» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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Chapter 18- Hades

Jake's POV


Sitting in the auditorium, I watch Robbie and Paige play Herecules and Meg. They look really good playing the parts. Robbie plays his part greatly, being as he is supposed to be madly in love with her at first site.  Which I think he does like her so it's easy for him to act. Paige is just that good, I like watching her play her part. It's like sheactually becomes the character. She becomes the sexy Megera, who sold herself to Hades to save her boyfriend. A loud banging from behind stage interupts the practice, and everyone stops what they are doing. 


"What on Earth?" Mrs. Oliver gets up and Paige and Robbie go to move the curtain. I stay put not really caring to much about what happened. It was probably just a prorp that fell. "Oh! Call for the nurse!" Mrs. Oliver voice rings, out and I slip out of the room towards the nurse. I'm not good with blood. So I'd rather not see any if there is some. I go back walking after the nurse went running, I slip back into the room Paige is in a heate conversation with Robbie, she seems mad. I've never really seen her mad at him before. I take the chance going in a little closer, so I can get a listen too.


"Why do you need to know! It's not like I'm having sex with him!" She say, and grabs what looks like her phone from him. "Why did you go through my phone in the first place?"


"Because I was going to set a reminder for you to remember running lines with me after school! It made me me o to your contacts to put my name in there and I see his name!" He says. "Is this why you've been distracted? Becuase of him?" he replies. Paige shakes her head.


"So what I have Jake's phone number, it doesn't mean anything! I'm sure you have Anne's phone number!"  She torts back. 


"No. I don't, you wanna check." He holds out his phone. "When you're ready to explain, Ill be here." He walks away after that. Paige looks down at her phone, and mumbles to herself I can't hear what though. I want to go ask her what happened and if she is okay, but I think that might defeat the purpose of secrecy. I feel horrible though, I did put my number in her phone. But what the hell it's a phone number! We haven't even ever texte each other, not even called! 


"Darlings everyone take a seat!" Mrs. Oliver returns, and we all sit down. She isn't happy, and even I'm scared of her when she isn't happy. "With Mark being injured with a broken foot, we now need to recast the part of Hades." She clears her throat. I sit back smiling slightly. This will be fun to watch. This is going to be a war.  I was right second later people erupt sayng they will take the part or saying this person or that person should do it. ractice continues like this for five minute before Mrs. Oliver shushs the crowd. 


"Do they know for sure his foot is broken? It's not just a sprain that will take two weeks?" Robbie asks, and Mrs. Oliver nods. 


"It's broken." She looks around the room, her eyes scnaning the crowd for a Hades. I look down at my phone. I'm still waiting to hear from Jayla. She didn't want to come to practice so I left her at the dorm. Wyatt's going to give her a ride. I don't even know for sure if she is up yet. I send her a quick text and slip my phone back in my pocket looking back up I see Mrs. Oliver  starring back at me. Slowly her arm come up and she points at me. This isn't good.  "You. Mr. Lincoln. You will play Hades."  She says. 


"Ah..."  I begin. "That's not... I'm good with the lights." I say unsure how to tell her no. No way in hell am I going to play Hades. I'm not an actor! I sure as hell can't sing!  Athelete. That's about it. 


"Yes, you! You'll be perfect. You're tall and you can be scary when you want to so yes. You will do it!" She scans the room again. "I'll have Ms. Easton help you out with lines and skills. She is very good at it. I'm okay with this. I let out a breath, scratching my forehead.


"If I have too." I breath. 


"Yes you do! Everyone get work cleaning up the mess in the back. Ms. Easton, you will help him with lines wont you."


"Do I have too?" She mumbles, giving her a pleading look.  Mrs. Oliver just smiles at her and she also lets out a sigh. "Where is Hades's book?" She asks holding out her hand. Mrs. Oliver tosses it down to her, and she mumbles more to herself flipping through it. 


"Chop chop!" Mrs. Oliver smiles at everyone. Paige stands up slowly turning around looking for me. She makes her way back by me, with a smirk on her. She sits down handing me the book, with a smile. 


"I told you that you could be in the play!" She says quietly, I smile that's right she told me a while ago that I could to it. 


"I can't sing." I inform her. 


"Good thing your part doesn't have to. Now we better get to work you've got three weeks to get this down." She says, and we get straight to work reading through the lines. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out.  "Jake.." 


"It's Jayla." I say laying the phone down so she can see the screen. I reply with just an okay, now that I know she is awake.  We go back to reading lines, and she tells me how I should be saying things and how to do good facial expression while saying it. She has to use her hands a couple of times moving my eyebrows from me cause apparently I can't do it.  "Let's see you do it!" I challenge and in less then a second she has one eyebrow up and the other down. 


"It takes a while to be able to do it as good as I can!" She smiles. 


"That's a bunch of bull." I say "It's got to be like heredity or something. I can't do it at all!" I try and I just go cross eyed. "Impossible." I breath out, and she giggles. Then the bell rings, and the two of us sit up from the floor. Which we started laying on a while ago when sitting up straight got uncomfortable. "Alright... so I'll work on this.. I say. "But.. I wanna do something tonight... see a movie go out to eat... something." I say. She stops walking, and looks at me. 


"Are you serious?" she asks, and I nod. Yeah, I want to spend more time with her! "Umm, okay yeah sure tonight." she says, then we go our separate ways, playing the parts we told each other to play. My day is going to be great. Take that Mr. Parker, she isn't staying away, kind of hard when Mrs. Oliver assigned her to help me with lines and other things. And I have a date with Paige tonight!

Chapter 19- Yellow Card

Paige's POV


I have a date with Jake tonight. What will we do? What do I wear? I've never actually been on a real date. I mean I've hung out with Robbie, and gone out with him, but they weren't dates. I need to shake it off, focus on school while I'm at school. Throwing my play book into the locker, I grab my things for French class and head that way. I also can't believe Jake is now in the play. Serves Mark right though, all he does is mess around. Now I'm also his tutor in drama! Well, I guess I'll have to be around Jake anyways without being his history tutor!


Class go very slow, and I'm only sitting in fifth period, which happens to be my lunch period, as I dig through my salad. I wish I had homework or something to do because I'm sitting here alone. I don't normally sit alone, I don't normally sit in here period. I normally go to the Home Ec room and eat in there secondary kitchen. But today, I actually wanted lunch since it's just a salad. Other wise I bring my own, or just make something from what's in the kitchen.  


"So you're actually in here today!" Robbie slides across the the bench sitting next to me. I look up at him from my tray. 


"You're talking to me now?" I ask, mixing around my food more. Earlier today he freaked out at me because he found Jake's phone number in my phone!  Talk about over reacting! He stormed off, and hasn't said a word to my since, and he is in two of my morning classes. 


"I figured you didn't want to sit here alone. I normally sit by the guys." He points towards a group of his baseball friends. Glancing over I see the all watching with smirks.  "They think you're my girlfriend." He sighs.


"You've told them I'm not I assume."  I say, looking away from the group of boys and to him. He turns a bit pink and scratches the back of his neck. "You didn't!?" I say, what's with him! Why would he let he friends think we were together? 


"I've tried telling them, but they have never listened to me before! I just stopped telling them no! I never said we were!" he defends himself. I set down my fork, not sure how to respond. I'm even more mad with him then I was earlier! "Don't be mad." He whispers. 


"Are you kidding? No I'm not mad. You act like a jealous ass boyfriend and let your friends think we're together, no.. I'm not mad at all!" I sit back crossing my arms. I hear snickers coming from the table of his other friends. I role my eyes, and glare at Robbie. He leans forwards wanting to say something, when the door to cafeteria swings open. We both look over, and I recognize her right away. It's Jake's sister Jayla. She walk in looking like your everyday Lincoln. Perfect in other words. Following behind her is Jake himself, and they also seem to be at odds with each other. 


"Paige! Seriously! You're starring now!" Robbie says waving a hand in front of my face. I look back at Robbie, he did just catch me starring

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