» Romance » Falling For You, K Lime [short books to read TXT] 📗

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up the ladder and diving.

When she gets out of the water the coach walks over to her.

"Those aren't going to bother you are they?"


"Then, you're on."


She turns and walks to the bench but gets stopped by Celeste and Courtney.

"Aww look how ugly you are now. Oh wait, you were ugly before!" Courtney laughs before pushing past her.

Celeste looks at her disgusted and clicks her tongue as she passes. Krissy ignores them and picks up her towel and sits with her friends for a moment before walking into the locker room to change back. When she is dressed she walks over to Stephen.

"You lied to me."


"You told me they were healing fine and that they weren't bad."

"They are fine."

"You call that fine?"

"Stephen please."

"No. Have you talked to the doctor? Can you get them to go away?"

"He doesn't think anything will work."

"I didn't figure as much. You are still beautiful, but I can tell it upsets you."

"I know."

"Come on, let's go to my house, I have an idea."


"You wont like it."

"Why not?"

"It's about your past. And your parents."

"What about them?"

"They aren't dead."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you when we get there, just please, come with me."

He takes her hand and leads her to his car. She is silent most of the ride and he finally pulls in to his house with another car in the drive and lights on.

"Krissy, are you alright? You're pale."

"You just told me my parents aren't dead. Of course im a little pale."

"Just please relax, they're going to explain everything to you I promise. I love you."

"I love you too."

He reaches over and kisses her softly to calm her down before getting out of the car. He walks around to her side and opens her door. She takes his hand and he gently helps her from the vehicle when her step dad and Celeste drive up. They step out of the car and Nelson looks at Stephen.

"What did you say?"

"I told her the basics."


"Have you seen how she is treated at school normally? With those scars, its going to be worse. She didn't seem happy when she looked at them. I want her happy. To fix them, she has to know."

"She's going to hate us."

"Which one, Krissy, or her mother?"


"I wouldn't be the least surpised if Mrs. EVILMURDERER hated you."

"I wouldn't either."

"You are only human, and they make mistakes."

"Always do."

"Come on let's get inside. Oh and Celeste?"

"What dude?"

"Watch your mouth in front of them."


"Excuse me?!" Celeste shouts at him getting in his face.

Sheamus doesn't back away or show any emotion at all except for pure rage for about ten seconds. Krissy grips his hand tightly and Nelson pulls Celeste back.

"That is one person you don't want to mess with." A voice says from the porch.

The group turns to see a woman who looks like a much prettier version of Morticia Adams without the creepy dress looking at them. She looks rediculously similar to krissy. Her hair is long, dark, and curly. She isn't too tall, but she stands taller than Krissy. The blood red dress she is wearing and the black half jacket fit her perfectly and bring out her lips.

"Mom?" Krissy asks completely shocked.

"Hi honey." The woman replies.

A man walks out behind her and stands behind her. He looks just like the picture she had of her dad.

"Dad?" She asks him.

"Hello darling."

To everyone's horror, especially Sheamus' Krissy passes out cold. He catches her before she hits the ground and lifts her into his arms.

"Oh my. That was not the reaction we were hoping for." The woman states.

"She thought both of you were dead. What did you expect?" Nelson snaps.


"Let's just get inside." Sheamus says.

Once inside, he takes her to his room and lays her on his bed. He removes her shoes and covers her lower body with a blanket before walking out of the room and closing the door. He turns and walks down the hall and down the stairs to join the others on the first floor.

"I didn't mean to scare her, I was upset." He hears Nelson saying.

"So you what beat her for almost three years?"

"I stopped."

"Does she forgive you?"

"Yes she forgave me."

"What about her?"

"I'm not so sure."

Sheamus walks in and sits down in a large recliner.

"I can answer that for you." He says looking at the confused group.

"Well come on Stephen tell us."

"No, she doesn't. She hates her to be honest. That however does not mean kill her."

"I wouldn't say kill her."

"Look Ma'am, you do not want to do that."

"Well then what do we do?"

"Leave things as they are. Punish her as you would a normal human for any sin they had done."

"But then she isn't a human is she Stephen?"

"Yes, she is even though she hangs with the wolves."

"The way you guys talk makes you seem nutty." Celeste says idly looking at her nails.

"You could respect your elders little girl." Krissy's dad says angrily.

"Now, now, please calm down your highness." Nelson says stepping infront of his daughter.

"You're right."

"So what are we going to do about Krissy. She is running late enough already with the change, there has to be a problem."

"There is no problem Stephen, she is locked until after we tell her the information. We were hoping to show her a little at a time."

"I don't think there will be enough time for that."

"Why?" Nelson asks.

"There is sreet fight thing and then also the packs and a few other creatures are beginning to become less and less familiar with the laws. They need their leader here on earth."

"She isn't strong enough for that is she?"

"She is the prophecy child. One made from the most evil and most good."

"Speak of the little critter, there she is." Celeste says rudely.

Stephen growls low in his throat before walking over to Krissy. She hugs him tightly and he kisses her gently.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm still a little shocked."

"We will explain everything to you, but i think it will be best if you sit down."

"Stephen, are you really my mate?"


"Why did you know about them?"

"Because, they left for a reason, they're back for a reason, I didn't want you to know this yet, but i'm a werewolf."

"A what?" Celeste asks cracking up laughing. "Are you people insane?! A werewolf ha!"

Stephen rounds on her and shifts as he turns. He slams her against the chair by her throat before picking her up.

"I told you be respectful, it would be wise if you did so."

He sets her back down on the chair with her shaking violently. He turns to Krissy and looks down at her. She doesn't seem shocked, merely interested. She reaches out and runs her hand across his fur and walks around him before hugging him. The top of her head barely reaches his stomach so he leans down a little to keep her from having his manhood in her face.

"You're huge." She says looking at his large muscular body.

"Was I not before?" He asks his voice slightly more husky.

"Well yes but not like super tall."

He shifts back and smiles to find her still holding him tightly. He lifts her into his arms and walks back to his chair and sits with her in his lap. He puts his feet up and looks at her parents.

"You two done?"


"Alright. Krissy, your father and I, we aren't who you think we are."


"You see honey, I am the leader of hell and he is the leader of heaven."

"What happened to God and Satan?"

"Well that is the Christian belief because we have angels and demons."

"So in other words you guys are like rulers of these two places and have control over the magical creatures on the earth."


"So that makes me what? A half-breed."


"Well what?"

"You are what people would call a protector, or an earth leader." Her father says.

"And what is that exactly?"

"They keep watch over the beings on earth and keep things in balance between them."


"You inherited traits from both of us, we bound them so that you would fit in with the humans. If you want, we can unbind them and you can meet your true form."


"I am not sure we want to be in Stephens nice house when we do it. Or in his lap for that matter."

"Meaning it is dangerous?"

"We aren't sure what form you may take."

"There are many possibilities that you could have the dangerous bodily appearance." Her dad says looking at the couple.

"Where do we go?"

"To hell of course."

In a flash all of the group is gone and sitting on a large open plain in hell.

"Where are we?" Krissy asks.

"Both heaven and hell look just like earth except there are the distinct color differences and the fact that hell is all cold everywhere except for the pit and heaven is warm everywhere. Really the torture isn't there except for in the depths of hell."


"Everyone needs to take a few steps back just incase she does have a volatile unbinding."

Stephen kisses her once more before backing up several feet. Her parents grasp their hands and begin chanting in latin and soon she begins to feel like a chain is being unwrapped from her. She closes her eyes and sees everything clearly. Her skin is normal white but she has horns, a tail, large wings that can either be dragon like and red or feathery and black or white, long sharp canines, a forked tongue that she can make normal at will, eyes that can kill in a look if she chooses for them to, and long sharp tallons that she can make normal nails at will.

She opens her eyes and looks at her parents. They are looking at her and she looks at the wings behind her. She looks at Stephen and takes a step towards him. He rushes to her and hugs her tightly and she smells him. He smells sweet and she can smell releif all over him as he hugs her tightly.

"You are beautiful." He says kissing her.

She moans into his kiss and licks his lip asking for entrance. He grants it to her and she slides her forked tongue into his mouth and she feels his emotions spike. She felt herself trying to keep herself from ripping his clothes off and shifts into her human form.

"That was amazing." He says breaking the kiss.

"I think the two of you have some bonding to do."

Krissy smirks and pictures Stephen's house and the two of them appear in the kitchen.

Who Will Claim Who

Stephen growls deep in his throat and pushes her backwards against the counter and kisses her neck softly. He moves down to her collar bone

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