» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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stand up straight, pushing away from the counter. I was wrong before, we're closer now and still not even touching. Other then his one hand on my chin.


"You're so tempting." He breaths moving his hand from my chin, and brushing hair out my face. What the heck does that mean!? Like he  wants to bite me and eat me! He chuckles lightly. He is reading my thoughts.  "No." is all he says. I lay my forehead against his chest, feeling the coolness and then the heat. I wonder if he feels it to?  "Of course."  he says, I frown dammit! Wrapping our arms around each other, we stand there holding each other fitting together like a puzzle piece. I don't think I have ever felt this about anyone! 


"Because you haven't." He whispers. "We have a b-"


"Dr Drake," The queens voice, erupts into the kitchen. "Weren't you going to go take some tests?"  She doesn't sound happy. Pulling away from him, reluctantly.  I wave goodbye to the two of them, and then I run down the hall out of the kitchen. Holy crap!  I find my parents, and then we leave, and I take one look back at the palace and we're off.

Chapter 11- Training (Lyra's POV)



I couch out the rest of the air in my lungs, as Theodore get off of me. He holds out his hand, and I reach out and grab it. Pulling me to my feet he apoligizes. Training sucks. I've been going to training now for three days, it's the only thing I've been doing. I haven't seen any friends, and I haven't been out of th house . . . other then training. I haven't even seen Dr. Drake, which is odd because I thought he came all this way to see me about my condition.


"Maybe a little easier." I say as we get set up again. Right now we are working on my offense, I'm really good at defense because I can see him coming at me. But  offense. . . not my strong spot.  Theodore laughs, shoving his hair out of his face.  It's shaggy and covers his eyes.


"You're getting better." He replies, and I scoff that is his nice way of saying I'm doing horrible. "No seriously, you've gotten better since Tuesday." He says, getting into position. I can't tell if he is lying or not, he has a very good poker face. Mumbling to myself, I think of what I should try. I only know three different ways to attack so far. Just your normal  throwing punches, round house kick, and he taught me this really cool moon kick like thing. Choosing the moon kick I get in my place, inch closer slowly. I will do it this time!  I get a sudden dose of courage and strength, and I smirk, I can so do this!  I grunt as I jump up, and swing my leg in the way he showed me. Connecting with something, my body spins from the forceof my foot swining. Landing down on my feet perfectly, I look at Theodore, who is on the ground holding his jaw.  I squeel with excitement, and help him up for the first time.


"Damn my blood is running now!" I jump, and ha laughs. "What?" I ask, I just kicked butt of course I'm happy and jumpy!


"It's called adrenaline." He saw, rubbing his jaw. He smirk, I caused him that pain. "If you can kick like that from here on out, we wont have to work on kicking at all anymore." He mumbles.  I squeel again, I really did it!


"Lets go again!" I say, and he looks at me horrified. "Oh don't tell me you're scared!" I laugh, and he groans. "Well, at least show me a couple new punches or something. Do it while I'm interested!" I beg. He sighs, and I actually run to the bags. He takes his sweet time getting to me, still holding his jaw. I start to feel a little bad, but if he is a trainor he should be used to it!  "Okay, I'm ready." I say popping into my stance.


"Let's try something new." He offers, and then his hand is pushing on my stomach.  His foot is bending my knees more.  " forty-five degree angle there. Stomach in." He says while doing it. I do as he says, and his other hand grabs my left elbow pulling my arm in closer to my chest. Then does the same with my right. Then he lets go of me, and stands in front of me doing the same pose. "Now I need you to to reach your left arm out straight." He instructs, as I do I feel a little unbalanced.  "Okay stop." He says, standing up. Then he is pushing against my lower back. Pushing my stomach out a little. "Again." He says.  That made it easier, and he keep instructing me. All I had to do was throw normal punches, and my legs were feeling the burn.


"What exactly are we working on?" I moan, my legs are going to feel like noodles in the morning. I begin to stand up, but he bends my knee back down. Darn him.


"Defense stances." He says, and I sigh. I probably need this then. "It's will help you keep your closed off, holding the arms closer to the body, and lower to the ground." He tells me, and I groan throwing more punches. "You're doing great." He adds. After a  couple more minutes of doing this, I stand up.


"Okay, I can't do that anymore. My legs are going to fall off!" I groan rubbing my thighs, damn that was hardcore. I'm not completely out of shape either, you try standing with your legs at a forty-five degree angle and punch for 30 minutes straight. I can do wall sits easily, but I have a wall to seen on while doing that!   "How about we go through the training course!?" I clap, I always race him through it . . . and I lose but it is still fun.


"Fine, we only have five minutes anyways." He says, running over to beginning of the course. I make my way there slowly legging my legs get a good stretch. Then we count down and go through. The first part is running and jumping just like hurdle for track. Then we have to climb a rock wall, and swing down from a rope. Landing on a trampoline from the rope, we have to  jump to the other side, and then we have to jump from block to block acrossthe floor. It if you touch the floor you actually set off alarms!  Then we have to walk in a two inch ledge, with out falling. After that I realize I'm catching up, and I push myself harder making my way to the set of thirty monkey bars up ahead. I'm good at those to! I speed off, and get ahead off him. I'm good at the holdig on stuff, and jumping stuff. I can even skip between bars, thus it takes me half the time it takes him. Landing on my feet, I take off. I'm gonna win! I'm ahead now! Next is scaling a building, I feel like Spiderman everytime I do this. Even though it's not my strongest suit. Once I finish with that and it's time for the hardest part for me. Robot bad guys come out, three of them. Attack just like you did earlier! I get in my positoin, and kick. Slaming my foot into the robots face which doesn't hurt like you think it would. That one falls, and then I get put on defense. The others take advantage of my cheering for getting one down.  Good thing I'm better at defense then offense! Next to me I see Theodore is just finishing witht the building, crap! Then he has one down, two, and three! He hits his button and my robots back down. 


"That was good!" He says, holding up a fist. We bump fists, and laugh.  Then I grab my stuff, and hed outside where Molly and Garret are waiting.  Once we are home, I head straight to the shower. Once I'm done there, I head downstairs. 


"What are you hungry for?" Molly asks, and I tell her what ever. Questions bubble up in me again, and I get mad. I can't go to school  until Dr. Drake says I can, and I haven't seen or heard from him in three days, I can't  see friends at all. Not even talk to them over the phone, and they took away my traveling stone.  When the end of this week comes, I don't think I'm going to stay here.  When supper is finished, we eat in silence for the second night in a row. Then I head upstairs for bed. I have nothing else to do. 


Slipping under the covers, I look at the cieling the week needs to hurry up.




I grunt, throwing a superman punch one of my favorites. It's my last day of being here, I want to make the most of it. I'll be leaving and going home  . . . or at least I'll be going some where back to earth tonight. No way am I staying here. Ever since last Tuesday I haven't been able to do anything, and now it's Wednesaday of the next week. I've gotten a lot better since my first couple days here. Now I'm  just as skilled as Theodore, we started training longer, and harder.  I get up at eight in the morning, and don't leave until seven at night. Almost twelve hours.  I get him, but right now we're just messing around. Stepping back to put myself on defense, he comes at me. Throwing a normal backfist, at me I swerve out of the way. Then sink knocking him down, by swing my leg behind his feet.  I stand up offering my hand.


We move onto something more serious, or at least to is to us. The training course. Now is a fight to the death for us, the race of the year! Getting in a running position, we count down. Going through everything so fast it seems like seconds, I hit my button a couple seconds before him.


"You got beat!" I cheer, I beat him only every know and then. So I always brag when I do win. Making our way to our bags, and water we chat about normal things. How our nights were, and how our mornings were. "Same as always. . . " I say the same thing.


"You don't do much do you?" He asks.


"I'm not allowed to." I reply and he scoffs. "Yeah, parents have me on  tight leash. What ever though I'm not staying." I slap my mouth. I shouldn't have said that, even though it's true.


"What?" he asks, to late now.


"I made a deal with the Holts, and my parents. I said I would stay here for two weeks, and decide if I want to actually stay." I say,  wiping my forehead with my towel. Then placing it around me neck.  "I've decided I don't want to stay." I finish. Glancing at the clock, we only have 20 minutes left! Good.


"You can't  be serious." He

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