» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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one of the girls to zip it for me, and I do my hair. I find Mrs. Oliver asking her how she wants my makeup, and she ends up doing it herself. Then I'm done. I wait around the last five minutes for the curtains to open in the beginning scene witht the goddess explaining the past with the titans. Then it's Robbie. I sit in the back, going over my dance in my head. I never practiced it in the dress, and I go over it to make sure I can still do it. I can, thank god. I stop leaning against nothing pretending the statue is there, I look ahead of me and see Jake watching. He looks away when I catch him, and I don't need to look in a mirar to know if I'm blushing or not. 


When my first scene comes on I go, and perform like I would any other performance. I never falter, never forget a line. I pretend greatly, that I'm not mad at Robbie. I spot Carmen out in the crowd, and she gives me a thumbs up. I don't go out of character at all, for her. Then in what seems like five minutes, it's already time for my solo and dance. I take my deep breath closing my eyes. Then the piano starts and so do I. Leaning against the statue, as the crowd claps for me I catch my breath. A couple whistles and whoops go through the auditorium, and then it quiets down and the play continues. During my least favorite scene, that has Jake and Robbie arguing I play it off like I'm fine. When I'm not fine at all. The moment Jake's hands wrap around me, I almost hug him back but I can't. I actually push against him, I don't want to be touching him! Touching him is a bad thing for me! After that, scene the only scene I dread next is kissing Robbie. Now it's even worse kissing him knowing he has kissed Carmen! I pace back and forth thinking and wishing I hadn't stumbled into that bathroom with Jake. 


When the scene comes I get through it, then the crowd erupts into clapping and curtain closes. Now it's Curtain call. Jake and I have to walk out together, and we're the second to last people called. We have to walk out holding hands, and we bow together, then we let go and go stand at oposite ends like we're told. Of course while we bow the school goes nuts, it's Jake  Lincoln so I wouldn't expect anything else. Then Robbie goes out with the guy who play Phil, and they bow together and Robbie stands next to me and we all do one big group bow. Then point out the lights, and curtain workers, and Mrs. Oliver.  Then we all wave goodbye as the curtain closes in front of us. 


I try to get out of the room fast, there has been way to much touching Jake for me. Why his touch has this affect on me I don't know, but it is driving me nuts! I get to the bathroom/lockerroom before the other girls, and I  first take off the makeup. I hate how much they have to use, and now I'm going to break out from it as well. Once my face is clear, I look for my clothes, but remember I brought them back into the auditorium. I mentally slap myself making my way back into the room. It's pretty hectic so I shouldn't run into Jake. But when I spot my bag, I see it's in his hands. I look up at his face, and he smiles at me. I just glare, and get ready to turn. But I need those clothes. I'm not gonna where this damn dress all day! I slowly make my way over to him and my bag, I keep a couple feet between us and I hold out my arm for it. 


"Seriously... do you just have an obsession with me?" I ask, "I don't think you've ever bothered with one girl for so long." I try to sound like I don't care and that I'm just mad at him for bugging me. 


"You're so entertaining though." He replies, and that  catches me in the gut. Is he serious? So he is just teasing me?! "I'm happy you wiped your face..." He adds, and I think about my face and how it's probably as red as a tomato from me scrubbing the makeup off. "You look better without it." He hands over my bag. His remark makes me blush somemore. 


"Well... thanks." I say, and I walk away. Changing into my clothes, I'm the last one out.  We're just going to eighth period so I'm not in any big rush. I put my hair into a new ponytail, and I hear the guys lockerroom door behind me squeek open and closed. 


"Hey Paige." Robbie says behind me, and I turn just nodding at him. Then I grab my dress that I had hangin from the door knob and walk back towards the hanging wrack to put it back.  "Okay come on, you've been giving me the cold shoulder all damn day. What the hell did I do now?" he asks, walking next to me. 


"I don't want to talk about it." I say, seriously not wanting to get into it in the hall at school. 


"Well I do dammit!" He stops me, "I thought we were working things out."  I shake my head looking around for other people. There isn't any... we're alone. "What happened between yesterday and today? I can't fix it if I don't know what it is." 


"It's something you wont be able to fix anyways." I say with a slight snap in my voice. My anger I tried to push away coming up like a bullet. "Don't worry about it." I move around him, just wanting the freaking weekend already. 


"Does this have something to do with Jake?" He asks, but he isn't next to me or anything. But him bring Jake into the conversation wasn't smart. 


"No!" I whisper very harshly. "Jake and I are like fucking enemies! We aren't a thing, we never will be, I'm not having sex with him okay!" I completely and flat out with no regrets lie to him. We're enemies... we were at least. Who the hell knows what we are now?!  Enemies with benefits... that's what I'm going with for now. "Maybe you should quit worrying about my sex life and think of your own!" I say what I'm thinking. Which is a bit much. His face looks confused, but slowly it sinks in. 


"You.. know about Car-"


"Yes I know about Carmen." I say, "Now I have class to get too." I say. I walk away. More like run, but it's the same point. I'm so mad. I'm for some reason jealous that he was with her, but I know I don't have any feeling like that for him.  I know I don't, it's all to focused on Jake. I want to get back at him though, and the only way I can really do that is through Jake. I shoot Jake a quick text, telling him I'll meet him in his room right after school. I end up not even going to Mr. Parkers room, I skip class going to my dorm and taking a quick shower to get rid of all the make-up and just the smell of my dress. I go downstairs, once school is out, and I go to Jake's dorm. I go straight up to his room and I go in without knocking. He looks up from his desk surprised. 


"I didn't think you were really com-" I move one leg over his lap and sit, slapping my lips onto his cutting him off. Tangling my fingers into his hair, and taking charge. I took him completely be surprise. He catches on quick though, and his hands slip under my shirt right away. His thumbs move in circles the way they do, and I kick my shoes off getting comfortable. I get up from his lap, and grab his hand leading him to his bed. He picks me up off the ground, and I wrap my legs around his hips. Obviously enjoying myself, even though I'm supposed to be getting back at Robbie. I pull his shirt off, stopping our kiss for the couple seconds. But before I start it again I take my time looking at his stomach and chest. Masculine and toned. Then it's time for my shirt.**** After seconds the both of us are naked for the second time with in at least twelve or thirteen hours. Body to body, grinding and groaning. We role around on his bed. I hold my own this time, taking top. I swivel my hips, and pull his hair. I've figured out that he likes it when a girl plays with his hair. Which I don't mind because I do love his hair. My pleasure meters raises higher and higher the faster we both get, and pretty soon we're both panting from all the tension building. I move faster and grind harder, I lean down against him my lips next to his neck. I smirk getting an idea. Without hesitation, I place my lips on his skin, and get to work. People will know he is getting some kind of action. I can see why people sleep after sex it is a workout, and we're both sweating  but it's a good type of sweat if that makes any sense. 


"Ahh shit!" he groans,  squirming under me slightly. I don't let him move yet, a little longer. Just a little longer. "Paige!" he pleads, and I take my lips from his neck. Oh yes, that's gonna be there a while! "I can't!" he says, and abruptly we're flipped and my back is on the bed. He pulls out of me and falls on the bed next to me, trying to catch his breath.*****


"That was fun." I breath each word, still trying to catch my own breath. 


"Are you on birth control?" He asks, I nod. I have been to keep my periods under control. Although, I guess thinking about it we've been very dumb in doing this. Never once has there been a condom, and this is the first time he has asked about birth control. "Alright... well noted for next time." 


Next time. 


Oh god what have I done? Just thinking about doing this again gets my heart racing! 


"I just came here... because... I.." I was getting back at Robbie, but I think I wanted to be here anyways. I want to stay here and go again and again! I'm so screwed.


"Because?" He asks. 


"Because I'm getting back at Robbie." I say, looking at the cieling. 


"Huh?" He asks not happy, it makes me smile. That's jealousy!


"I caught him and Carmen...yes Wyatt's Carmen having sex... and it just really pissed me off. He hates the idea of us being together, and we got in a fight."  I explain it shortly. 


"You used me." Jake says.


"Just like you used me." I reply. "I should probably get going now though." I say, not wanting to talk to him any longer. I might say something I shouldn't.  I get up and shove on my clothes.


"Well, then I guess we can just keep using each other when ever we want then?" He asks, sitting up and watching me. Now I don't care, he seen me naked four times now. What's the difference?


"Hmmm..." I don't want to never be able to touch him again, and I also don't want to lose his touch. If it's the only way I can get it then... "What ever." I say, and with that I leave his room going back to mine. God, what he does to me. He makes me become a different person! I'm already wanting him again. But I don't just want sex. I want to see his smile, and look into his

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