» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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I couldn't handle... now we have tutoring to get to."


"I want to talk to you... about the other day." He whispers looking away. "Paige... I want to be with you I do. I just.. I don't wa-"


"You friends knowing... your reputation to get ruined." I stand up, not wanting to get into this either. But it's going to happen sooner or later. Now might as well be the time.  Getting my things all together, I stand looking everywhere but at him. 


"You have no idea how much you drive me crazy!" He mumbles standing up. Lust is radiateing off of him.  "We can talk about this later.." He whispers, inching in closer. Almost touching but not quit yet, we look at each other. He brushes a strand of hair away from my face, then he sweep all of my hair over my left shoulder opening up the right side of my neck. He leans down, and his lips brush across my skin. Lightly, and softly.  "Just tell me when to stop." he whispers.  I don't want him to stop. Reaching up and gripping his hair I pull his lips to mine. 

Chapter 27- Holy Snickerdoodle

Paige's POV


After a couple of minutes, we're on his bed his shirt off already and tongues twisting together. He hands slip under my shirt, and I grab the edge pulling it over my head and tossing it to the floor.  His thumbs moves in circles on my stomach giving my shivers but in a good way. I tug at his hair, wanting more. But if we go any further there wont be any turning back.  Am I ready? Do I want my first time to be with Jake Lincoln? 


"We should stop." Jake pulls back sitting up and away from me. Jake Lincoln is saying no? "I don't want to pressure you."


"I don't want to stop." It slips out, and he turns looking at me. I sit up, pushing my hair over my shoulders so it's out of my face.  He studies me a second longer, and then moves back in. Returning to our heavey make-out session, and peeling away our clothes. ****** I've never been naked in front of a boy before. I'm happy for blankets, and long hair keeping me covered. It's odd as well, I mean Jake is being a real gentleman. I thought he would be different and some what rough even, with all of his expirience and all but he isn't.  I think it's because he knows it's my first time, and he is just taking it easy, which I am thankful for. 


"Are you really sure?" He asks, looking me in the eyes. I nod, leaning up and kissing him. He comes back down from his elbows, laying his forehead to mine. We're both breathing heavily, I bite the inside of my cheek in anticipation.  Is this going to hurt  a lot?  I heard it varies for every girl. Depending on there physic and if whether they were in sports and if they're flexible, and there age. I'm seventeen. I'm very flexible, and I do play sports. Hopefully it wont be to bad. He kisses my jaw bone and creates a trail from there to my shoulder distracting me from what else is going on. I still take a deep inhale as he first slips inside of me. He kisses my lips, and stay still a moment letting me get used to the feeling. He thrusts in further, and my fingers dig into his shoulder blades. The feeling is both pain and pleasure, but more on the latter, I hope my nails don't hurt him! His thrust get faster as time passes, and my hips start moving in a rythm with him as if they know what they're doing. I'm actually pretty quiet letting out a couple quick and quiet moans, letting out most of the feeling with my hands.  I'm really gonna have to apologize for his shoulders after we're done.  Jake also loosing only a couple moments to groans, and boy is him groaning from pleasure some how a sexy sound! 


I take a breath reaching a peek in pleasure, biting my cheek again, My whole body goes through a wave of tension, and then I feel pure pleasure from head to toe. Letting out one last moan as it all begins, I close my eyes tightly letting things happen. Jake stops moving, and he lets out a quiet whimper layng his head next to mine, I can feel his breath against my ear. 


"Holy shit.." I breath, and I can picture his smile. Wrapping his arms around my he holds me to him, and follows his trail he made earlier from my jaw to my shoulder.  He pull himself out of me, but still holds me close. "That was amazing." I say still trying to breath. 


"Yes is was." he whispers, next to me. I smile uneasily. Is he just saying that or does he mean it. "I've wanted to do this for long it feels like centuries!" He informs me. A yawn escapes me, and I realize that I am actually tired. 


"Thank you... for being.. gentle." I say, somewhat embarrassed. 


"I would never rough handle you." He says, as we lay snuggled together. So he can be rough. I'm just making myself more tired with the worry and questions. "Sleep, baby." he whispers in my ear. I smile at him calling me baby, even though I'm sure I'm not the first girl he has said that too. Then it dawns on me. 


I just lost my virginity to Jake Lincoln the schools, manwhore. Oh boy am I in for it. 




I wake up, with Jake's arm holding me tightly. Looking at the clock, I see it's early morning and I'm still naked. School, we have school today. Turning my neck to see his face, I smile so cute when he is sleeping. He looks defenseles and not so uptight and worried. Pulling his arm off of me, I slip away putting my clothes on. I realize that Jake gave me a ride, so I'm going to have to walk back to my dorm. I get to my dorm and upstairs to my room, and I just pace. I don't feel to different. I mean yeah I was deflowered, so I'm apparently a woman now. But I don't feel like I'm floating on water or glowing.  


It keeps hitting me like a lightening bolt though. I did loose my virginity to him. Jake Lincoln. I sit on my bed, I'm so dumb. I'm guessing today at school, he wont say one word to me. Or he will tell everyone! Oh shit, I'm so screwed.  I'm making my stomach and head hurt thinking about all of these things. Sitting on my bed, I start hyperventilating, I'm so stupid. I lay down on my bed, and staring out my closed window. I think I am now going into a state of shock! 


I wake up to someone knocking on my door, and I grown not feeling any better. Slowly getting out of bed, I open the door. It's Mr. Parker and Jason. He looks at me for a minute, taking in that I look like shit. 


"I didn't see you in the auditrium, so I thought I would see if you're okay." He says, giving me a sympathetic smile.  "I'll let every know you're sick for the day okay?" He says, I nod. "I'll stop by later... and bring your work okay." 


"Thanks..." I say and my throat is a bit dry. I haven't cried or anything, and I haven't thrown up either. I just feel like mush knowing I feel for all of Jake's tricks. Now I'm just another girl on his list. Another knotch in the bed post. I close the door, feeling like I am about to throw up. I go the to bathroom and pace back and forth. I start my shower, hoping the hot wattle will help. I spend the day moping around my room, looking out my window. I should go for a walk, but I don't want to see anyone. It's probably already around school! The though makes me even more sick. 


I've cleaned my room five times in the past twenty minutes. I've memorized outside my window like a painting in my head. I've taken two showers and even a bath. I have all of my homework done, at least all the homework I have with me done. I've binged watched the Power Puff Girls on Netflix, and started and finished a three hundred page book. I've ignored the two texts I've gotten from Robbie, scared they're about what happened between Jake and I. I've played a couple games on my computer, and emailed all of my teachers asking for homework. Laying down in my bed for a while I doze in and out of sleep. Once I'm awake enough, I get up and start getting crazy-stir, and I know I need to leave my room. I look around for something for me to do. I spot my ballet slippers, in the corner and for some reason I wish I wished I wouldn't have quit dancing. I grab my shoes, and I grab a leotard and spandex. Shoving them into a bag, I grab my keys and drive to the dance studio that's at the gym.  Changing in the bathroom, I get all ready to dance. I'm happy everyone is at school right now, I get this place to myself. Turning on the record player, yes the record player, I start in position. 


I take a quick potty break, after two hours and get right back to it. It feels nice to dance again. I peform my finaly performance that I still remember, and it reminds of Jake afterwards in my dressing room. I stop dancing, and look at my reflection. Definately got my work out, I haven' done any dancing since my performance and I haven't really done any running either. Spring break took it's toll on me. Including I am actually pushing myself and trying. Going at it again, I switch records to a more faster past with a scarier melody to it. It sounds deadly and toxic. Dancing along to it I restart it over and over liking the tone and beat. It makes me feel powerful and in control. I realize how odd that is since it is a darker track, but Im used to the happy ballets or sad death stories. I never played the bad guy ever, and they were always the funnest to watch for me. More interesting and dangerous. 


"A siren." I get interupted, I stop looking at the door. It's Jason. I take a moment to catch my breath, I didn't even realize I was breathing so heavey.  I just give him a quick confused look, not wanting to know what he is doing here. Taking a look at his get up though he is here for the gym.  "Your dance. It made me think a siren." He explains. 


"It made you think of a water creature  who sang sailors to their watery grave?" I say, wiping my forehead. 


"That or a vixen." He nods. 


"Well, I guess I was going for some kind of villian." I sigh, now unsure what to say and do.

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