» Romance » Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Enemies with Benefits, KiKi XoXo [reading books for 4 year olds .txt] 📗». Author KiKi XoXo

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the scene, I leave stage and I run to  getting a drink of water. Then I go back into the auditorium, and watch as the titans begin destroying the place. I have to go back on soon, and get crushed by a boulder, that doesn't actually kill me though. 


"Okay can we please skip to the final scene, with Herecules and his parents?" Mrs. Oliver yells, interupting the titans. Every scurries setting up the set for the final scene in which Herecules turns down to offer to become a god to stya with Megera. This is when Robbie and I have to kiss. We haven't done that in practice, Mrs. Olver hasn't made us yet, but I get the feeling that she is wanting us too now. We all get situated on stage, and we go through the lines. Everyone has their lines memorized now, even Jake.  "Paige and Robbie, make me believe." Mrs. Oliver smiles at us, and I wish I could just run off stage. 


"Sure thing Mrs. Oliver!" Robbie replies, giving her a thumbs up. Then he looks down at me, and winks. What does that mean? He leans down, and ducks his head touching our lips. I jump back, in total shock. Robbie just kissed me! We've never talked about this kissing scene, and we never ever have came close to kissing ever! 


"Not very convincing... Paige." Mrs. Oliver scolds. 


"I'm sorry." I say, stepping away from Robbie again. "I was just.. caught of gaurd." 


"Well, you two have your homework." Mrs. Oliver tsk, and then the bell rings. I leave the auditorium, not happy with Robbie. I try and get into my locker five times before I realize I'm to jumbled to pay attention to wait lock code I'm using. I lay my head against the door, letting out a breath. Jake saw Robbie kiss me. Jake also saw me jump away. That's good. 


"Paige." Jake says next to me. "Are you okay? You seem out of it.." He asks, pulling his locker door and it pops open. He must have it set so that it never locks, I'll have to ask how he did that! 


"I ah yeah. Never better." I say, that's a lie. Giving up on my locker, I walk away not wanting to deal with Jake right now either. 


"Well I'm happy your okay. I have to tell you though, I've been through shit the past couple of days." He whispers keeping pace with me.  "You see I was talking to this girl, she was amazing and gorgeous and sm-"


"Not now Jake." I say, not wanting to get into this before the school day starts. "I'll see you in the library after school?" I say opening the door to the french room.  


"Wouldn't miss it." He replies, and turns around going to his first period class. I take my seat, and go through the day way to fast. 


Already sitting in seventh period study hall with Carmen, I yawn twice in one minute. She hasn't stopped talking about her and Wyatt's break togehter. God I wish she would realize I don't like listening to her talk about her and happy relationship. After about half the period, of me not saying anything to her she seems to pick up slowly changes the subject. 


"So.. I heard Robbie kissed you this morning." I close my eyes, and my free reading book. Well, if she know then everyone knows. "Was he a bad kisser or something.. I mean he isn't horrible looking, and you two are best friends, it's about time something happens with you two..." She goes on. 


"I was caught by surprise... Robbie and I are friends nothing more. I'm not happy about having to kiss him." I reply. 


"But is he a good kisser?" She asks, and I narrow my eyes at her. She does have a boyfriend, and her and Robbie don't get along. Why would she want to know if he was a good kisser. Plus I don't even know if he is a good kisser, it was like a second and it wasn't even a kiss really. 


"I don't know. Find out yourself." I get up from my seat signing out to go to Mr. Parkers room. I go over knocking on the door like usual, but I don't wait for a reply today. I go in, looking at the desk he isn't eating there today.  "Mr. Parker?" I ask, setting my things down on my desk. I check the closet seeing if he is messing with his globes again. He isn't. He must be out actually eating lunch today. 


"If it isn't Ms. Easton." I hear Jason's voice, as the door opens. I turn looking away from the board, seeing him in nice gray work pants, and a maroon red shirt with a black tie. Jason dressed up. I shake my head away from the thoughts. "My my you're even prettier then I at first thought." 


"Where is Mr. Parker." I ask, still trying to play off that I don't remember him. "Are you subbing for him today or something?" I go to my things on my desk. 


"Yeah, Austin wanted another day for break.. so I told him I would come in for him." He leans against Mr. Parker's desk. 


"So you know Mr. Parker?" I sigh, not really wanting the answer because I already know it. 


"Paige, you know who I am dont you?"  He asks, now questioning if I really don't remember him. 


"Jake's older brother..?" I say, "We meet Thursday night." I add for affect. The door opens again, and it's Austin who comes in.  "Mr. Parker!" I say moving away from Jason. 


"Paige! I hope you had a nice break!" we hug real quick. "Patrick and I had a fun morning, we went hiking and all that guy stuff." He sighs. I laugh, and he smiles. 


"So, any papers I need to go over with Jake?"  I ask, Mr. Parker started looking from Jason to me, and I could see the wheels in his head spinning. No way do I need him lecturing me about both the Lincoln boys. Besides nothing even happened with Jason and I, but Austin knows how Jason can be. 


"Oh yes!" he says, and looks through his desk. "I have to go make copies of this. I'll be back. You two play nice, I remember how you used to bicker." 


"We did not!" I say to him, and then I mentally smack myself. So much for playing off as if I forgot him. Once Mr. Parker is gone, I look around the room everywhere, but at Jason. 


"So, you do remember me." he sighs, "by the way yes we used to bicker."


"We did. I remember. You're still very big headed I see."  I say, and he chuckles. "you still even chuckle, like you used to... gosh you haven't changed much."  


"Well I might not have but you... holy shit. All grown up little Easton." He smiles geneuinely at me now. 


"Well that happens over the years..." I sigh. 


"I meant what I said earlier. You're very attractive." He smirks at me now, and I smile at his cockiness. 


"Sorry, Mr. Lincoln. It's gonna take a lot more then your smile to attract my attention again." Then Austin comes back handing over the papers, and a minute later the bell rings. Jason stay for eighth period, and just hangs out in the room, with Austin and the other three of us students in class. It was a good class, telling history jokes, and the two of them telling stories from their college life together. Stories that do include mt brothe, and things I didn't need to know he did. 


"Paige Easton, Robbie Schroeder, and Jake Lincoln please report to the auditorium."  the intercom blasts, and I bite the inside of m cheek. What does Mrs. Oliver want with us? Robbie and I maybe, but Jake there as well?  Leaving my stuff in the room, I head to the auditorium getting there at the same time as Jake. Hi smiles down at me, and I just look ahead. No need to be swooning over Jake right now. We'll have plenty of time to do that in about fifteen minutes, not that that is what is going to happen. I know Jake wants to talk about Thursday, but I do still have to tutor him. 


"There you are darlings!" Mrs. Oliver cheers. "You're costumes came in! I was to excited to wait for tomorow, go try them on!"  I smile happy this isn't about the kiss. I pick up my dress, which is bagged so I can't see it. I have a pretty good idea what it looks like, but I'm not sure if she stuck with the dress she is wearing in the animated movie. I slide right into the dress, and it fits well up until the chest area. I zip it up the best I can,  and I look at myself in the mirrar. The chest area is supposed to be tight. It's supposed to emphasize my bust. I'm not comfortable in this dress at all. Leaving the girls dressing room, I show Mrs. Oliver happy the boys aren't out here. Mrs. Oliver zips it up the rest of the way, and starts twirling her finger. 


"Isn't it a bit showy?" I ask, turning for her. "In the chest area espicially." I add. She stops twirling her finger and I stop turnin for her. 


"It's supposed to emphasize you're curves Paige." She says, still looking at it's fit. "It's perfect!" She claps her hands together. I shake my head, no getting out of this now.  "Robbie come out here again!" She yells, and a second later Robbie comes out, in his Herecules get up. The one he wear when he gains all of his strength. I smile seeing him in a skirt, but man does it actually look good. He looks pretty damn good to be honest.  "Stand next to each other Let me see my lovers together." Robbie and I stand side by side and her eyes scan over us. 


"You look amazing." Robbie whispers. I elbow him figuring that he is probably looking at my chest. "Sorry." He apologizes right away. "You really do look good though." He adds. 


"You don't look to bad yourself... even in a skirt." I reply, smirking at him. He smiles sarcastically, and and crosses his arms spitting his tongue out at me.  We laugh together for a second, waiting for Mrs. Oliver to finish staring at us. 


"Now you two, just need to work on your lip locking and we'll be good!" She finally speaks, narrowing her eyes at us.  "I want your kiss perfected by tomorrow. Shouldn't be to hard for you, you're a couple." The bell rings signalling school is out, and I can hear the rocus outside in the halls. 


"Ah, Mrs. Oliver we aren't.. together.." I step away from Robbie, "Just good friends."


"Could've fooled me." She wiggles her eyebrow at me, "Whether you are or aren't, I want that kiss perfected. You may go change." she shoos us away. I wave to Robbie, and head back towards the girls dressing room. Walking through the hall to the dressing room, I get a bunch of stares. I keep my head down, and move my hair to help cover my chest. The girls changing room is locked, when I finally fight my way through the crowd. I lean against the wall, the track girls must be changing. I wait for a while, wishing I would've just brought my clothes out with me because I could just change in the bathroom. 


"Well if it isn't Megera." Jason says, rounding the corner. I glance up from my black flats, sending him a look. "I was told you were playing the part... but seeing you in the costume really puts it together. You look like her, but can you act like her?"


"She is a great Megera." Robbie says walking down the hall towards us. 


"You're Herecules I assume." Jason holds out his hand. 


"Robbie is the name I prefer." He says. "Mr. Lincoln." He shakes his hand. "Paige,

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