» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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arms are tired, we lay on the floor looking through an old book about an old treaty between vampires and werewolves. I start dosing in and out again, and he covers me up with a blanket.I turn so I'm facing him, and looks down at me. I rub my eyes a second, and then look again. I sit up, his eyes are gold again. They aren't his eyes, they're  Dr. Drake's! This is so weird this happened yesterday as well!


"What!" He asks, looking at me. I shake it off, and his eyes are back. Damn that is so weird, I hope that stops.  I don't even know why it keeps doing that! Laying back down Sebastiens pulls the blanket back up over my shoulders again. "Just relax, no need to be jumpy." He whispers, and he is right. I'm just so nervous now, stupid Tatum. I blame the eye thing on the lights, and listen as Sebastien read out of the book about  the history of some big war between vampires and werewolves.  It's so weird listening to this because normally this things are concidered fairytails, but here I am living  a fairytale!


"Sebastien..." I speak quietly, hoping it sounded like his name. I'm so tired, I don't know for sure if I pronounced it right.


"Yeah?" He asks, and I hear the book close.


"Don't let Molly or Garret see you with me. I'm not supposed to be with you, alone at all." I yawn, and the lights get dimmer and dimmer.




I'm falling! I smack the floor, and sit up rubbing my back. I fell off the couch in the study, standing up I look around. I wonder how long I was out, I wonder where Sebastien went. Looking to the floor where we were laying I sigh. I wouldn't want to sit there and watch some one sleep either, that might be weird. Awww Sebastien must've picked me and laid me on the couch! Although I did fall off and hrt my butt, it was still a nice thought! I can't believe I'm still here, how long has it been? Checking the time on my ipod, I groan. It's been 2 hours! Molly said she would be 20 minutes, and it's been 2 hours! Maybe she forgot me here? Very unlikely.  I'm hungry, and if I go to the kitchen she'll be there, and she will cook me something.  Dr. Drake would cook for you as well. I rub my forehead, where did that thought come from? I haven't seen him at all today, probably because I've been locked in this stupid study. But do I want to see him? I mean, all the weird stuf I imagined  going on. No. Probably best I stay away from the sexy doctor.


Opening the door I peek both ways down the hall, no one. I make a run for it. Stopping at all intersections and checking for people. Molly said I wasn't supposed to leave the study, so I assume she didn't want me to see anyone . . . even though  it's a bit late for that. Taking a left turn, I laugh at how I know where the kitchen is, but nothing else. Running past the dining room doors, I smile I hate that room. The grand kitchen doors are ahead of me, and my stomach is grumbling in complaint! Stopping outside the doors, I catch my breath a second fix my hair a little bit, it's a litte messy from running with it not in braid or ponytail.  Creaking open the door I ask for Molly. 


It's empty? No one is in here, where is Molly then? Closing the door behind me I venture inside, I'm still hungry so maybe I can grab an apple or something. I peek inside one door, that is a pantry holding more food. Then another, it's shelves that have plates and serving trays. It's weird being in such a large kitchen without any one else! I scurry to the fridge, grabbing an apple, I make my way out of the room. I wonder where all the kitchen staff is, there wasn't anyone there! Come to think of it I haven't seen any one period. No maids dusting of armor suits and flowers vases, no men  working on fixing the couple spots on the walls. No one.  Now more creeped out then ever, I try and find my way back to the study. It's such a big place, I'm sure they all had other places to be cleaning. I wish I had a phone, that way I could call Garret, ask him what s going on. He was sent off on business this morning. Trying different doors again, I realize I'm lost. Now actually scared, I run through the halls. Sebastien was just here  . . . two or less hours ago. . .  but I know he was here.  God I've seen to many scary movies!


Pausing in a hall way, I try and figure out where I am. Looking out the windows, I don't see a garden or a beach. Just green grass. Where am I? I thought this place was surrounded by gardens! Scratching the back of my neck, I walk back the way I came, I need to find a garden! Maybe I should head back to the kitchen? I do little bit more back tracking, even though I'm not even sure where the kitchen is anymore. I come to a four way intersection, and I have no clue which way I came. Taking a right, I head down a dead end. Glancing out the window, I now see gardens! I've made some progress! Opening one of the doors, to see if I can figure out where I am, I sigh in relief. The door I opened was Chaston's bedroom!  I have an idea now of where I am! Glancing in her room, again my brow furrows. She isn't in here. I check Sebastien's, he is gone now as well. Pinching my nose a second, from frustration I walk back the four way intersection, I take left from there and walk.  This seems right.


"Lost?" Tatum says next to me. I groan, why!? "I wouldn't doubt it, you've been walking in this maze for about forty minutes now." He says, and I stop walking and look at him. Maze? What does he mean by maze? am I not really in the castle!? I look around, I'm still in the castle.  "It shows you what you want to see." He sighs, waving an arm. Then I'm in his bedroom again.


"What the hell Tatum!" I slap his shoulder, he knew I was lost in that stupid maze thing and he didn't help me out at all. "Why was I there to begin with?" I ask, and then the apple in my hand fades. I tottally forgot I even had that, I guess it's good I didn't eat it!


"I told you we would be talking, but when I came to get you you were sleeping. So I put you in the maze until you woke up,  that was the only place no one would ever find you. Then I had to leave, and when I came back you were awake." He says, pointing at something on his book case. I grab it and look inside. It's a maze! A small green shrub maze.


"I was in the castle though." I whisper confused.


"Like I said it shows you where you want to be." He chuckles. I put it back, that's weird he shrunk me down to that size?!


"Wait so I was shrunk, and shoved in toy maze four how long?" I growl at him.


"Only an hour. . . " He says yawning. Rubbing my forehead, I sit in his chair to his desk. " Okay now can we get down to business?" He asks, and I nod. "She is in Spridge somewhere Lyra, I know it. Our locaters know for sure now . . . that's where I just was." He begins, I get comfortable  . . . I might be here a while. "Did you here what I just said?" He asks.


"Yes, Tatum I did." I sigh, " I just don't know what you want me to do. . . or say to you." I add. I start to realize what might  happen. I can't leave, I don't have a stone! He might force me to stay here! I stand up ready to rampage. "Tatum you can't keep me here! I have to go home, I have training and ah school!" I say pointing at him to help add effect. He scoffs, in a mad and upset way.


"You have a boyfriend there you need to see." He torts, and I put my hand down.


"We aren't together," I rub my forehead, and he looks at me as if saying bullshit. "Seriously, we both know we like each other, but nothing is official." I sigh, wishing it was. Tatum yawns, and I frown. "It wont ever be official." I say more to myself. I need to follow the rules! No matter how much we like each other! I've dug this way to deep now, with all the kissing . . . even though they weren't full blown kisses . . . how will I tell him now that it wont work!?


"Back to the problem at hand please." Tatum grumbles, he is seriously jealous. I smirk a second, then flip back to another jealous person. "Lyra, I just want to make sure you're safe. Yes, I would love it if you stayed here with me.  But I understand I can't force you. . . I will just always have to be watching you." He says, I think finally getting to the end of his story.


"So, you'll be watching me through your crystal ball?" I ask, that isn't to bad. Unless I'm showering, or changing, or talking to Sebastien,  Dr. Drake, or  using the bathroom? How did I get Dr. Drake? Where did he come from?!


"Sometimes, I might send someone out after you. Have them always be there, but secretly. You wont even be able to see them." He says, reasuringly.


"Just not that vampire guy! Or Sean!" I point again, I feel powerful when I'm pointing. He salutes to me, and I put the finger down. If pointing gets me somewhere then I'll point! Then I think of Melanie, do I want her stalking me> No not really but what ever happens happens. Standing back up, I lean against his bed's night stand. "Can I go now?" I ask, and he sighs.


"I was hoping you would just stay..." He sighs, now I laugh. "Yeah yeah. See ya sometime." He says waving a hand and I'm out like a light! Again!

Chapter 13- Change (Lyra's POV)

"Lyra, come one time to go." Molly shakes me awake, I slowly get up folding the blanket. Tatum was nice enough to put me on the couch,  I smile slightly. I look around the room, I wonder if one of his people is watching me now! Following Molly out of the room I wish I could say goodbye to Sebastien. Although it's better that I don't, I can't keep digging that grave deeper and deeper! Once we're outside in the wagon, I

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