» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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the banana slices first, and make sure there is sprinkels on them too. My ada makes weird banana split things that are delicious. I'm afraid I've gained like ten pounds because I've one everynight this week 


My phone screen lights up and I don't answer it, it's probably just Robbie apoligizing for being nosey again. I also don't know what to say. I mean I told my family it wasn't a date. So that's what I would tell him too, but he would never be okay with it being Jake.  I don't need his aproval though. I grab, deciding to just tell him. I look at the screen confused seeing it is Jake's contact that comes up. Unlocking my phone I read his message.


Jake: 2morrow @ 5? 9:57 P.M


Paige: Great. Parents said i hav to be back by 10. 10:12 P.M


Jake: No problem. C U then 10:14 P.M


I set my phone down, and my stomach grows butterflies. It's happening. I'm meeting Jake's family. I've already met Jayla, and I hope is whole family isn't like that! I turn in a little while after that, wanting a good nights sleep. I turn on the tv in my room and fall asleep to Law and Order SVU.

Chapter 23- Surprise Surprise

Paige's POV


I sit up, yawning and starving. Taking a whiff I smell the french toast already being made, I fly out of my room wanting to be the first person to get some. I grab my fork and plate and hang out with my dad in the ikitchen while he just lays down the first couple slices on the skillet. I watch in aw as the bread goes from a gross looking yellowish blob to a nice soft golden brown with cinamon! I take the three slices grabbing the container of powdered sugar and mapple syrup. I sprinkle  the sugar over the toast, and then cut it... I hate cutting pancakes and french toast twhen they're drowned in syrup for some reason.. so they have to be cut first. Once I have it all cut I drizzle on the syrup, I let it sit for a minute getting a cup of orange juice and my dad refill on his coffee. Then I finally sit down at the island, and dig into my plate. Biscuits and gravy is my favorite breakfast of all time, but next to that is the fruit pancake from the dinner at school and my dads french toast. I don't know what he does to eat, but he has a secret ingredient know one knows about. One of my life goals is to figure out what is it. I think it might be like brown sugar or or maybe even powdered sugar, but I don't know for sure. 


Patrck stumbles in a little whil later, half sleeping. He grabs a plastic juice cup and pours coffee in it, and sits next to me. I take his cup from him and put it in a mug and I grab his special caramel butterscotch creamer and givethat to him. He just smiles at me, and I know that's all I'm going to get. He probably doesn't know for sure if I'm mom or not. He is not a morning person... at all! For school, they always gave him first period study hall so he could skip it and just come when second period began. I guess it doesn't help that he is up until four in the morning ruining his eyes playing all his video games.  Dad give him a plate of french toast and he grabs the syrup and drains half the bottle on it. I don't understand how he isn't bursting at the seems, he eats a lot and he doesn't play sports now that he is out of highschool, and for all I know he doesn't exercise at all really either. Other then walking around daily and say if he and his friends go swimming or something. 


Once I finish my plate I drop it in the sink, and turn on the T.V, in the mood for some Law and Order. I shouldn't have watched it last night, it's going to be all I think about now. Well accept for the diner with the Lincolns tonight. I'm shaking already and it's like a day away yet. It's now only eight in the morning, so what will I do for the next bunch of hours? 


"Hey kiddos. Your mom and I have plans tonight, we're going to go out with the Schroder's and have our own night." My dads says leaning against the counter taking zip from his coffee. "They'll be stopping here shortly, actually... Robbie will be coming, he thought it woul be more fun to hang with you two then to be alone." 


Well that's what I'll be doing today. Hanging out with Robbie. I guess he'll be here when Jake comes to get me, so cats out of the bag anyways tonight. I let out a breath thinking of how to explain it to him. I'm guessing he wont understand at all, and leaving him here with Patrick wont help. Patrick is completely against it, so I'm guessing the two of them will be bitching about it the whole time. I role my eyes, getting worked up and mad, I second Patrick a look wondering if I should say something beofore Robbie gets here. 


"Sounds great dad. It'll give me something to do while Paige is on her one nighter." Patraick says, totally serious, he doesn't even look up from his phone! I throw the throw pillow beisde me at him, and leave the room. Yeah, I'm going to have a lot of shit to deal with this afternoon. I'm now also mad at my dad though. He never said anything back to Patrick! What he said isn't true and it was way out of line!


I st in my room, wondering if I should just go back to sleep, lock the door and everything. I look at my three outfits again and decide on a simple yet nice dress that I picked out for going to church with my black flats. I don't want to seem to dressed up, but I don't want to be completely casual either.  I've only worn it once, because the only time our family goes to church is around Easter and sometimes Christmas. Unless it is like a fancy fancy diner! It is the Lincolns I'm thinking about here. Grabbing my phone I shoot Jake a text asking about clothing. I sit in my room scrolling through pinterest looking up cute things to do with my hair, since I've got so much time to waster, I avoid leaving my room not wanting to see Patrick. Although I do leave to use the bathroom and grab a reese's peanut butter egg. 


I check my phone about thirty minutes later, and he responded saying anything. I role my asking if a church attire would work, then I go and try on the dress to make sure it fits. Like I was thinking last night, I feel and 20 pounds heavier. It slips right on still as if fitted perfectly to me, and I look at my reflection. It's not to low cut, and it's not to short either. It seems nice enough, not sluttly but not to modest either. Modest?.. I am meeting his parents, so I gues I do want to seem modest. Including Jake has never has a girlfriend... although I'm not going as his girlfriend. I'm sure they have sen him with a girl too, but I hope I'm better then them. With everything that's happened in the past two weeks, I don't want to be the person to ruin what ever is going on.  Checking my phone again, Jake gives me a thumbs up. I slide out of my dress putting it back on the hanger, and then the door bell rings. I hear Robbie and his family saying there hellos as the come in, I sit on my bed contemplating if I should lock the door and pretend to sleep.


 There is a knock at my door and the then it's squeeking open. I'm to late anyways. Robbie peeks his head in with a small apologetic smile. His eyes go to the dress that is still in my hands, but now on a hanger. He gives me a funny look opening the door more and standing in the door way. 


"So.. you have a date.." He says gesturing at the dress in my lap, I stand up going to my closet and hanging the dress back up. "Why are you mad at me? I'm just looking out for you like a friend should!" He says closing the door to my room as I emerge from the closet. 


"I know.. and I apreciate that you are doing that, but don't you think it's a bit much? You're not my boyfriend." I  reply trying to stay calm with him. For some reason, I've just about had it with him and his jealousy problems. They'be never bothered me so much before though... he has never been this jealous before though, since I've never had another boy in my life. 


"I'm not trying to be your boyfriend." He says quietly sitting on my bed. I sit next to him, wishing I knew what to do in this kind of situation. "You're right. I'm being to crowding." He lays back, and then his stomach grumbles. 


"No breakfast?" I laugh at him, and he laughs sarcastically. "Come on... Dad made french toast." is all I say and h beats me out of my room. I meet him out in the kitchen, he already has his silverware and the syrup out. I can't help but smile, I grab him the last three slices and pop them into the microwave. Then I put a pinch of powdered sugar, and serve him the plate. 


"Thank you Mom and Dad for creating me, so I can't Mr. Easton's french toast!" he places his palms together as if praying. 


"You forgot the best part!" I complain. He smiles. 


"Who ever eats the fastest, gets the mostest! Amen!" Then he digs into his plate.  Both of us are religious, and we are in no way shape or form making fun of any religion. It's something that my father used to say, back when I was in middle school. Robbie picked up on it, and it's stuck with him ever since. I love the way he says it because he sounds sophisticated yet really dorky and crazy. 


We chat while he eats, and we play a couple rounds of Go Fish and Checkers. I realized after a while that Patrick isn't here, and I'm thankful for that. With him being gone it will make telling Robbie easier then with him here. I'm actually surprised though, because Robbie hasn't brought it back up at all and he doesn't seem mad. It's nice, I just wish and hope he will understand. Technicallly it's not a date, but I don't think it's going to be just a thank you diner. Jake and I aren't even really together, but there is something which I can't explain. 


It's already one o'clock and I'm hungry, along with Robbie. Patrick is still gone, and there hasn't been any word from

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