» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

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spreads it. It's how I stay up to pace.  


"Project." Mr. Parker sighs, " Can I get some coffee to go." He adds, ending he conversation there. Trevor roles his eyes walking away to get coffee.  "Why are you helping?" he asks, looking at me.


"She stopped by room... around seven for a session. We got into a spat you could say, and she stormed out." I say, changing the story slightly. "I feel bad."


"What did you fight about?" He asks his interest peeked.


"Homework." I sigh. He shakes his head. "She a good person... she's been very nice and helpful... I just want to pay her back some how I guess."


"That's awfully gentlemanly of you." He says, "Yeah.. she is a good person though."


"You've known her since she was little... or younger I mean right?" I ask.


"Yeah. Her brother and I are good friends. Why?" He asks paying for his drink.


"Jason... he was too wasn't he?" I ask, he nods trying to figure out where I am going with the questions. I'm unsure myself. "So... he's meet her before... he knows her."


"Yeah... they always had a jokster type relationship. Then he switched colleges or something like that... hadn't seen much of him until recently." He explains. "Why?"


"I just saw them walking together earlier today right after school... and I thought it was weird.. that's all." I say and we leave the building. Just as some guards pull up. 


"Jason got her." He says, and we hop into the car to meet him. He has to bring her to the nurses building. When we pull up I see Jason's car. I get out looking up at the building, and Jason's there carrying her bridal style. Jealously flares inside me. We walk towards him, as the door opens and a nurse comes out.


"She's just sleeping... but she's pretty cold."  Jason says to the nurse.


"Well... would you please bring her to the room three doors down and to the left." she  sighs, writing on a clip board.  We follow Jason in as I can take my eyes off the way he is holding her as if she'll break fragile as a feather. Her head snuggled into the crook in his neck. Once he lays her down, he backs off right away and comes out of the room by us.


"Where'd you find her?" Mr. Parker asks.


"She fall asleep on a park bench." He sighs, scratching his chin. "I woke her up for a minute, she said she wanted to be alone, and then she fell right back asleep. I put her in the car and came here." he tells his story. 


"That's so unlike her... she is more responisble then that." Mr. Parker shakes his head.


"She's a teenage girl Austin... bound to need a break at some time." Jason sighs, then he notices me. "Hey little bro.. what are you doing?"


"I was helping." I say. "Now that she is found though I'm gonna go back." I wave to them and head outside the building. I get back to my room but don't do any sleeping. Tonight  showed me something. I do care, I want her safe and protected. I don't want her hating me, I want her to always be happy with me. 


I don't want to see her in Jason's arm. 

Chapter 35- Business

Paige's POV


I feel like I'm sitting in a hot tub. Opening my eyes, I blink at how heavy they feel. I wipe a hand across my forehead, I'm sweating. Sitting up and pushing away the seven layers of blankets covering me, I get up and tip toe towards the bathroom. I hate the nurses office. I not sure how I got here, I should be..... at the park. I don't remember coming back from the park. No wait... some one woke me up.. Jason. Right? Jason brought me back. I'd assume. Once I finish withwashing my face, there isn't a shower in here so I can't just do that, I leave the bathroom and one of nurse is in the room. 


"How are you feeling Paige?" she asks, smiling at me. God it's like ten in the afternoon! School! No, it's Saturday. 


"Gross and sweaty." I reply, and then a yawn pops out as well. "And tired." I add. 


"Yes, well I assume sleeping on a park bench isn't exactly the best way to rest." She sighs, and I bite my tongue from firing back a nasty remark. I'm irratable when I'm over tired. "Well now that you are awake you're free to go to your room... sign here." She passes over the clipboard, I sign my name and leave without a second thought. I walk back to my dorm, and shower right away getting rid of the hospital like smell. While changing into shorts and a shirt there is a knock at my door. I throw on a tank top, and pull the towel off my head. 


"Hello?"  I open the door, Jason is leaning against the frame my car keys in his hand. "You went and got my car, how nice of you!" I say, grabbing my keys from him. 


"Yeah.. now I wont have to do anything nice for a while.. this filled my quota for the next like three months." He smiles, and I giggle. "So... sleeping on a park bench..." He says not really asking but obviously wondering. 


"I wanted fresh air... off campous. I guess I just fell asleep." I let him in, and toss my keys on my desk. I kick the two towels I just used into the bathroom and close the door. That's the only thing that was dirty in my room, I cleaned it like thirty times yesterday.  "Thanks for finding me though.." I say.


"You remember?" he asks, picking up a picture frame that has a photo of Patrick and I in it. 


"I remember you waking me up... but nothing after that." I admit, sitting at my desk chair. "Anyways... I'm hungry, and since I don't have to go get my car anymore, I'll just eat he-"


"At the dinner." Jason interupts. I look him in confusion. Why would I go to the dinner? I can just styaing here and it powdered donuts all day! "Austin wants to talk to you.. he is downstairs actually. We came to get you." 


"Why?" I sit up, gosh to they think I'm on some bender now? "I'm not trying to kill myself or anything I swear. I'm not depressed." He just laughs, and I stand up walking over to my dresser. Throwing on a sweat shirt, and stretching out my shoulders. 


"Actually about Jake." He says, and he stops there a minute. I look at him, and he is looking at me. He wants to know my reaction. 


"Tutoring?" I ask, turning away and putting on socks and tyig my shoes. Nice lazy day. Most of my days are lazy days. 


"Yeah."  he replies, and then we head out meeting Mr. Parker outside in his car. I slide into the back seat, while the other two sit in the front. I get some weird looks on the short drive. Being in Mr. Parker's car with Jason also in here too. People already have rumors about Mr. Parker and I, I don't need more with Jason in them. Including Jason has a reputation here already. I still can't believe I didn't put two and two together to figure out that Jason was Jake's brother. It's almost depressing how I didn't figure it out. We all go and take a seat at the both in the corner. I tell them I need hot chocolate before we start getting into any serious conversation. Hot chocolate is like my coffee.  


We keep conversation light, nothing about Jake and tutoring is brought up until after we have ordered our food. In which I got a fruit pancake with a half order of biscuits and gravy. It's a lot of food but I'm hungry, and I can save half my pancake for later tonight! I taking another sip from my hot chocolate and swiping my finger through throught the whipped cream on top, I look up at the other two sitting across from me. They're both watching me. 


"What?" I ask, sitting up. "I'm hungry!" I say defending myself. Jason just chuckles and Austin shakes his head. "So.. are we gonna talk about this tutoring thing or not." I swipe my finger through the whipped cream one more time. I grab my spoon then and mix the rest of it into the drink.  When neither of them says anything, I sit up again looking from the two of them. Something is wrong here.  "You didn't bring me here to talk to me about tutoring did you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. 


"No, not tutoring." Austin begins. I lean back, crossing my arms. Is this about the park insident? "Now... just hear me out." he adds. 


"I'm fine. I swear... I didn't mean to fall asleep." I begin trying to explain what happened, even though I'm unsure myself. I never would've just fallen asleep there, I know better. I'm not stupid. 


"What happened in Jake's dorm?" He asks, "The little spat?"  I sit up, again all the air is out of my lungs. God he knows Jake and I got into a fight? Does that mean he knows what it was about too? Oh god! 


"Umm... that... I..." What on earth do I say? What does he know? Jason is here too, why? What does he have to do with this!? 


"Has he been listening to you properly? He said you stormed out after arguing over homework." Mr. Parker says. I feel a small smile come to me, and I relax my shoulders. Good, they know nothing. 


"Yeah, he's been alright... it was just last night.. rough night I guess." I lean back, and then our food comes! I stare at my biscuits and gravy they look heavenly and my strawberry pancakes look godly! "Thank you!" I say then she walks away.  Grabbing my fork I eat all the extra gravy around the biscuits first, yes I know gravy is bad for you and very fattening but it's so good! Then I take a couple bites from my pancakes. Jason got an omlet that has bacon, sausage, cheese, mushrooms, and onions in it with hasbrowns. Austin got french toast with sausage patties. 


"Are you sure you want to keep up the tutoring thing... it's not getting to you at all?" Mr. Parker asks. I almost choke on a bite of biscuits with gravy. He's implying that Jake is starting to get to me and I'm cracking under pressure. I wipe my mouth with my napkin, shaking my head. 


"I'm not cracking... don't worry..." I say, "Besides why would he be interested anyways.. I've heard he's got some college girlfriend." I take a drink, of my hot chocolate. "You know anything about that?" I look at Jason. He shakes his head intrigued. 


"Girlfriend even?" He asks, leaning over the table slightly. I remember Jake telling me that Jason like to steal his girlfriends. Maybe this will keep Jason entertained enough to not realize there is anything with Jake and me... although now I don't think there is anything between us. 


"That's what I heard... they meet at a party a while ago." I cut up some more pancake. "Apparently they've been together

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