» Romance » Pain Without Love, K Lime [ebook reader online free .txt] 📗

Book online «Pain Without Love, K Lime [ebook reader online free .txt] 📗». Author K Lime

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upstairs busy.

October pulls up on her bike much to the shock of everyone that is in the back yard. People inside even look out the windows and come outside. She parks in the drive next to a nice looking truck before removing her helment and adjusting her not even messed up hair. She smirks at the stares she was getting. She knew it wasn't just because of the bike but because she had actually come. Some of the guys were practically drooling which meant hell yeah she looked damn good.

"Hey Tober!" Michael shouts from the doorway.

"Hey Mikey!" She replies walking past everyone and into the house to grab a drink and party it up.

"Finally came hmm?"

"Yep. Can't let my best buddy get hurt. Where is Joe?"




"He's upstairs isn't he?"

"I don't know if anybody is with him or not."

"Do you know he asked me out today?"

"Yeah. The whole team does. He bragged about it at practice once Tony and Bradley were away."

"What did he say?"

"Just that you would be his just like the other girls. But i really can't remember him going up with anybody."

October listens carefully. She knew Mikey knew about her and the group even though he was a mortal. She growls deep in her throat when she hears moans.

"Would you be so kind as to tell my family that I am taking care of a little problem?" She seeths as she pushes past him and towards the stairs.

People stop to stare and move out of her way. The news of her fight with Angelita had gotten around and nobody wanted to deal with a mad October. Paul and the others watch as she goes not assuming anything until Paul catches sounds of moaning.

"He didn't!" He looks at Mikey and storms towards the stares along with the others at Mikey's nod.

October continues knowing her family is going to follow only to dead stop when she finally hears words. She recognizes the voice. Angelita. She turns hearing footsteps behind her and catches the eyes of her sire and her friends. Her eyes are no longer the soft blue that they usually are but pure white. Her fangs are enlongated and she looks like a straight up demon from hell. The teens that had been up stairs had all gone down the stairs not wishing to be caught up in the fight.

Jacobi steps forward and wraps his arms around his childe before whispering into her hair.

"I will deal with her childe."

She nods and moves out of his grip and storms the rest of the way to the room looking all the while the very impressive vampire she is. She doesn't even stop to open the door but slams up a leg and kicks it down. The sight she sees is enough to make her have enough. On the large bed is Joe and Angelita fucking like a bunch of rabbits. Angelita is just about to bite him.

October moves and drags Angelita off of Joe careful not to hurt him even in her rage before sinking her teeth deep into Angelita's neck. She drinks deeply feeling the power and life draining from Angelita. She drinks until Angelita is just barely hanging on. Then she stops. She throws her on the floor and looks down at her in disgust.

"Kill me." Angelita begs.

"No. That is not for me to do. Take her out of my sight."

Jacobi steps forward from where he is holding Joe with a glare and grabs Angelita by her hair.

"You will regret hurting my childe. I will take you back to your sire you little whore. Then you will realize true pain."

He nods to October before poofing away with Angelita. October's gaze then turns to settle on the boy in the bed.

"You lied to me." She states coldly trying to hide the pain.

"I told you to change me."

"You want to be changed? Fine. Earn it."

With that she looks to her family and nods. They would make him earn it. They wouldnt kill him. but the pain would make him wish they had. She turns her back and leans against the wall looking away as the take their revenge on her mate. She waits until they are finished before turning around.

Joe is a bloody broken mess. He is crying and very close to passing out. She walks towards him slowly before reaching down and taking his hand in hers.

"I warned you I would not be a toy."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I won't kill my own mate. You survived their anger even though I know they didn't go as hard as they could. You will live."

She reaches up and cups his cheek turning his head to the side before leaning down and kissing his neck softly. She winces slightly as he moans and then sinks her teeth into his neck and drinking slowly. She waits until he is very near passing out before stopping and biting her own wrist causing it to bleed. She holds it to his lips.

"Drink it." She commands and he willingly obeys.

She watches as he drinks and smirks at his moaning. She watches as his wounds slowly begin to heal. He continues to drink and she runs her fingers through his bloody hair. It would only take a little while before he would feel the pain.

Suddenly his eyes widen and he stops drinking. Yep. Now the pain. It hits him in waves and every one causes him to clench her wrist with both of his hands and writhe in pain. Finally after a few minutes it stops and the last of his wounds heal. He is definately different now. His complexion looks a lot clearer even more manly. He looks more grown up and strong. The vampirism had caused him to look the way he would after going completely through growth. He was taller and more muscular too.

He looks up at her before blinking. She knew his eyes were hurting. His normal dark blue eyes would fade to a light blue. They wouldn't turn white like her silver had done but they would get lighter. That would only take a few weeks.

"Go take a shower." She offers softly.

"Come with me?"

"You recognize me as your mate because you are a vampire, but it will take time for me to forgive you."

"If it is any help, she started it."

October takes this moment to slam him against the wall despite how much bigger than her he is. She is stronger than him and knows it.

"Explain to me just how this little incident started." She growls.

"I came up to get something. She came in and started on me. Its a bit hard to say no."

October lets him down and turns away.

"Take a shower. It will take time for me to forgive you."

He nods before grabbing clothes and walking away. Once he is gone she sits down and cries. Her family comes and hugs her before almost all of them leave. All except for Jacob go back to the party which now is getting even more lively now that the alcohol is out.

"Are you alright?"

"I want to be angry. I want to hate him."

"But you can't"


"October. He is your mate. You know Angelita tricked him. He was a player anyway. Breaking him of his habits will be hard unless you mate with him."

"He at least recognizes that he is my mate. I can see the guilt in his eyes and feel it when he drank. That is a start."

"They're playing seven in heaven tonight. Will you go with him?"


"He will go with a female."

"He will either not let her touch him or he shall die."

"And you?"

"If my mate cannot put off the advances of a mortal whore then he is not worthy of me."

"That is cold October. And not what I meant."

"I will be fine. From what I have heard the pain goes away."

"It is hard to find two mates."

"I will either find another or be alone."

"You are stubborn childe." A voice calls from the corner of the room.

Jacobi steps out of the shadows and sits beside her pulling her into a hug.

"You always were a stubborn child. He will turn her down or I will teach him a lesson. Do not push away your bonded. You are one that needs a bonded even more than I."

"You never said how Elicia died."

"I killed her."

"Why?" Jacob asks catching on that Elicia was Jacobi's mate.

"She pushed me away after we had been together for so long. I caught her with another man and I killed them both."

"Oh." October and Jacob both respond.

The shower kicks off and October hears Joe drying off.

"I will see you tomorrow childe. The play thing has been delivered back to her mate. He will take care of her as he sees fit."

"Will he kill her?"

"No. He will make her pay for running from him and the way he does it will make her learn her place."

"He will make her into his slave wont he?"

"She will always be his mate. But she will no longer be among the well respected members of society. Because of this she will either accept being a house wife and bear his children or be his slave and watch him be happy with another. Goodnight my children."

Jacob looks at October. After Jacobi poofs away.

"Because I am your child I am kind of his aren't I?"

"Yes. So is Joe."

"That's cool. I'll leave the two of you to talk."

Jacob leaves the room and heads back to the party just before Joe leaves the bathroom. He has just a pair of jeans on without his shirt. October looks up. They had replaced the sheets on his bed and gotten rid of the blood already. He turns on the lights before sitting on his bed.

"I will forgive you."


"I have to or let it eat me up inside. It is stupid to hold a grudge against something you didn't understand. Now you understand. You will have one chance. I am not my sister's mate. I cannot allow my mate to constantly betray me. If I can trust you I will fully mate with you."

"What do you mean?"

"I will give you a chance to decide what you want."


"It is either me or not."

"I see. October?"


"Is October your real name?"

October starts and looks at him. It had been so long ago that somebody had asked her real name. She remembered she had asked Jacobi that same night he had turned her as well.

"October is my real name. My mother named me because in our time it was a blessing to have a child in October. But yet a curse to have a child born on Halloween. I was born on the stroke of midnight on October thirty first. By that I am yet a curse and a blessing. My name is October because it means curse and blessing. Directly from our people it meant "The Blessed Curse.""

"It is interesting. Where were you born?"


"Were your parents Italian?"

"My mother was. My father was a German sailor. He met my mother but he wanted to continue his career. He did not know she was pregnant. He was a vampire when he and my mother concieved me. I was not supposed to survive since many half vampire children drain their mother of blood without the father there to provide blood. Jacobi turned my mother and I was born. When my father saw my mother again he was surprised to see she had me with her. I was only a baby at the time."

She pauses and looks up to where Joe is laying on his bed running his fingers through her hair. She moves and sits on the bed beside him. He smiles and continues to card his fingers through her hair waiting for her to continue her tale.

"He was angry. He wanted to hurt the person who had turned her but couldn't after he found out who it was. He wanted to kill me at first too. But he didn't as I am still here. But that is a difficult part for later. He wanted to

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