» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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upset with, it's his father and I." She laughs quietly. I blink a couple times, now more confused then ever.  "He likes you you know." She stops what she is doing, and turns to face me. I hold the plate in my hands still, focusing on her words. "You're the only girl he has ever really introduced us to. I think he cares for you actually, which is very unlike him." 


"I don't.. understand." I say honestly to her. 


"You two aren't together or anything are you?" She asks. 


"I"m just his tutor." I reply, loading the plate into the washer. It's a lie, and I don't want her to be able to figure that out. 


"You mean a lot more to him ten just a tutor, my dear." She says, "Paige I need you to do something for me." She sighs after a moment of silence. 


"Of course." I say lookingover at her again. 


"Please keep doing what ever you're doing." She turns off the sink, and turns to me again. "Since he has been here with break, I've noticed he seems more... open and happier even. I'm guessing it has something to do with you." she gives me a questioning smile. 


"I'll keep tutoring him." I say, and she just keeps smiling. I think she likes me now. I think about what she said, she said he seems more open and happier. That's alost the way I see it as well. He seems to be more like his old self from middle school. Before he had to worry about his reputation, and being top jock at school. If it is me who is changing him then yeah I wont stop, I want to keep helping him get better. We finish with the dishes, and go back to the dinning room with Mr. Lincoln and Jayla.  I smile at Jayla at Jayla who is on her phone... phone. Shoot my phone is in the kitchen.  "I'll be right back!" I say, and head back into the kitchen. I run slowly over to the counter where I left it, and I get there just in time. Robbie is calling. I answer it, and I hear a bunch of noise. Music and yelling. "Robbie?" I ask into the speaker. There isn't a reply. "Hello?" I ask again. Then the line goes dead. He hung up. What the hell? Wondering if I should call him back, I head back towards the dinning room.  I hear a bunch of commotion in the room, everyone saying hello and surprised to see you. I wonder who is here? Then my phone starts buzzing in my hand again. 


"Robbie?" I ask, seeing the caller I.D. It's quieter this time, as if he went outside or something. 


"When are you coming back?" I hear him on the other end, and I hold the phone away from my ear. He is yelling into the phone. 


"Soon. I think." I reply, unsure why it's his business. "We just finished eating... where are you?" I ask. Looking around the kitchen. 


"I dunno for sure. One of Pat's friends places." He replies, and there is a loud popping sound. "That was fucking awesome!" I hear Robbie laugh, and I pull the phone away seeing if it will show me a location. It doesn't.  "Hey.. I just wanted to let you know that we wont be at the house when you get back... I gotta go!" Then he hangs up again. I didn't even say bye. I look at my phone still a little confused. What was Pat thinking bringing Robbie too one of his friends parties!? I should get home.  I head back to the dinning room, seeing another body in the room. A boy, older then Jake it looks. Maybe it's there brother. I great Jake's elbow, and tell him I need to get home. 


"Okay." He replies, seeming a little to happy to get me home. "Let's go." He says, walking towards the entrance. I follow, unsure if I should say goodbye. I should I know that, but Jake seems to be in a rush. 


"Leaving already?" Mrs. Lincoln asks, and Jake stops, as do I.  


"I've got to get her home." Jake turns to his mother. He now holds out his hand to me, and I don't know if I should take it. Wont that send the wrong signals? I take his hand anyways, not wanting to start anything. 


"Not going to introduce me, Jake?" the other boy in the room speaks. I hear a smaller familiarity in his voice. It peeks my interest. 


"At least say goodbye." Mrs. Lincoln scolds him, and Jake tenses up.  I give his hand a quick squeeze and let go of it.  I really should say goodbye, I don't want to seem rude. 


"Bye Paige!" Jayla hugs me, and I smile hugging her back. I wave to his parents, and stop finally on the new guy. My stomach comes up to my throat, and I feel semi faint. Unsure if I'm really seeing who I think I'm seeing.  It's Jason. Patrick's friend from college. My first kiss. 


"So you're Jake's new girl friend." He says to me, holding out his hand. He doesn't recognize me, that's great. 


"Ah.. not his girlfriend." I reply taking his hand. 


"Oh right tutor." He says, and I see a spark in his eyes. He gives my hand a slight squeeze, and a smile that says he does know who I am. "My bad." He adds. 


"Alright I really should be getting her home now." Jake is there next to me out of the blue, and he seems protective.  


"We still haven't introduced each other." Jason send Jake a look with a smirk. "I'm Jason... Jake's older brother." 


"Paige.. Easton." I say, and his smile towards me shines brighter. I just confirmed his thoughts, I am the little fourteen year old girl who kissed him at a college party.  "It was nice to meet you." I say playing it off as if I don't remember him. 


"Same to you." He says, dropping my hand. Then Jake and I leave, I can feel anger radiating off of Jake and I want to just reach down and grab his hand or kiss him on the cheek. He didn't want me to meet his brother because he knows he tends to steal girls from him, but I think this time it's different. If Jake really does care for me, and have the feelings he says he does then he really probably doesn't want me around Jason. Hell I don't want to be around Jason! He was my first kiss, how awkward and is that? What are the odds as well. Gosh, I should tell Jake, but how will he take it? I'm sure he wont be happy, but he can't hold it against me or anything Jake and I had only been in middle school together, and we never talked ever. It wasn't even that year when we had that project together is was the year after that! The first little bit of the car ride is quiet. We're both unsre what to say.


"Are you mad at me?" I finally ask. 


"My parents want us together." He replies, eyes not leaving the road. I look at him, trying to figure out his thoughts. 


"And?" I ask. 


"They like you... a lot. That's why they asked you personal questions." He continues. 


"Jake." I say, and he glances at me. "What's going on?" 


"What do you mean?" He asks, and we pull up to my street already. I look out the windw=ow unsure if I should keep questioning him. 


"You know what. You've been giving me the cold shoulder all night." I sigh as he puts the car in park at my house. All the light are off, and no vehicles are here. "Goodnight Jake." I say getting out of the car. 


"Paige." He gets out too. I stop in my yard, turning and facing him. What else can I say? "I'm sorry, I just... my parents were... and then my brother..." He doesn't know where to begin.


"You're parents were questioning... Your mother asked me if we were together." I sigh scratching my eyebrow. "I told her no, but she is probably still questioning it."


"Yeah, my father talked to me about, pursueing you." He smiles, and so do I. "My mom likes you a lot too."


"Jake, what's going on with us." I ask, "You're parents are wondering, my parents are wondering. Hell I'm wondering exactly whats going on here!" I say. 


"Paige, I want you." He says reaching for me. 


"Yeah, you want me. But do you want to be with me?" I ask, questioning him again. 


"Of course I do." he says.


"Then can't we just tell everyone?" I ask, looking up at him. "Secrecy isn't working out Jake. It's obvious something is going on. You became all protective over me when Jason introduced himself, and you were acting funny all night. You're parents know something is up." 


"I don't want you around Jason. Ever." He warns, and I just nod not wanting to get into that at the moment. 


"I wont be around him, Jake." I say. " I shouldn't be around your family again anyways, since I'm just a tutor." I cross my arms. 


"You're not just a tutor." He sighs, laying his forehead to mine. 


"Then why is that what we're telling people... I think I want to tell people. I'm not good at lying and keeping secrets anyways. People will catch on."


"No." He whispers, and I let out a breath. What is he so worried about happening? "Paige, things will change the moment we do that. For both of us, I don't want to ruin this." 


"You don't want to ruin your reputation? Is that what you mean?" I ask, "I want the truth." I say stepping away from him. 


"No." he says. "I'm just not.. sure it's a good idea yet. Give this more time." He says. I nod. He wants more time, to figure out what ever this is then okay. So do I.


"Alright." I say, "Goodnight." I turn and go towards my house. 


"Paige." He says, "Please don't be mad."


"When you figure out everything Jake, let me know." I reply, "Now goodnight, and see you at drama." I close the door, and lean against it. I think I just broke up with him. If we were ever really together. I shake my head, I'm getting a head ache from all of this. I just need to sleep. Going to my room I slide out of my dress, and into my pj's and under my blanket. 

Chapter 25- Rough

Jake's POV


I'm sitting in my car not wanting to go inside my house. I don't want to do anything other then go talk to Paige, and figure this out. Everything got all jumbled up, and now Paige doesn't want to even be with me! Now Jason is home for his break. He isn't even in school, so I don't understand how he has a break even. But he will be on break for a couple weeks, and knowing him he is going wease his way into all of this and ruin it. I saw the look he gave her, it was a different look then what most of hte girl get. Definately more determind, and almost a look of recognition. How would he recognize her? 


"You gonna sit out here all night?" Jayla pounds

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