» Romance » Unexpected, Nikki Plotner [best e ink reader for manga .TXT] 📗

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and went straight to Lyla’s room. I know that I am grounded to my room, but I really don’t care. I know she is going to need someone today. I knocked on her door.
“Come in”, I heard her say. I walked into her room and shut the door.
“How are you feeling”? I asked
“Like hell, how is it that you can walk around”?
“You only feel that way after the first change. Afterwards you can transform without any problems or pain”.
“How long does this soreness usually last”?
“The first day is the worst. Tomorrow you will fill a lot better, just stiff “.
“Oh, well will you help me into the bathroom. I want to take a bath”?
“Sure, but you are naked”.
“I know that, I really don’t care right now. Just help me into the bathroom please”?
I walked over to Lyla and helped her into her bathroom. Once she got into the hot bath water, I left the bathroom so she could have some privacy. I went downstairs and made us something to eat. I quickly ate my food and after grabbing something to drink for the both of us, I took her food up to her room. I set her plate and drink next to her bed on the night stand and sat at the edge of the bed.
“Taaron”! Lyla yelled.
“Can you please help me out of the tub and to the room”?
“Sure”. I walked into her bathroom and helped her stand up in the tub. I grabbed the towel next to the tub and wrapped it around her and then carried her to her room. She dried her body off as best as she could, while I went to her dresser and grabbed her some pajamas and panties. I helped her get dressed and then sat next to her watching TV while she ate. Nathaniel came into her room later on that afternoon.
“What are you doing in here”? Nathaniel asked.
“Helping her out, she did just change and barely came move”.
“Well take her downstairs, Jasmine and I need to talk to you both”.
I carried Lyla downstairs as gently as I could and placed her on the couch. We sat down waiting for Nathaniel and Jasmine to talk to us

Chapter Ten: Boarding Schools and Mates

“Alright guys, we want to talk to you about the school thing. I don’t want you to get all pissed off and running out of the house. There will not be any arguments on any matters discussed tonight. Do you understand me”? Jasmine said.
“Yes”, both Taaron and I said in Unison.
“Alright, we have decided on a school for you guys to attend”. Jasmine said
“What school”? Taaron asked.
“Columbia Boarding School”; Said Nathanial.
“Boarding school? I thought you said it was a private school, not a boarding school dad”. Lyla said.
“Well your mother and I decided on this school. You will go, I am going down there tomorrow to meet with the headmaster and sign the enrollment papers. You will start next Monday, so this weekend you will be packed and ready to go. I don’t want to hear anything on the matter; this is how it is going to go”. Dad said.
“Fine, just get rid of me like you always wanted anyways”. Lyla said with hatred in her voice.
“Okay if that’s how you are going to act then fine, that’s your decision. It will not change my mind”. Dad said.
“We have something else that we need to talk to you guys about. Since your parents died Taaron and I am your legal guardian, it is my duty to talk to you about the mating process. Also, since you are now seventeen years old, you can find your mate anytime”.
“Mating, what the hell are you talking about”? Taaron said.
“Werewolves find mates, which is a partner that both you and your wolf will love for life. You can only have one mate in your entire life”.
“So you’re saying once I find my mate, I can’t be with anyone else for the rest of my life”? Lyla asked.
“That’s what I am saying yes. You will find your mate and cherish them for life. Although, you can deny your mate”.
“What happens if we deny our mate”? Taaron asked.
“If you deny your mate, you won’t find another mate. Not only that you won’t be able to have kids with anyone other than your mate. Plus, when someone finds their mate a piece of their soul transforms into the other; so if you deny your mate a part of you won’t be the same. You will not be as happy as you would be with your mate”.
“How exactly are we going to know when we find out mate dad”? Lyla said.
“You will feel an instant connection with them. When you touch each other or kiss you will feel an electric shock go through your body. Not one of pain, but one of pleasure”. Nathanial said.
“Is that all”? Taaron asked.
“No, once you find your mate you will be able to read each other’s minds, if you want to. But, your mating will be completed after you have had sex with them. You will be mated, but until you have sex with them you can deny them. Once you have had completed the mating ritual, you no longer can deny them as your mate”.
“Anyways we thought you needed to know that”. Jasmine said.
“Is that all you needed to talk to us about”? Lyla asked
“Yes, you may go back up to your rooms. You have tonight and tomorrow to get what you want packed before you leave, so I suggest you do that”. Nathaniel said.
Taaron had carried me back up to my room. There was no way I was going to be doing any packing today, so I guess I will have to do it all tomorrow. I laid down on my bed the remainder of the day, thinking about why it had to be a stupid boarding school and not just a regular private school. I also thought about the mating crap. Well, I thought it was crap anyways. I fell asleep and when I woke up the next morning, I felt a whole lot better. I got up and took a shower and then decided to go ahead and get my things packed since my stupid parents wanted us to leave on Saturday, tomorrow by the way so we can settle in before school. I hope I don’t get roomed with some preppy ass bitch girl. I grabbed three suitcases and packed a bunch of clothes in them. Then I grabbed a tote for my shoes. After getting all of my things packed it were time for dinner.
“Are you guy all ready to go”? My dad asked.
“Yes”. We both said, not at the same time though. I was in a grumpy mood. I really didn’t want to go, I could tell Taaron was in a pissed off mood too.
“Good, after dinner I want you to go put your things in the back of the Hummer and Taaron’s car. I am letting you guys take Taaron’s car, but that’s only because you can go out and do things while you’re their”.
“I can’t take my car”? I asked.
“No, until I know you are doing good there and don’t want to run away, you will be getting rides from Taaron”. Dad said.
“How do you know he doesn’t want to run, huh”?
“He won’t run, he may be upset, but not as upset as you are”.
“Fine whatever, I am going to put my things in the vehicles”. I got up and went to my room, grabbing a suitcase and took it to my mom’s Hummer. I repeated this ordeal until all the things that I was taking were in the car. Afterwards I went to sleep, knowing that I would have a long day tomorrow. Dreading tomorrow was definitely what I was doing. I woke up the next morning around seven, my mom telling me that we were leaving in an hour and I needed to be ready to go by then.

Chapter Eleven: Columbia School

I was really not happy having to drive to Olympia, Washington with my dad. My mom went with Taaron in his car, so they knew he would make it to the school. It was the longest drive of my life, even though it was only a five hour drive. We arrived at the school; it was a huge red brick building from the outside. I followed my followed my parents and Taaron into the building. We went into the office. My father went to the office saying something to the secretary at the desk, shortly after this older guy with brown hair and blue eyes came out of an office motioning us to follow him back into the office.
“Alright, so I heard you were here because you guys got in trouble at your old school”. The headmaster said.
“Yes, they had some problems at their old school, but that is not going to happen here”. Nathaniel said.
“Well, Mr. Salvatore had talked to me about putting you two in the same dorm, so I have went ahead and assigned room 230 for you guys. It is located on the second floor, and is room 30. There are some rules that you will have to follow here at this school. First, you have to attend classes. There will not be any tardiness or missing classes, unless they are excused. You have to be in your dorms by ten at night and you can only go on home passes if you have permission. So, here are your guy’s schedules and your room key. Be in class on Monday”.
We took our keys and schedules from the headmaster and then went back to the secretary, she showed us around the school. The main hall was just a bunch of offices for the teachers. At the end of the corridor you had the chose to go left or right. On the right side was the classes and cafeteria, which we ate lunch at during class time. On the left side, were a couple dorms on the first floor and then stairs and an elevator to lead to the rest of the dorm rooms. We followed the secretary to the second floor in the elevator, there was a sign stating that the elevators are not in use during ten pm and seven am. So, that was curfew hours. We came to a door at the end of the corridor, on the left side and she asked us for one of our

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