» Romance » Frerard, Charlotte Taylor [best ereader for pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «Frerard, Charlotte Taylor [best ereader for pc .TXT] 📗». Author Charlotte Taylor

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attempt to move or push me off him, so i took a deep breathe and moved forward when i breathed in and then our lips where firmly pressed together, Gerard's arms snaked up my back to my hair and pulled me closer.


Frank Iero was on top of me, kissing me. holy shit, I couldn't feel anything but his hair entwined in my hands, his lips on mine, he started to open his mouth and we twisted into a snog and he made the pace faster and more harder, my hands gripped on his hair tightly, as did his legs into my sides. Frank put his hands onto my chest and lifted my neck up slightly. We kissed for what seemed like two hours, but in reality it was less than a minute, Frank started to pull away and, even though i wanted to carry on, i forced myself to pull my lips from his and loosen my grip on his hair, he kept his hands firmly on my chest as he pulled back o stare at me... his mouth was agape and he starred at me, probably in shock or regret 'I...ermm.. you..yeah' Frank stuttered, i smiled at him, never have I seen Frank... speechless. I managed a chuckle... 'Sorry' i muttered, Frank got off me and sat down next to me as I moved to a sitting position. We sat there for a while thinking about what had happened, Frank Iero had justmade out with me on his bedroom floor, i luaghed to myslef at the location but my heart didn't stop the demading thumping, screaming for more. I looked at Frank, he was looking at the floor, messing with his string of his hoodie. 'Sorry' he muttered a little louder 'I heard you the first time, don't say sorry, saying sorry means admitting you regret it, admitting you regret it means -' 'You're to clever for your own good Gerard... shut up.' Frank shock his head laughing 'Sorry, but i'm right aren't I?... You regret that...' I leaned my head closer to his face and saw him smiling faintly 'No.' he replied bluntly. 'No i don't actually, i feel stupid and feel guilty for taking advantage of you but.... no Gerard i don't regret anything.' He was looking into my eyes now. 'Dude... I... Gerard i love you.' Frank starred at me in anticipation, my head span... again. My heart picked up the pace as i opened my mouth to try and answer i heard a voice from downstairs 'Gerard?!' The painful voice of Mikey made me run to the door and down the stairs where i found Mikey and Frank's dad sitting on the couch 'There he is! See no reason to worry!' His dad said cheerfully. I smiled weakly as Mikey stood up and Frank's dad left the room 'What is it?' I mumbled
'You disappeared, no note, no..nothing, i was scared.... ' he confessed shyly 'What where you doing here?' he asked, then he looked just behind me making me turn to see a red Frank pulling a hoodie over his head. 'oh...' Mikey blushed, then he smiled, 'I take it you two are staying off today... Mom and dad are out so you could stay their...' Mikey was biting into his lip 'What do you want?'
'Its band practice today...pleaseee come Gerard you're amazing!'
'Ha! No Mikey... You know what I'm like.. No' I said sharply as Mikey created his puppy dog eyes.
Me and Frank went back to mine with Mikey anyway but only to watch, we sat on the window sill across the kitchen.
'PUFF' Mikey shouted as they started playing without vocals, to annoy me to get me singing. But there was no way I could possibly do it with Frank watching. I'd freeze or the whole song would revolve around him or I'd stare at him the whole time... My thoughts scattered away like oil in water and painted a beautiful picture of Frank in my mind. I shook my head and went to the fridge 'Chips?' I asked Frank over my shoulder without looking at him 'Sure' I heard his feeble answer.
I threw a packet at him and stood back up, Ready Salted in my hand. I opened them without making eye contact with anyone and sat on a chair 'Holy Shit!' Frank gasped. Every looked up, even the music stopped 'What?!' I asked, my heart sank, he was starring at me with a shocked looked. Mikey looked up at Frank with a raised eyebrow. Frank took in his look, changed his expression and worried, he jokingly replied to our confused looks by saying 'Gerard's sitting on a chair.' The band rolled there eyes and continued but my eyes where glued onto Frank's perfect face.... Face. Frank's face. But perfection was all over so I couldn't help but to think about him. He was trying not to look at me but kept looking at what Mikey was doing. His frustration got the better of him and he stood up and dragged me out of the room....

Gerard meets Frank


'MIKEY!RAY'S HERE!!!' My eyes shot open, even though my name was not mentioned, i rolled my duvet back and lay there for a second, looking up at the minty, badly painted ceiling of my basement room.
The door creaked open, 'Hey Mikey.' i whispered, Mikey was the only person who came in my room, or talked to me for that matter, it wasn't that my family hated me or anything, i'm just good at lieing i'm ok, to a point were everyone leaves me alone. except my little brother.
Gee, comon, school.' he urged, 'ok, five minutes, let me get ready.' Mikey flicked his brown hair out of his eyes and looked at me for a second through his new black framed glasses. Probably determine if i was in a fit state to go to school. I look ok because he then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, without another word.
I've always been close Mikey, but he had been watching me closly these past couple of days, you see my boyfriend was beaten up out side his house, so his parents moved away, with him, to LA. fuck my life is a good description for what i felt yes, fuck my life.


I heard Gerard move about 3 minutes after i left his room.
'Hey, Mikey Gerard up yet?' Ray smiled cheerfully at the door.
'Yeah, he's just getting ready.' I said as i picked up mine and Gerd's school bags.
'Ok.' Ray smiled.
'Hope Matt doesn't give Gerd stick today, he had enough in his old school.' I said letting Ray in the house as i knew Gerd would take a while longer.
'Yeah, he's a git for that, Matt.'
Yupp! i agreed as we sat on the couch opposite mom.
'Mikey, you got everything?' she said sweetly smiling at Ray's awkward face.
'Yeah mom, just waiting for Gerd.'
'Ok.' she stood up and headed for the kitchen.
'She doesn't like talking about Gerd, does she?'
'No not really. Its not his sexuality, its just he alsways pretends he's ok when he's clearly not, they just learnt to leave him be in his room blasting out music and drawing. Mom says thats what a 'good'', i made apostrophes in the air, 'parents would do.'
'Fuckin' bullshit!' Ray exclaimed. 'No offence Mikey but thats bullshit, he needs someone to be there for him, even if they just sit with him at dinner.' Ray looked even more angrier than the time Matt had hid me in the locker for the whole of school because my brother was a 'fag'.
Ray stood up in outrage, 'Fucking bull- oh, hey Gerard.' Ray blushed and sat back down.
'Hi. Mikey, mom washed my Misfits jacket so i borrowed your Iron Maiden hoodie, that ok?' Gerd pulled on the sleeves of my hoodie as he talked, his long black hair covered his eyes.
'Yeah! no problem bud!' i smiled tossing him his black school bag.
He caught it and swung it over his shoulder, 'thats bud.' He moved his hair from his eyes uncovering his familiar dark eyes with his usual black eye make up on.
He smiled, me and Ray stood up and we headed out the door to school.

It was a frosty day, so at least people would point out the fact i'm wearing a hoodie ion the hot weather. i walked up the familiar road, but instead of turning right to the bus stop we went left to the back street.
'Weird isn't Gerd, not saying bye at the bus stop.' Mikey smiled rubbing his misty glasses clear with his jacket sleeve.
i chuckled to myself, 'yeah it is.'
I watched the familiar people as the walked in all different directions, all different stories and i kinda wanted to be them, with a simple story like:'i was born i learnt to talk walk run write and draw, i go out with my family, have lots of memories, lots of friends, lots of plans for the future.'
but instead i had to be Gerard Way, even my name in my head disgusted me. i had to be me, with a complected story. fuck my life. 'So instead of dwelling on what is, what has to be and what never will be, fucking live your life!' i screamed in my head. So i ignore the world and concentrated on Mikey and Ray's convocation.
'Yeah, but there about $20 aren't they?' Mikey signed
'yeah, maybe more but if we save-'
'Your on your own bro.' Mikey's hand flinched to me.
'Yeah, i understand.' Ray looked down.
'What you talking about?' i smiled.
'Erm, nout.' Mikey smiled, but i saw the pain.
'Tell me, Ray?' I turned to Mikey's friend looking in his eyes, his glasses repelled the image of me with my black long hair and watery eyes so i shut up and melted behind them.

Mikey~ We walked in silence until we got to school. There we're kids playing scoccar already and talking about there weekend, not many listening to music, as always.
I looked at Gerd pitifully as he put his hood up and followed me and Ray to the side of the steps into the school.I sat on the cool stones of the steps, Ray sat next to me but Gerd stayed standing up.
'What do i do now?' he whispered.
'Gerd? you ok?'
'No, no one has a clue, not even you.' he stood still as a statue, head down, tugging on his sleeves.
'Gerd, i'm sorry. I really am. But please, just get through today, thats all then-'
'NO!' he shouted, 'no, thats not what i what!' he turned and ran into the empty school.
We walked in silence until we got to school. There we're kids playing scoccar already and talking about there weekend, not many listening to music, as always.
I looked at Gerd pitifully as he put his hood up and followed me and Ray to the side of the

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