» Romance » Falling For You, K Lime [short books to read TXT] 📗

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“This is your car?”


“Can I drive?”

“Not today. Maybe later.”


She slides into the car and he starts the engine driving to their destination to see quite a few cars.

“Looks like a lot of people.”

“Most of them will just watch.”

“You sure?”

“There are plenty of groups that support us enough that they won’t fight us and then there are others who know not to.”

“Be safe mi amor.”

“I will.”

Krissy lifts her shorts to adjust the dagger strapped to her thigh.

“You crazy?”

“No it’s just in case.”

“Are you going to be alright?”

“I always am. Plenty of people try to throw themselves down to save me. A few have died doing it.”

Stephen gets quiet and kisses her before they get out. He locks his car and they head into the building.

Fighting Time and Meeting The Family

Inside, people part to let her through some nodding their heads while others bow slightly. She makes her way to the center where Chance stands with their group.

“They’ve called no teeth.”

“Did we call no weps?”

“No. Should we?”

“No let me.”

She jumps up onto the rack near her and looks for Celeste, Jackson, and Olivia.

“Hey Boards!”

“Yea Pain?” Jackson shouts back at her.

“You call no teeth we call no weps.”

The voices in the room increase back to a loud whisper and the three stare at her coldy.

“Fine. You have your teeth.”

“That’s what I thought.”

She jumps down n stands before her group.

“Be ready guys, Boards likes to try to break stuff over your back and your head, Fang likes knives, and Night likes dirty tricks. Be on your alert. Oh, and Celeste is mine.”

“You’ll get in trouble if she rats you out.” Chance says taking her arm softly.

“Chance, what more can they do to me than what has already happened?”

He looks away before hugging her tightly.

“Be safe my little alpha.”

“Are you not fighting?”

“Ayre is pregnant Krissy.”

“Congratulations. Keep her up there and out of the way dude. Let’s go guys. Stephen, I’ll be back soon.”

She steps forward with her group following behind her. The room shifts and soon there is a large rectangle area for the groups to fight. Krissy stands in the lead of her group while the other teams  cluster together ready to fight.

“My my, your little friend isn’t coming to join us?” Celeste taunts.

“He’s expecting.”

“Aww how sweet. Too bad you’ll die without him.”

“Too bad you’ll be exiled in a little while.”

“And who said I won’t be Alpha Leader?” Jackson asks.

“The fact the most groups would fight and there would be chaos.” She growls looking at him angrily.

He takes a step forward and she follows. After two steps, the groups charge at each other and a complete brawl begins. Her group was holding strong but Night was definitely fighting dirty. She had already taken down several fighters on the other side before catching the edge of somebody’s dagger. She growls clutching her wound before sinking her teeth deep into their shoulder. She throws them aside before continuing her fight with Olivia. A couple in her group had already taken out Jackson and now it was only Olivia and Celeste. Most of her group was only blocking or weakly attacking Celeste though but the girl didn’t seem to notice.

Olivia falls due to Krissy sending a painful hit to her leg causing her to fall. She holds her hands up in the defense position and Krissy moves on. The battlers on each side were steadily diminishing and she watches as people back away into the crowd as she comes to face Celeste. Her step sister looks at her coldy.

“Poor little emo run out of weapons?” She taunts fingering her knife softly.

Krissy smirks knowing the dagger is still strapped to her thigh and there is a whip dangling from a tower  ten feet behind her.

“Little bitch gonna fight?”

With that, Celeste throws the blade and it misses Krissy. They go into hand to hand combat but Celeste, knowing she is losing, backs up grabbing knives and slicing at Krissy with them. Deciding on a better idea Krissy backflips until she reaches the whip hanging from the tower. She grabs it and strikes it out against her step sister angrily. She looks over at her mate to see him smiling with pride but worry is written deep in his face. She cracks it again and catches Celeste on the ankle and the two are soon back at hand to hand. Krissy tackles her and pulls her dagger pinning it to her throat.

“Stand down.”

Celeste looks at her fearfully before raising her hands in defeat. Krissy stands and offers her a hand up which she rejects. She walks past the  people lying on the ground and stands in the middle of the circle.

“Would anybody else like to challenge Pain?!” She cries to the audience.

Nobody moves for a moment but then slowly, people start to kneel. She walks to Chance and hugs him.

“Get the wounded some help brother.” She tells him before leaning against the tower.

“You need help.”

“I’m alright, help them first.”

Chance looks at her before walking off and calling a few people from in the room to help him out. She touches her side wincing in pain before looking up. A younger girl and boy stand in front of her.

“You need to get help Alpha Leader. You’re bleeding a lot.”

“I will get help when my group has been helped.”

They bow their heads and walk off. Sheamus walks up to her and hugs her tightly.

“Come on,” He says pulling her to his side and letting her lean on him.”


“I’m taking you to get help. You’re bleeding.”

“It’s not bad.”

“Krissy, your jacket is soaked and that rip in it isn’t going to hide much, come on. They’ll be alright. Everyone is worried about you.”

“I’m alright” She says weakly holding her throbbing head.

“Krissy, look at me.” Stephen says standing before her.

She looks at him through blurry eyes as she sways slightly.

“Stephen, I’m really dizzy.”

“You need a doctor come on.”

“Really I’m al—“

She stops mid-sentence as she faints. Stephen catches her and cradles her to him tightly. He rushes out to his car with her in his arms not caring about the amount of people giving him weird looks. His mate was bleeding out and needed help, being a teacher was not going to stop him from saving her. He wraps his jacket tightly around her and places her in the seat before speeding out of the parking lot and to the nearest hospital. Almost half the cars follow him as he speeds toward his destination but he doesn’t care his mind is solely on her. Once he gets to the ER he picks her up and rushes into the building carrying her in his arms. He rushes to the lady at the desk and informs her of what’s going on.

A nurse comes out with a gurney from the back and they rush her to the back.

“I’m sorry sir, but you can’t go in just yet.”

“But she’s hurt.”

“Sir, the doctors will take care of her just go sit down.”

He walks defeated over to the waiting area and sits down amongst the staring people. A young boy walks up to him and smiles at him. He looks at him patiently.

“You’re Sheamus.”

“That’s right kid.”

“Can I have your autograph?”

“Listen, I can’t give you one right now, my mate is in there and she’s really hurt.”

“Okay.” He skips off back to his dad who nods his head at Sheamus before continuing the conversation with his wife.

Just then, the large group from the warehouse comes through the door like a stampede.

“Is she alright?” Chance asks him.

“I don’t know they wouldn’t let me see her.”

“What are they doing?”

“I don’t know. They said give them a little while.”

The large group files in and sits down on the chairs. There are so many of them that everyone has somebody in their laps and many of them are on the floor or standing. Sheamus looks over at the little boy and his parents and walks over to them.

“Hi, I didn’t mean to sound so rude just a minute ago kid.”

“It’s ok Mr. Sheamus, he’ll get over it.” The boy’s mom says.

“Just call me Sheamus. Could I get your address or maybe a pen?”

“What for?”

“I’d like to give your son what he asked for.”

“Oh well here you go” The father says handing him a pen.

The little boy rushes over and points to his shirt where he wants Sheamus to sign. Sheamus smiles and signs. A nurse walks out from the back.

“Would whoever is with the girl that was just brought in please come here?”

The large group of teens stands up and Sheamus pushes his way to the front. Most of them sit back down except for he and Chance.

“Which one of you brought her in?”

“That would be me.”

“And who are you?”

“Stephen Farrelly.”

“The wrestler?”

“Yes, could you please tell me how she is?”

“She’s going to be fine, but I can’t allow anybody to see her except for her family.”

“I’m her mate!” Sheamus shouts angrily.

“I’m sorry but she is under age and you cannot see her without her parents being here.”

“I have her step dads number Stephen I can call him.”


Chance pulls out his phone and dials the number. The phone rings before a voice comes in on the other end.


“Mr. Kinsley, it’s Chance, we’re at the hospital, Krissy is hurt and they won’t let anyone see her without you being here.”

“I’m on my way.”

He hangs up the phone and Chance looks at Stephen.


“He’s on his way.”

Stephen walks back to his chair and sits down to wait glaring daggers at the door. After almost half an hour, a man walks in with Celeste. Chance jumps up and rushes over to them.

“Chance, thank God how is she?”

“They won’t tell us anything.”

Stephen walks up behind Chance and the man who is apparently Krissy’s step dad looks at him shocked.

“Stephen Farrelly?”

“Yes sir, could you please just go tell the receptionist that you’re here.”

“Well yes, but what are you doing here.”

“Uh Mr. Kinsley, this is Krissy’s mate.”

Mr. Kinsley stops and looks at the two of them like they just grew an extra head.

“Oh well, Celeste, looks like you will have to wait to see your sister.”

“She isn’t my sister, she’s a freak.”

Stephen growls low in his throat as Mr. Kinsley tells the receptionist who he is. A nurse arrives and leads them through the building into the room where Krissy is. She is lying on a bed with a blanket over her and an IV in her arm.

“Is she going to be alright?”

“The doctor should be in in just a few minutes to do her stitches.”

“Stitches?” Krissy’s step dad asks.

“Yes sir, that’s a rather nasty cut.”

The nurse leaves and Stephen walks over to her side. He lifts up the blanket to see bandages wrapped tightly around his mate’s upper body. He pulls the blanket back since everything is covered and her step dad gasps at the blood soaking through the bandages.

“What happened to her?”

“She was wounded in a fight.”

“Was Celeste involved?”

“She was, but Krissy was hurt before then.”

“I’ve tried to get the girls to get along, but Celeste just won’t leave her be.”

The door opens and a wiry haired man and a nurse walk in with a tray with materials to do stitches with.

“I’m afraid if the two of you aren’t related, you’ll have to leave.”

“I’m her father and this is her mate.”

“Very well.”

The man walks over and begins to

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