» Romance » Whatever Remains, T. Richardosn [brene brown rising strong TXT] 📗

Book online «Whatever Remains, T. Richardosn [brene brown rising strong TXT] 📗». Author T. Richardosn

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surrounded me. They were already here! I realized I ran into Bradley’s chest. I gasped and looked around.
“Are you ok?” One of the guys asked. I nodded. “Is this one of the girls Ms. Alberry?” Ms. Alberry was the dance teacher. She surrounded me to stand me up. “What’s your name?” one of the guys asked. They were all wearing black T-shirts and baggy pants because it was the dress code for guys. They were all muscular and didn’t seem like they wanted to be apart of this. I saw the girls outside sitting waiting for permission inside. They probably thought I was knocked out senseless by the way I fell from Bradley’s chest to the ground. Ms. Alberry helped me up.
“Lea, you know you shouldn’t be in here when it is boy’s turns, those are just the rules.” I nodded. I screened myself up and down gesturing that I hadn’t gotten into my dress yet. “Oh,” she said. I went into the back when all of the girls finally came in. I took off my regular clothes and put on the outfit. I didn’t wear a tutu like some of the other girls. Ms. Alberry told me I should be shown different from the rest of the class. The girls were muttering to each other silently when they stood in. We all wore name tags so we could address each other as adults. I stood by every one of the girls. I finally found out what they were all muttering about.
“There are only eight guys,” Amanda said instantly aware. I noticed it too. There was a chime from the doorbell. The door was always locked when practice started.
“Thanks for reminding me Amanda. He should be here right now.” Ms. Alberry murmured. The door opened to another boy. My eyes widened to the sight of him and my mouth busted into a smiled. All of the other girls laughed as the boy smiled as well.
“How are all of you?” he asked. The teacher hit him in the back of the head. The boy was wearing a tutu that didn’t fit his muscular body and it outlined every part of his shape.
“Get dressed!” My teacher yelled pointing to the dressing room.
A few minutes later, he came out in the clothing he was supposed to wear. He had his name tag on too. “Ok,” my teacher said settled down.
“Hey,” one boy said. My teacher was aggravated.
“Yes?” she asked through gritted teeth. The boy looked at me, it wasn’t the boy who just came in but was another.
“Why is she not wearing a tutu like the rest of the girls?” The girls noticed it too. They all hated having to wear tutus. The tutus they wore were stiff and uncomfortable, though on the other hand, I wore something dressier.
“We’ll get there,” the teacher said. “First, I must represent all the girls on the list, there names are in order of what place they are in line. I have practiced with each boy and girl so I don’t want you to upset me.” Everyone gasped. I hadn’t known the boys were practicing with our teacher. When did they practice with her?
“For the girls, we have Beatrice, Olivia, Tyrone, Natalie, Hannah, Amanda, Carly, Samantha and last, we have Orphelia, reason she is wearing a tutu is because she is best exceptionally. She cannot speak at anytime, just want to let you all know in case you’d think she was ignoring.” She paused for a moment. “For boys, Sam, Garret, Mac Dane, Bradley, Cory, A.K.A Rudolph the boy who I haven’t added to the list yet, Jose, Max, Justin, and the guy who was wearing the retarded tutu, Glytherin.” His name was pronounced, Gli-ther-in.
The teacher smiled glad to have this over with. All the girls began laughing and Glytherin seemed to be secretly upset. Were they laughing because of his name? I thought that they’d laugh because of mine, but I was wrong. The only girls who didn’t laugh was me and Amanda, me because I didn’t understand what was so funny, and Amanda because she wanted to charm every boy with a smile. Her face was dreamy over every guy there.
“Well, ladies?” the dancing teacher said. “Boys get to pick.” I was absolutely relieved; I certainly didn’t want to have to pick a guy that wouldn’t want to be my partner. I didn’t care if no one picked me and I had to be matched up with the guy with no person, I didn’t care.
“Raise your hand if you want to choose first.” A boy’s hand shot up. Each of them had an eye on their own girl now, some just scanning through. The first guy who was picked was Mac Dane. Amanda’s eyes shot open. Mac Dane looked around again. The first girl caught his eye, Beatrice. Amanda’s eyes closed and now she was hoping for Glytherin obviously. She wanted the guys with the looks. I couldn’t help but laugh under my breath. Amanda turned to me. Next chosen was Max to pick. Max took a while, this one. The guys were trying to help him choose. This was disgusting; they were choosing girls off of their looks. Max looked at me, and then at Hannah, back at me, and then at Hannah. Was he actually considering on choosing me? Every one of the girls’ eyes shot at me in surprise and then at Hannah. They began whispering to each other, probably about why this guy was considering.
“Hannah.” Max announced. Hannah was happy; it seemed she got the guy she wanted. Sam chose Natalie, Justin chose Tyron, Garret chose Olivia, Jose chose Samantha. Now there were three girls left. The upset Amanda for only having a little bit of hope for Glytherin, Carly still not sure on who she wanted, and me not guessing at all.
I stood still as Amanda didn’t break a sweat but was smiling oddly flirtatiously with all the boys who all gave her instant smiles back. I tried to ignore it but it was too disturbing for me so I’d looked the whole time. She kept smiling as the next boy tried to make his idea. It was Bradley’s turn. He quickly chose. The girl he chose was Carly. Carly wore a huge smile on her face as Amanda sent me a frown face feeling bad for me but I did nothing but smile.
She was mouthing, Pick me! To absolutely no one. I looked at her strangely and watched as she leaned in her tutu with her make up put on nicely, her hair put back. My hair was strangled along my shoulders just hanging there, but Amanda, she looked like a ballerina, not me.
“Orphelia.” I heard my name called and I stood still. I wasn’t last to be chosen? I was actually chosen over my beautiful best friend? I looked around lost of who said that. “Me,” he said. “Glytherin.” Amanda’s lips parted and dropped down. Jose seemed devastated.
“That was fair man,” he said to Glytherin sarcastically. Amanda’s eyes were filled with anger.
“Now,” Ms. Alberry said. “Let’s get together with our partners. I stood thoughtless until I began letting the thoughts flow into my mind. Did someone actually choose me?
I thought I’d go through a painful torture of some guy being upset to be my partner, but I was picked.
“Hi,” Glytherin said. I sent him a slight smile. I wanted to greet him back but I couldn’t. I lead him near my quarters where I looked up ballet moves and tried them for myself. I sat on a seat as he pulled one beside me.
“Ok,” the teacher said. “I will pass you a book at random and you will reveal what dance it is. Understand?” Everyone nodded. We each took a book out, each girl got to since the guys already got to pick who they wanted to be with. I uncovered our dance: Modern day Sleeping Beauty. These dances were very exotic. I let out a gasp. I didn’t want to do this dance, it seemed unfamiliar and too much. This dance was made for professionals, not someone like me. I shook my head.
“What’s wrong?” Glytherin asked me. I shook my head. Don’t mind. I mouthed something off to him.
Hard? He shrugged.
“It does seem hard; I know I’ve never really been that into ballet.”
Neither have I, I wanted to say. Ever since I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t find anything else to do but dance or draw. “Do you want to do this?” he asked. I shrugged. He came close to me all of a sudden. “Why can’t you speak?” he asked. I didn’t know what to say. I shrugged. “Ms. Alberry! Can I get a piece of paper!?” he yelled across the room.
“Why?” she asked. Glytherin looked as if she were stupid.
“This girl cannot speak, I need a piece of paper to communicate, and it’s as easy as that.” The teacher obviously hated this guy, but they seemed that they’ve known each other for quite some while. The teacher walked up and handed me a piece of paper and a pencil. What was the question again? “Why can’t you talk?” he asked again. I nodded. I began writing on the paper but then stopped. I frowned and shrugged again, I really didn’t know. “Sleeping beauty?” he asked, “Is it what you want to do?” Now I write on the paper.
I don’t like ballet. I write.
He laughs. “But yet you’re named the best in the class.” Amanda was looking at me passed Jose obviously not happy. Some other girls were watching too wondering why this guy picked me. I was obliged to ask too. I wrote again. Why did you choose me over Amanda? I said. You’ve broken her heart.
His eyebrows narrowed. “I didn’t want to pick her.” He said. I nodded. He actually had the patience to let me write, no matter how long it took. How old are you? I wrote. He smiled.
“I’m sixteen today, but you can’t tell anyone.” I nodded.
Happy Birthday, I wrote. I’m turning sixteen sometime this month. He nodded.
“What’s sleeping beauty about?” he asked. I blushed now. I wasn’t at all what the star of Sleeping Beauty should look like. I frowned and he saw through it.
He started for me anyway. “Sleeping beauty is about a beautiful princess, in this case, a beautiful ballerina, who meets a man, in this case, a guy, and an evil person, whoever that is, our background dancers I hope, will cast a spell on you to make you sleep. Then this man-slash-guy finds you where you sleep and wakes you with a kiss, fair enough?” I looked at him seriously.
That sounded more like snow white than sleeping beauty. Were they really that much the same? I blushed to the top. I nodded and shrugged again. “Maybe I got that wrong, are there supposed to be animals in it too?” I shook my head with a large smile. Now that was Snow White. I opened up the book to complicated moves that I wasn’t familiar with. I never danced with a partner, which was probably it. There was one part of the dance where he had to flip me in the air. Yes, he was nice, but I wouldn’t exactly say trustworthy.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to do that.” He said. “Having to look swift and lift somebody in the air; too hard.” I wrote on the paper again. Is it not frustrating having to try to talk to someone who cannot talk back?
The night was slowly drifting towards ten.
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