» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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a brief smile. Oh great. Now he is being a jerk. "Look who it is.." He says to me, and I assume Jake and Jayla are coming this way. Why is he doing this? 


"Mr. Parker," I hear Jake, "this is my little sister Jayla." He introduces her. 


"Hello." She holds out her hand. I glance at her seeing blonde hair like Jakes, and an average height girl, she is tiny weight wise. But she is healthy.  "Is this a date?" She asks bluntly. "Isn't that like... illegal? Student and teacher?" 


"We aren't together." I cut in. "I'm Paige.. Easton." I over my hand, her jaw drops, and she slides into the booth next to me. She is looking me up and down, sizing me up. What for? I glance at Jake, and he is looking everywhere but at me. 


"Wow, you're prettier then I thought you would be!" She says, moving back. "And you're smart! Ah, we'll get along just fine." She smiles. "Nice to meet you both. I'll be in the car, Jake." Then she is gone. I look blankly after her unsure what just happened.

Chapter 17- Rogue

Paige's POV


"Your sister is.... very..." Austin struggles with words.


"She can be blunt." Jake sighs, looking after her. "She is gonna be here next year... she is staying tonight here and hanging out with me tomorrow." He sighs, finally looking at me. I can see the pleading in his eyes for minute, he knows I'm mad. He could've texted. Real quick just a message saying parents or sister or something. I look away, going back to my salad. "Ah anyways I should probably get going.." He sighs. 


"Oh Jake tomorrow after school you need to come to my room. We need to discuss your new tutor and all." Mr. Parker says, and I close my eyes. Oh great! What is he doing? Is he trying to make him mad? He is making me mad! 


"Okay... what?" He slides into the booth next to me, I take another bite trying to make myself disapear. 


"We talked about it, and I have decided that it would be better if you had a tutor that wasn't a..." 


"A girl." Jake finishes not sounding to happy. I start fiddling with my hands in my lap, oh this isn't good. I look up out of the corner of my eye at him, trying to catch his eye. He needs to know I didn't really have a choice in the matter. Austin is practically forcing me, and Patrick my older brother is just looking out for me. 


"Ah yes." Austin replies, "It wont be so distracting for you to work either." He adds. 


"Why don't we just give this ne last try?" I speak finally. "I mean, he has been turning in his homework, and getting the old stuff in to. I'm not failing... if Jake is comfortable with me as his tutor why don't we just leave it at that?" I offer, and Austin sends me a look. A look of warning. What the fuck?! 


"We talked about this , Paige." He says not happy about my speaking up. 


"You're not my brother." I snap back, now the whole table is quiet. Oh great. Now he is mad mad at me!


"No. The answer is no." Mr. Parker says, ending the conversation. I look back down at my food, not very hungry anymore. Still fiddling my hands in my lap, I let out a breath. I wont argue with him. 


"What ever. I'll stop by." Jake sighs, as if nothing is wrong. Although I guess for him nothing might be wrong. I don't know! I see his arm out of the cornner of my eye, and he grabs my left hand the closest one to him. "After school right?" He ask, and I can feel the paper against my palm. He is passing me a note. That's cute, but in this situation, I don't know why or how. 


"Yes. Now if you don't mind I need to have a word with Paige alone." He emphasizes alone. Jake squeezes my hand, apparently Mr. Parker doesn't realize. Then he lets go and leaves grabbing the to go food on his way out. I glance down at my hand seeing the folded out piece of notebook paper. What could it say? "What just happened?" Mr. Parker demands. "We agreed, Paige."


"I know." I say, "I feel bad though. He isn't being innapropriete or anything I've just got a lot of other stuff going on. The play, and my last recital, and he is comfortable with me." I begin, trying to convince him.


"No." He says flatly. 


"God, why are you acting like my father or something!?" I groan, stirring my salad to give my hands something to do.


"Because I was asked to look after you. Now I am. Stay away from him Paige. He is bad news, you know that!" He leans back now trying to convince me.  "I mean it. I don't want to see you with him. Ever." Now he is threatening me. 


"Or what?" I test, raising an eyebrow. 


"Are trying to piss me off?" He asks, I don't reply. "Ugh.. Paige you know who is he. You'll just end up being another random girl to him. I'm trying to keep you out of that." 


"What if he changes? You're always saying people can change." I keep going, he sighs eating another french fry.  

"Guys like Jake Lincoln don't change. His older brother never did." Jake's older brother. He seems pretty famous for some reason. I wonder what got him on the top of the food chain. No, actually I don't. I'm pretty good at guessing. I let out a breath. Stuffing Jake's note in my pocket. I'll look at it later.  "Now... please.. can we just eat?" he asks. 


"Yeah." I say I'm not hungry but my salad is to good to not eat it. We eat in silence a couple minutes, an awkward silence, until Lindy comes back overing desert. Then things go back to semi normal, and Mr. Parker and I go back to debating weird subjects eating apple pie with icecream, whip cream, and caramel.  "I'm stuffed!" I sit back, swiping my finger acroos the plate get some caramel on my finger. 


"Same here." He yawns, looking at his watch. "Ahh I should probably get you back to your dorm." He sighs, and then we pay and leave a tip, and head out. He drops me off outside the dorm, and we say our good nights. Walking towards my dorm, I pull out Jake's note, It's signed by him even.  I pause after reading it a second, I turn looking into the parking lot. I see his car. Mr. Parker is gone already thank god. I stuff the note back in my pocket, I wonder where his sister is? Jake's in here! In my dorm. Whether he is in my room or not I don't know.  I go in peeking into the rec room and kitchen he isn't there. God he must be in my room! I run up the stairs, upsetting my stomach, and I pause outside catching my breath and fixing my hair. I go in as if nothing is wrong, and everything is normal. I see him laying on the floor looking through one of my scrapbooks. 


"Oh gosh, what are you doing?" I say horrified sitting down next to him. 


"I only got to see you dance once, I want to see some over your other ones too. Also I've learned a lot from these books." He says, gesturing to the other two I have he must've already looked through them. He seen my baby pictures! My pictures from when I was a little girl! My middle school photos!! Oh god no! "You were cute." He looks up at me smiling, and I shake my head feeling my cheeks heat up. "Oh yes you were!" he moves over the book he is looking at and grabs the first book. He open it to the way back, and flips to a page. Then he points at a picture of him and I, in front of our project. My parents demanded photos, and they got one.  "This one is my favorite." He says, I look at my outfit, my hair back in a ponytail, and I have a summer dress on. Him with his shaggy blond hair and nice jeans and a navy blue polo. Then he goes to the middle of the book flipping more pages. "Along with this one." He points to another one. It's just me, I'm standing on stage, wearing a blue gown and a my hair done up all fancy.  Robbie is standing next to me, in a knight's outfit. holding a sword. 


"I was Sleeping Beauty." I say recollecting the day. That was the day Robbie and really became friends. He was kind of shy, until I being the nice cheerful girl I was dragged him to Mrs. Olivers room and demanded the she give him a part in the play because I just knew he could sing. In the end he actually could sing, and we have been friends since. 


"You just seem so happy and care free." Jake says next to me. "You're always like that around him." he adds. Jealously. 


"Oh get over it. We're just friends." I push the book away. "So what do you want to talk about? Where is your sister?" I say roling to my side so I'm facing him. He watches me and we're quiet just somewhat looking at each other. 


"Jayla is in my room. Eating all my food I assume." He begins after a while, I giggle. "I wanted to talk to you aout a couple things. I'm sorry about today.. I know I missed.. but my family.."


"It's okay." I say, I figured that it was famil stuff since he has Jayla with him. "And?" I prompt.


"What did you and Mr. Parker talk about?" he asks sitting up. I let out a breath, alright long story short scenario.


"Well, my brother doesn't want me around you... apparently he knows your brother and thinks you're a bad influence on me. Mr. Parker is just the messanger boy, also telling me that I can't see you or be around you." 


"Ever." He adds, guessing. I nod. "Well, good thing we keep it secret." he says, and I nod. 


"Yeah... but it's sounding as if we will never be able to go public..." I say trying to figure out exactly what we are. 


"In time. Don't worry. Slowly and gradually." He turns to me. "I should probably go.. Jayla will eat all my food.. and go through all of my things." He sighs standing. I walk him to the door, and he hugs me. Not  kiss, but hugs me then we say our goodnights and he leaves. I close my door, leaning against it for support. I'm breaking multiple rules on multiple levels here! What if we get caught? How will we keep any of this a secret? Where will we meet? It can't be at each others dorms, that would look suspicious.  


"Not the time!" I mumble to myself going to my bathroom. I'm tired, I want to sleep. Sleep will help.

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