» Romance » The Chase, Amber Riel [best english books to read txt] 📗

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you earlier…. I’m not going to let you go tomorrow…. Especially after what happened a couple of days ago.”

          A couple of days ago? I thought, confused.  Those guys kidnapped me for a couple of days?  It didn’t feel like that long.  I kept my thoughts to myself and nodded.  “I know…. But I want you to be careful out there.”

          Louis smiled and kissed my cheek.  “I’ll be fine…. I always am…. Besides, something you don’t know about me is that I pray before going into a job like this…. It comforts me, knowing that God’s on my side…. But no matter what happens, I’m not going to let myself get killed or injured too badly…. I’ll be fine.”

          I smiled at his answer as I took a bit from the honey roasted ham which melted in my mouth.  “Oh my gosh…. Annie, this is amazing.”

          “Thank you, Sam.”  She returned the smile.


          Later that night, I let Louis sit in my room before we decided to go to bed.  He had told me that him and the others were planning on leaving first thing in the morning and I didn’t want to miss the chance to see him in the morning.  I didn’t know if I would be able to sleep or not and if I did I wouldn’t know if I’d be up in time to watch him leave.  “Louis,” I told him, trying to choose my words carefully, “I really don’t want you to go knowing how danger it could get out there…. I know it’s just one guy but he’s dangerous and I’m worried about you.”

          Louis wrapped his strong arms around me and held me.  “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine…. I understand what could happen but I’m going to be fine, believe me…. I want you to know….” He sighed.  “I love you, Sam…. I know it might seem to soon but---”

          I placed a finger over his mouth and smiled.  “I love you too…. And I don’t think it’s too soon…. Honestly, I think the timings perfect…. That’s why I’m so worried about losing you.”

          “I’m worried about losing you too.”  He leaned in and we locked lips again.  There was something in the kiss that made me want more.  It had been the best kiss we had ever had.  “Twelve…. Thirteen….” He smiled.  “I forgot to count the kiss from a couple of days ago because I was kind of jealous of the fact that you wanted me to grow my beard out like a movie character,” he told me as he laughed.

          I couldn’t help but smile.  “You’d still be cute,” I replied with a laugh.

          Louis raised an eyebrow.  “Uh-huh.  Right.”  His face turned serious for a moment.  “Do you want me to stay in here with you for the night just in case you have another nightmare?  Especially after what just recently took place.”

          I thought about it but then I also considered what Ron and Annie might do after the talk we had with Ron a couple of days ago.  “What if they catch us in bed and just jump to conclusions?” I asked.

          Louis shrugged it off.  “It won’t bother me…. I’d rather know you were safe than to have you wake up in the middle of the night, screaming.”

          I thought about it and nodded.  “I think I’d feel better with you in here with me…. Especially after being alone for two days, wondering what those men were going to do to me….”

          “They weren’t men…. At least not real men…. Remember what I told you about how men are compared to boys?”

          I thought for a moment then nodded.

          “Good…. And men won’t keep a woman hostage like they had.”  He kissed my forehead and climbed under the covers with me.  He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe.  I felt a thousand times better than I had when I was alone in the cell.

          “Thank you for saving me.”

          “You were worth it.”  He kissed the left side of my cheek and we both drifted off to sleep.

Watching Louis Leave

          I woke up and worked my way into a sitting position as I looked around the room.  Louis was gone and I figured that he must have left.  I quickly jumped out of the bed as the thought popped into my head, worried that I had missed the chance to see him before he left with George and Eric.  I ran out of my room and down the hall, knocking Lainie into a wall on accident.  “Sorry, Lainie,” I told her as I slowed myself down.  I hurried over to the small child and hugged her.  “I’m sorry.”

          “It’s okay, Auntie Samantha,” Lainie told me with a small childish laugh.

          I kind of smiled.  “Did Uncle Louis leave yet?” I asked, kind of biting into my bottom lip.

          “No he’s in the kitchen finishing eating his breakfast,” she replied.

          A sigh of relief filled my body as I kind of laughed, staring at the ceiling then turning my attention back down to my little niece.  “Okay.  Thank you.”

          “You welcome.”


          I walked into the kitchen where I found Louis sitting by himself, eating what I figured to be some hot oatmeal or cream of wheat.  He looked up at me and smiled with a pleasant look which told me that he was glad to see me.  I walked over and sat next to him.  “I thought I might have missed you,” I told him.

          “Not yet…. George and Eric are each taking their time getting ready to leave….”

          “Lainie didn’t see you walk out of my room, did she?”

          Louis kind of laughed.  “No…. She actually woke up not too long ago…. I was already in here, ready to go, when she came in here…. We’re good…. And Annie and Ron are still sleeping so we’re safe as far as they go.”

          I smiled as I stared into his beautiful blue eyes.  Tears began to fall from mine.  “Be careful today.”

          “Don’t worry.”  He brushed my hair back for me and kept his smile.  “How many times do I have to tell you that?”

          “Until your back here and I know for sure that you’re safe,” I answered.

          He laughed.  “I’ll be fine.”  I watched as he took a spoonful of hot cereal and placed it in front of my mouth.  “Want some?”

          “What is it?”

          “Cream of wheat.”

          I smiled.  “Sure.”  I opened my mouth as he stuck the spoon into my mouth and I took a bite.  “Ow that’s hot.”

          He started laughing and shook his head.  “Probably should have blown on it first….”

          I kind of smacked him for his comment, laughing.  “You jerk…. It was good though.”

          He shook his head, still laughing.

          Annie walked into the room.  Her hair was all over the place.  It was messy and a bad day for bedhead hair.  “Good morning, you two,” she said as she sat down in a chair across from us.  She yawned and shook her head.

          “Good morning, Annie,” I replied.

          “Bad night?” Louis asked.

          Annie shook her head.  “No…. Just was one long night of…. Never mind,” she stopped herself.

          “I don’t think we want to know,” Louis replied.

          Annie kind of laughed.  “Don’t worry, we didn’t do anything….”

          “Hey you and Ron are married whatever you two do is completely your business and not ours,” Louis said as he raised his hands, shaking them.

          Annie reached over and smacked one of Louis’s hands to get him to stop.

          “What was that for?  I didn’t do anything.”

          Annie raised an eyebrow as she stared at Louis.


          I stood on the porch and Annie and Louis.  George and Eric were out at the car, waiting for Louis to join them.  I wanted to cry, not knowing what would happen to him while he was gone.  He walked over and hugged me.  “I told you, I’ll be fine,” he said as he hugged me.

          “I know but I’m still worried…. This isn’t something I’m use too yet.”

          “I know, Sam, I know.”

          “Louis, I love you,” I whispered into his ear.

          “I love you too,” he replied also in a whisper.  He kissed my left cheek then broke out of the hug.  I watched him as he walked down to the car where George and Eric were waiting and climbed him.  He blew me a kiss as he went to close the door.

          Tears began falling from my eyes and moved their way down my cheeks as I watched the car drive off onto the endless road.

          Annie wrapped her arm around me and kind of rested her head on my shoulder.  “He’ll be fine…. Try not to worry about him…. Louis is good at what he does.”

          “I know but I can’t help but worry.  You’d do the same if it were Ron leaving,” I told her as the waterworks began, raining down my cheeks like waterfalls.

          “You’re right, I’d be worried if Ron was leaving to go do a dangerous job…. Come on, let’s go inside and get your mind off of things.

          I nodded.  Annie turned me toward the front door and we walked inside of the house.

Prince Charming Returns

          Tick tock.  Tick tock.  Tick tock.  I sat in the living room, a few long drooling hours had passed since Louis had left.  Fear and worry were my company as I sat there.  Please, Lord, let him come back safely.  I am so worried that something bad has happened to him.  Please let me know somehow that he’s still alive and that he’s okay.  Lord, I have never had to go through this before, please, let him be safe, I prayed as I began to rock myself back and forth as if I were sitting in an old wooden rocking chair or a soft comfortable recliner which rocked as well.

          “Sam,” Annie’s voice broke through the terrible dreading trans I had been stuck in.  I had no idea that she had even entered the room.  I thought I was alone.  “Sam.”  She walked over and sat next to me, wrapping me up in a hug.  “Louis is fine…. Don’t worry so much about him okay?  He knows what he’s doing.”

          “Then why isn’t he back by now?” I asked, tears streaming down my

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