» Romance » The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗

Book online «The Elementals #1, Kiki XoXo [book club suggestions txt] 📗». Author Kiki XoXo

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bored  of even watching him cook, I change into more comfortable clothes. Coming out of my closest, carrying my dirty clothes I see Chase and Flora in my room. Dropping my clothes and my jaw going with them, I hold in my scream.  They're here. In my room!


"Lyra!" Flora cheers, coming towards me for a hug. Then she stops. "Sorry... force of habbit." She sighs, backing away.


"What are you doing here!?" I ask pushing them towards the door, then I change direction and start pushing them toward my window.


"We came to bring you home! You're parents can't wait to see you." Chase says. My parents! I wish they would quiet saying that. "Also we didn't come in through the window."  I stop pushing. Looking at the stone he is holding up. "Every Elemental is given a traveling stone, when they are finished with training."  The black stone that's the size of a ping pong ball, in his hand is  to familiar. I turn away, running to my night stand opening the drawer. There it is. The same stone. I pull it out, and the both smile.


" I was told it was in my pocket in the car accident." I say. "Althoug... maybe I wasn't in a car accident." I whisper. Flora sniffles, reaching out for me Hugging me, but I'm not complaining. Wow, what if they are telling me the truth?

Chapter 3- Welcome Home (Lyra's POV)

 They showed me each a couple times all I had to do to travel to Spridge. I couldn't believe my eyes, no wonder they could disappear and appear so fast! In the blink of an eye they were gone, and then again they were back! They told me to ty it a couple times, with just going to my closet. All I had to was hold the stone, and think of that area. I wondered before why it never worked, if I ever tried it. Flora explained that I actually have to believe the power is there for it to work. I did now.  Gripping the stone in my left hand, I thought about the inside of my closet. Clothes hanging, and shoes all over the floor. I feel a weird tingle go through my body, and I feel like I'm being stretched by a taffy  puller. It doesn't hurt at all, and the next thing I know I'm standing in my closet!  I covermy mouth the keep from yelling of both pure excitment and pure fear. The stone really does work! I open my closet door slowly, and they are both smiling at me.  Coming out and wearily walk up them. 


"You said my parents were alive?" I whisper, and Flora squeels. Grabbing my hand, explaining to me that since I can't picture Spridge she'll take me. As long as I'm holding on to her and my own stone, I'll go with her.  "I'm ready." I whisper. Seeing my parents, learning I have powers, my past! I'm ready. I close my eyes, praying that if this is a dream I never wake up.  I feel the weird tingles running through me again, and the pulling. Then my feet are back on the ground, I can grass, tickling my ankle where my converse don't cover my feet.  Obviously we went somewhere. My eyes flutter open, and I see a completely different setting then my room. People walking from building to building, house and what look like appartments. A flowing river behind us that has a huge bridge, to go across to get to the other side. Horses, pulling wagons, and dogs running around chase cats with kids chasing after them. It's looks like a place from a fairytale. It's all modern day looking other then the horses, some people have phones, tablets, and ipods. They're dressed like in normal stuff too, no old times, and suits of armer.  Every once in a while I spot people using the traveling stone, but not very many.


"Flora! Chase!" An old women cheers walking towards us, her arms open. I move back, avoiding the ladies hug.


"Hey Grandma!" Flora says hugging her, and i just made out Chase's mumbling words. Pulling away from each other Flora grabs me, shoving me at her Grandma. "Grandma, we found her!" She says hugging me again.


"I found her." Chase corrects her, I look at the women who is looking at me like she is seeing a ghost.  I inch back, but her arms shoot out gripping my tighter then the blood presure wrap things. She is now smiling, and holding me close. Talk about awkward.


"Lyra Castir! My my where have you been all this time?" She holds away at arms length looking me up and down. "Don't tell me you don't remember me, you always said I was your favorite teacher." She smiles, and I don't know what to say. I don't remember her, but she just said teacher. . . so maybe she taught me english... or what ever they teach her.  Flora behind me clears her throat laying a hand on my shoulder.


"Grandma..." She begins, but doesn't know what to say. I don't either, we both look to Chase. Sighing he scratches his stomach.


"It's Lyra yes.... but her accident was worse then we thought." He starts, her grip on my arms tightens. She stares me now horror struck.  "We brought her here to so she could meet her parents. That's it."  He says, and her hands completely drop from me.


"You... lost your memories. Of me? Of.. Of Spridge?" She looks at me. I don't move, what the hell am I suppsoed to say.  Sorry I don't remember you or this place? That seems rude.  "Yes.. yes of course take her to her parents. Maybe Garret can help her." the lady says turning the three of us around pushingmore into town.  I look around like a child at Disney World, this place is so cool! Farther up the road, there is a gate and hill leading to castle. The royal family.  Flora is telling me, what everything is and introduces me to other older people. Apparently teenager don't just walk about the town like their parents. They're either at home, or in the Flappers, the place for teenagers to hang out. Walkinkg through town I get stared at.


"It' been two years... everyone though you were dead." Flora whispers, as I start getting more and more stares.


"I've been missing since I was 13?" I ask them, and they nod.


"You're birthday is in two days." Chase says trying to lighten the mood. I nod knowing that already. I'll be 16, and the party, Tatum's party! I actually get used to the stares, as we make our way deeper into the city. . . it's a lot bigger then a town. Finally they stop, at ahouse that looks like something back in Gone with the Wind. Queen Anne style house, the onyl reason I know that is because I had to do a project on House styles like that.


"Does my family have money?" I ask, then wish I hadn't. What if there's didnt? I feel horrible.


"Most familys do. Whether they own a business, or breed animals, work for the royals. There is no poverty here." Chase says, my jaw drops again. No poverty? Meaning money isn't a problem here, no homeless or bums? I like this place more and more. "Our familiy, and yours work with the royals." Chase adds looking down at me. "Elementals." That's right I can apparently do some type of magic. Flora practically has to carry me up the stairs, I'm frozen. I might be meeting my parents . . . who I was told were dead! Two years, that's a long time to think you lost someone. Flora knocks on the door, shoving me behind her. It swings open, and I take in a deep breath.


"Frederick." Flora greets, I want to peek over her shoulder because I thought they said Garret. Neither of them ever mentioned a brother either.


"Flora, what is it? The Castir's aren't in the best of moods . . . you know, it's just a bad couple days for them." He sighs, I hear a creaking sound. Maybe he leaned against the door, by his voice I'm partly sure he is our age. The Castir's! It's nice to hear other people have my last name. It's not common at all.  It must be a Spridge name.


" will be the best week of their lives!" Flora squeels unable to keep her calm,  I peek over her shoulder... yes she is a lot taller then me. She is at least 6'2! I'm like 5'6! I see a boy who about the same height as me, standingin the doorway leaning against the door like I thought. Brown hair, and more muscular build. Not to bad looking.  Digging the dark colored hair. His eyes meet mine, and he backs away grabbing the door.  I shrink back, oh shit, maybe I shouldn'y of looked.


"Is that. . . " He whispers, and Chase grabs my elbow pulling me out from behind her. "Lyra." He gasps, still gripping the door.


"Careful what you say Fred, she lost her memories." Chase warns, and he lets go of the door. What could he have said that would upset me?


"How do you know it's even her?" He asks, stepping out onto the porch. Closing the door.  Launching into how he found me, Chase explains how hard it was. Then he tell him abut when he first talked to me... and the pepper spray. The Frederick guys laughs at that, yet while he is telling the other parts he isn't happy.  He isn't happy I'm back, I guessing that's it. "Does she have that birthmark? Did you think about checking that?" I hear part of their conversation. Birthmark? Wow, some dream! I think about the mark on my shoulder that looks just like a cloud, or at least thats what people tell me it looks like.


"You can't just ask someone if they have a birthmark, some people might take offense to that." Chase sighs, glancing at me.


" What if it's not her? What do you think Molly and Garret will go through. How much trouble you'll be in for bringig a mortal here. " Frederick fires back, staring at me. Something is in his eyes, almost like a pain.


"I-" I clear my throat. "I have a birthmark." I say, and Flora and Chase look at me. " On my shoulder," I touch my shoulder, pulling down my sleeve.  I hear Flora squeel again. Best dream ever. The door swings open out of know where.


"Frederick, what are you do- Oh my god!" a small blonde woman says. Her eyes glazing over ready to burst into tears. Yelling for a Garret, she starts crying. But doesn't move. Flora pushes me closer, I'm still holding my sleeve down so the birthmark is still being shown. She is hugging herself bawling her eyes out. Her bleach blonde hair blowing in the breeze. A man walks into the picture a couple seconds later brown hair, oiled back. Brown eyes, tall compared to the woman. He wraps his arm around her, asking what's wrong. Looking where she is looking, at me. He gasps pulling her closer, covering his mouth with

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