» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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but what do I say? This doesn't change my mind, I'm still mad. "What's going on with you two? I want the truth." he says. 


"Nothing is going on, Robbie. Quite worrying.. it's not like it's your business anyways." I lean away. Grabbing my fork again, I look down at my food. I need to not focus on Jake and Jalya. 


"It is my business, Paige! If he is messing with you or trying to get with you then it needs to be stopped." he demands, and I role my eyes. 


"He isn't messing with me!" I whisper harshly at him, and he now roles his eyes at me. "He is-"


"Paige, I need to talk to you." Jake leans over the table next to me, I jump pulling my hand up to smack him. "Whoa tiger!" He smiles at me. 


"Sorry! You scared me!" I say. "Reaction.." I say pulling my hand from his. He smirks, and I wave at his sister Jayla who is peeking out from behind him.  "Alright fine. I was done here anyways." I say gabbing my tray. I wave to Robbie but he is just glaring at me. Serves him right. Once Jake, Jayla and I make it out I turn demanding to know what he needs. For us trying to be secret here it isn't working. 


"Mr. Parker, that's what's wrong." He sighs, walking down the hall further away from the cafeteria. "Paige, he put my last homework assignment in as a fifteen percent. Even I know I got at least eighty percent on that!" He says. "He is mad. My grade isn't going to get better unless..."


"Unless we don't see each other." I say, I look away. This is shit that happens in movies, not real life!  Jealous best friend, over protectice teacher. 


"Wow, you two are so cute." Jayla buts in, " I hope you're just going to tell mom and dad you're together." She adds. She is like swooning ver the two of us. "It's so nice to see Jake have such a great girl... even a girl at all!"


"Jayla.. we talked about this." Jake sighs, giving her a stern look. So, that's what they were fighting about. 


"Oh yeah! Sorry!" she squeeks covering her mouth. Then she zips her lips and throws away the key. 


"I'll talk to him." I sigh, "in the mean time. No more contact.. how about that?" I ask, he nods. Then we go separate ways without a goodbye even.  I go straight to Austin's room, he is in for a mouthful. I peek inside, he is in the middle of class. Do I interupt? It's not like me, and he might just send me to the office if he is really that mad. I knock going of my anger towards him, and heads turn towards the door. I can tell by his facial expression that he knows I'm not happy with him. He says something to the class, and comes out into the hall by me. "What is wrong with you!?" I say, right away before the door is even closed. 


"Um, I'm teaching class." He says, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at the now closed door. 


"You know what I mean! You gave Jake only fifteen percent on worksheet that I know is hundred? I graded it!" I say getting frusterated with me. He blanches back slightly, out my outburst. "We aren't going to see each other! We aren't seeing each other. The only time we do is at practice for the play, and when I tutored him. But since I'm no doing that anymore I only see him once a day." I take a breath, stepping away from him. We were a bit close, and we're whispering in a school hallway. That's something that happens in movie, but in the movie they're arguing about their relationship. 


"How would you know what grade I put in?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me. 


"I got pulled from lunch. By Jake, he thinks I purposely made him do bad on the assignment. He isn't happy with me at all." I cross my arms, making something up. That sounds like something he would do right? Be mad at me and think I purposely made him do bad. Well, it's something I'm sure he would've done, if we weren't in the situation we are in. 


"Did you eat?" He ask, changing the subject. I send him a glare, and he puts his hands up in defense. 


"Change the grade Austin!" I say, almost like a threat. Which he realizes. "Also no. I didn't really get to eat, so I'll be taking some of your oreos." I smirk, and he lets out a breath looking at the ground. I open the door for him, and myself. I go behind his desk taking the package of oreos, I wave sweetly at him, in which he narrows his eyes. I get the message at leave. We're going to have a talk later. I walk away with his oreos and back to the lunch room. I inside and I slip back into my seat next to Robbie. I look at the clock, I was only gone for ten minutes.  "Sorry about that..." I sigh, opening the oreos. I offer him one as a peace offering. He takes it, an apologizes for being an ass. 


"So... if you don't mind me asking what did he want? You don't seem very happy." He sighs, dipping it in his milk. I nod he is right. I not happy. Mostly with Mr. Parker, but also myself for ever getting tangled up in this big mess. 


"Jake isn't happy with playing Hades... He wants me to talk to Mrs. Oliver, and get him out of it." I make up another lie. I'm going to have to text him to let him no who's been told what. Robbie just nods, handing me a chicken nugget from his tray. He must've gotten chicken instead of salad. I take it swiping it through his barbaque.  "I told him it's not really my problem... and that he needs to just do it other wise Mr. Oliver is going to give him hell." 


"Yeah ain't that the truth." Robbie chuckles. We're quiet after that, me eating my oreos and Robbie eating his chicken and drinking his now white mild with chunks of oreos in it. Once the bell rings we say our see ya laters and I go sixth, P.E, and he goes to his sixth, I think it's history. After I'm changed into my spandex and gym shirt and in the gym I wait for the teach Mrs. Parker, no relation to Austin though, to tell us what we're playing.  After the first twenty minutes of playing tennis, yes tennis inside the schools gym floor, I get called to Mr. Parker's room. Now what? I get excused and run down the hall, to his room. I go in with out thinking about it.  I don't interupt class though, they're already been given there homework. 


Scanning the room, I spot Robbie, more like I spot his hair. He is focused on his work, good. I go over the desks again, seeing Jake, and he looking right at me. I frown at him, and he just shakes his head looking down. Okay, I guess he might have some idea whats going on. I go to Mr. Parker's closet which is where I assume he is. Opening the door, I see him trying putting one of his older moore expsinve globs back on the shelf. He looks over seeing me and acknowledging me, but we don't smile or say hi. We're mad at each other. He leaves the closet pushing the glob back, and then he goes to his computer and I follow. 


"The history trip.." he sighs. "It' juniors decision on where to go." he leans back, and I look closer at the screen.


"The Musuems in Washington D.C would be cool." I say, standing up. "Is that all?" I ask. Looking at the clock. I still have my gym clothes on which I'm now slightly embarassed to be in. Spandex and my torn gym shirt that shows my sides.  


"Paige... don't be mad with me." He whispers looking at his computer screen. "I'm only looking out fo-"


"Are we done here?" I ask again, a little louder then a whisper. "I have class right now, and I'd rather not miss it." I cross my arms. 


"We will talk about this later!" he whispers standing up, and we are close way to close. Only an inch apart. I give him a sneer and turn away. "I have done nothing wrong, you are being childish!" He says. 


"I'm being childish!?" I turn, I'm now on the oposite side of his desk. I want to laugh, but I don't  I keep my serious face on, and we going into a battle. Behind me I can hear murmurs running through the kids, well shit. Forgot they were there. I glance over my shoulder, looking at the kids in desks as he is. I land on Robbie who is now looking, watching the two of us with an intense look. "After school." I mumble hoping only Mr. Parker can here me. He nods his head, telling the class to get back to work.  I run back to gym, and get back with my partner for tennis. 

Chapter 20- Close

Paige's POV


It's now eighth period. I'm dreading history. He is wrong I'm not the childish one here! He is! Giving Jake F's on his A's homework assignments, I did grade his paper and it was a hundred percent! He is being like this to purposely make Jake and I mad at each other. It's not working, it's just making us closer. In fact it's actually splitting Mr. Parker and I up! 


Sitting down in my desk, class goes by as if nothing is wrong. I guess we're both good at pushing our feeling aside when we need to. Then the bell rings, and I get held back afer class. I stay in my seat, puttiing away all my papers and looking straight forward. He wants me here so he is going to be the one who speaks. I can't believe he told me I was being childish though. I'm one the most maturest people my parents have ever meet, and that what my parents told me! I'm not being childish am I? I'm just trying to fo the right thing for Jake, be his tutor. Also keep us together. I get up, if he isn't going to say anything then I'm ust going to leave.


"You're right." He says as I open the door. I close it turning around to look at him. He is siting in his chair, looking at the back of his room. "You're not being childish."


"I know that." I say, stayin where I am. 


"I'm just doing what's in your best interest Paige, how can you not see that. Jake is trouble, why would you want to be around him?" He asks, looking at me. Alright... make up a good answer time Paige!


"The first lesson we had, he didn't flirt with me or try to get with me." I lie, he did. "He just wanted to get his grade up. I told him, I would help and he seems comfortable with me helping.

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