» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

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a girl. 


He's here for the one girl he knows he can't have. 


He's here for my girl.

Chapter 33- Going up in Flames

Paige's POV


"My first kiss... that's not very special." I sigh leaning against the wall. I went for a walk, and Jason found me, so I decided to hang out with him. Right now we're checking on supplies for the baseball field, earlier we walked through the reptile are and he was messing around with a snake! I hate snakes... he did it on purpose. "You make it sound as if you were my first first."


"Your first kiss is very important, don't underestimate it." He warns. "It can tell you a lot about yourself." 


"Hmmm, well.... obviously mine tells me I'm an idiot.." I sigh, and he just laughs. "You're right though... curious little girls often do wonder.." I say looking the small window at the field. I wonder about Jake all the time now, what he is doing, if he is doing someone else. Yeah...  the wonders jealousy. 


"About?" Jason asks, as he finishes up. We leave the shed and I stop thinking as he locks it back up. 


"The future.... I guess." I say, even though it's more like is Jake in my future. 


"Any certain part of it?" He asks, seeking for more information. 


"I guess everyone wonders who they'll marry, or if they'll ever marry. Or maybe like career, or health..." I say walking next to him. 


"I want to know about you... not everyone else." 


"Well... I'm wondering about who I'll be with. If anyone." I say, still keeping Jake out of the conversation. I wonder if any of this crap that's going on now will be worth it in the end. Once I'm out of highschool, I meet never see Jake or Robbie again. It all depends on where likfe takes us. I could end up across the world, Jake could end up being my neighbor when we're fifty years old... there are just so many options. All this benefits stuff could just be a stupid time passer until the real world hits. I shouldn't have agreed to that either. It's just going to hurt me more in the long run. It'll be fun until he moves on, or until he sees other girls.... he probably already has scene other girls.


"You'll be with some one. It's hard to say you wouldn't be with anyone!" Jason replies, sounding unusually sure. I glance at him, trying to figure out how he figures. "Seriously... you're smart... you're pretty... you're outgoing! You're like the ideal girl for everybody."


"No one is perfect, everyone, even me , has flaws." I say to him. 


"Yeah... one of your flaws is you always underestimate yourself. Think you aren't as good as other people." He agrees.


"I think everyone has a bit of that in them." I sigh, knowing he is right. No use arguing with him.


"I don't." He says next to me, and I nod in agreement. He is even cockier then Jake... but lately Jake hasn't been that cocky boy. He's seemed different. I don't know how to explain it, mellow almost. Also from the couple glances in eyes I've seen that he isn't really the big strong jerk he plays. "What are you thinking about? I can tell when you're thinking hard, you'r eye brow goes like this and your eyes glaze over." 


"Just .. about how you're right. You're way to cocky." I say, not wanting to keep making the subject serious. Most of the conversations I have with him are light and funny, but this one is pretty heavey. 


"Thank you!" He smiles. I just laugh, and the serious conversation is gone. We joke around, as he walks me back to my dorm. It was a nice way to spend the day, and it was a good break from all the stress. I'm happy it's Friday too. I can have the weekend to recooperate myself. Think things through, and get a handle on my life.  "See ya later?" He asks, once we're at my dorm.


"Of course." I smile my goodnight to him. He waves, and I go inside. Anne is right there in my face, and she has the smirk of a life time on her face. "What?"


"You and  Jason." She says, and she doesn't sound mean or jealous. I step back unsure what she is getting at. "I like it... seriously... you two go good together." 


"We aren't together. Just friends." I tell her, still unsure what she is getting at. 


"Does he know that?" She asks, pulling a candy bar out from her purse. I watch her trying to understand what she is getting at. She breaks a piece off giving it to me.  I'm totally taken back at the moment with all of this. She is talking to me and not being snotty or jealous or bitchy. We're having a conversation. 


"You can have him... if that's what you're getting at." I bite into the chocolate. It's one of those exspensive and super hard to pronounce kinds thats from over seas.


"No." She smiles semi warmly. "What I want is Jake... and he has been eyeing you the past couple days... but if you're with his brother then.." She says, still completely normal with me. My jaw still drops. She has noticed Jake and I? How much?


"What do you mean Jake watching me?" I ask, trying to figure out how much she knows.


"The musical. He would never pay attention to someone like you.. but since he has been around the musical and all it's geeks."  She says finishing the chocolate off and checking her nails. She is still calm, but my temper is cooking. Geeks? Jake never interested me? I'm not going to tell her she is wrong, but she is. Shaking it off I shrug my shoulders.


"I'm not with Jason... and as for Jake... I don't know what to tell you.. he hasn't made a move so your still in the clear." I give her a thumbs up and walk away. Jeepers, what is with her? She stayed calm and collected, and she was serious. She also gave me some of her chocolate. That's her trying to butter up, meaning she actually feels threatened by me. A bad note would be she thinks Jason and I have something. If she thinks that others might too, that's not good. 


I stop walking a second, I glacen back to see if she is still standing there... she isn't. Holy crap, Anne Wilson actually feels threatened by me! She is scared that Jake will choose me over her. Well.. he did techincally choose me before her, but now I'm sure he will move to her. Thinking that sends shivers down my spine. When ever I think about Jake being with someone else it pisses me off. Having feelings for him is wrong... especially with the agreement we came up with.


Why couldn't I just still like Robbie? Things would be so much easier that's for sure. Although, now that I know a certain thing about him, I'm happy nothing ever sparked between us. I can't believe him and Carmen  have been doing that either. It's disappointing on bth parts. I actually feel bad for Wyatt cause I know Wyatt really likes Carmen. Back in my room now I sit on my bed, trying to figure out a way to get out of this whole predicament I got myself in. I can obviously no longer see Jake. Accept for telling him that I no longer want to see him. No more tutoring too. The only time I'd see him would be during the musical. Which still goes for another week. I'd hae to avoid him in the hall, and never go to his parties.... I trail off with a list of all the things I would have to do to never see him again. 




I'm walking again. To Jake's dorm this time, I'm going to tell him now, before it gets to involved to stop. Going inside I be as quiet as possible, I don't need or want to draw extra antention to myself. I also have no idea where Robbie is and this is his dorm. He could peek around a corner at any moment. I don't want him seeing me. He'll think I'm here for him when I'm not. Keeping my head down, I go up the stairs to Jake's room, I hope he is in there.... alone. 


I stand outside his door for five minutes to scared to knock. No one has walked by though, so no one has seen me. I lay my fore head against the door, wishing I was brave, and not  afraid to just barge right into his room and tell him. I don't want to say any of this to him, but it needs done. We come from two different worlds and would never work. I finally knock on the door, and on the other side I hear himsay just a minute. I was hoping he wouldn't be here. 


"Paige?" He says surprised to see me, yet happy. For some reason, everything I had planned and practice completely leaves me. I have no idea what I was planning to do here. He stands there a moment with out a shirt, holding open the door, I take in a breath god his abs and chest! My eyes move up to his, and that's the biggest mistake I could've made. A second later, I'm in his room lip locking and body touching. My back is against the door, his hands are trapping me here but it's not like I'm trying to get away. I've got one hand in his hair and another wrapped around his neck.


"Wait..wait..." He pulls away, and take the moment as second to figure out what the hell I'm doing. The plan was to come and tell him off! No way can I do that now. No going back now. Being more forceful then I usually am, I pull him back down. I want to talk to him but not now. After that will be better. That makes me sounds horrible, god I am horrible! 


"What?" I pull away this time, trying to catch my breath. Jeepers, neither of us can get enough of each other. I lean back against the door for support. He inches closer, and doesn't answer me. What ever he was trying to say must not be as important. I'm trapped again, his body against my front and the wall against my back. Hunger and lust are radiating off of him, and it matches my thrist for him.  His hands slip down to my thighs, and he lifts me, I wrap my legs around his hips, and my arms go around his neck. We're moving and then I'm on my back again on his bed. 


"What happened between you and Jason?" He asks, breaking apart an inch. 


"Jason?" I ask, totally confused. What in the hell does Jason have to do with anything. 


"I heard you two talking earlier.." His eyes search mine. he looks lost and confused. He heard us talking ealier? ... the day slowly comes back to me, and I lose the thirst. Oh, he means... oh shit.


"It's in the past...and it's not that important." I say. He gives me a stern look, wanting to know what happened. "It was back

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