» Romance » Whatever Remains, T. Richardosn [brene brown rising strong TXT] 📗

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be better, or that’s what I hoped.
I sighed deeply as I walked alone. I was deaf. I had to face it now. It was definitely true, I was definitely deaf. I shouldn’t even go to this place with me in this position to cry and cry. On the way there, I saw all the guys go in groups. They talked but I heard nothing. I saw Glytherin with them as well. He waved to me as a greeting. I weakly smiled and waved back. He walked towards me dragging me to walk faster.
He was talking things and I wish I could tell him to stop here. I had to go home. I didn’t want my dance teacher to know all my problems. The tears came again. Why was I deaf!? What is going on with me?! I stopped in my tracks and Glytherin stopped pulling me feeling the yank of my arms and where my feet stop. “Something wrong?” he asked. I nodded.
Very wrong. I mouth but don’t tell anyone. He nods deeply in interest. He pulls me along so that we could get into ballet first. I followed him reluctantly. We stepped inside the double doors and the teacher was talking to the class. On the board, she was teaching simple extensions for the thirty minute class. I already knew how to do simple extensions. He dragged me to my quarter and the teacher handed us our books. I went along with everything trying to look happy at least. I had the paper and pencil already sitting beside me and I smiled knowing that she cared now.
I felt Glytherin muttering something to me close in my ear, and then, I heard it. “Gonna help me with my extensions?” he asks. I gasp and look blankly forward and try to calm down. I nodded. He chuckled. He stood far away and I could feel the vibration of his voice, but I could not hear. I pulled him close again. He seemed utterly confused. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I pull him closer wanting to hear more clearly and everything is clear. How come I can’t hear from other people? I write on my paper. I’ve become deaf, just this morning.

He looked at the paper not in amusement but in confusion. He looks at me closer with worried eyes. “Really?” he asked. I nodded with tears coming down. I wiped them away as the teacher came up to show us the position of the leg extension. I stand up with Glytherin right behind me. The objective of this was to make sure that the leg goes up high enough but not too quickly. He reached quickly down at my feet and pulled it up. He held onto my stomach making sure I don’t fall. I tried to lean but he held me straight so that the extension would go smoothly. He pulls my leg higher.
I felt the pain building up in my calves. I bring it higher, and higher. Then all of a sudden, I feel a certain warmth against my cheek. My leg was touching my face now. I had done the extension to the highest, until I fell down in a split. I’ve never done a split before. I was proud of myself and very elated to know that it hadn’t hurt when I fell. Glytherin pulled me back up. I smiled deeply as the teacher clapped.
She muttered something that I didn’t hear. She pulled me up into the correct stanza and pulled Glytherin behind me again. What was she doing? If I could hear, this would be a lot easier. She took his hands and puts it at my waist and his other hand under my thigh and slowly putting his hand up my calve as he pulled my leg higher and there was no pain at all there. And soon, he let go…

It was six and this was the normal time for the class to end when on regular schedule. It was getting dark again. Today the day was sort of painful but after ballet, I had gotten myself together again. Maybe, Glytherin was becoming bored of me now, now that I couldn’t hear much of anything without his mouth being up to my ears.
I felt his footsteps patter out on the ground. He turned me around. “Come.” I saw him say, not exactly hear. I shook my head. I couldn’t go. I had to be home in time or everyone would worry. He pulled onto me now. Please.

He mouthed. I gulped slowly as I followed after where he was running. He was extremely fast and I tried my best to catch up but my vision was blurring. He saw what was happening. I saw three of him now all going in other directions. Which one of him was the right direction I should be going in? All I knew was that all three of him was running back for me.
I was lifted and he held the back of my legs as I was up against his shoulder. I wanted to scream so badly. He was talking. I could feel his heart beating and talking extremely fast. It wasn’t something you could easily ignore. What was wrong? He put me down now, and I fell. Everything blacked out after that as I felt my head hit hard metal. I saw a slight frown and saw him mouth an apology, and that was all.

I heard laughing and I saw a few men walking across from where I was lying down. It was a beautiful morning? Was it really morning? Have I been knocked out all night? I saw my dream again. The palm, turning into leaves, leaves turning into a dagger, and…
I saw the rest. … And the sword turning into armor around me, a golden armor. An armor that had only filled my arm. I walked away from the beastly creature as it sat there spasming and dying slowly.
I looked around as the few men, one familiar, were talking about their joyride around the kingdom.
Kingdom, seriously? I sat up but some one pushed me back down as the men surrounded me.
“Are you ok?” the familiar guy asked. I nodded. Glytherin came around and smiled at me. “You don’t notice it?” he asked. I gave him a questioned look. What was he talking about? “I gave you a gift,” he said. “Not one, but two gifts that everyone should just have, for the rest of their lives but are sometimes not meant to be held onto. Obviously, these two gifts are yours to keep for the next ten years, and then you have to come back.” I was so confused. I questioned him again. What was he talking about?! “I’ve given you back what was rightfully yours, what earth has taken from you, the ability to hear.”
I gasped. I didn’t even realize it. I could’ve been ecstatic but I didn’t even notice it. “And I’ve given you another gift,” he said. This can’t be true, it really can’t be, if this is a dream, I’m not following as well as I hoped too. “Talk to me,” he said. “Let me hear that beautiful voice of yours.” All of a sudden, Glytherin was compassionate in his words. He was surprised of what I tried to say, my voice course though. “Glytherin?” I said hearing the own words in me made me scared. I’ve never expected my voice to sound like this. I cleared my throat now and spoke his name again. “Glytherin!” It came out more clearly. My vision was clearer now. How did he do it? I stood up and I hugged him. This was the greatest gift I’d ever receive. He pushed me away a little bit then. “Listen, though,” he said. “Being in this place is perhaps better than the other place you were in.”
“The dance studio? I know, it wasn’t my favorite place in the world either.”
He smiled. “I love your voice.” He said. “Hearing it makes you seem unfamiliar, anyway, I’m not talking about the dance studio, and I’m saying that if you stayed in that place any longer, you could’ve perished. You could’ve died. It was taking all five of your senses until you were no more, understand that. The Earth’s Poisonous air is alien to you, and breathing this air makes it all better.”
“I’m not an alien.” I objected. He sees that I feel offended. “I know,” he says. “But the air to you is alien, you’re more of an inhuman kind of species, my fiancé hasn’t yet found out what you are because I didn’t tell her. She’ll be so upset to see that I’ve brought you here.”
“Why would she be upset?” I asked. He steadied himself a bit on his feet.
“My fiancé doesn’t want me bringing any girl into this place if they are from earth, it’s a simple rule.” The guys nodded. “These are my friends,” Glytherin pointed out. His friends seemed to be older. How old was Glytherin really? How many lies had he told about himself, was Glytherin really his name?
“How old are you?” I asked him. He thought about this for a second. He did lie about his age before.
“I’m sixteen, as I said before.” I nodded.
“What’s your name?” I asked. My voice sounds nothing like a twelve year old’s.
“Same as before,” he answered.
“How are you sixteen and getting married?” I said wonderingly. He smiled now. I didn’t want any nonsense. I just wanted him to answer the question.
“Because I am.” He answered. I was ready to throw off a tantrum. Did any of these people know any thing? “Because,” the young man said in a familiar English accent, “his princess is forcing him to marry her.” Glytherin’s eyes widened. He slapped the guy in the face and pinned him down to the floor with his foot on his back.
“Rigor, that’s personal!” he yelled. I stepped back a bit. Glytherin pushed him on his back one more time and finally let go.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, “but we have to go now.” Now I knew why he didn’t want to do Romeo and Juliet, or any of those princess stories, because he already has a princess of his own. If I’d known some things I would’ve objected from it. Glytherin began leading me out of the door. I walked towards it as the guys sent me sad faces and waved bye.
Why were they acting sad? Was Glytherin bad? His princess is forcing him to marry her. It was the princess wasn’t it, that everyone was afraid of? I walked out of the door with

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