know your name of anything about you." I add, and he laughs.


"It's Se-" He gets cut off by a growl, an ugly strangly sound. A black computer dog jumps out, from a bush.  I scream, throwing out my hands. The boy and I go flying, thankfully into pile of floaties. Soft landing! No damage.


"Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" I say, pushing a donut float away from me. "I don't have control of the powers yet!"  I add turning to the boy. He is laughing. "I'm glad yo find this near death experience funny." I scold, but end up laughing myself.


"Could we do that again?" He asks, after we both calm. Then he stands up, offering a hand to me. Taking it, I stand up. "You have sand all over in your hair." He adds.


"Do you see yourself?" I  giggle. Shaking my head a little bit, sand rains down to my feet. 


"Lyra hey!" Chaston says standing right there, with Flora and the blue eyed girl. I peek over there shoulders, and everyone else is staring. "What are you doing? Sebastien what did you do." She smacks the boy.


"Nothing. One of your guard dogs scared her that's all." He replies. I feel numbness everywhere. Sebastien! THE PRINCE! Oh yes the dog, I look over towards the way we came. Sure enough its there frozen solid. THE PRINCE! It's still shocking me. Holy shit.

Chapter 7- Risk (Lyra's POV)

"Really though I better get going. I have to go find Molly." I say backing away from the group. 


"You must stay, hang out with us?" Flora says holding out her hand. I glance to the side at Sierra and Frederick, who are now acting as if they aren't even friends. They don't want me to know,  I wonder what the others think of them being together. I could honestly careless, and I zip my lips before I say anything about it. The last thing I need is to get knocked out by a bolt of lightening.  "Actually I had a couple questions for you." Flora adds, noticing I don't want to stay.


"Okay?" I ask, looking at Sebastien. Then I look away, off limits Lyra! No way the prince would ever be into you anyways, he has his blonde girl.


"At the party the other night I told you to lea-" She begins. I really don't want to go through all of this now. I know I didn't listen to her. I know I was almost turned to the dark side. I know Tatum is evil along with Sean and Melanie. I know I used to elements that night.


" I don't want to talk about it." I say, "Now I really must be going." I turn, and leaving. Manuevering arund the still frozen dog, I continue without hesitation. Now that I am alone my stomach starts flipping, garden boy . . . is the prince. I should've picked up on that. Him and Chaston look a lot alike. Off limits, I have to keep reminding myself.  I should've asked for a way out of the garden, I've been so distracted with my thoughts I'm lost.  Taking a right at a fork in the paths, I get caught in a dead end. I turn around, following the path that went to the left instead. Why would you have a dead end path in a garden? why the path if it's just a dead end!  I spot a fountain, which I have now learned there are many of in this maze. I sit down, looking at the stone scuplture of angels with water shooting out of there mouths. It kind of reminds me of somebdy puking, which is weird.  I splash the water, wishing I could have map.


I lay there at the fountain for a while, if someone finds me somene find me. I'll live. I just hope it isn't Sebastien, Flora, or anyone from the group. Perhaps a gardener might come along, and I can ask him for directions. I sit up, expecting to see a worker walk by, but nope. Frusturated I kick, the potted plant that is sitting on the ground waiting to be planted in the ground. Bad choice, I sit back down holding my foot. Wrong shoes for kicking solid stone, who the heck has a solid stone plant bowl thing anyway! Right, kings and queens do.


"You know, I have to say you are a fiesty one." It's the vampire guy.


"You know, I have to say you are a creepy one." I sigh, turning in his direction. He's leaning against o the tall bushes of some kind of flower.


"Touché" He chuckles, "Although I promise just following orders." He says in defense, kicking away from the bush. He saunters towards the fountain, gazing at the angels. What is he doing here? I understand he and many others have been ordered to find me and bring me back, but being right in the middle of the palace garden in Spridge doesn't sound like a safe place.


"Why are you here?" I ask, "I mean, here where you could be seen by the

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