» Romance » Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold, Danielle Martin [best books to read all time .TXT] 📗

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him to say. Blake was a patriot’s fan. She on the other hand despised their entire existence.

Ava smacked her lips. She hated how calm he was about everything. But he was right. It was just a game that was over now thankfully. She plopped down next to him where he sat on the sofa. “I guess so…” she took a relaxing breath then rested her head on his shoulder. He smiled and wrapped his arm over her, pulling her in close. Ava did not resist. She slid over to his side of the couch and cuddled underneath him, melting in his arms. As usual, his embrace put her at ease. She could feel all of the bad energy slowly leaving her body while lying next to him. “I’m glad we got to watch the game together baby.” She ran her hands up and down his chest as she spoke.

He smiled. “Me too…”

Ava meant every word. Although she had put up a tough exterior in the beginning as if everything was figured out inside her head, she actually dreaded the thought of sleeping in this big large house without her man by her side. She needed Blake. Not financially but emotionally. Physically, she needed to feel his presence next to hers. Smell his scent.

 “I’m glad you decided to give us another chance.” Blake spoke as if he had been reading her mind. She pulled away and looked him into the eyes. Truthfully, Ava was glad she gave this another shot too. Being with him made her feel at home no matter where she was in the world. Blake made her feel safe. Alive.

Knock Knock Knock. 

The sound of someone knocking at the front door stopped her before she could respond. Ava jumped in her seat, the unexpected sound of a knock startling her. She looked over her shoulder towards the front door.

 Knock Knock Knock

Bam Bam Bam. 

Whoever was on the other side of the door began to knock forcefully. Ava’s expression immediately twisted into confusion. “What the hell???” she cussed out at whoever was on the other side of the door knocking so sudden and so loudly. Ava had not given this address to anyone and was not expecting any visitors. She turned to Blake, immediately noticing the look on his face which appeared just as confused as she was. “Are you having company???” she asked.

Blake shook his head dumbfounded. “No. Not at all…” Quickly, he got up from where he was sitting.

Bam Bam Bam. 

The loud knock sounded off again. Blake charged straight for the door and Ava wasted no time hopping up from the couch and following after him. They approached the door together, a nervous and edgy feeling spread over her body. She had no idea what to expect on the other side and based upon Blake’s defensive demeanor, he had no idea either.

“Who is it???” he called out.

No answer. Instead of a verbal response, the knocking continued.

Bam Bam Bam.

Anxiously, Ava cowered behind Blake as he prepared to open the door. She hoped it was someone going from house to house attempting to sell something.  But the force behind the knock sounded personal. Nervously, her palms grew sweaty as Blake unhooked the chain on the door, twisted the top and bottom lock and opened the door. He did not open it wide. Instead, he crept it open slowly and stuck his head out the door. Ava could not see over his shoulder but knew very well whoever was visiting was not there for her.

“You fucking bastard…” a dark and angry tone suddenly floated from the other side of the door. Ava’s body stiffened tightly as the sound of an unfamiliar voice suddenly filled her eardrums. Her eyes widened. She looked up at Blake. His back was turned to her so she could not immediately see his expression. A few moments had passed and he said nothing. He stared straight forward with his head partially stuck out of the door as if he were stuck in time and could not move.

“You bastard…” the voice repeated itself again. “You dirty, filthy fucking LIAR!”

Ava stood behind him stunned, waiting for Blake to make a move. He did not budge. He stood frozen still, staring at the person on the other side of the door silently without saying a word. Kicking her anxiety, Ava tapped his shoulder. “Um… hello???” she attempted to gain his attention which had lost focus. “Well, who is it Blake???” she asked anxiously. To her surprise, he did not respond to her.

“Who do you have in there, Blake??? Is that a woman I hear in the background???” the voice on the other side questioned who was standing inside the house behind him. Ava’s jaw dropped. Immediately, she stepped forward preparing to make her presence known. She nudged his 6-foot frame to the side moving him out of her way.

“Ava wait!” Blake desperately called out to stop her but it was too late. She had already knocked him off balance and swung the door wide open. Right away, her heart sunk into her stomach upon locking gazes with a young woman standing on the other side.

“Wow…” the voice spoke again after finally seeing Ava.

Ava gazed shockingly. The woman standing before her was about 5’7 with bright caramel skin, long wavy honey brown hair and large golden brown eyes. She wore a long trench coat draped over her curvy figure with her hands shoved inside her front two pockets. She looked Ava up and down, observing her closely. “And who are you???” the woman questioned her.

Ava stared, feeling herself drifting from reality.  She held onto the doorknob to stop herself from swaying. “I’m Ava…” she pretended to answer with confidence. “And who are you??? Why are you here at our house???”

The woman shot her a stumped look. She took several deep breaths as if she were composing herself. “Our house???” she crazily repeated her as if Ava said something completely insane. The woman frantically dug into her front pocket and pull out a folded up piece of paper. She opened it and began to read out loud the address. “114 Burns St…. Does that sound about right???” she asked sarcastically while extending the paper in Ava’s direction. “Here. Take a look…”

Ava’s eyes dropped down to the crinkled piece of paper, an immediate feeling of horror taking over after realizing Blake stood behind her still not saying a word.

“Here… take it…” the woman insisted she look. Ava was terrified at this point. She had no idea what this woman had to show her but whatever was on that paper pertained to this address. Ava couldn’t help her curiosity. She reached and grabbed it with shaky hands, bringing the document up to her face scanning the words.

“Wha—What is this???” she asked in a confused tone.

The woman gladly stepped forward and pointed her finger towards the top right hand corner. “Right there. Read that.”

Hesitantly, Ava followed her finger with her eyes. She nervously inhaled and exhaled before parting her lips to read out loud. “This mortgage loan correspondent agreement selling location 114 Burns St is made between Home Living Mortgage Incorporated the seller and……… and….”

Luckily, the door frame caught her fall. Ava gasped loudly, almost toppling over but grabbing the doorknob for support. Her instant shock hit her like a huge wave. She leaned against the door, her entire world crashing down as she reread the first line. “This mortgage loan correspondent agreement is made between Home Living Mortgage Incorporated the seller and……… and…. Mrs. Madison Weiss….” The paper fell from her hands immediately falling to the floor. She backed away quivering from head to toe. Madison. Madison. Madison.  The name she had heard before. The name she had so foolishly chosen to ignore.

As if a zombie rising from the dead, Blake’s voice suddenly resurfaced. He jumped forward. “Madison!” he erratically shouted her name in a startled tone. He quickly dropped down and scooped up the paper that fell to the floor. Bringing the paper up to his face, he scanned the words with a confused look on his face. “What the hell is this Madison???” he cursed. “Where is my name???? My name should be on this damn mortgage!”

Madison threw her head back and laughed arrogantly. She then narrowed her eyes, shooting him an evil glare. “Your name was removed from the mortgage as a cosigner when I refinanced the loan last year. What the hell makes you think you would have any ownership on a house that you do not fucking pay for???” her tone was wicked and cold as she questioned him. Ava had grown weary. She barely had the strength to stand anymore, so she backed far away in a corner.

Blake stumbled for words. “Madison…. I….I…..”

She held up her finger shushing him.  “I’m not done yet….” Reaching back into her front pocket, she dug deeper and retrieved another folded up piece of paper. Ava stood in the corner silently and senselessly watched everything unfold. She watched as Madison unfolded the paper, preparing to provide even more receipts. She scanned the document and began to read out loud. “$1,941.26 charged at the Wilmington Independence Mall…. $5,258.23 charged at Kay Jewelers….” She shot Blake a deadening glare. “That sound familiar???”

Blake stammered once again. “I…. I…Madison…” She did not wait for him to gather this words together. She stepped up from the porch and into the open doorway, stomping directly to where he stood. Forcefully, she drew her hand back and purposely tossed the paper right into his face. “It’s the credit card statement you fucking bastard!!!” she shouted as the paper fell over his head, past his shoulders and onto the floor.  “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out??? You took her shopping???!! You brought her A RING??!! With my FUCKING CREDIT CARD????!!!!!” her voice grew even louder and louder the more she screamed.

Ava’s jaw dropped. She looked over at Blake, praying to God what this woman was saying was not true. Her heart sunk, his expression giving her no confidence or reassurance. He shook his head. “Madison that is OUR credit card. My name is on the account and I pay the bill every month…I haven’t done anything wrong!”

She swung her hand back and attempted to slap him across the face. She swung at him hard, but Blake’s reflexes were good and had already dodged out of the way before she could hit him. “You bastard!” she screamed irately. “That is OUR credit card that we opened TOGETHER!!! As husband and wife!”

Ava grabbed her chest, those words stabbing her like a dagger right in the heart.

“What the hell is wrong with you Blake??? How could you do this to me???!!! I wanted to be with you!!!” Madison’s voice cracked and tears streamed down her face as she finally broke down. She cried heavily, choking on her tears while shouting at him. Ava could see the heartbreak and devastation written all over her face. This woman was in love with him.

 Blake shook his head, her cries weakening him. “Madison, I’m sorry you had to find out like this...” he apologized which obviously gave her no comfort. She continued to sob in front of him as he spoke. “I don’t understand… You left me… You asked for a divorce… I haven’t seen or spoken to you in over 6 months! I thought we were over…”

She glared, his response angering her all over again. Madison wiped her tears, stood on her tippy toes and shouted in his face.  “I left because HEROIN was more important to you than your wife! I gave you an ultimatum! But you kept shooting up drugs!”

Ava gasped once again in disbelief. Agonizing cramps filled her chest as the inner pain became harder to ignore. This was really happening. This was not a dream. This was not a nightmare. Suddenly, Madison reverted her attention across the room and locked gazes with Ava. The room fell silent and both ladies made eye contact, staring at each other silently and closely. Madison examined Ava from head to toe, studying every inch of her as if attempting to see what Blake really

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