» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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Chapter 15- Secret

Jake's POV


"Where have you been?" Wyatt asks as I walk into our dorm, I just got back from Paige's recital. I go into the kitchen behind him, wondering how mad at me he is. We haven't talked much since the party, and we diagreed. Although he was right, I'm not one to give up. I didn't give up either. I pursued her and look where we are now. Maybe together. 


"I had a thing." is I reply, and he stops what he is doing. I see he has cheese dip out and hamburger meat. He is making his chip dip. "Doctors appointment if you must know." I mumble. 


"Oh?" He turns, "finally come down with something?" he jokes, and I laugh at his joke. I've gotta play it as if nothing is different. Although I've got to start being me more around my friends. 


"Nahh... I'm good man." I stretch out my arms. He tosses a bag of chips at me, and then brings over a bowl of the dip.  


"So your appointment was for?" He ask, "Gotta make sure you're okay for baseball man. It's coing around the cornner. We kind of need a short stop!" 


"Just a check up, my mom insisted." I sigh, "So how are you and Carmen?" I ask,  trying to keep a normal conversation going between us, and keep the topic of girls off of me. 


"She is great man! She is funny and she isn't scared to tell me what to do. I like that. It's different then other girls." He says, and I know what he means. I've got Paige. "You know she talks about Paige all the time.." He sighs testing the subject. I look down at the floor a second. It's a secret so don't imply anything!


"And..?" I ask, taking some chips.


"She said that she has been very distracted lately... would that be you?" I shouldn't have brought up Carmen.


"Not that I know of." I say, although I'm pretty sure it's me. "Maybe it's the play.. and the extra work she is doing for Mr. Parker." I sigh. He narrows his eyes at me, and I let out a breath. "She is my tutor, that's how we even started talking."  He busts up laughing. 


"I though you met at drama practice!" He says, "Ahh that's priceless dude! You've got to get on that!" 


"I don't know dude. I think she and Robbie have a thing." I say even though I know that's false. I hope nothing is going on with them, she told me no but I don't think he realizes that. "Anyways, how about we play COD?" I stand, he stands ans we head upstairs to my room.  Video games... a nice distraction for all of the weird stuff going on in my life. I'm happy, in fact happier then I have been in a while! Although I don't know for sure where we stand exactly, but I know it's on the up side!  After playing for two hours, we both get bored and talk in my room about baseball coming up.  Wyatt is second base, so the two of us are both infield, along with Robbie the pitcher. Thinking back to last year and our home games, I try and remember ever seeing Paige. I can't recall, which is weird. I also scanned the crowd for girls, and if I would've seen her I know I would've tried to get with her. Although now I'm happy I didn't. I don't know, now isn't the time to think about it.  


"I'm hungry." Wyatt stands, and I follow him back down to the kitchen. He grabs some more of his chips and dip, and Coke from the fridge. 


"What happened to the whole entire healthy thing for baseball?" I ask, grabbing a Gatorade. He just scoffs, also opening the freezer and grabbing a sundae cone. He sits across from me at the table tearing into his ice cream, and purposely eating it like he is making out with it "Okay... save it for your girlfriend!" I say. Stealing some of his chips and dip. I want another one of Paige's brownie things. Oh my god those things are mouth watering.


"Have you eaten them all yet?" I hear her voice, as the door opens. I sit up, looking towards the door I can't see it or her but I will.  


"Are you kidding! I've eaten like three, I'm saving them fuckers!" Robbie laughs, and I role my eyes. "I guess that even though we did just eat, I can give you one." They both come into view, and Robbie slings his arm around her shoulders. She grabs his hand, and pulls it off her shoulders, but holds it for a second, then lets go. Then they disapear up the stairs.


"So they go out on diner dates?" Wyatt says, sitting up. "She took his arm off his shoulder...Hmmm..?" Wyatt starts thinking. Oh god, I wish he wouldn't.


"It doesn't mat-"


"What if they are like a benefits type thing?" He burst standing up, "Holy shit, that sly dog. Robbie's getting action from Easton and you aren't!" He is pacing now, and I'm just shaking my head. Not only is he worrying me with the things he is saying, he is saying it loud enough for China to hear him!  "Damn... that boy has something up his sleeve."


I stand up not wanting to keep listening. I have no idea what's going on between Robbie and Paige she says nothing but how will I know for sure?! I wont interupt them, that might be obvious.  


"I don't want to hear anymore." I say leaving the kitchen.


"Softie!" He yells, and then a couple seconds later, he is next to me on the stairs. "You can't give up man. You're way better the Shroeder, you just gotta show her that!" Then he leaves going to his room on the second floor. I keep going towards my room, and just as I get up there Paige and Robbie are leaving his each of them carrying a brownie.  


"Paige." I wink at her, and she roles her eyes with a small smile. I smirk and walk up the stairs, we should be okay.  I can hear Robbie ask her what it was about before I get to my room, and I hear part of Paige's reply of her just saying that I've been being trying to get with her lately. The truth, but not all the facts.  I get back to my room, and decide it's probably time for bed, since tomorrow is a school day.

Chapter 16- Teachers Order

Paige's POV


I'm sitting in my room, starring at the ceiling. Holy shit what a day! I danced my last dance recital, argued with Jake Lincoln, and got into a weird/good situation with Jake Lincoln. To much Jake for one day. Although I want more. I want to know more about him, and just talk to him the way we talk. Not fighting or anything, but talking and getting to know each other. Which is odd,  we barely know each other. Can we really feel the way we feel about each other? Or is it just him still trying to get with me? I'll never know I guess. He could be with a girl right now, and I wouldn't know, in fact that is probably whats going on. 


I sit up reaching for my phone. I did say we would talk later, but what if he is with a girl?  Then he wouldn't answer or he could just lie. It's easy to lie over a screen. I pull back, why am I already acting like this. Jealous and worried. I don't even know what we are! I think we're in the talking stage of a relationship, but I could be way off. I lay back down groaning about my life troubles. I'm never going to get any sleep tonight. Realizing that I get up looking for my school stuff, I don't have any. I didn't bring it home, since there was nothing to bring home. I'll go for a run. That might make me tired. Changing into sweat pants, and an old practice shirt for baseball, which is Robbie's I stole it. Then I tie my shoes once they are on my feet and I head out. Just as I'm walking out Anne and Rachel are walking in. 


"Now you have to keep it on the D.L okay!" Anne says to Rachel, but I don't know what she is talking about. "Jake doesn't want anyone knowing." She adds, and then they see me. "Although I guess people like her who would never catch his attention can know if they must." She smiles at me, and my stomach goes through multiple flips and turns. 


"I wouldn't want to be with him anyways." I say, and move around them. I go outside the cold night air feeling nice on my now heated face and angry tension. I knew it. Jake was with Anne! Of all the girls he could've been with he was with her. God, of course since I  wasn't giving him what he wanted he had to go somewhere else to get it. I start out just walking, not wanting to run right away. Now I'm wide wide awake, and there is no chance of sleep tonight. As I run by the girls dorms, I notice a boy, Robbie, leaving the dorm Carmen is in. It's past midnight, what's he doing there?  "Robbie?" I ask, and I stop my jog, he looks up at me, and he has the oh shit look. 


"Hey ... Paige." He smiles confused. "Whatcha doing out here running at night?" He asks, walking up the side walk to me.  I cross my arms, really he is asking me what I'm doing out here this late at night? Obviously I'm running, I guess he wants to know why. 


"I couldn't sleep... trying to make myself tired." I say, ending that part of the conversation. I'm happy I don't sound mad either, cause he would ask what's wrong in which I can't and wont tell him. "What are you doing?" I point towards the girl dorm behind him, he looks back at it and shrugs. 


"Carmen... running play lines." He sighs, holding up his play book. I look at him and the book, not comprehending. 


"So you were running play lines... at 1:42 A.M, with some one you don't even like?" I try to understand the logic behind this. 


"Couldn't sleep either. I would've got ahold of you if I knew you're still awake. I didn't want to wake you or bother you. Carmen asked me at school too, if I would run lines with her. She wanted to know the play. I

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