» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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glance at the clock, he sighs again letting go of me. "Good night Jake." I say, and he says it back. I leave it at that and go out to my car. Once I'm back at my dorm, I begin unpacking my things. I take out all of my clothes putting them all away, they were washed before we left so I know they are clean. Then I take car of my tooth brush and tooth paste. Aft er that I put all my hair stuff back, and I run my brush through my hair real quick. Then I shove my suitcase under my bed where it belongs. I sit on my bed now looking around my room. I'm still not very tired. Finally not having anything  to do I think about Jake and what was all said tonight. 


Jake wants a relationship with me. He wants to meet my family, and not have another girl in his life. 


Okay I'm tired I'm going to sleep. I don't want to think about that, because for all I know he was saying that to get me to stay with him for the night.Laying down in my bed, sleep takes over faster and quicker then I thought it would.

Chapter 38- Effort

 Paige's POV


I sit up wondering who would be knocking this early in the morning. Especially since almost everyone is gone, even the girls. The trip must've been open to the whole school. I throwing on a shirt, and decide my spandex will work for pants until I know who it is. I run my hand through my hair, and hope it looks okay. Swinging open the door, I see Jake all dressed and ready for the day. I turn looking at my clock, it's ten time for me to be getting up anyways.  But Jake? What's he doing? 


"Hi." I say opening the door again. 


"Hey." He smiles at me. 


"Didn't I say a couple days..?" I ask, still not sure what's going on. 


"Yeah... I thought about it to make sure I was sure. I know I'm sure." He replies leaning against the door frame.  He couldn't have thought about ti to much, it's only been a couple hours. I give him a look and he nods, walking past me. "Seriously... it took me like two minutes. I know I'm sure... so spend the day with. We can talk... get to know each other.."


"Jake." I say.


"Come on Paige. Give me a real chance." He begs, and I let out a huff of air. 


"What ever." I sigh, and I can see his face brighten. "Give me thirty minutes." I push him out of my room. I lean against the door breathless once he is gone. Oh my god, I'm going on a date like thing with Jake! I scurry off to my bathroom turning on the shower, and as the water heats up I pick out an outift. Ten I go through the shower with my hair up, it doesn't need washed, but I want to run ovre my legs again just in case.  Once I'm done I change into the short and shirt I choose, and I then go brush my teeth and fix up my hair. Then I open the door, and run downstairs where Jake is waiting. 


"You look amazing... like uasual." He greets me. 


"What exactly are we gonna do?" I ask, grabbing a banana off the counter. I set it back down thinking it's probably not the best food to have for breakfast with Jake around. I go to the fridge for an apple. 


"That is a surprise." He smirks at me, and I role my eyes. "You might want to grab your phone, a jacket, and like a blanket." He hints, and I don't know where he would be taking me that needs a blanket.


"I'll be back." I run back up to my room, I grab a blanket, but not a jacket... I'll have the blanket... and my phone. Pulling it from the charger I go through all the messages I have. Which Jake wasn't lying he sent me a couple messages. I feel bad, but my phone seriously died... I never really use my phone much anyways. To talk with family back at home... and my grandparents. We all have iphones for facetime.  "Okay! I'm ready." I hold my blanket and phone. 


"Are you sure? Do you want anything else, it's a long  drive." He informs me, and now I'm even more lost to where we're going. Long drive...what else could I bring? I get an idea, and I run back up to my room. Grabbing my history note cards, and my purse now I think I'm ready for sure this time. "Note cards?" He asks, and now it's my turn to smirk. He leads me out to his car, and I slide into the passenger seat as he gets in the drivers side. 


"So you gonna tell me where we're going?" I ask, it's a long shot but worth trying. He just shakes his head, and I sigh, watching as we leave campous. He checks out and the guard looks in the car at me and then to Jake and then back at me with confusion. I just look away back at the street. I'm guessing Jake doesn't take girls off campous often, and when he does it's not this early in the day. So.. how many times has he taken one of his 'dates' off campous? I really actually wonder how many other 'dates' there was. I shake away the thoughts, if Jake and I ever had the ex's cpversation it woud just be a minute long. I've never been in a relationship before, and I'm guessing Jake hasn't either... all the other girls were just one night flings... I think.


After about twenty minutes of silence in the car, I finally loose it. I sit up, turning and facing Jake. Clearing my throat, I begin, "So, where are we going? How much further is it?"


"Would you relax... It's not like I'm bringing you to some remote part in the forest to kill you." He laughs, and I sit back not happy. For all I know he is taking me to some remote forrest! "Okay... that's a little bit of a lie." He whispers.


"What?!" I sit up, ready to jump and grab the wheel if need to.


"We're going to my families private beach. No forrest with a bunch of trees, but still we'll be alone.." He sighs, glancing at me. 


"It's a bit cold for swimming." I say, wishing he would've told me this before we left the school. 


"We wont be swimming either... it's going through the time period for a lot of the jellyfish to be around." He says, "You'll see when we get there..." He exclaims glancing at me again, then back at the road. I lean back letting out a big breath of air, and he chuckles. "Do you not like being in cars?" He asks.


"I hate sitting for long periods of times." I explain, "I don't know, I guess I just hate being still. I try to keep myself busy." 


"I've noticed... dancing, musical, tutoring, straight A student, and you seem to still have free time for parties and friends." He smiles, I look away out the window. That's when I seet the drive way to his house. I glance at the clock we left the school forty minutes ago! Meaning we're almost there I think, well if we just passed his house I hope that means we're almost there.  "I wouldn't get to excited... we're only about half way there." He says next to me, and I can feel my spirit fall. 


"Flash card time then." I smile at his frown now. I begin going through the cards quizing him. 




"Paige... hey.. we are here." I hear Jake, I open my eyes blinking at the light. I must've fallen asleep. I look at Jake who is waiting with my door open for me to get out. He smiles at me offering his hand, I take it, and stand up stretching out. I look out at the beach, and I can't help but smile. It's beautiful. It's a small little sectioned off part of the ocean and sand bar. Looking closer though I see what he ment be not actually swimming.There are a couple jet skiers and they have something that they're doing to the water I look around spotting a cazeboo in which there is a table set up. Jake planned a romantic date? I glance at him, and he turns pink and looks away. 


"It's beautiful." I say, giving his hand a small squeeze. He leads me over to the shelter, and I see there is a basket and a blanket and flowers.  "So... how'd you get all this done in time? Who'd you have to call?"


"Jayla..." He sighs, "I told her not to go over board... sorry." He sighs, looking at the rose petals sprinkled around. I giggle, looking out at the beach. 


"It's okay." I say taking in the fresh air. We walk along the shore, bare foot for a while before we actually eat. We talk, more about interests and things getting to know each other. It's actually surprizing how much we already new about each other. He talks about his parents to me, and his families business. About how his dad wants him to take  it when he graduates, and that he doesn't want Jason to have it. He talks about how him and Jayla are close, and that she is getting to old. It makes me smile seeing how much he loves his family, even Jason. Jake respects him to a certain extent, I can tell, he wont admit it but he does. 


"How about you?" He asks, looking down at me. I knew it would all flip back to me, what should I say? My life and family aren't as intersting as his. No way close!


"Well... I guess us Easton's are just a normal family." I look away feeling kind of plain. I mean we aren't rich, and neither of my parents owns a company. My dad is a police officer, and my mom is a nurse. It was mostly just Patrick and me growing up. they both have important jobs that often keep them busy. It was patrick who always came to school concerts when I was young and in elementary, even he himself was still in high school. I guess when I was old enough to realize that my parents were gonna be busy, I became more independant. I learned how to cook, and I always made sure I did my homework, and studied. Of course our parents were in our livea s much as they could be, they always made it to my dance recitalsd. They also took one day out of a month off so the whole family could spend it together. All in all a normal family.


After a while we make our way back to the shelter, and we talk a little more. I get him to open up more about Jason, and what happened that changed their relationship. He doesn't go into much detail, but I get a little bit out.  I don't push it further, when he seems to not want to talk about it anymore.

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