» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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Paige's POV


I decided today was a good day to wear my sweat pants and sweatshirt. I also just through my hair up into a messy bun, today needed to be quick and easy. Taking a couple aspirin, and grabbing a rice crispy bar I leave already running late for musical practice. I walk into the back so she doesn't see me show up late, and I change into my dress. I haven't been needed on stage yet, so I'm in the clear. I sit down taking the time to actually eat my food, since I know I puke most of my stomach up last night.


Jeepers last night! I've never been so drunk before... that I remember at least. I normally pay attention to how much I drink, I guess all my stress just got the best of me last night. Thank god Jason found me, I meant to ask him what he was doing but at the time I had more important things to tell him.  I walk out into the hall for a drink wishing I would've grabbed a bottle of gatorade from the fridge, but like I said before I was running late. I turn around though right away, when I see Jake and Jason in a deep conversation right next to the drinking fountain. 


"Paige?" Jason questions, I turn around and wave. Indicating I don't want to interupt. "How are you feeling? Did you get something to eat?" 


"Yeah.." I say, glancing at Jake. He isn't looking at me, he is actually looking the oposite way then me. Looking at him reminded me though about what Wyatt and their friends were talking about. How he 'hooked' a virgin and that he is just having fun while he can. "Thanks, ... for last night." I say to Jason, pushing away thoughts on Jake. 


"Well, I'm glad I ran into you... I don't think you would've made it up the stairs." He says with a small chuckle. 


"Yeah but you didn't tell me a story!" I reply, and he smiles. I wave again, and head back into the auditorium. The rest of practice goes by quick surprisingly. Robbie is avoiding me, and I'm avoiding him. Our fight yesterday wasn't a good one. It's probably one of the worst we have ever had. But, we both know the play comes before our fight, and it doesn't mess with our acting. While avoiding Robbie, I'm also avoiding Jake. I'm done playing games with him, he won. He got what he wanted from me, and he can go find a new girl. 


Once practice is over I change out of the dress, ready to be back into my sweats. I hang up my dress, and go over to talk to Mrs. Oliver about my dance routine. It was a mistake though, because she imediately wants me to show her. Trying to get out of it I tell her I'm in the wrong clothing and that I don't have any dance attire here. Doesn't work. She pulls out a complete freaking ballet outfit from a costume box! Forcing me to change into it and do the dance for her. I come out surprised that the outfit actually fits since costumes tend to run in smaller sizes. I'm not calling myself fat or anything, but for being a balerina I do have curves.  Walking out onto the stage, she claps loving the costume.  I scan the auditorium, spotting everyone. I groan, not wanting to dance in front of everyone. Only Jake and Robbie have seen me dance. Mrs. Oliver knows I can, but she hasn't seen me. 


"Can you sing it too?" She asks, I should tell her no, but I can't lie. "Okay.. just tell me when you're ready!" She sits at the piano, and I get to the spot on stage that I picked out, and I take a deep breath closing my eyes a second. I can do it. I que her and the piano plays, I sing and begin my movement. I finish leaning against the statue still like I orinally did, I let out a breath. Then I move away, and look at th crowd. Jaws are open, and eyes are wide. Oh shit did it lok that bad?


"Paige that was beautiful!"  Mrs. Oliver stands running up on stage next to me. Everyone starts clapping, I ignore the clapping. I don't think it's that good, but what ever.  "Just perfect! Great job!" She cheers, and dismisses me to change. I scurry out of the room, wanting to get out of the short little tutu outfit. The bell rings while I'm changing and it puts me in a rush to make it to first period. But then over the intercom an anouncement for everyone to make there way to the auditorium is made. Going in, I slide into the seat next to Robbie we've always sat in the same seats. I don't know where else I would sit anyways. 


"Your dance was really good Paige." He says, without looking at me. 


"I don't know.. I feel like it doesn't do the song justice." I say, wishing we could just talk everything through. "Robbie... I'm sorry.. okay. I didn't mean to keep it a secret, but it's not like it was my place to tell you anyways. Nothing has happened between us and nothing will. I'm happy you're looking out for me though." 


"What ever.." He shrugs it off, and turns towards me. "I shoudn't have gotten so mad, I know, but I just don't want you getting hurt."


"I'm not a little girl. I can take care of myself." I say, and he nods. "Besides... I heard he has a girlfriend who is in college." I add, and he roles his eyes. "Just some gossip I heard.." I say, and then  we talk about the musical, the tension between us fading away. Then the assembly begins, and we quiet down listening intently. It's about Jason becoming a teacher, a group of girls in front of us giggle with excitement. I role my eyes at them, like seriously keep it together. Then an anouncement about the paly being shown friday for the  everyone is anounced and Robbie and I both sit up straight.


We were never told about that performance! Normally the high schoolers just come and watch on a normal day, but now its mandatory? Mrs. Oliver stands on the stage and claps, and tells the main cast to come up on stage. Obviously main cast includes Robbie, Jake and me. Robbie and make our way up as I does Jake I can see him on the otherside of the room. Lots of gasps erupt seeing him standing and making his way to the stage. Apparently he didn't tell a lot of people. I stand nexto Robbie, and of course Jake gets up here first to be next to me. 


"You've been avoiding me.." He says, so quietly I barely hear him. I nod my head once, not wanting to say anything. "Why?" he asks, then his groups of friends stands up and starts whooping and laughing. I smile hoping this embarasses him. 


"Alright everyone quiet down!" Mrs. Oliver says. "Standing here next to me, I have Herecules played by Robbie Schroeder. Next to him Megera played by Paige Easton, and Hades  played by Jake Lincoln!....." She trails off going through the cast. Then she talks about how proud of us she is, and she talks about how Jake came in late but still learned the part. The crowd of course cheers for him, and he doesn't seem to care much though. Then we all get dismissed to class already in second period! I make my way through the crowd, I lost Robbie through out the mess. But found some one I wasn't looking for. 


"Why are you avoiding me?" Jake demands, and I keep focused on whats a head of me. 


"Would you just leave me alone." I reply, "You got what you wanted from me... now you can move on." once I actually say it, it makes me feel like shit. Wow I was such a dumbass. I really thought he liked me. 


"What are you talking about? Paige, what happened?" He asks, trying to get me to stop and look at him. 


"I heard about you and what you do to girls like me." I snap, but don't stop walking. "I'm done being your little play thing, you can go find another virgin to screw with." I say, and for some reason saying it seems to split me in half. Knowing he will never kiss me again, touch me or hold me. Yet I don't want him to do any of that if he is just using me. "It was fun while it lasted." I admit, and then I go into my class room. Not wanting to be around him any longer. 


The day goes by slow, and between every single class Jake and I seem to run into each other. I''m not liking whats happening and it's driving me insane. Like some weird force pushing us together! We ignore each other everytime, but we still notice it happening. Now bewtween seventh and eight period, I make the horrid trip to my locker. I haven't need to stop there all day, but I know I'll have to now. So far so clear, I'm in and putting away what I don't need and getting what I do. I get to Mr. Parkers room with out incident, and I slide into my seat happy with myself. Then I look down at my things and realize I grabbed my french book and not my history book. Mr. Parker excuses me to go get my history book. Happy about classes being started right now, I know I'll be safe since he is in class. Going back to his room, another door opens. The study hall door. Jake comes out. I almost drop my book, seeing how some one up there really wants us to be by each other. Our eyes lock, and we both stop moving. It's almost like a mini conversation in ways. We're saying so much but still not really saying anything. 


"We need yo talk." He finally says, I just nod. Unsure if my voice will be strong or not. He looks both ways down the hall, and then he reaches for me, pulling me into the bathroom across the hall. Oh god the boys bathroom! It's has a notorious reputation. We both stop for a second trying to figure out what to say. We shouldn't be in here right now, I have class to get back to. I set my book down on the shelf for people things will they use the bathroom. 


"I have class rig-" I get interupted by a moan. A girl moan. We both turn our heads. It sends a shiver down my spine, and I take as tep closer to Jake. We really shouldn't be in here right now. Who ever it is they're in the only stall. "Later?" I ask, him and he nods. We leave the bathroom, and peeking down the hall to be sure no one is coming. 


"Paige wait!" He says grabbing my hand, he pulls me into him. Wraping an arm around me before I can move away. His lips press to mine, and then he lets go of me completely. He turns away, and walks back to study hall. I'm left here totally confused now. I need to go to class. I head back to the other side of the room, and I realize I don't even have my book. I left it in the damn bathroom! Turning around, I go back inside the bathroom. Grabbing the book and then everything freezes at the moment  I hear one name, said by one voice. 


"Robbie!" Carmen moans. After a couple more seconds, she tells him to stop. "Oh shit..." She says. I for some  reason can't breath. Or move. "You and Paige need to fight more often. I

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