» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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don't know she is weird." He says, shivering from the cold.  "Do you want t ride to your dorm?" He asks me.


"No.. I'm gonna go to the barn and back." I sigh, rubbing my hands together. It is cold. "See you tomorrow?" He nods, and then we go our separate ways. I still don't understand why he would runs lines with her, and why she wanted to know the play, I'll have to ask Carmen tomorrow. Getting back into my jog/run thing I'm doing, I press play on my Ipod and turn up the volume. Back to my situation.


Jake and I have a session tomorrow. What does that mean? What will I say to him? I can't just say I know what you did last night, that's creepy. I can't just ignore him either, he'll end up making me talk. I know how persistant he can be, and I get the feeling that he will lock me in a bathroom or something just so he can get me to talk to him. I dismiss all my thoughts of Jake,  I'll deal with it when I get there. But I'll see him right away in the morning at practice! I stop realizing I ran a little  farther then the horse barn,  turning around I head back. I'll read through my line what else do I have to do? 


"Megera, my friends call me Meg, at least they would if I had any friends. So did they give a name along with all those rippling pectorals?" I quote my line,  on stage. I'm look at Herecules AKA Robbie who just saved my life. We only have five minutes left of practice, and Mrs. Oliver wants to see Robbie and I perform together to get our feel for each other. To see if we play our parts good enough, and if we have chemistry playing the two characters. We continue through this scene and then the bell rings signaling first period. 


"That was perfect!" Mrs. Oliver aplauds us. "Now just make sure the two of you keep your kisses nice and innocent, no making out on my stage!" She jokes, and I lose all color in my face. Great. I have to kiss Robbie. I forgot about that. "Your homework, practice your kissing!" She says serious, and then she flutters out of the room. I slump off stage grabbing my things. Gosh, does she think that we're a couple? We aren't. We're friends. Friends don't kiss!  


"Hey don't worry about it Paige, you and I can do it!" He smiles at me, and winks. I can't tell if he is trying to be funny or if he is serious. He thinks we can kiss and just ignore it? Well, maybe for the play we can. I'm sure we can get over it. "If you want we can even practice.... if you want!" He says, looking away as we walk towards my locker. He apparently doesn't need to go to his. 


"I have to get to class Robbie." I reply, after a couple minutes. I've wasted enough time trying to think of an answer to him. I can't tell how he feels about it. I just wave and go to French. Sliding into my desk, I lay my head down on the table. Life is so confusing. Boys are confusing. 


The day zips by, and it's all because I'm dreading my session with Jake. I saw him once at practice this morning, but I haven't since. Right now I'm sitting in history with Mr. Parker and finishing my homework. There is only about 10 minutes left in class, and his lesson is over. I finish the small worksheet with five minutes left, and he demands that I watch the damn poop throwing video. I go to the front of the room, and behind his desk and kneel again, so I can see his computer screen. The both of us let out hushed laughs, at the video of a monkey throwing it's poop. Then he tells me all of the things I should do with Jake today after school. I try and stay positive with him, and not let him know I'm nervous for it. I'm not that good of an actress though. 


"Are you okay? You seem on edge.." He says after a minute, of me looking down at the papers I have to go through with Jake. "Is he being innapropriate?" 


"Ahh... I can handle it." I say paper clipping it all together. "Besides, he probably wont even show up." I add, trying to help myself out. I have to face him. I have to ask about Anne, I need to know. He said he didn't want anyone else. He must be some compulsive liar. I shake my head, just wait and hear what he has to say. Once the bell goes, I leave the room with out another word to Mr. Parker. Going to my locker, I see Robbie is already there with it open and waiting for me.  "Thanks..." I say, grabbing my things. We haven't talked since this morning, and I left things kind of awkwardly. 


"No problem... so I was thinking maybe we could run lines, go out to eat." He offers. I role my shoulders, hoping I slouche. I'm all of a sudden self concious. 


"I'm sorry... I'm busy... right now. Rain check?" I propose instead. He narrows his eyes ready for asking me what I'm doing. "Stuff. Stuff that I'm gonna be late for soon. I'm sorry." I say and walk away. I look down at my watch, which I actually put on this morning. I actually did stay up all night, and memorized my lines, and actually showered washing my hair and blow drying it to style it. I'm tired as shit now it's finally time to see him. Of course that's how life works. Slipping into the library, I take a breath seeing he isn't here yet. I'm running five minutes late too. I set my things down, and decide I'll wait ten minutes and no more. He is probably messing with a girl again. 


I press play on my phone, and Now You See Me the movies with Jesse Eisenberg in it and I watch it from my phone. Ten minutes, that's all I'm giving him. 


"Paige? Hey... Paige?" I get shaken and I sit up abruptly. Looking around like a mad women, I focus my eyes. The bright lights hurt like hell, and it's very quiet. The library, I'm still in the library. What? "Have you been here since after school? He didn't show up did he?" Mr. Parkers, voice speaks again. I look down at my phone, the movie is almost over. They're performing the last trick. I look at my watch, it's been almost two hours! He didn't show up at all! Not a text or a call. 


"No..." I sigh trying to wake up fulling. "I mean yeah,  I've been here since school ended. And yeah he didn't show up apparently." I wipe my eyes, getting rid of sleepiness.


"Come on... I'll get super." He says. I nod, with a small yawn. Grabbing my things and shoving it all in my book bag, I follow him out the door. "He was picked up from class early, I wonder if he is still gone." Mr. Parker says as we walk out of the school. I role my eyes. He knew Jake might've not been at school?! I dismiss it oh well. It doesn't matter. We have little conversation, and we slide into a booth in the dinner.  "So, what are you thinking?" He asks, ordering Kitty coctails for us both.


"About?" I ask, setting my phone on the table. I would've hoped he call or text, but I guess not. I was right about him.


"The tutoring thing? You shouldn't keep wasting your time." He says thank Lindy for giving us our drinks. I sigh, he is right, but all of the things he said to me, make me want to give him another chance. Although how many chances can you give a guy like him? "I don't think I want you tutoring him anymore. I'll assign some one else." He decides, and I look up from my drink. 


"Why?" I ask, if I don't tutor him I'll never have the time to talk to him. Well other then musical practice, but I don't have much time to talk to him then.


"You've been distracted since you started. Obviously you have other things going on, and I don't want him being any bad influence on you." He says sounding very teacherly. "This is quoted from you're brother by the way... I was talking to him about you tutoring Jake Lincoln. He know's his older brother and told me to not let you."  


Even Patrick has heard of Jake? Well, yeah then I'm screwed. His rep, is unchangable. I let out a breath, nodding. I guess it's better to not tutor him anyways. We drop the conversation when Lindy comes back wanting our food order, I just order a salad and Mr. Parker gets an extra cheese and pickle burger with A Thousand Island on it. It's gross, but he likes it. He moves on asking me about how the musical is going and we eventually lose the tightness from the conversation about Jake.


"Yeah, but still it's not relevant for them." I laugh, we're back to argueing about dumb things that normal people wouldn't think of. "Think about it Mr. Parker, if horses had no hair they would be ugly or at least weird looking, and they would freese over the winter!" I say. Yes, we're argueing about horses having hair. It started with just talking about them have a tail or maine, but eventually got to no hair period.


" I really wish you would just call me Austin." He sighs trying to not laugh. 


"I can't... you're a teacher, unless you already forgot." I say taking a bite.


"Oh come on... you call me Austin of school grounds.. right now we aren't in school. It just sounds weird when you call me Mr. Parker, when we're friends." he shake himself. 


"Well, fine Austin... I'm still right about the horses." I look away, picking a cucumner out and eating it. I like cucumbers drenched in salad dressing but I don't like them mixed with the other parts of salad.


"Yeah.. okay.. I guess you're right about this one." He leans back munching on a fry. I steal one of his plate, and he makes a mean face at me while I eat it too. "How was your recital last night?" He ask, and I imediately think of after it in my practice room with Jake.  


"It was good. I danced really good." I say, ignoring the madness going on inside my head about Jake now. He even showed up there and snuck into my practice room to talk to me!  "Super afterwards was very good as well." I add, trying to push Jake away. 


"I don't care! While I'm here I'm going to meet her!" A girl says behind us. "It's the first girl, you've ever talked to me about!" 


"You don't normal tell little sisters about your crush." I hear him, and I squirm in my seat. I look down at my salad swearing to myself. It's Jake and his sister Jayla! 


"I'm just gonna take this...." Mr. Parker..Austin.. reaches across the table taking a cucumber! I react imediately slapping his hand lightly, and taking it back.


"No!" I say as if scolding a dog. He stares at me surprised, and he smirks, I smile and then we both laugh. Oh jeez, the things that happen when the two of us are together! 


"Hey.. no more tutoring okay?" He calms down, as do I. He noticed Jake as well. I let out a breath and nod. 


"No more tutoring." I reply. 


"What did he want to talk to you about yesterday anways?" He asks, and I notice his eye flicker over my shoulder. I'm assuming at Jake and his siter. I watch him as he waves, and gives

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