» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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through the curtains, ending the first Act. He peeks for me, but I'm not where he left me. I'm huddled in the back cornner by Jake.  Oh god what's he going to think. 


"We can't be seen together." I whisper in my moment of realization. 


"What?" Jake panics, looking down at me. 


"It's going to ruin your reputation. You being seen wih me. You even talking to me in the hall!" I say.


"Wyatt..." he sighs, scratching the back of his head.


"You have your friends and I have mine. We don't fit." Now I'm panicing, we aren't even together. What was I expecting? To come out as a couple? Well, no we didnt, and beside Jake doesn't do the whole couple thing.  "This wont work." I whisper. 


"No! No goodbyes." He whispers, moving in closer to me. Protectively looking at me and around to see if people are watching. No one is, Robbie hasn't even spotted us yet. He reaches to touch me, and I back away. I can't and wont be the girl who ruined him. He needs to be who he is. And that's the cocky jerk who sleeps with way to many people.  "Paige.. don't.." He whispers. I shake my head stepping away, I don't want to hurt him. But I need to. If I stay with him, I could ruin his reputation. He might lose his friends, and his popularity. I wont do that to him. 


"I'm sorry, but it's for the best." I breath out, slowly. I'm shaking so bad. I turn, and walk away. Me, Paige Easton, walk away from Jake Lincoln. I'm an idiot. No, I'm saving him from the embarassment. He will thank me in the future, even if it hurts both of us now. It will pan out in the long run.

Chapter 14- Dancing in the Darkness

Paige's POV


Once the bell signaling first period rings, I zoom out of the auditorium. I'm happy they ended up just going over the first act the whole time so I didn't have to go on at all. I stayed up front with Mrs. Oliver, while I have no idea where Jake went. I got to see Robbie's solo, and it was pretty amazing. The first act is complete, and now we have to move on to the second. Which is where I get brought into the whole mix.


Rushing to my locker, I grab my french book and scurry to French. No way do I want to meet Jake at our lockers. I slide into my seat, laying my head down. Gosh I'm getting naseous! Get over it, it was just lust! Once class begins, and my mind drifts further away from Jake, I feel better and better. By the time I'm in seventh period study hall all is forgotten. I'm doing my homework, and listening to music. Then my head phones get pulled out and Carmen comes into the picture.


"Ahhh Wyatt and I had the best night ever!" Carmen gushes, crossing her legs and taking a sip of her girly coffee drink. I let out a breath. I'm glad she had a nice night, bettter then mine. My stomach clenches. My night with Jake wasn't bad at all actually. It's just what happened this morning!  "After the party, we wen-"


"I don't care!" I blow up. All eyes turn to me, and Mr. Feldmen, shushes me. "Sorry." I whisper. Carmen is glaring at me, and I role my eyes. Gathering my things, I go and sign out to Mr. Parkers room. He is eating lunch right now, so he wont be there. No one will be there. I knock, on the door when I see he is sitting there. Grading papers. He gestures for me to come in, and I do. Setting my stuff down at my desk, and pull a chait across from his desk.  "Can I help?" I offer. "You should eat.." 


"I have cookies to snack on." He says, "No worries mother!"  he snickers, and I spit my tongue out at him. Holding out a stack of papers. I take them, and grab the other red pen laying on his desk. "Oreos, the vanilla kind!" He says, licking his lips.  I smile, at least he has some thing to eat.  Time flies, and the bell rings for eighth period to start. "Oh.. shit." he sighs, "The chess club is gone again." He rubs his face, closing his computer. I finish the last paper, and the couple other people in the this class slide into the room. Pulling the chair back to where I got it, I take my seat. Mr. Parker gives me a couple Oreo's and tell the other complaining class mates that I help him with stuff so I earned them. 


"No that makes no sense!" I say, we're a little off topic, and now we are talking about monkeys throwing poop. "I've never seen a monkey throw anything, let alone there own poop." 


"Oh come on you've seen a youtube video or something!" Mr. Parker says, and everyone else nods in agreement. 


"No. Never." I says, smiling. This is a great history lesson. "Now.. why don't we get back to slavery?" I offer. I get a couple pieces of crumpled paper thrown at me, and even Mr. Parker frowns. The rest of history goes like this, all of us debating topics like how they get cheese inside cheese hot dogs, and why only the queen bee has babies.  Once the bell rings, I let out a breath. My dance recital! 


"Hey come here!" Mr. Parker says before I walk past him. I come around to the other side of the desk, and I see he has youtube up. 


"Oh come on!" I laugh, and he grabs my arm.


"Nope. You're watching. You gotta watch it or I'm gonna fail you." He threatens jokingly. I kneel down, with a breath of agreement. He presses play, and the door to his room swing open in a blur. "Ahhh, Jake what can I help you with?" Mr. Parkers asks, pausing the video. I close my eyes looking at the floor. Great. I'm guessing he is here to get a new tutor. 


"I need to talk to her." His voice speaks, and he sounds tired. He wants to talk to me? What? Why?


"Are you feeling okay? You look like, you're coming down with something.." Mr. Parker asks, as I stand up. 


"Never better." Jake replies bitterly, "Now, I just need to talk to her." He sighs, I shake my head.


"I'm gonna be late." I mumble. "I watch is later."  I wave to Mr. Parker. "Not now Jake."  I say then I leave the room. I walk as slowly and normal looking as I can, to my locker, put everything away since I don't have any home work.  I close my locker, and Jake is right there. I let out a breath of surprise, and I shake it off walking away without a word. "We're not talking about this." I say, as we leave the building. I look for other kids, there aren't many. Oh god, what if he pulls something out here in the open? With people around? He wouldn't. He knows what's at stake.


"We are going to talk about this." I hear him, but I don't turn and look. I can't. I've pushed everything away and seeing him will just bring it back. God it's only been one day, it's only going to get worse from here. Tomorrow is Wednesday too, I'll have to tutor him! I sit in my car, mumble swear words to myself. After a minute of that, I drive to my dorm, and wait for my parents to come and get me. They want to drive me there and take me out to eat after, since it's some big celebration. I personally don't think it is, but I wont complain. Going to my room, I grab my slippers and my water. There is two performances tonight, one with the new kids, and mine. The new kids are doing princess and the pauper, and there story takes about an hour it's self, then mine will be just a quick twenty minute dance. Then my teach will tell everyone it's my last dance, and that I'm 'retiring' from ballet. 


Answering my phone an hour later,  I grab my bag and head down to my parents vehicle. I slide into the back, and I see my father in the drivers seat, mother in the passenger seat, Patrick in the window seat behind my mother, Robbie in the middle seat between the passenger in the driver in the back, and me right behind the driver. I wave greeting everyone, I get a bunch of we missed you's and oh it's such a sad happy night. I giggle quietly, and Robbie winks at me. I sigh looking out the window as we leave school grounds. I didn't realize we were giving Robbie a ride, but I'm okay with it. It will give me something other then school and my future to talk about at  dinner tonight. I tell everyone how school is going, and get all of the that stuff out of the way, then the questions about boyfriends comes up. 


I look out the window. No, I don't have a boyfriend, but it's still weird. Robbie doesn't take any of it seriously, in fact he tells my parents about who he thinks I'm crushing on. He is always at the top of list as a slight joke. Then when they all see I have no comment about the whole boy situation they move on. Robbie knudges me, giving me a questioning look. I give him back just a brief smile, hoping I just seem like I'm nervous. He makes a funny face, and I giggle knudging him back. He knows how to cheer me up, but it's not enough to get Jake off of my mind. He has said so many things that should make me want to cry. Stuff about me never leaving, and him wanting me and feeling things for me he has never felt before. He has even begged me, and I've heard the desperation in his voice. It's not important. He is just trying to get in my pants right?


"Paige hunny we're here." My mom says pulling me away from Jake and the feelings we have for each other. I nod, hoping out of the car. I go inside telling them I'll them after the show. I make my way to my practice room greeting my crying teacher. I smile as she says "Tears of joy darling, tears of joy!" She shoves me into a dressing room tossing over multiple costumes for me to try. I go through four, until finally I end up in a black swan remake, without the makeup and crown. She does do my make up next, and it's funny getting all the stage make-up put on since I don't really wear make up normally. Then She get's my hair up into one her tight perfect prima ballerina buns, and she shoves me off into the practice room to go over my dance with me one more time. The little kids started about twenty minutes ago, so once I finish my practice, I'll have to get all of my things lined up. I go through

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