» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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I don't want to dance if he is going to be watching me.


"Your brother told me you were a dancer, I didn't realize it was ballet. You're very good." He says coming in the room a little more. 


"Thank you..." I say,  heading towards the record player to turn it off. 


"No wait!" He says, and I turn back. "Show my somthing. Teach me." He says, I narrow my eyes. He is joking right?  "Seriously, something simple and easy... cause I cannot do the splits."  I let out a sigh/giggle, and stand in the middle of the room gesturing for him to stand next to me.  "What am I learning?" 


I show him the five positions, and he roles his eyes, wanting to actually learn something. 


"I don't know... I mean, I'm not a teacher. I just go do stuff I know." I say. 


"Well show me something, I'll watch and catch on." He laughs, and I think of the easiet thing I know other then the five positions. Well for me it's the splits, but he already said he can't do those.  


"Pointe." I say, and he just looks confused. I go up on my toes, and gesture to my feet.  "How about this?" I ask, and he does something that resembles the Micheal Jackson move. "Wow, that was.. that was not even close." I say. 


"Okay, okay... I might not beable to do the actually dancing part, but I bet I can do the lifts." He says, standing up and putting his hands on his hips like a girl. I just laugh, now. "I'm serious!" He laughs with me. 


"We'll see." I say walking towards the other end of the room.  "I swear to god if you drop me!" I warn him and he just smiles. I take off into the run I was taught for doing a lift, and sure enough Jason knows what he is doing when comes to the lift. He holds me at my lower waist and upper hips, fully holding me up, without faltering or shaking. Then he lowers me down the propper way, and I'm back on the ground our faces inches apart. My breath is caught in my throat, I haven't been this close to him since the night we kissed.  "What were you doing here?" I ask, looking at him trying to figure out what he is doing. Why is he here, he isn't subbing for anyone today, and Mr. Parker had classes so he could'n't have been with him. 


"I decided to stay for a little while." He replies, "Keep an eye on my little brother..." He adds. He removes his hands from me, but neither of us moves. Jake, he is here looking out for Jake. I don't think I believe that. 


"You're here for all the highschool girls." I say moving back a step. The record stopped playing and I head over to restart it.  


"Actually.. I was offered a job." He sighs, I look at him some what confused. "Yeah... the school wants me to coach the baseball team. Apparently Mr. Jones got caught with one of the students, and was fired. Since I actually have a teaching and coaching degree they offered me a subbing job and coaching job." 


"Does Jake know?" I ask, he shakes his head. "Does anyone know." 


"My parents.. and you." He says, "I haven't told Jake... I don't know what he'll think." 


"Well, you did go to school for teaching.. and coaching.." I say, although I'm very unsure about him working here. I take a quick minute and realize he hasn't said anything about Jake and I. Hasn't said anything about rumors or anything. Maybe Jake kept his mouth shut. "If you're truly in it for the teaching and coaching and not the girls and the school life again."


"I would love to coach." He says, "Just teaching is where I'm iffy. Jake would be in my class, and I don't know how that would play out." 


"Then there is your descision." I say. "Beside Jake is only gonna be here one more year after this, and we have what a month left." I say. 


"You'll be gone too." He says, unsure by what he meant for sure I just nod. 


"Austin will still be here." I say heading towards the record player again. I restart the record, and head back over to the middle of the room with him. It's nice, being able to talk to him. We used to talk all the time when he and Patrick were in college together. As you can see we were friends, I mean for petes sake he was my first kiss! Although, we lost touch when he and Patrick did. Now all of sudden here he is, and I just lost my viginity to his younger brother! 


Jake. I should've said somethig texted him... I don't know. But he hasn't made any effort to contact me today either, so I'm guessing I was right one night thing. He said and did what he had to to get it. 


"Here." I say, grabbing his hand. "I'll show you something." I say, and I teach him a little movement. It's just a little two minute choreography that is easy to learn, between two dance partners. Once I showed him all the steps, and he says he is ready to actually try it, we both get into place.  Then I count down, and we do the quick movement.  It ends with him holding my ankle that's in the air, and us face to face chests touching. I'm doing the splits, hence why he is holding one ankle.  "That wasn't bad." I congradulate him. I lowers my leg, with a triumphant smile. 


"I had a good teacher." He says, and then the record stops again. "We'll have to do this again some time." He says. 


"Yeah.." I agree, it was nice to talk to him again. Moving away from each other, we smile and say our goodbyes. "Oh, Jason!" I say, before he is completely out the door. He stops and looks at me. "Did you hear anything... funny today..? About me?" I ask, wondering if it got out at all. 


"Only that you were sick for the first time in two years..." He smiles. "You don't look to sick to me though, so you must've skipped school. You rebel!" He winks at me and waves. I let out a breath. He didn't hear anything! That's a plus.  Cleaning up the mess of all the records, I grab my things just slinging my bag over my shoulder I  head out of the studio too. Glancing at the clock I see it's already five. Schools been out for two hours! I go to my car, and  dig through my bag looking for my phone. I should look at those texts from Robbie. But it's not in there. I must've left it in the studio. I go back inside, and Jason is walking towards the door.   "You too?" he asks, holding out my phone to me. 


"Yes... forgot all about it." I say, taking it. I press the button to see if any missed calls or unopened texts show up. I  get taken back slightly when I see two missed calls and a text from Jake. 


"Something wrong?" Jason asks, I forgot he was there for a minute. 


"Oh no." I sigh, "Just.. it's nothing." I say, not wanting to talk about my problems with Jake with Jason.


"Oh Paige Easton having boy trouble again."  he smirks, I role my eyes. The last time the two of us talked about my boy problem I ended up kissing him! We were talking about Robbie, and what I should do to get his attention. Then I told him I'd never really kissed anyone, and long story short, I asked him to see if I was a good kisser. "Is it Robbie again?" He asks narrowing his eyes. 


"Yeah..." I sigh, not telling the complete truth, but not lying either. I am still very mad at Robbie about what happened yesterday. "We have to kiss for the musical and apparently I'm not kissing him correctly." I say roling my eyes. 


"What?" He asks, and I just nod. 


"Yeah, I'm apparently not kissing him like I love him." I sigh. "It's confusing..."


"I'm sure you're kissing him just fine... You're a natural at it." He says, and I feel my cheeks heat up. He said that the night we kissed. "He probably just wants you to actually love him and not just love him for the musical."


"I'm not gonna talk about boys with you." I say, shaking my head with a smile.


"Well," He says, putting his hands on his hips like a girl again. "I thought we were having a brother sister moment!" He throws his arms up. I can't help but laugh, at him trying to pretend to be Patrick. I would always tell Patrick that I didn't want to talk to him about boys and stuff, just like I am now with him. 


"Good where have you been for so long!?" I sober up my laugh. 


"That's a good damn question." He sighs. 


"Probably out with all the young girls." I sneak in.


"You just think I'm some kind of pedofile don't you?" He asks, jokingly. 


"Well... not exactly pedofile." I joke around with him. 


"Ahh I've missed ya Paige." He sighs.


"Same." I says, giving him a quick hug. "Thanks for being my dance partner for a while."


"Next time try and keep up with me okay?" He teases. I just laugh. "Later?" He say. I nod turning to go, and Jake is right there.  "Jake." Jason greets. But Jake doesn't say anything to him.  He is staring at me, and I'm staring at him. I shake my head, and walk around him. I go to my dorm, and shower for the fourth time today. Then I make myself grilled cheese and watch  The X-men marathon on FX. Trying to push Jake out of my head.

Chapter 28- Not Taking No

Jake's POV


I should've known what he was doing here. He is coming after Paige.  He didn't fall for any of the shit I said before. I watch through the glass to the gym, as the two of them talk and then hug. Time to make myself known. I don't know why they are hugging but I'm not okay with it. Paige turns to leave, and she stops seeing me. he is obviously confused, and unsure. She didn't answer my calls or my text, and she wasn't at school today. Mr. Parker came to practice this mornind and said she was sick, but she looks fine to me.  She looks away and walks around me leaving Jason and I. Once the door behind me closes, I glare at him. 


"What are you doing?" I ask. Happy I came to gym alone, I was going to invite Wyatt, but now I'm happy I didn't.. 


"I was gonna work out." He says, I see that he has been doing something but what if he wasn't working out. "Dancing... she showed me a couple ballet moves."  He answers my unspoken question. She danced with him!? What in the hell!?  How did he even know she danced? Why did she dance with him and not me? I don't have any idea how to do ballet but I'm sure I know more then him. 


"No." I say. "What

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