» Romance » LITTLE GIRL LOST, SARAH BETH LEE [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗

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and broke the seal.” Ok I have it now what?”

Nick walked back to Hannah as she listened to Maddie’s instructions.

“That is a glucagon kit it will bring her back in minutes. I need you to insert the needle into to the vile of liquid and then insert it intramuscularly in her arm or upper thigh and then empty out the syringe.”

Nick plunged the needle in to her arm and he cringed as her skin tore under the needle. He emptied the syringe before carefully removing the needle and replacing the lid. He then placed it back in the red plastic case. “Ok how long before she comes around?”

Nick heard Maddie let out a sigh of relief. “She’ll be okay in a few minutes but be prepared she’ll be disorientated and a little groggy. You’ll have to give her time to adjust and I warn you that sometimes she gets a little belligerent when she first wakes up.”

“Ok I got it, thanks for your help doc.”

Maddie groaned. “Call me Maddie please.”

“Ok thank you Maddie.”

“No problem maybe I should come over. She just checked it before you knocked on the door and she said it was 158 so that means seeing you must have sent her into shock.”

Nick finished the thought running through Maddie’s head. “Which caused her blood sugar to drop.”

“Exactly so I really think I need to come over and check on her.”

Nick didn’t want an audience while he tried to talk to Hannah for the first time. “We’ll be fine and I won’t leave her alone.”

“Fine but if you need me I’m just a phone call away and regardless have Hannah call me later.”

“No problem thanks again.”

Maddie was still grumbling as she ended the call. Nick watched Hannah as she slept on the couch. He waited and worried for several minutes until she began to fidget restlessly. He ran his hand over her head and smoothed her hair away from her eyes. He watched as her lids fluttered open and widened as she took in his face only inches from her own. He watched the shadow of a smile twitch on her full red lips.

“It’s you.”

Nick couldn’t seem to find his voice so he nodded his head as his eyes drank in the sight of her so fragile and beautiful before him. He had wondered how she would look and what her voice would sound like but nothing he had dared to dream came close to the vision that lay before him. He reached for her hand and rubbed small soothing circles on her palm with the pad of his thumb. She smiled a little wider and tried to shift uncomfortably on the couch.

“Great not only is he haunting my every waking moment but now he’s taunting in my dreams. Gees if you’re supposed to be a dream then you should at least say something because this is not really my idea of the perfect meeting. I kind of liked the dream on the beach or the one where you told me you couldn’t live without me.”

Nick remained perfectly still and he could feel his lips curving in a smile at her words. She thought of him and she dreamed of him. He studied her face and could feel his heart racing beneath the soft fabric of his cotton shirt. She was so lovely like fine china with her heart-shaped face, chestnut hair and those beautiful hazel eyes that sparkled with her indignant ranting to what she thought must be a dream.

“Hannah, this is not a dream I’m here.”

As his words reached her ears she stopped fidgeting on the cushion and her delicate mouth formed an inaudible o. He watched as she slowly reached her hand out toward him and touched his warm hand. She looked up at his laughing eyes and waited as she adjusted her shirt and found her voice.

“But how is this possible? How did you know where I lived or that I was even real? “

Nick knelt on the floor beside the couch and turned her hand over in his and tried to calm her down before she began to hyperventilate. She slowly drew in one ragged breath after the next until her breathing returned to normal. Nick watched her closely making sure she was alert and aware of her surroundings.

“For starters you passed out on me. At first I thought it was from the shock of seeing me standing in your living room but then I talked to Maddie on the phone and she clued me in.”

Hannah still looked a little dazed and confused at his explanation. “You talked to Maddie?”

“Well yeah you dropped the phone when you fainted so I told her what was going on. She told me what happened earlier today so I checked your blood sugar and it was ridiculously low. Maddie walked me through the glucagon thing and now here you are a bit flustered but back to the land of the living.”

Hannah rubbed her head and wondered what the hell was going on with her today. She still wasn’t sure if this was real or just a very vivid hallucination. She watched Nick from beneath the lashes of her downturned eyes. She was completely in awe of his stunning features the crystal clear blue eyes, the slightly windblown brown hair that all but begged for her to run her fingers through it, his razor sharp cheekbones with the five o’clock shadow giving him just enough scruff to smudge his otherwise flawless face for he was beautiful.

Nick could feel her watching him and he wondered what was running through her mind right now. She looked as if she had seen a ghost and he could all but see her withdrawing inside herself. He couldn’t let that happen, he had just found her and he refused to lose her again.

“Hannah I have been waiting to meet you for weeks now but I wasn’t sure how to do it. I know this was probably not the best idea I’ve ever had but I just had to see you.”

Hannah nodded her head but was afraid to look him in the eye, afraid of what she might see pity, disgust or hate. She wouldn’t blame him if he left now and never came back in fact that might be easier for both of them. She knew she couldn’t bear to watch him walk out the door so she kept her eyes focused at the floor beneath her feet.

“Look Nick I’m sorry you had to see me like that and deal with my condition. I won’t blame you for thinking I’m a freak.”

Nick was appalled at the words coming from her mouth. “Why would I think that? Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people world-wide and it is a disease that my company is working hard to find a cure for. I admire you because before now I would have never guessed you were a type 1 diabetic.”

Hannah finally raised her eyes to meet his and she saw that he wasn’t looking at her like a bug on a microscope. “Really, so my being diabetic doesn’t make you want to turn tail and run?”

Nick could see where this was going and he squeezed her hand. “No it makes me realize how amazing you are.”

Hannah shook her head trying to get rid of the cobwebs that seemed to be clouding her judgment. She should not be having this conversation with Nick she should just tell him the truth about the accident that killed his family before she let him worm his way into her heart. She gnawed on her lip as she admitted to herself that he had been in her heart since she was eight years old.

“So Nick why are you here? I mean I know the truth about what happened. Maddie kind of left your file here and I read it. I know about the project at the pentagon and that’s how you met me. I also know about your family what I don’t understand is why you’re here now.”

Nick could see the tortured look in Hannah’s eyes and the tears threatening to fall. He wasn’t sure where to start. He tried to sort out all the thoughts racing through his head. A little voice in the back of his head whispered ‘the beginning is always best.’

“Hannah you know what you read on a piece of paper but do you ever feel like there’s something else? That there’s some connection that seems to be drawing us together?”

Hannah had felt that way but she had chalked it up to wishful thinking on her part. Nick had been there of her when she had needed someone the most and for that she felt drawn to him. She wondered now if it was something more than that.

“Ok so maybe but I think it is more of hero worship. I mean I was a lost little girl and you helped show me the way.”

“Hannah it’s more than that. I think I should start at the beginning.”

.”Ok that’s usually the best place to start.”
Hannah sat up and patted the space beside her on the couch. Nick sat down and lifted her feet on to his lap to make her more comfortable and to keep him from trying to get too close to her. He drew in one deep breath and then started to tell his story.

"I've been waiting for you my whole life; never sure if you were real or just a dream that wouldn't go away. I have loved you since I was nine years old only I didn't know it was love. I was just a nine year old boy who had just lost everything that ever mattered and the only life I'd ever known. I was mad, hurt and I wanted desperately to blame someone, anyone but myself for what had happened to my family. I was wandering aimlessly down an empty hospital corridor and I heard someone softly crying as if their heart were broken in a million tiny little pieces. I pulled my eyes up from the floor and there you were sitting all alone in a cold empty hospital room. I stood there watching you as the tears continued to slide down your pale cheeks as if they might never end. My heart leapt in my chest at the pain, agony and regret embedded in every facet of your face. I stood there as if I was frozen in place as time stood still I knew that you understood how I felt because you felt it too. I slowly walked in the room and you looked up at me with tears still falling and we never said a single word I just sat on the edge of your bed and held your hand. I lost all track of time as we sat there clinging to each other, each of us crying for what we had lost and feared we'd never find again. We never spoke a single word but you saved me that day with just the touch of your hand."
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