» Romance » Unexpected, Nikki Plotner [best e ink reader for manga .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unexpected, Nikki Plotner [best e ink reader for manga .TXT] 📗». Author Nikki Plotner

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looked at my menu trying to decide what I was going to get.
“What are you getting?” Conner asked me.
“I think I am going to have the shrimp scampi.”
“That sounds good.”
“Do you guys know what you want yet?” The waitress asked.
“Yes, Conner said.”
“I will have the shrimp scampi.” I said.
“What to drink?” Said the waitress.
“Dr. Pepper.”
“Okay, what can I get for you sir?”
“I want the scallop’s pasta, with a coke please.” Conner said.
“Okay, I’ll get that right out for you guys.” She walked away.
“So, what are we doing tonight?” I asked.
“Eating and going to a movie.”
“Sounds good, so is it true that you’re the biggest player in school?”
“Um, who told you that?”
“I hear things.” I said sarcastically.
“Okay, well you can say that I am.”
“Hmm, I appreciate the truth.”
“You’re welcome.” Our food came and we ate in silence for a while.
“So, what movie are we going to see?” I asked.
“Um, some type of romantic comedy. If that’s fine?”
“Yeah, sounds great.”
We finished eating and then Conner paid for dinner. He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. We drove to the theater and got our tickets. The movie started shortly after we found our seats. Conner put his hand on my thigh, which kind of made me uncomfortable, but I just shrugged my thoughts off. When the movie was over, we went back to his car. Conner started driving, but he didn’t drive anywhere near my house. Instead he went to an overlook and parked the car. You could see the little town, from where we were parked.
“This is really beautiful.” I said.
“Not as beautiful as you.” He said looking into my eyes.
I smiled. He really thought I was beautiful, most guys just thought I was hot and always tried to get with me. Conner was being really sweet and I liked it. It was a good change in things.
“Thanks I said.”
“For what?”
“Being sweet to me, instead of being like other guys.”
“You’re welcome.” He leaned into me and started kissing me. He placed his tongue in my mouth and explored my mouth. I tugged on his hair. Conner pulled me into the back seat and continued kissing me. He placed his hands at the bottom of my dress, while he teased his tongue with mine. Conner started pulling my dress. I stopped his hands.
“Wait.” I said.
“What, I know you want to.”
“No, I really don’t you need to stop.”
He just continued kissing me, and forced my dress off of me.
“I said stop Conner!” I yelled. I was pissed that he was forcing himself on me.
“Why, every other girl would be jumping at this opportunity.”
“I am not every other girl. You need to stop now.”
He tried to take my bra off, but I kicked him in the stomach.
“Leave me the fuck alone Conner!” I yelled.
“You bitch!” He yelled. I grabbed my dress and got out of his car, placing my dress back on.
“Lyla come on, get back in the car. I will take you home.” Conner said.
“No, thanks I will call myself a ride. Goodbye Conner.”
“Whatever you’re just a bitch.” He sped off. I took my phone and called Taaron’s number.
“What?” Taaron said answering the phone.
“Can you please come pick me up?” I asked.
“I told you not to come crying to me when he tried to play you Lyla.”
“Please, the only other person I can call is my dad and I don’t want him to know Taaron.”
“Fine, where are you?”
“I’m at the overlook of the town.”
“Okay, I will be there as soon as I can. Bye.”
“ Bye.”
I hung up the phone. I sat in the grass and brought my head to my folded arms and started to cry. Why do these things always have to happen to me? I just kept on crying. Then a car pulled up an half hour later. Taaron walked over to me.
“What’s wrong Lyla?” He asked.
“Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Lyla you know you can tell me anything. Please just talk to me, but first let’s get you in the car.” He helped me stand up and walked me to the passenger side door. I got into the car and then he got in the driver’s side.
“So, what happened?” Taaron asked.
“Everything was going great, he was being really sweet and then something changed and he tried to force himself on me. He forced my dress off of me and I finally kicked him and got out of the car. He sped off, because I wouldn’t get back into the car.” I looked over at Taaron, he looked furious. He was gripping the stirring wheel so hard, his knuckles were going white.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Am I okay? I should be asking you that question. I will live, but he won’t.”
“You can’t do anything to him Taaron.”
“I can’t do anything to him? Lyla you mean a lot to me and he deserves to pay for what he did to you. I am going to kill him. Don’t try talking me out of it because it won’t work.”
I could tell he was really pissed off about the situation. We drove in silence the rest of the way home. When I got home I went up to my room and went to bed. The next day at school, there were rumors about how Conner got in my pants. I was pissed, but Taaron was even more pissed.

Chapter Seven: The Fight

Throughout my morning classes, guys were coming up to me and calling me a slut. During lunch that day, Taaron came and sat next to me. Half way through lunch, Conner came up to the table.
“Hey slut, I guess this is what you get for treating me like shit”! Conner said.
“I treated you like shit; you were the one that forced yourself on me dick”.
“Well you get to live in school now being known as the biggest whore here. Have fun with that.”
I didn’t even get a chance to say anything because before I knew it Taaron had punch Conner in the face. Conner staggered back, but Taaron just stepped towards him and repeatedly hit him. Conner plunged into Taaron’s stomach, making him fall to the ground. Conner was hitting him in the face repeatedly, and then Taaron flipped them over so he was on top hitting Conner in the face. Conner’s face was getting bloody. I didn’t know what I was going to do, I started yelling at Taaron to stop, but he wasn’t listening. I saw that his eyes went straight black; it looked like his wolf was trying to come out. The next thing I knew was Conner being thrown across the Cafeteria. Conner’s body went limp into the wall, his eyes were close, with a pained expression on his face. Taaron started walking over to him.
“Taaron, stop you have done enough”! I yelled.
Taaron stopped and looked at me, I gave him a pleading look. He came and walked over to me.
“I’m sorry I lost control, but he really shouldn’t have talked to you like that.” Taaron said wrapping me into his arms. The principal came into the cafeteria.
“What is going on in here”! He yelled.
We looked at him with “Oh Shit now what” expression. The principal told the nurse to go over to Conner to check on him. Then he looked at Taaron and I. “You to, get to my office right now”! He said sounding angry. Taaron and I walked to the office, the secretary told us to sit down in the chairs. We waited for a while, and then Conner came in with the nurse. The principal came out of his office looking pissed. “Lyla, come into my office”. I got up out of my chair and went into the office. “Sit” he told me. I sat in the chair in front of his desk. He had my school file out in front of him.
“So, what exactly happened”? He asked me looking up from the file.
“Um, Conner had called me some names and I tried to handle it, but it didn’t work and he called me some more names. Taaron got pissed and now here we are.” I said.
‘What type of names”?
“He called me a slut and a whore”. I said it pretty quietly, I didn’t know if the principal had heard me or not, my eyes were looking into my lap, not wanting to look at the principal.
“Why did he call you those names”?
“Because why”?
“He just did okay, now can we drop it”? I said in an agitated voice. I was getting pissed off about the situation and I didn’t want to talk about it.
“No we can’t drop it; this is the reason why there is fighting in my school and someone got hurt in the process. So, start talking now”! He yelled.
“Well you can just forget about it because I’m not going to say anything else. Now can I be excused”?
“If you are not going to talk, then you are suspended. Go seat back out there in the office”.
“Fine go ahead and suspend me, you might want to expel me because I am not saying shit to you”! I yelled walking out of his office. I was pissed, I couldn’t believe he suspended me over something so we stupid. I went and sat back down in my seat. The principal called Taaron into the office. I wondered what was going to happen to him.
-Taaron –
I went into the principal’s office. I knew I was going to be in major trouble, but I couldn’t believe he had suspended Lyla. She didn’t even do anything. I was finding myself getting really upset that this ass whole of a principal had done that. I hated Conner. I knew I shouldn’t have acted that way towards him, but I just lost control when he called her that. I have never felt this way before about anyone. I usually can control myself, but for some reason I just couldn’t. The principal told me to sit in the chair, I did as he asked. He looked up to me; I could tell he was really pissed off.
“Why did you cause a fight in my school for”? He said with a serious expression.
“Um, I know I shouldn’t have done that, but I just lost control. He should not have the right to call anyone that let alone a girl that”.
‘That does not give you the right to cause trouble. This is not your first problem here at this school. I told you the last time you were in this office if you did it again you would be expelled”.
“I know, but he really shouldn’t have talked to her like that. You can do what you want with me, but she does not deserve to be suspended for something that is not her fault. That is not right”.
“She is suspended for a reason, now you are expelled. Go sit out there and wait for Mr. Salvatore to get here”. He was really mad, I knew I was going to be in major trouble, but I didn’t think something like this was going to happen. I went out to the actual office and sat back down next to Lyla. I looked at her, she

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