» Romance » Redemption-A Spec Script, Patrick Sean Lee [best way to read e books .txt] 📗

Book online «Redemption-A Spec Script, Patrick Sean Lee [best way to read e books .txt] 📗». Author Patrick Sean Lee

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shapely thighs; her breasts show full, thinly disguised by the material. Each male guest stares when she approaches. At the corner of the room, John Delilah's back is visible. He is speaking with a small group in front of him. He lowers his head in response to something said by someone unseen directly in front of him.


Marvin walks through the crowd, excusing himself. Hesitates when he nears the server with breasts ablaze in glory, glances at her. She smiles at him. He continues on toward the man who helped save him from the cops. Arrives. Stops two feet away from John's back.




Hello, John.


John turns. His face betrays confusion.




Yes? Who are you? You seem familiar, but...?




It's me. Marvin.


John closes one eye. The person unseen in front of him steps around his lanky body. Looks at Marvin. Marvin stumbles backward.




Amy? Amy, it's you! I found you! Oh God.


Amy reacts.




What did you say your name was?




It's Marvin, Amy! We those dreams. walked away, don't you remember? Of course not. No, how could you? On the street in front of the boutique. Months ago. You saw me. You smiled, I remember so clearly. You walked away. I was old and ugly as sin then. But now...I did it for you, Amy. I love you! I found you!






(lifting her eyes to John)


What is he talking about, John? Who is he? You know him?




Yes. No. Christ have mercy, I can't believe he did it. Marvin Fuster? It's really you?




It's me. But, how do you know her?




Amy is the other half of my office...the-other-half-of-me here. She and I...




What do you mean?




John, who is this guy? Shall I call the police? Is he craz...dangerous?




No, sweetheart. He...uh.




Sweetheart? Oh God, no. This can't be possible.


The guests become silent throughout the room and ease toward the scene unfolding. Angela saunters to John's side.




Want me to throw him out?




(mouth hanging open)


No, Ang.


Marvin ignores Angela. Steps across the space dividing himself and Amy. Raises a hand to touch her. She freaks, runs across the room and stops in front of the sofa, looking back in fear. The guests nearby scatter, spilling drinks and dignity. John leaves the small group and races to Amy. Marvin is immediately right behind him.


A SHARP CRACK, GLASS EXPLODING INWARD. Marvin grabs his chest, blood splashing. He collapses, a look of confusion and pain on his face. Another CRACK. John grimaces and collapses. Everyone is screaming.




int. emergency room-later


Amy sits weeping in the waiting room with Angela. Angela hasher hands on Amy's shoulders. A few other people sit nearby, glancing now and then at the two women.




He'll pull through, Amy. Wait and see. Doctors do miracles these days. You'll see.




(sputtering through tears)


I don't understand. I don't get it. Why...who would do such a thing?




The detectives will find out. John'll be okay. He was at least conscious when the ambulances arived. That other guy. he looked bad.




Who was he? He said he knew me. He said he loved me! I've never seen him before! I heard him whisper "Maribeth, help." Who is she?




Do you have John's phone? Maybe there's someone in his contacts by that name.




I, uh...yes, I picked it up in the madness.


Amy fumbles through her purse, locates John's phone, hands it to Angela. Angela keys through the contacts. Finds a listing for Maribeth Harris. Taps the call link. Following a few rings, Maribeth answers.








Is this Maribeth Harris?








Maribeth, do you know John Delilah?




Yes I do.




A man by the name of Marvin?




Yes. What is this about? Who are you?




My name is Angela Motieri. A friend of John Delilah. Umm...I have some bad news concerning him. The man named Marvin, too.




What? What do you mean?




Both of them were shot tonight at a party John and his partner Amy were hosting for me. I understand you were a close friend of John's?




(highly distraught)


Shot? Both of them? How serious? Where are they now?




In surgery at Denver General. We don't know yet how serious the wounds are...bad enough, though, I think. You're a friend of Marvin?




Oh God. I'm on my way.


The phone goes dead. Angela glances at it quickly, then hands it back to weeping Amy.




She was pretty upset. Said she knows both John and the crazy guy. She's on her way over. Harris. Not the Harris like in Governor?


Amy nods her head.




We invited the governor and his wife. I don't personally know either of them. Didn't even know they had a daughter.


An Emergency Room PHYSICIAN dressed in blue, his surgical mask pulled high onto his forehead, comes toward them. They notice immediately. Both jump to their feet and wait in great anticipation.




Are you relatives or friends of John Delilah?




Yes! How is he?




Mr. Delilah's wound is serious. We've performed a surgical procedure...removed bullet fragments, bone fragments. Our initial assessment is that he will recover in time, barring any infection.


Amy, visibly relieved, heaves a breath, and then begins to weep again. Angela hugs her briefly, and then returns to the doctor.




The second man brought in? How is he?




I'm sorry, I don't know. He's in the hands of another doctor and staff of nurses in Operating Room 2. I could check on their progress if you want. I'm told his wound was far more serious.




Yes, please. Thank you, we'd appreciate that.


The doctor nods. He looks at Amy, trying to control her tears.




Are you his wife?




I Just a friend, doctor. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.


The doctor hurries off at that, walks back toward the operating rooms. Angela escorts shaken Amy back to the seating area. Amy calms somewhat. Turns to Angela.




He said that he loved me, that he did it for love of me. John knew him, but he acted so confused. And the Marvin-guy is friends with Maribeth Harris?




So it would seem.




Did what? Why was John so shocked?




Beats me. Crazy talk, that's all, I guess. You ever hear of stalkers? Probably been shadowing you everywhere. Tonight he made his move. You know, Amy, so many of them seem normal on the outside. Crazy as loons underneath, though.




God help him.




int. wmergency room waiting room-minutes later


Maribeth dressed in denim shorts and a wrinkled top, BURSTS through the doors, stops abruptly and scans the room for whoever Angela might be among the people waiting. She spots Angela and Amy and dashes over to them. Richard and Trish are close behind, looks of grave concern on their faces. Angela and Amy rise quickly.




Are they...?




An E.R. doc was here a bit ago. John's in recovery. Doc said he'd probably be okay. He went back for us to see how the Marvin guy was doing. Still in surgery when he came out. Haven't heard anything yet. You and John know this guy? Oh sorry, my name is...


Maribeth rushes to the nurses station. Richard and Trish step forward to Angela and Amy. He extends a handto Angela.




Her father (nods at nurses station). I'm Richard Harris. This is my wife, Trish. You say John Delilah is going to pull through? What about Marvin? The doctor didn't know?




No. Governor. Who is this Marvin? He was crazy at the party. You know him? Your daughter?


Richard turns his head sadly to Trish. She stands close to his side biting her lower lip. Richard turns back and motions for Amy and Angela to sit. They do.




We know Marvin very, very well. He's, with us. What I have to tell you might take...well, hold onto your seats. Let me tell you the whole story before you ask any questions, okay? I hardly believe it myself, but by God I saw it happen.


Richard begins.




int. emergency room waiting room-later


Richard has concluded the tale of Marvin the indigent. He takes a deep breath, stretches his tired shoulders back. Both Angela's and Amy's eyes are owl. They are awestruck.




Ho-ly fuck-in' smoke! Oh, sorry Mrs. Governor.


Trish smiles.




That, young lady, is putting it mildly, but succinctly.




(still in shock)


He did it Governor...




Just Richard, Amy. No formalities.




Richard, sir, I didn't even know him! he said he dreamt of me...saw me once at a bus stop. I didn't know him. How is it possible?


Another E.R. PHYSICIAN walks down the hall, lifting his surgical mask, sweating. Maribeth, who has returned to her mother's consoling arms notices his approach and darts to him. The doctor stops.


Physician 2


You must be waiting for news. I'm Doctor Levinius. You're...?




Maribeth. His friend. he has no living relatives that I know of, doctor. Oh please, how is he? Tell me he made it.


Richard, Trish, Angela and Amy hurriedly join them.




How is he, doctor?




He's in recovery. We don't know yet. The bullet did serious damage. In addition to blood loss, there was additional extensive internal trauma. He's young, though. There's a...30/70 chance he'll survive. We just don't know yet. I'm sorry I can't bring you better news. We'll all just have to wait and see.


Maribeth wails, grasps her mother and buries her head in her chest.




I'm so sorry, but like I said, there's a chance.


Maribeth wheels out of Trish's arms, turning to the doctor.




Can we...can I go to him, doctor?


The doctor considers.




I don't see why not. I must tell you, though, he's still unconscious. Don't expect...




Which room?




210. The nurses over there will direct you.


Maribeth races to the nurses station. The doctor glances at her, turns back to Richard and company.




One of you might want to go with her. I suggest the rest of you take a seat and try to relax. Some. We'll keep you updated.




Thank you, doctor.




I'll go...if you don't mind, Governor.




That's fine. Hold her hand, Amy, please. Help her if you can.




Oh, forgive me, Governor. I should have recognized...I had no idea. But, please excuse me. Busy night here.


The doctor walks back toward the E.R. rooms. Amy pursues Maribeth into an adjacent hall where the elevators are.




int. room 210-moments later


Tubes snake into Marvin's nose. His face is blank. Ghostly white. An oxygen mask covers his nose and mouth. IVs are connected to both hands. Above his bed a host of monitoring equipment blinks red and green lights. Moving graphs on others. Maribeth stands over him on his left side, whispering in his ear.


Amy stands not nearly as close at his right side. She peers down curiously at his face.




Oh my lovely Marvin. My heart. Can you possibly hear me? I love you. Come back. Don't leave me. Marvin, Marvin, Marvin, you must fight. Come back, my love. Don't leave.


No reaction. Amy steps forward, leans over the edge of the bed.




Marvin, it's me, Amy. I'm so sorry this happened. I know what you did. I'm...


The monitors above him begin to jump, flash. Marvin's eyelids move, and then everything returns as it was a second earlier. Maribeth starts, raises her head quickly and looks across at Amy. Maribeth breaks down. Amy rushes around the bed to her.




I shouldn't have come, Maribeth. Forgive me. I'll go now. Stay with him. Tell Marvin what you did for love of him. Tell him over and over until he wakes up.


Amy rises from her knee, turns and leaves the room. Maribeth remains sobbing on the tile floor, her hands covering her face. The door clicks audibly.






Maribeth sits on a chair pulled close to Marvin's bedside, her head resting on the chrome frame. Richard and Trish stand a few feet away, weary-looking. The monitors flash and snake.




Darling, come with us. Let's go home. You can't do anything here. Please come home and try to rest. They'll call us.


Maribeth slowly lifts her head, turns to her mother.




You go, Momma. I'm not leaving.




Maribeth, please. Listen to your...


Maribeth lays her head back down. Raises a hand, motioning for them to leave her. They trade glances, and then leave quietly. Maribeth stands when they are gone, bends over Marvin, and begins to whisper at him again.




Wake up, my love. Wake up...






Maribeth is half-lying in her chair, asleep. The monitors above suddenly BURST TO LIFE. Maribeth bolts, and then leaps to her feet, a look of horror on her face. Two nurses and a doctor bang through the door and race

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