» Romance » LITTLE GIRL LOST, SARAH BETH LEE [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗

Book online «LITTLE GIRL LOST, SARAH BETH LEE [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗». Author SARAH BETH LEE

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/> Kathleen sat by Hannah and spoke to her softly as if she were a young child. “Sweetheart it’s almost two. Your body shut down and you passed out. Maddie checked your blood sugar it was 55 it must have been a combination of stress, too much information and not eating.”

Hannah shook her head and tried to offer them a weak smile but she just didn’t have it in her. She laid her head on the back of the couch and took in another deep breath trying to clear her head.

“So it’s all true then?”

Kathleen nodded and felt the first of another round of tears fall. She looked at Hannah for some sign of what she might be feeling but her face remained calm as if she had no thoughts what so ever about the turn of events that had taken place.

“Hannah I have told Maddie every gory detail and I understand if you want her to tell you the story but please know that I have always loved you. I am so sorry for not telling you both the truth all those years ago. “

Nate had sat in the recliner all afternoon watching Hannah sleep and wondering if she was okay. He had had a crush on her for as long as he could remember and to see her like this broke his heart. He knew she was too old for him but he could still dream and every dream he had ever had included Hannah. He sometimes thought about how unfair it was that if he were the one that was older the eight years that separated them wouldn’t make a bit of difference in the world. He began to toss around the idea of what it would be like if in few years when he was 21 and she was 28 that wouldn’t be that much difference. He stood now watching her as her huge hazel eyes seemed to be alive flashing with questions as she looked from one face to another. He almost felt a chill run down his back as she rested her beautiful eyes on him and watched his face for some sign but a sign of what he had no idea. He shuffled his feet uncomfortable until she lowered her eyes and he could breathe again.

“So it seems like I’m the only one here out of the loop so does anyone care to enlighten me on what’s going on?”

All eyes were now on Nate as she waited for someone to answer his question. He watched as Hannah and Maddie looked away from his probing eye until his mother finally cleared her throat. She stood from the couch and walked to where he stood placing an arm around his wide shoulders.

“Nate this may come a shock to you but Hannah is Maddie’s twin sister.”

Nate looked at his mother’s weary eyes and he almost laughed out loud. He had always suspected that Hannah was related to his sister and he had always suspected that his mother had had an affair with Hannah’s dad and they decided to split the kids. He never dreamed his theory was right just the musing of an overactive kid’s brain.

“Actually it’s not that big of a shock to me at all. I mean just look at them how could you not tell their related?”

Kathleen should have known her son had noticed after all he was a genius in genetics. She knew she needed to tell him the truth about his birth parents but she just didn’t think she had it in her today. She watched as Hannah and Maddie stood to leave the room.

“Mom I’m going to take Hannah to my room and talk we’ll down for dinner in half an hour.”

As the girls left the room Kathleen turned her full attention to her son. She couldn’t believe he was seventeen and would be graduating in May the years had seemed to fly by until they had all but disappeared. She put her hand on his arm as he was still watching the doorway Hannah had just walked through.

“Come on Romeo you can help me set the table.”

Nate looked at her as if he had no idea what she was talking about. He followed her down the hall and into the kitchen. He began to pick at an imaginary spot on his shirt as he avoided his mother’s watchful eye.

“Nate you need to get over this crush you have on Hannah.”

He stopped fidgeting and looked up into his mother’s loving eyes. “Is it that obvious?”

Kathleen wiped her hands on a dish towel before putting her arms around Nate. He was such a handsome young man and had so much to offer any girl but he had never given much time to any of the would be girlfriends that called, texted and sent him endless friend request on Face Book. She knew he was much older than his seventeen years but he was still so young and she wanted to protect his heart.

“Honey you have had a thing for Hannah since you were four and you picked my prize winning roses for her birthday. I was so mad at you but now I think it was adorable. Nate you need to focus on your future and finding a girl your own age.”

Nate grinned at his mother, “Now where’s the fun in that?”

Kathleen chuckled as he raised his eyes at her. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt okay?”

“Not a problem you know now that I think about it would be a little weird now, almost like dating my sister.”

Kathleen laughed as she took the turkey out of the oven and watched as Nate began to carve it. She bustled around the kitchen and carried several dishes to the dining room. She fussed over the center piece while Nate set the table before placing the platter in the center of the table between the pumpkins and gourds. He thought it looked nice but his mother continued to cluck her tongue as she moved the cranberry sauce to the other side of the stuffing before finally saying it was perfect. She sent Nate to inform the girls that dinner was finally ready. She ran her palms across her apron before removing it and placing it in the drawer by the fridge.

Kathleen was a ball of nerves as she wondered what Hannah must think of her and even worse what was Maddie thinking? She feared that after all these years she might lose them both and she knew that she would never be able to bear it if they disappeared from her life all together. She knew that when Nate found out he had a brother and was heir to part of the O’Brien fortune he would leave her behind. She began to nibble on her bottom lip as she envisioned this huge house empty leaving her with nothing but memories of what might have been if only she had been stronger and braver. She straightened her blouse and dried her tears as she heard the kids coming down the hall.

She smiled as they filed into the room and all talking ceased. She looked from one face to the next and she felt her heart overflowing with the love she had for her children. Hannah with her soft kind eyes looking at her as if she wasn’t quite sure what to do or say, Maddie with her determined stance and fiery eyes daring her to move and say something to make this all right and Nate her baby boy all grown up still a child but with the mind and body of a man. He smiled at her and took her hand as he whispered in her ear. “I love you mom, we all do.”

Kathleen kissed his tanned cheek and wondered just where all the time had gone and why she had waited so long to try and make things right. She looked at Hannah and opened her arms holding her breath as she waited for Hannah to move. Hannah watched Kathleen’s face as all her doubts and fears shown like a beacon in the dark cold night. Hannah wasn’t sure how she felt about the turn of events that had taken place so long ago but she had loved this woman from the day she met her and she had always wished she was her mother. She realized that here after all this time one of her dreams had finally come true. She moved toward Kathleen as she fell in her arms she realized she had so much to be thankful for.
Hannah eased away from Kathleen and gently raised her hand to wipe the tears falling from her eyes. She looked at her face as if seeing her for the first time. She had the same heart shaped face and the same soft curls that refused to be tamed. Hannah wasn’t sure what to do or say but she wanted so badly to tell Kathleen that everything would be okay.

“Kathleen, I know you love me I suppose I have always known that but this is a lot of information to take in. I don’t hate you so please get that thought out of your head and for now let’s enjoy our first Thanksgiving together as a family. We can sort the rest out tomorrow Mom. “

Kathleen smiled through her tears as she gathered her children together in one big group hug. She had never felt more relieved or loved in her entire life. She breathed a silent prayer of thanks before releasing her hold on her family.

“Ok take your seats and Nate you say grace. Hannah you need to eat and keep that blood sugar up before I die of a heart attack from seeing you like that.”

Hannah nodded before lowering her head as Nate gave thanks for the food and the hands that had prepared it, for having such a wonderful family and all the love that came with it. Hannah smiled to herself as Nate’s deep voice floated in the room and she wondered what other surprises and dreams might come true today.
Waiting For The End To Come


Hannah leaned against the back of the elevator and closed her eyes. She was physically and mentally exhausted and honestly didn’t think she could take anymore drama today. She was still reeling from the knowledge that Maddie was her twin sister which meant that Kathleen was her mother and

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