» Romance » Redemption-A Spec Script, Patrick Sean Lee [best way to read e books .txt] 📗

Book online «Redemption-A Spec Script, Patrick Sean Lee [best way to read e books .txt] 📗». Author Patrick Sean Lee

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moment of silence follows.


                         TRISH HARRIS

                Darling, is that you?



                Yes, Mama.


The SOUND of footsteps approaching. Maribeth picks up the book, and then tries to usher Marvin to the stairwell door. Another book tumbles out of Marvin's grasp onto the floor. She quickly bends over to retrieve it. Four people round the corner into the hall.



                Maribeth? Who is that...what's going on?"



                What the hell is this?


Beside her parents, a COP and another MAN in a Salvation Army uniform approach Marvin and Maribeth standing motionless.



               Hi Momma, Daddy! This is...uh...

               Professor Phalgraf...stad. From school!

               We're working together

               a science project.



               On summer break?


The four adults semi-encircle Marvin and Maribeth. The cop eyes Marvin.



                     (to Marvin)

                You look awful familiar.



                A science project here?


Questions continue. Maribeth lies. Marvin remains silent as the major and the cop peer more closely at the mansion intruder.



                I could swear I've seen your face

                before, Professor.



                Not likely, sir.



                Wait a minute. You're the bum

                I rousted this morning downtown!



                Now I recall! It's you, Fuster! I've

                seen you at the mission.

                     (to Richard)

                This man is no professor, Governor.

                I don't know what he's doing

                here with the young lady, but

                other than being cleaned up, he's

                just a common indigent!



                Oh dear. Maribeth, darling, if what

                theY say is true...Can you explain?


Maribeth conceives more lies. Marvin nods. The governor and the two visitors mirror doubt on their faces.



                     (to the cop)

                Get him out of here.


The cop moves on Marvin, who backs up, dropping the remainder of books. The cop lurches forward, grabbing Marvin by the neck of the sweater borrowed from Richard's closet. Marvin's head BANGS into the wall. He collapses. The cop tightens his grip on the sweater neck and yanks upward until the vee cuts off Marvin's air supply.



                Get up!



                He can't, you monster! Let go of him!

                Mama! Daddy!


The melee continues. Trish covers her mouth with both hands. The Major pulls out a pocket bible. Richard finally intervenes.



                Wait, officer. Stop. I'll handle this.


The cop lets loose of Marvin, who collapses into a heap, his face blue.



                     (to the Major and the cop)

               Thank you for coming by, gentlemen.

               I'll check our calendar regarding the

               benefit dinner at the mission. Now,

               if you don't mind...


He motions for the two men to leave, back the way they came. Trish and Maribeth rush to semi-conscious Marvin. The cop and the Major slowly back away, the cop muttering. Robert stands at the end of the hall, taking the scene in, ready to escort the two men out.



                Oh dear, he's coming back, darling.

                He's trying to speak. Thank goodness!



                It...shall be so: Madness in great

                ones shall not...go unwatched.



                What? What is he saying, darling?



               I think it's Shakespeare, Mamma. Oh,

               he's a genius, I swear it. Please, please

               let him stay, just for the evening until

               he recovers, anyway.






Recovered Marvin, along with Maribeth, Trish, and Richard (standing) are in the drawing room.



                No, no no! Not a chance. I'll call social

                services; have them send someone

                over to pick him up.



                Oh Richard, for the love of Jesus, don't

                be so heartless.

                     (to Marvin)

                You will stay the evening, Mr. Fuster,

                that's all there is to it. Have you eaten




                Oh thank you, Mamma!



                Oh Christ almighty.




int. the mansion basement-morning


It is evident that days have passed. Marvin is seated at the bar, Maribeth calmly at his side. Marvin is scratching notes on a legal pad, several books lying open beside the pad. Robert hovers at the hall corner, out of sight, listening.




It all makes sense, but I need to have a look at samples of my genes, dear Maribeth. We need an electron microscope.




They have one at the university lab! We can go there tonight if you like. There won't be many campus cops around if we go late. JONATHAN has a key to the lab.




Excellent. Give the guy a call. Tell him to meet us there at ten.




Eleven. Just to be safe.




ext. the campus lab parking lot-night


Maribeth exits the sports car, calling out for Jonathan. Marvin cringes, and then joins her in front of the car.




For the love of God, girl, keep it down!




Oh don't worry, Marvin. The campus police are, like, rent-a-cops. Besides, they're probably across the street at Starbucks yucking it up.




I hope for our sakes you're right.


Maribeth squints in the dim light, searching the shadows.






Jonathan, are you here?


A figure takes a step from the corner of the building fifty feet away. His arms are stretching outward, waving back and forth slightly.




Maribeth, is that you?




Yes, Jonathan. Just stay where you are. We're here. Did you bring the key?


Jonathan pats his pant pocket.




Right here.


Maribeth walks toward Jonathan, Marvin close behind her. She reaches him. He stares forward blankly, not directly at her.




Hi buddy. Glad you made it. Give me the key.


Oh, sorry. This is the man I told you about. Jonathan...Marvin. Marvin...this is genius Jonathan.


Jonathan grins and reaches out with his right hand, far to the left of Marvin.




Pleasure to meet you, sir.




I'm over here.


Not able to locate Marvin's hand, Jonathan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key.




Anyway, here's the key.


He lifts the key up, not toward anyone in particular. Maribeth snatches it. Looks at it for a second.




Jonathan, this is a car key! Where's the keyy to the lab door?








Jesus Jones, a blind man?


Jonathan squeezes both pant pockets over and over.




Crap. Must have grabbed the wrong one.




Jonathan, where are your glasses? Tell me you didn't drive here without them.




Oh no. I couldn't find them tonight. Anyway, I walked.


Jonathan mumbles; continues to search for the lab key.




Great. Now what?




I don't like this, Mare. Let's call it a night. Try again tomorrow when genius boy here finds his glasses.




Can't tomorrow night, sir. I'm hosting a LAN party.




A what party?




It's a group of computer nerds and hackers. Maybe...wait a minute. Marvin, you tole me you used to break into houses that were locked. Do you think you could...




It takes specialized tools, kiddo. Which I don't have right now.




What kind of tools?




Hardened steel. Precisely milled. Just specialized, my dear.




I have some!


She rushes back to the car. Marvin eyes Jonathan, who is staring up into the sky above Marvin's head. Maribeth returns with a manicure case.




Here you go. Will any of these work?


Marvin takes the case, opens it, and plucks a pair of tweezers and a needle from the contents.




Maybe thirty-five thousandths. Might work if...


He hands the tweezers to Jonathan.




Pry these open, kid. Break one half off if you can.


Jonathan begins. Marvin walks to the steel door of the building, pokes the needle in, and bends it into a rough hook. Jonathan and Maribeth join him, Jonathan handing the tweezer half, with Maribeth's assistance, to Marvin.




This is too awesome!


Marvin begins working both instruments inside the lock tumbler.




Pretty common bolt. It's been a while, but...


A BRIGHT LIGHT from the parking lot illuminates the lab entry stoop. The three burglars turn and freeze. From a loudspeaker atop a campus police squad car, an OFFICER speaks.




Hold it right there. Don't move. Raise your hands.


The three do as instructed, Maribeth emitting a low wimper.




(whispering to Maribeth)


I thought you said they were rent-s-cops.


The officer approaches them, flashlight held at his shoulder, panning each of them.




What's going on here?


Jonathan begins to bolt sideways. The cop follows him with the light. In the distraction, Marvin tosses the lock-picking tools into the bushes next to the step.




I said don't move!


Jonathan stumbles on the grass and falls forward onto his stomach, his arms extending outward when he lands. The cop returns his attention to Marvin and Maribeth.




Now, suppose you tell me what you're up to. Who are you?




Oh sir, this is Professor Phalgrafstad beside me. That's Jonathan lying over there. We, um...we were here knocking on the lab door, trying to get...




Professor Anselm, sir. He's inside. We think. We hope.




Yeah, right.




It's true, sir! We were shouting for him. You must have heard us.




Bad heart. We're very concerned. He's brilliant, but older than Methuselah.


The radio on the cops hip squawks.




What's up, Thompson?




Got three possible burglars over here at the science building.




Roger that. On the way.




Now, why don't the three of you show me some ID.


Marvin cringes.




Wonder what's happening at the jail these days?


Jonathan rolls over and retrieves his wallet. Maribeth implores the officer.




My purse is still in the car, sir. I'll go...




Stay put.


A second squad car races into the lot, headlights blaring, cherry-top spinning. The SECOND COP dashes across the grass and joins his partner, surveying the three criminals.


second cop


What gives?




Caught them trying to break in. The girl says her ID is in her purse in the car over there.




I'll get it.


He walks casually to Maribeth's car. Jonathan, still lying on his back, holds a student ID card high over his head. Marvin doesn't move.




(to Maribeth)


Go get that guy's ID, then get back over here.


(to Marvin)


Make it snappy, bud. Get your ID out. Slowly.


The second cop returns with Maribeth's purse. He opens it and pulls out her wallet, searching for ID.


From the far corner of the building, Anselm strides forward, limping, dressed in a rumpled suit of gray. Thompson notices the movement and brings the flashlight to bear on the angel.




You! Get over here!


Anselm limps forward, coming to a halt below the stoop.




That's far enough. Who are you?




Oh my goodness, what's going on, Professor? I'm so sorry I'm late...but what are these officers doing here?




Get your ID out, Mack.




Of course, officer.


Anselm pulls a wallet out of his rear pocket, takes a laminate card out, and then hands it to Thompson. Thompson scans it.




Chemistry, huh? You the guy they thought was inside?




Oh my. Inside? No. You see, I just arrived to escort these two students and Professor Phalgrafstad in. That is certainly plain enough to see.


The second cop nudges Thompson.


second cop


Check out the last name of the girl. You any relation to the governor, Maribeth Harris?




Of course I am, you twit. Look at the address on the license!




400 East Eighth Avenue. Uh, that's the address of...




The Governor's Mansion. I'm the governor's daughter, and if the two of you don't back off right this minute and leave us, I'll see that you're brought up on harrasment charges.




I'm still not buying the story. Something smells fishy.




I would do as the young woman suggests, officers.


Anselm's eyes glow fiery red momentarily. Thompson takes notice and frowns.


second cop


Sorry miss. C'mon, Thompson. They're okay. Let's get out of here.


The second cop turns and begins walking back to his squad car. Thompson lingers for a second, glaring at Anselm, and then he turns and retreats.




ext. Science Building-later


Anselm, Marvin, and Maribeth stand on the stoop together. Jonathan stands on the grass by himself.




That was a foolish thing you did, Marvin. I strongly suggest that you leave before getting yourself into any further difficulties.


Maribeth stands staring at Anselm, a look of wonder on her face.




Thank you for showing up, Anselm, but everything would have been fine if young Jonathan over there had broughtthe right key.


Anselm brings his eyes to bear on Maribeth for a moment, and then turns and walks back the way he came.




(over his shoulder)


Just go home.


He reaches the end of the building and disappears around the corner. Maribeth's jaw is slack.








It was, my dear. You've just met an honest to goodness angel.


Now, where were we? Help me find the pick and the torque. They should be right over here.


Marvin steps off the stoop onto the grass. He searches through the bushes, and beneath them. Maribeth stands staue-like, staring in the direction Anselm took a moment earlier.




int. governor's mansion basement bar-indeterminate


Marvin sits at the lower work station of the bar on a rolling chair in front of a new computer. Maribeth stands at his shoulder beaming, pointing at the screen.




int. Governor's mansion basement bar-indeterminate


Marvin sits behind the bar on his rolling chair in front of the computer. Maribeth stands on the other side, opening

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