» Romance » Pain Without Love, K Lime [ebook reader online free .txt] 📗

Book online «Pain Without Love, K Lime [ebook reader online free .txt] 📗». Author K Lime

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talk to her and since I hadn't opened my eyes he didn't know that I was his child yet. My mother let Jacobi hold me while they talked and my father reconciled with her and they talked of marriage. He soon had to go back to sea and did not return for a long time. I was three the next time we met. He came to my home one night and I opened the door. When I looked up at him he could see that I was his child as I was not a full vampire but a half. When I say half I mean that I was a mortal with vampire traits. Such as the eyes and stuff. He was angry that my mother had not told him and they argued for the short while he was there. During his stay he tried to grow close to me. Mother even encouraged it hoping it would get him to stay. But he wouldn't. I saw him again when I was eight. He finally had come back and bought my mother a ring. He got a job in our village thanks to Jacobi. He and my mother were married and I was claimed as his child. Which caused an uproar. Halfs were forbidden because they were easy to spot. Jacobi had to come to our rescue and claim that he had turned my mother which indeed he had. Since Jacobi is one of the oldest vampires known nobody dared to cross him. I continued to age but at around fifteen it started to slow down. I was already fully formed but not seeming to grow much more. My vampire traits had picked up the stopping at full growth. At age sixteen my growth was done. I had gotten myself quite the name. I was a bad ass among the mortals but scum among the vampire children. The vampires tried to kill me and Jacobi turned me to save me. My vampire traits helped to stop the pain but for the most part I looked the same as I did. My family had to move around because we didn't age but it was alright."

"Are your birth parents alive?"


"Where are they?"

"The last time my mother and I spoke they were living in Italy still."

"Do you not speak to them?"

"Things became tense when I was changed. I had very violent outburst until Violet and Paul came along. But they didn't come until in mortal years I was fourty."

"But they love you?"

"They do. My father owns a cruise line and is a captain. My mother is a dress designer. We see each other often enough. They like to do the things they did when we lived in 1497. What can I do about that?"

"Do you miss them?"

"I do. But like I said. I see them. Just not every day since they live in Italy and don't know how to do the poofy thing Jacobi does."

"Can you do it?"

"Partially. I can't get the landings right. I end up in the wrong places."


"Enough about me. Let's get to the party. It's already nine thirty. Time for the games to begin is soon."

"Hey wait October."


Joe reaches over on his night stand and pulls his ring off of it and takes October's hand. The ring is his class ring. He places it in her palm and folds her fingers around it.

"Wear it for me?"

"You are serious?"


"Then yes I will."

She reaches into her jacket pocket and removes a necklace that has a lot of class rings on it. All of them from different schools from different parts of the world. She removes the rings from the chain and slips his ring on it and then puts it around her neck. The other rings she gathers into her hand and puts back into the pocket before zipping it shut.

"That was a lot of rings."

"I've been to a lot of schools."

"It was cool."

"You will have a collection soon enough."

"Do the others?"

"Most of them except for Jacob. Dylan and Kirsten dont have as many as I do because they are only about sixty."

"Still a lot of rings."

"It is."

"I have more at home. But these are mainly the ones that I made friends at the school or I liked the ring or the school."

They head out the door and downstairs once Joe gets a shirt on. Downstairs people are piled up on couches and chairs or just standing around talking and having a good time. Upon seeing them Mikey heads up to the front and gets a top hat.

"Alrighty everyone! Let's get the game started! If all of the guys participating would please get their crap into the hat that would be great!"

Seven In Heaven

October watches as people go up and put random things in the hat before looking at Joe. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. He takes a key ring off of them before putting it into the hat. Just like his ring.

"Alright. Now ladies lets all get something nice hmmm? October come up and go first."

October gets up from her seat on the couch and walks up the Mikey. She looks at Joe as she reaches into the hat and pulls out not the small key ring but a large black skeleton key. Joe's mouth drops and she smiles at him before looking over at Chris. He smiles and walks up to her and gets his key.

"Y'all will be up on the second floor. First room on the left." Mikey says with a slight laugh to his voice.

October and Chris head up to the room and laugh when they see what the inside looks like.
 After paul had heard what room he had quickly rushed the stuff upstairs. They had snacks like crazy, an Xbox, a Wii, and a crap ton of games. Oh yeah October's brother was amazing.

"So looks like we will be all set for the night"

"It's only two hours silly."


"Alright you get the soda, I'll get the games set up."

Back downstairs Joe is called as Mikey says his name. He looks up to see one of the cheer team girls that he had already been with lots of times. She was actually very good. But she was too clingy. She wanted marriage after sex all the time. Like did she really expect him to ask her to marry him after fucking her?

"Come on Joeyboy I've gotten some nice new clothing just for you." Bethany says none too softly.

He inwardly groans as everyone seems to cheer him on before catching the eyes of the vampire group. Over half of them are glaring at him with that give me a reason to kill you look. Oh well. Didn't matter. He lets Bethany lead him up to his room smiling slightly at her antics. She was sashaying and swaying her hips a bit much for her intoxicated state. Inside his room only got worse. She tries to strip for him and kisses him before his mind reacts and he pulls away and locks himself in his bathroom. What a way to spend the damn night. Oh well it was only until midnight.

"Do you think he did it?" Mikey whispers to Paul when Paul comes up to get his car keys from Ella.

"I don't hear screaming. Or moaning so not yet."

"Alright. You two are upstairs in the room two doors down from Joe's."

"Alrighty!" Ella chirps happily before leading Paul up the stairs.

He watches her and smiles. She wanted kids. But she wanted them to be married. Tonight wasn't the night for marriage. He had that all planned out for next week. He kisses her once they are in the door and proceeds to lead her to the bed and laughs when she snuggles against his chest. Some much needed bonding for the next two hours. Wink. Wink.

The rest of the people participating were finding their ways to their rooms leaving Mikey, Jacob, Bradley, Tony, Claire, and Gracie all downstairs chilling with their drinks.

"Still no screaming yet."

"Wonder what October is doing?"

"Wanna go play videogames with them?"


The small group heads up to the room and laughs at the sight they see: October holding Chris down, stuffing popcorn in his mouth, laughing insanely and calling him a loser. They make themselves at home until the two finish their little war.

"What was the cause of that?"

"He made me chug a two liter of Dr. Pepper!"

"That's a good thing." Jacob laughs.

"Yeah but still I needed revenge."

"Wow. So how goes it?"


The group starts to play videogames themselves. Only another hour and it would go by quickly thanks to Paul and his quick thinking. The same was not to be said for Joe. He could hear moaning coming from another room but was stuck in the bathroom. Bethany had stopped begging him a while ago after he started ignoring her text messages. He had to admit some of the things she bought were damn hot. Just not on her. He assumed she had fallen asleep since she could hear her breathing.

He peeks his head out the door to see her sleeping. Yep he was right. He picks her up off of his bed and carries her down and sets her on the couch. Mikey would wake her up before everyone got down there. Now what room was October in... He heads up the stairs and he catches the sounds of laughter and knocks on the door.

Jacob answers the door since nobody else feels like it and stares when he sees who it is.

"Can I come in?" Joe asks.

October turns her head and looks at him from her game before shouting yeah and continuing with the game beating the crap out of Mikey. Joe laughs and grabs a Mountain Dew before sitting down with the group.

"So what are you doing here? Where is Bethany?"

"She went to sleep after I locked myself in the bathroom. I put her downstairs."

"Sneaky." Mikey comments having just lost.

"You locked yourself in the bathroom?" Tony and Bradley ask doubtful.

"She's downstairs asleep if you don't believe me. I also have texts of her begging."

"Don't show me show Tober."

"I don't want to see. He is telling the truth."

"The whole mate pull thingy?" Jacob asks curiously.

"Pretty much again." October says laughing.

"Wait what pull thingy?" Tony and Grace ask.

"Yeah that's right you guys don't have it. Well when you get even older and more powerful you will be able to read the minds of others. A mind link between you and your mate will occur and you can literally talk and read thoughts and feelings from the others heads."

"Woah." Joe breaths softly.

"Ours should work merely because of the fact I am so strong. Jacob's will start before the others' will because he has Jacobi's blood in him."

'Joe?' October asks softly to her mate in her head.

Joe snaps his head up to look at her. He had heard her.

"If you want to answer just think something back to me. If you can think of like a visual door from me to you it will be better."

Joe concentrates for a little bit before looking at her blankly.

'Joe see focus on my voice and responding.'

'I am fucking trying to!'

'Joe you just did.'

'I did?'

'Woah I can hear us. Sounds like we are actually talking.'


"Uh guys?" Claire asks.

"We are good. How much time left Mikey?"

"A little while.

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