» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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getting a nice civil conversation going. 


"Thanks for checking in..." He sighs as I turn for the door, "You could've just texted." he adds. The way he said that last sentence make me stop. It gets my brain thinking. He's mad at me for not texting him! I don't know if I should be mad or happy. A giggle leaves me, and I smile turning back towards him.


"My phone died, I haven't had it for most of the trip. I can't believe you're mad because I didn't text you." I say, and it makes me smiles. He is such a little kid!  "Gosh that's so cute!" I laugh. 


"I sent you a couple texts wondering how your visit was... so I thought you were ignoring me." He sighs, and it just makes me laugh more.  "Are you like over tired or something?" He leans against the wall not finding any of this funny. 


"No..." I say,  trying to catch my breath. "I think I just got to much sleep. It's still funny though, you're just like a middle schooler mad at his little girl friend for not waving to him in the wall." I giggle. 


"Well... accept you're not my girlfriend." He grumbles, "Are you hungry?" He asks trying to change the subject. I jut nod trying to stop laughing. "I'll make food." He walks into the kitchen. I follow behind him, sitting at the table watching him as he looks in the pantry.  "What do you want?" he asks. 


"You're the cook.. you choose... I'll eat anything." I say finally calmed down. Then he decides on making alfredo, which is a plus, cause that actually sounds delightful!


We keep up small talk while he makes it, mostly about my visit. I'm dreading what happens when we actually eat though, I'm guessing that's when things will get more serious. What can I say to him? That I'm wildly attracted to him, but Anne has her territory marked? I highly doubt he cares abuot Anne, because I've heard she is the only girl he himself has turned down. But also, what if Robbie or Mr. Parker finds out Jake and I are messing around? They'd hate me! I couldn't deal with that. Well, I guess I could live if Robbie hated me.. I'm sure he is already close to it with the way I've been treating him. But Mr. Parker... he respects me, and messing around with Jake could ruin that. Then we also have the topic of his brother. Jason. I don't want to get in the middle of there fued. Jake thinks I'm why Jason is here, and that Jason is trying to get with me. Which might be true, but it wont happen. He is a teacher, we could both get in heeps of trouble. That's not even the worse reason either. The worst one, is that I don't like him like that... I like Jake like that. Also Jason is oe of Pat's friends, now way would I ever go there with his friends... other then that one god damn kiss with Jason that's now haunting me.


Once I have a plate in front of me, and he is seated across from me, all small talk is gone. Yup, we're both unsure how to communicate now. I grab my fork, but I don't want to take a bite until one of says something. Okay Paige.. think what can you say...?  


"Jake," I begin still not sure where I'm going, but sometihign needs said. "There is... and never will be anything between Jason and me. No matter how hard he tries..."


"You said the same thing about me." He leans back narrowing his eyes at me, I let out breath. He has a point. I take a small bite thinking about how to respond to that. Gosh, I squirm slightly in my chair under his sharp gaze.


"Yeah... well I can personally promise you... that wont happen." I say finally. "First, he is Patricks friend. Second, He is a teacher. Third, I like y-... I uh I've been talking to someone, and things are... intersting between the two of us." I say, looking away from him and down at my plate. 


"Who are you talking too?" He sits up, not sounding happy about it at all. He doesn't get that it's him. I think about it minute, maybe I should keep it that way. Beside if he knew I like liked him what would he do? Just offer to benefit buddies again? I don't want that... I want a relationship. "Do I know him?" 


"Ah... no." I say, what else should I say about this person? "Why so interested?" I take another bite, and he finally takes his first bite. 


"Just wondering... I do want you to be safe... I'm not that heartless." he sighs. "Does he go to school here?" I smile dont at my plate,  this will really bug him. 


"No." I glance at him, he is thinking hard about something. Probably trying to remember any names I've mentioned or something. "Anyways... So, from now on I hope you wont worry about Jason.." 


"Is it someone you meet at Juilliard?" He questions, and it stops me a minute. Why does it bother him so much?  "It is. You just met the guy and you're already thinking about dating him?" He has totally forgotten his food I can tell.  "Long distance and everything... I don't know how that would work." he says. 


"It's none of your business." I say, trying to change the subject. "You should eat." I point at his food. "I can tell you still aren't a hundred percent you yet."


"How would you know?" He inquires, taking a small bite.


"Because you would've went on the trip other wise... met some girl to bring back to your hotel room... or even had a girl here tonight.." I say as if it's common sense. Which it is, but lately that whole common sense line has been cross and blurred a couple times. "You have a reputation to keep up... which is why I don't understnad why you're still talking to me...other then tutoring." 


"What if I didn't want that reputation?" He asks, laying his arms on the table. That stops me. How do I reply? I mean, what should I say?  What if is the hook in that question meaning what if he does want that reputation or what if he doesn't care or what if the god damn earth melts and we all die. Yeah... what if means a lot. 


"Well... you're to far in now.." I say, and by the look on his face he knows that. "So what? It's not like you want to change it anyways.." I lean back twirling my fork through the noodles. 


"My mom thinks I'm just acting out... that it's a phase." He sighs, now leaning back to. 


"Is she right?" I ask, now my interest is peeked. I mean he wasn't like this his freshman year...


"I don't know... she also thinks that I'm soul searching.. my mother is something else." He shakes his head, but smiles slightly. It makes me smile remembering the diner at his house. I remember how he treated his mother, and he said he loved her and hugged her. 


"Soul searching..?" I ask, not sure what that's supposed to mean. 


"Yeah... I don't know... something about finding the my the elusive one for me. She believes in that kind of stuff." He takes another bite of his food. Thsi topic makes my head buzz. The one... like a soul mate. 


"Do you believe in that kind of stuff?" I ask, looking away as if I'm not really listening much. 


"I didn't... until recently." He sighs. 


"What changed your mind?" 


"Hmmmm.... I guess life... they way things have been going lately." 




"Like, you."  I look up at him, what does that mean?! "Are you seriously talking to some one?" He asks, switching the subject. 


"I ... ah..." I say still confused. Was he saying he thinks I'm the elusive one, cause that's funny, and cruel of him to say. He must be playing with me. "Yeah... I'm talking to some one... you." I look away. 


"Oh thank god!" He says and he smiles, no longer frowning. "Don't scare me like that." 


"What?... Jake are you sure you medecations aren't like doping you up or something? Are you tired?" I ask getting up and crossing the table. I place my hand on his forehead checking for a temperature.  His hand grabs mine, and he stands up in a swift motion. His lips are on mine before I have time to even really understand what's happening. Once I got it though I waste no time. Moving my still free hand that he isn't holding, I grip the hair on the back of his neck. I'm gonna get mono now, but at this moment I could really care less. Working in sinc together our bodies form like a puzzle fitting perfectly. 


"Stay with me?" He asks breathlessly, pulling away a second. He doesn't give me a chance to answer. If I stay things are just going to go downhill from here.  What happens after though? Are we just put back to the beginning, and I'm left feeling like a dumb ass because I broke again. He feel superior because he was able to break me, and he knows he for sre has his hook in me. I really want to know if the drugs he is on are affecting him. Well they aren't affecting his kissing, that's just like I remember.  "Please! I can't do this anymore, I need you."  he pleads, pullng back his eyes gazing into me. 


"You may need me now, but what about tomorrow.. and the next day? You'll grow tired of me real fast." I look away. I don't feel tears or anything, but much more of this and more then likely they'll be shedding.


"Of you?" He questiions. He moves in closer again, and I can feel his breath on my ear. "Never! That's impossible, stay with me forever." He pleads, and it sends shivers through me. Forever?  "'Paige... say something." He whispers, moving back he is shaking. His eyes are giving away that he is scared, and his breathing is shallow. He means it. He isn't joking anymore, this is real deal. Jake wants me forever... what the hell does that mean though?! It's not a relationship is it?  Jake Lincoln wants a relationship... with me? 


"Jake... I really think your on something you shouldn't be." I whisper, laying my hands on his chest. 


"Paige, I'm being serious." He mumbles, and from I can see the worry and anxiousness is getting to him. He isn't used to doing this either. Again, he is notorious for never having one girl in his life. That scares me. What is it about me that is different then the other girls he has been with?  I'm not saying I'm ugly or anything because I know I'm pretty good looking, but so are a lot of the other girls he has been with.  "Why aren't you saying anything?" he panics. 


"I... Jake you need to sleep." I say pushing past him, he must be over tired and his medication is obviously affecting him. 


"No. I don't need to sleep. I know what I'm saying to you." he grabs my hand. I turn facing him again. "Go out with me." 


"Go out with you, Jake Lincoln." I say it out loud and it sounds even more funny. "Jake-"


"You can't say no." He says, and his grip on my hand tightens. I let out a breath, and take in another one. 


"I'm not saying no." I begin, "But you really need to think about this. You do know what having a relationship means right? No more messing with girls... and you'll have to meet my family... and also it might hurt your reputation."


"I don't care about any of that. Well I mean meeting you family sounds like fun... and you're the only girl I want so..." He says. 


"Think about it... a couple of days..." I say one more time. He sighs, and nods. "I should go.." I

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