» Romance » Stolen Heart, Lilly W. [rooftoppers .TXT] 📗

Book online «Stolen Heart, Lilly W. [rooftoppers .TXT] 📗». Author Lilly W.

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they would be talking about me so I had to come.  Mrs.Stanley looks at me and smiles.


“What a surprise! We had no idea that you’d want to come!” She looks at the rest of them. “ I must say Catica I’m surprised you could get her to come to this little get together.” She smiles at me again.


“Ummm, maybe I can get back out.” I go to stand but my mom stops me. I see Matt frown


“Sorry, Rose. But we are already moving.” Mrs.Stanley smiles again. I focus and see that we are indeed moving. Crap, way to foil my plan. I sit there and look at the pitch black windows.


"Where are we going?" 


“Honey, that’s a surprise.” Mrs. Stanley smiles at me then turns and whispers something to Matt. Matt nods and smiles at me. Wow, he is hot. No, he’s a jerk face stupid stranger.I look back out the window and let out a breath. Our parents talk for a while and I continue to stare at the black window. Black like my soul. Not really. I find myself being lost in it. Then the car stops and we pile out.


They took us to a gorgeous restaurant, wow. I smile a little bit. Then I feel something brush my arm, I look over and see Matt. I jump a little.  I turn and walk to my mom. We walk in and get a large booth in the corner. I am of course sitting next to Matt, close to him to. Our parents smile at each other. On top of that, he even smells good, great. 



We eat and when we are done, the serious stuff begins. It starts off with Mrs. Stanley smiling at me.


“So, Rose? How was your meal?” Her dimples show. The same ones that I see in Matt all the time.


“Wonderful, thanks.” I look at the table.


“What do you think of West?” I look up, I had already thought that the conversation was over.


“I don’t know, I’ve only been there for one day.” I look at her.


“Ah, yes. Maybe Matt can give you a tour of town sometime.” Matt smiles at me.


“ There’s no need, i hardly go into town much anyway.” I look at my mom and she frownes. Oh, I see there trying to get me to go do something with Matt. Ha, good luck to them.


 “You should come over sometime then.” Mr. Stanley says. Hey, there teaming up, that’s not even fair.


“I’m sure I’ll be busy.”


“Rose..” Matt starts looking in my eyes. “There’s always the weekend.” He smiles.


“Sorry, but I don’t feel like going to jail for stabbing somebody.” I smile as he lowers his now bushy eyebrows.


“Rose will you just spend some time with Matt. It will be great for you two to get to know each other.” She looks a little upset and yet determined. Huh, weird.




Good way for saying no. I hear Matt cough and our parents look at each other. They all nod.


“Well, Rose..” My mom starts. “Uhhh….well there is no good way to slam this into some body, but……..and …..Matt are……….uh….engaged.” I feel Matts hand on mine and I look at my mom pulling my hand from his.


“What!?!?” I raise my voice looking at all of them.


“Honey, this is a good thing. You and Matt are so perfect together and you go to the same school. You only live 5 miles away.” Mrs. Stanley smiles at me and I skoot away from Matt. Frowning he looks to his mom.


“You can’t just do this! I don’t like him. He’s a spoiled rat. Mean, annoying,cruel and weird." 


“As your parents we can, sorry. You can't say that about my son when you don't take the time to get to know him.” Mr.Stanley. “We will hear no complaining. Rose, you will come to live with us  until the wedding.”


WHAT!?!?? I open my mouth to yell, scream and cry. But Mr.Stanley glares at me, causing the words to run back down.


“This is going to be okay. You will move in tonight when we get back. We had the maids pack and move your things.”


I look down at the table. What can I do? Wait until I’m 18 and run away? No, that will be too late. I can’t do anything. I feel the bench move and Matt gently take my hand, I try to pull back but can’t. I raise my head and glare at him. He smiles down at me.


“Rose, everything will be fine. I’m here for you.” He says squeezing my hand. I rip mine away.


“That’s what I don’t want.” I hear a sigh, but he doesn’t move. And he’s pressed against me.


For the rest of the time I look at the table.Then when it’s time to go, I am forced to sit by Matt. All the way home I feel his shoulder and side against mine. Then we pull up to my house. I go to hope out but Matt grabs my hand. I look back at him.


“You live with me now, love.” He smiles. Love? Gross. I plop back down, letting go of his hand. Mrs.Stanley was right when she said that we live 5 miles apart. I step out and see a beautiful mansion. Of course, what did I expect from a rotten brat. It’s white and has two pillars by the front door. It’s huge.


“You like what you see.” Matt says in my ear, causing me to jump.


“No you rotten brat.” I step away. And he just laughs.


And now I look like I’m two.


“Here I’ll show you where our room is.” He takes my hand and leads me into the house. As we walk into the house I grab my hand away. He continues on down a bunch of halls. Then we come to a room and he opens the door stepping to the side he lets me in. Then steps in behind me. Matt. That’s the first thing that hits me. It smells like him. Then I see his clothes, and bag.


“Uh, I think you took me to the wrong place. This is your room.” I turn and ram into his chest.


“I can learn to share, love.” I shiver.


“That’s a big pass, thanks anyway. Stop calling me love, its gross.” I try to get around him, but he blocks the whole door way.


“No, this is now your room. What’s your is mine and what’s mine is yours. I can call you what I want to.”


“There’s something you will never have.” I turn and look out the window. Second floor,hu. And there's a roof. “Ok I’m going to leave and run home, k?”

“No, this is your house now.”


“But you forgot something.” I look at him.


“No we didn’t.” I cross my arms.


“My horse.”


I run to the window and jump out. This is the worst idea ever. I land on the roof and look over the edge. 6 ft. Crap. I hear feet land behind me and I take a leap of the edge.


“Rose!?” I hear Matt yell. I hit and look around. I hear Matt land close to me and I take of running the way home. Since I’m wearing a dress, is not easy. On the way I lose my shoes. But I keep running. I start to get tired. Yes, I lost him. I run and am grabbed by a movement in the bushes. I scream. I land on my back and look up at the monster on top of me, pinning my body to the ground.




“Why did you jump from the window?” He’s puffing. Good. I realize how close we were and tried to get away. But I couldn’t. “Nope, not until you answer all of my questions. Deal? I will maybe forgive you to.” He gives me a joking smile and my breath leaves me. He is truly gorgeous.


“Fine.” I puff out, because being this close to him is making me short of breath.


“Okay. Why did you jump out the window?” he looks down at me.


“I said that you forgot something” I look into those dull blue eyes.


“Your horse? We could have gotten her.” He smiles.


“No, you wouldn’t have. She would have killed you.” I smile at him. “You know what? You should have tried.” He frowned his eyebrows join together again. I laugh, I can’t help it.


“It’s rude to laugh at people.” Even though he’s smiling.


“Yeah, and I needed a nice long joge.”


“Sure. That was more of an olympic run. Oh, and is that why you are still wearing a dress?”


“Yup. Are you going to stop smothering me know?”


“Nope. That was one question. Okay, lets see. Oh, where did you get your horse?”


“I told you before, in the woods.”


“Yeah, right before you ran out on me.” He looks at me. “Okay, why did you run out on me?”




“That’s not an answer. Am I really that bad?”


“Yes.” I glare.


“Why? What did I do to you?” He looks hurt, good. “Is it because I tried to kiss you?” I frown. “It was just a kiss.” He leans in. I take advantage of this and hit him in his…..soft spot. He groans and rolls off me.


“I don’t want my first kiss to be to you.” I turn and run through the woods to the road.




I pick up the pace when I hear him behind me. Trying to catch up. I run and run then I see my house in front of me. He is still behind me, 20 feet maybe. I run hard to the barn, through the door open grab star and mount. I turn her and we fly out the door, almost running Matt over.


“Rose, wait!” I look back and see his pleading face. I shake my head and keep going. I make it back, and go to put star in the stables.


“Hi?” I turn and see a stable boy. He walks up and tries to take her reins. “Let me help, she is a big girl.” He smiles and I frown at his and whip the reins away.


“I’m fine” Again he tries to take the reins from me. “I can control her better than you.”


“I doubt it.” As he takes the reins. Star whines then looks at me. I nod, I know exactly what she’s going to do. I walk out and step to the side. Seconds later I hear a shout and Star comes running out with the stable boy in toe. He runs and skids and yells and swears.


“Star, nepo.” That means stop and come here. She walks over to me. I take the reins again. Looking at the shocked and startled stable boy. “I can take care of my own horse. Thanks for the amusement.” His face turned red and he stomps away. I take her back to the stables and put her in the closest stall to the door. Give her feed. I have to search for the water. I find it and go back. I see a girl standing there looking at star.


“Hi.” I say cautiously. She turned to me. While I was in the back I changed into some of the Stable clothes. She is pretty and familiar with bright blue eyes and curly hair.


“Okay, I came here to get a horse for the racing competition at the school and I think I want this one. She is the best I’ve seen

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