» Romance » I'm Getting Married?, Sarah Becker [e ink ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «I'm Getting Married?, Sarah Becker [e ink ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Sarah Becker

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grabbing my arm. “Yeah?” I said trying not to sound nervous. “What’s wrong?” He asked sincerely. I glanced at him nervously before quickly bringing my eyes back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said trying to play it cool. “Bullshit Katie! You’ve been acting weird ever since I asked you if you wanted a funnel cake! Was it something I did?” I flinched a little knowing I was caught and couldn’t just keep pretending that I wasn’t having a good time when in reality I’m having the best time of my life. I turn to Tyler my eyes staring at the little wisps of curls that moved onto his forehead. I wanted so badly to reach up to him and push them away but forced myself not to. I sighed “No Tyler you didn’t do anything wrong I just….” “Just what Katie? Tell me. Please?” Tyler asked his eyes pleading with me to tell him what was wrong. “Stop doing that!” I yelled at him. Tyler’s face turned to one with a mixture of shock and confusion. “Stop doing what?” “Making me like you!” I said frustrated. Tyler’s face broke out with a big huge smile his blue eyes shining brighter then I have ever seen them before. “You like me?” He asked his stupid grin still on his face. “Yes! Okay! I like you! But I don’t want to!” I huffed. I felt Tyler slip his arms around my waist and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Can’t always get what you want but for the record I like you too.” “But not falling in love with you was supposed to be easy! Why is it so hard?!?!?!” I blurted out suddenly without thinking. I immediately tried to pull away from Tyler’s arm and hope he didn’t hear me. But he had heard me loud and clear and just tightened his arms when I tried to pull away. I stared up at him trying to figure out what he was thinking about but all he did was stare at me with what looked like…… love? It’s the same look I always see my parents giving each other but love? No I’m probably mistaking it for lust. “Marry me Katie? Don’t make me wait another month.” I shook my head at him and his whole face fell. My heart ached and made me wish that I had said yes. “I’m sorry Tyler. I’m not going to try and lie anymore I really want to say yes but-“ “But what Katie! If you want to then why won’t you?” He asked interrupting me. “I can’t Tyler. I’m Seventeen! I want a life! I’m not ready to be tied down yet!” I said slow streams of tears falling down my face. “Katie you know that if I had a choice I would wait till the ends of the world for you to marry me but right now neither of us have a choice. My parents aren’t going to let this go. It would just be so much better if you actually liked me.” Tyler said his hands cupping my cheeks and wiping of the tears with his thumb. “How long do you think we have before they force us into this?” I asked in quiet voice. “I really don’t know Katie but it won’t be long.” I nodded my head plans already forming in my head. I looked up at Tyler and let my hand stroke across his face. “I love you Tyler. I want you to know that and always remember that, no matter what happens just remember I really do love you.” Tyler’s face was a mixture of joy and confusion. But before he could ask any questions I pulled him toward me and kissed him. I kissed him with all I had trying to show him how much I really did love him before kneeing him hard in the balls. Tyler fell to the ground and ran. “Katie!” Tyler called after me in a devastating voice. “I love you!” I yelled but I kept running into the crowd away from the park to somewhere I hoped he couldn’t catch me at. The whole time Tyler’s voice calling out to me played in my head over and over again. I’m going to miss him so much but I am not getting married until I am damned ready and if they try to force me I’m going to go kicking and screaming.
Chapter 6: Where are you? (Tyler’s P.O.V)
Have you ever had your heart rip out of your chest a billion times but for some reason you never died so you were forced to face the agonizing pain? Yeah? Well, that’s what I felt as I watched the most beautiful, caring, and honest girl I have ever met run away from me. I hoped into the car as soon as I could move again and ordered the driver to drive around town hoping that somehow we would spot Katie. “Katie!!!” I called over and over again out the window of the limousine. I knew she couldn’t have gotten far on foot but I couldn’t help thinking about all the horrible things that could happen to her. She could starve to death or die of dehydration or some other horrible thing. My heart clenched tightly in my chest as an image of her body lying on the floor in her own blood pooped into my head and suddenly I was more determined than ever to find her. No matter how long it takes.
~Katie’s P.O.V~
I was sitting in a dark alley hidden by a large trash can. I probably shouldn’t have left, I thought as I wrapped my arms around myself to fight off the clothes. Two days had passed already since I had run away from Tyler and he is the only thing on my mind. I had a couple twenty’s in my pocket but they weren’t going to last me very long and when it was gone I didn’t know what I was going to do. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I heard a loud crash from the other side of the trashcan next to me. “Please! Please stop!” A girl screamed from the other side. “Just shut up and enjoy it bitch!” A man growled. I slowly got up from my position and as quietly as possible crawled to the other side. I bit my tongue to keep from gasping at the horrible sight in front of me. A lady around twenty years old was pushed up against the dirty alley wall struggling to get free. Her shirt was ripped and her skirt was hiked up on her waist. The man on top of her was roughly tugging and pulling at her while she fought to get him off. I could see his rough face with a wide scar stretched across it from his chin to his ear and a small golden earring dangling from his ear. “Please! Please just let me go!” She sobbed as she again fought to get his gripping his hands off of her. “That’s it. Bitch I have had enough of your struggling.” I saw him reach into his pocket and pull a knife out. Before I could warn her he shoved it into her stomach wriggling it around so that her screams were louder and longer. “Get the hell away of from her!” I yelled at the same time that I jumped out from behind the dumpster. The man slowly turned around at the sound of my voice, pulling the knife out of the girl at the same time. I shuddered when I saw the tinge of red that covered the knife. The girl slumped to the floor her chest heaving as if it were hard to breath. “Well hello there.” The scraggly voice said forcing me to turn my attention back to him. His eyes raked over my body slowly before a big grin spread out onto his face and sent a shiver running down my back. “Run,” I heard the girl on the floor whisper before her head lolled to the side which I guess means she passed out. “What’s a young and pretty girl like you doing out here at night all alone?” The man whispered and brought a hand up to touch my cheek. I cringed and backed away from him. “I don’t like being disobeyed,” He growled out at me before grabbing my hair and pulling me close. I flinched and stifled a scream. “You’ll make a nice new pet after I teach you all the rules.” “I won’t make a nice new anything. Get away from me.” I spat out at him. He gripped my hair tighter and next thing I knew my face hit the brick wall and I could feel blood trailing down the side of my head. “You will listen to me you little brat or else you will regret it.” I struggled underneath him but he held tight. I poured all my body weight onto him and felt him struggle to keep me up. Using his disadvantage against him she struck her legs out and hit him right where the sun doesn’t shine. He roared and fell to his knees clutching himself tightly cursing at me. As soon as he was on the floor I dashed out of the dark alleyway and ran to the crowded diner that I had spotted across the street. “Help! Please help me!” I screamed as I ran into the diner. As soon as I said the words a waitress who looked to be in her late 40’s rushed over to me along with serious looking cop. “Oh dear, what happened to you?” The waitress asked wrapping me in her arms. “He’s coming for me. He’s going to come for me.” I whispered to her tears streaking down my face. “Who’s coming for you?” The cop asked patiently. “The man. He had a scar on his face and- and the woman. She is in the alley he stabbed her she’s hurt!” I told him desperately begging him with my eyes to go help her. “It’s okay darling. We’ll keep you safe. Now let’s get you to the hospital you look like you might need some stitches.” The nice waitress said in a soft relaxing tone. “Okay,” I nodded looking out the window back at the dark alleyway. ‘He’s gone’ I thought ‘No way would he risk getting caught by the police’ but even as I reassured myself I could have sworn I saw a figure hiding carefully in the shadows. I shivered violently then it all went black.
Chapter 7: Keeping her safe (Tyler’s P.O.V)
I paced up and down the hospital corridor hoping to God that Katie was okay. The hospital had found her phone in her pocket and since they didn’t know who she was and I was the last person she had called they called me. No one will tell me what happened and it’s driving me crazy. “Mr.Collington?” I heard a someone call. I whirled around to face both a doctor and a cop. “Are you family to our unknown patient?” Asked the cop. “I’m her fiancée” “Excuse me?” The doctor said in a flustered voice. “I’m her fiancée. Is there a problem with that?” I questioned. “Oh- uh no she just looked so young to be engaged.” I shrugged my shoulder at him brushing it off. “What happened to her?” I asked facing the cop. “We think she may have come in contact with Scar.” “Scar?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “Yes he is a top wanted serial killer. He is known for raping, torturing, and killing girls from the age 15 to 25.” My heart felt as if it had suddenly stopped beating. “Is she okay?” I asked desperately hoping she would be. “Right now she should be fine. She has a minor concussion and stitches on the side of her head.” “Can
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