» Romance » All Signs Point to You Part Two, Navaura Campbell [best novels for students .txt] 📗

Book online «All Signs Point to You Part Two, Navaura Campbell [best novels for students .txt] 📗». Author Navaura Campbell

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want to, but I would like to be able to keep an eye on you and the baby. You know? Just because I want both of you to be healthy, well provided for and I know your parents can do that, but.." He licked his lips nervously, looked up at her, "I feel like that's my responsibility now, since we have a child together and everything."

Denise furrowed her brows. "You feel like it's your responsibility?"

"Yes, I want you to be with me. Both of you."

Denise laughed, "You want us to come and stay with you?"

Jordan nodded, "Yeah, that's it."

Denise swallowed, "What about your mom?"

"I asked her, she gave me a blink." His words were rushed.

"A blink?"

"Yeah. She give me blinks now. One for yes, two for no."

Denise nodded, "Oh, really? Was she happy about me being pregnant?"

”“No, but she is happy about being a grandmother."

Denise smiled, "At-least she'll get to meet him before she pass on."

Jordan nodded, "Yeah."

Denise grabbed his hand and ran her fingers along his, "I wonder what my parents will say."

He watched, transfixed. "We don't have to tell them right away."

Denise laughed, "I don't plan on it, let's give it a month or two, first."







Chapter: Fifty Five


The Graduation Ceremony was held in a high-school located on the ritzy side of town, where Sebrea's family lived. Although it wasn't in the same neighborhood, the school was big enough to hold the sixty seniors.

Tiger Hill's graduating class of 2000, all took a bus, mandatory by the school, to Camel Back High School. Jordan was glad that Sebrea had graduated last year and was now attending some College back in Paris, France. Jordan sighed, staring out the window of the bus, as they turned on the hillside, toward the school. He didn't understand why they couldn't do the ceremony at their own school They didn't need to go to Camel Back High-school, just because it was fancier. Whoever came up with this bright idea had to have been foreign to South Hampton. It wasn't like their school was poor. It was a middle class school, so they had all the necessities. Sighing, he watched as they made a left turn onto a country road.

Denise gasped as soon as they saw the property aligning the gated area. She didn't know schools had cast Iron gates. She stared up at a big building the size of a cathedral. Tall glass doors with the words Camel Back High School scrawled across in cursive handwriting greeted the students as they began their ascension up the campus.

"Oh, my goodness, this is beautiful." A girl whispered behind her as she too took in the opulence surrounding the campus. It looked more like a campus for college students than for high-schoolers.

"Why can't we have the graduation at our own school. Why we gotta have it here?"

A teacher, who was herding the pack answered further up the path. "Because they offered to allow us do it. Why not? You guys will be the first of many students to graduate inside Camel-back high-school."

Jordan made his way up the hill, past the iron gates, and closer to where Denise was. He was no longer worried about the school. He wanted to make sure she was alright, he didn't want anything to happen to the baby. Slipping in front of two more students, he stepped up beside her. She glanced over at him with rounded eyes, "Where did you come from? I thought you were in back?"

"I wanted to make sure you were alright, that's all."

Denise sighed, "I'm fine. We're supposed to be in alphabetical order."

"I know, and I'll get back there, as soon as I make sure that you're alright," He whispered, not wanting everyone to hear their conversation. Many of the students had already started conversations with their classmates.

"And the baby?" He whispered.

Denise smiled, grateful that he cared. Touching her stomach, she whispered, "he's fine. Ever since I found out about him, I started reading all those books you know, the expecting ones.”

Jordan smiled, "Really?"

"Yes. One said the baby's safer in the womb of mother than anywhere else at this stage. He's got lots of padding."

Jordan licked his lips, glancing down at her stomach, "How do you know it's a boy?"

Denise sighed, "Because, I had a dream that it was a boy."

Jordan grinned, teasing her. "Watch it turn out to be a girl."

Denise rolled her eyes, "Whatever. I was reading up on baby names the other day, and I came across the name Nicholas. What do you think about that? Nicholas Williams?”

Jordan tried the name out on his tongue, "Nicholas..." He'd wanted to name the baby after his father.

"Can we put Patrick in there?"

Denise smiled, "Nicholas Patrick Williams."

Jordan grasped her hand in his as they reached the doors of the school. "That's a mouth full."

Denise sighed, "Yeah, it is."

Denise had never been to a graduating ceremony before, but she found hers to be the most boring thing in all of her life. What they'd done was, set up the chairs in the gymnasium. The school principal got up and presented the graduating class with a twenty minute commencement, that felt more like an hour, and then called in the class to come sit at their chairs. They'd made sure everyone was in their perspective places before then. They then called up the Valedictorian, who gave another long ass boring speech. Afterwards, the students who had the highest G.P.A.'s outside of the valedictorian, who's grades were above a three point zero, her and Jordan both were among them, were awarded with ribbons, and then followed by the delivering of diplomas, starting with last names from z to a.

Over all, the ceremony itself lasted a good hour. Denise glanced down at her plaque, happy but at the same time not as thrilled as she should have been. She was no longer in high-school. She sighed, and cradled it in her arms. Going to the bathroom, she sat in one of the stalls on the toilet seat staring at the plaque. What was the use of her getting this? Her life wouldn't go any further than high-school anyway, not with a baby. Sighing, she thought about maybe getting an abortion. She was still in the early phase. No. She couldn't. She'd already told the father and given the baby a name. Now, she had to have him. Maybe she could give him up for adoption. There were always families that were willing to take newborns. Closing her eyes, she whispered, "I'm sorry, Nicholas, but I don't know if I can do this. Take care of you. Give up my education. I've always wanted to go to NYU. I've had my heart set on it." Rubbing her stomach, she talked to him some more, "Would you mind if I gave you up to good parents? I know your dad said he would help, but I don't know for how long. My parents divorced when I was three. Mom raised me by herself till I was seven. For years she was a single mom, working, going to school, doing everything."

Denise didn't know how long she sat in that bathroom talking to the baby, but by the time she came out, Jordan was no where to be seen. As a matter of fact, only a trickle of people were left. Going up to a young lady who looked to be in her twenties, Denise interrupted the conversation she was having with an older lady. "Excuse me, miss."

The young lady turned around, her caramel complexion complemented by honey colored eyes, ”“Yes?"

"I'm looking for the students from Tiger Hill High-school."

The lady cleared her throat, "They left about twenty minutes ago.”

Denise's eyes widened, "What?"

"Were you with them?" The young woman asked alarmed.

Denise nodded, feeling anxious.

"Ok, come on, I'll give you a ride to where you need to go."

Denise raised both brows, "That's ok, I can call someone to come and get me."

The lady smiled, "Are you sure, sweetie? I live on that side of town, I don't mind dropping you off where you need to go."

Denise exhaled frustrated, "Do you have a phone, ma'am?"

The lady reached into the purse hanging at her side. After a few minutes later, she pulled out a cell phone, handing it to Denise. Denise quickly keyed in Jordan's number. After a third ring, he picked up. "Hello?"


"Where in the world are you?" He whispered, his tone surprisingly even.

"I'm still at the school."

"At the school? Denise, we're entering South Hampton right now."

"Why didn't you tell them I was missing."

"I didn't realize you were missing till we got going."

"Jordan, there's sixty three people on that bus, how could you guys not notice I wasn't there?"

"Don't get smart with me. You were the one who should have been out there. Anyway, they called us on the speakers. I don't know how you missed that bus."

"I didn't hear any announcements, I was in the bathroom." She hissed, irritated. She really hadn't heard a buzzer or anything.

Jordan sighed frustrated, "I'll come get you as soon as we get to the school. Stay there."

Rolling her eyes, Denise sighed and snapped the phone shut. Turning back to the woman, she handed her the phone.

"Thank-you." She stated.

"Is everything alright?" The woman asked a look of concern on her face.

"Yes, it's fine. My boyfriend's going to come and get me as soon as they reach the school."

"Ok." The woman nodded. "I know how it can be missing those bells. I tell them they need to get a knew system going. Making the bells loud, but they always want to accommodate the students. These students are already rich and spoiled at home, they don't need it here too."

Denise smiled.

"I'm Phyllis Porter, the principal here."

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Porter." Denise shook the extended hand. The principal laughed, and said, "Call me Phyllis. You're not a student here, and honestly, I'm not much older than you."

Denise raised a brow, ”“Really?"

"Oh, about ten years older at the most."

Denise nodded her head, "Oh."

Just then, the "loud speaker", which wasn't so loud, dinged, and Denise laughed, "Wow!" Then she heard a voice over the speakers, "Principal Porter, you're needed in the office immediately."

Phyllis laughed along with her, "They have this place mapped out like it's a hotel, not a school."

Denise smiled, "Well, it was nice meeting you Ms. Porter."

"Please call me Phyllis."

Denise sighed, "Phyllis."

The lady smiled and dismissed herself. Denise watched as she made her way down the hallway.

Jordan held the door open for Denise, waited for her to get into the vehicle, and then went on his side of the car. Putting on his seat belt, he waited for Denise to fasten hers, and then shifted the gear into drive.

"How did you manage to get lost?"

"I was in the bathroom." Denise stated, her tone flat.

"For how long?"

"I'm not sure." Denise sighed, turning her head to the window.

Jordan glanced over at her for a brief moment and then made a left out of the sloping driveway. "Why are you getting an attitude?"

When she turned her gaze back to him, her eyes were hot with anger. He raised a brow in question, but flickered on the radio. When he turned it to her favorite station, instead of creating a bounce in her, the music severely irritated her. She let out a frustrated, uh! and twisted the knob off. She settled back in her seat, feeling uncomfortable. She couldn't believe he'd left her at the school.

"Denise, are you ok?" Jordan inquired, his tone soft.

"Don't talk to me right now.” She snapped, her focus on what was outside the window.

Jordan narrowed his eyes, "What is your problem?"

Just hearing him caused her to feel the sharp irritation of sound in her ear. "You are my problem!" She exploded.

He stopped at a red light right before the freeway. Turning to her, he stared his eyes huge. "What? I didn't do anything to you."

"It's your fault I was left at the school!" She yelled.

Jordan clenched the steering wheel. "How is it my fault?"

"You should have

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