» Romance » Not Perfect, Laura Banister [book club suggestions .txt] 📗

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Ethan's Story

He had just finished work and got home, where his girlfriend, Melissa, was waiting. He had only just walked in the door when she said they needed to talk. She told him she was pregnant. Ethan was over the moon, but that all changed in a heartbeat.

“It’s not yours” She said. Ethan’s best friend, James, walked out from in their room. He moved over to Melissa and place his hand over her stomach as she smiled up at him. In a rage, Ethan had got up and begun to lay punches into James, while she screamed for him to stop. Eventually Ethan stopped, and ran out of the house. He went to the closest bar and started to drink. He drank away all the money he had left on him, until the bar refused to serve him. That’s when he had stumbled across the road on the search for a new bar, but Christan had almost hit him, and brought him back here.

“Oh my god! I’m so sorry Ethan” Christan hugged him and tears started to well up in his eyes.

“I’ll be fine” He said, tapping his sister on the shoulder to tell her to let go.

“I just got to find somewhere new to live now, since they’re going to need the house” I felt sorry for him, and with a second thought…

“You can stay if you need” I shocked myself with my words, but I knew I meant it. Ethan looked at me, his brown eyes softening my heart.

“Really?” He asked. I nodded in response.

“We could use a man in the house, anyway, since we can’t do any lifting and stuff” I answered. He smiled at me and moved over towards me. Slowly he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. It took me a moment to register what he was doing, but when I did, I wrapped my arms around him. His arms got tighter when we felt me hug him back. He smelt really good, like the ocean, which I realised must have been Christan’s body spray.

“Thank you Sienna” He whispered before letting me go. We then organised for Christan to drive him back into town to go get his belongings while I set up Gran’s old room for him to stay in. I didn’t quiet know how I felt about him staying in there, but I knew I’d get used to it.


Ethan worked as a mechanic at the local garage in town, so he left early the next morning to go to work, which left me and Christan to go do some food shopping.


Grandma and Grandpa had left me enough money to support myself for a while, so me and Christan didn’t have to work, and had paid all the bills for a year, so I didn’t have to worry about that either.


So together Christan and I loaded ourselves into my commodore and we headed off into town. We got all the foods we thought we would need for a week, since there was now another mouth to feed, then decided to get some more baby stuff. Together we picked out matching basinets, cots, toys, and clothes.


We were looking at baby strollers when I heard him. His voice started up my heart, it thumping in my chest in fear. I looked out of the aisle I was in to the one across from it. There he was. Smiling and talking with a girl in front of him. Jake. They were playing around, pushing each other while they browsed the shelves. I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes.

“Hey Sienna, what about these ones?” Christan called out to me. At the sound of my name, Jake span around and looked at me. His eyes piercing into mine and glaring at me with nothing but pain, angry, blame and… Shock. In a second he charged towards me, and my heart began to pound out of fear.

“What the fuck is that?” He called out as he reached me, pointing at my stomach. Fear had closed up my throat and my voice disappeared in my fear.

“Quiet obviously, it’s a pregnant belly” Christan said noticing I wasn’t going to answer.

“I wasn’t asking you!” He spat back, his eyes never leaving me for a second.

“Well I’m telling you, now back the fuck up!” Christan spat back at him, her hand pushing him back until he grabbed her wrist. Christan’s gasp in pain shocked me out of me fear.

“Take your hands off her!” I spat. Anger sparked up in me, and in that moment, I wanted nothing more then to hurt him. Jake stared at me, his grip still around Christan’s arm.

“Answer me first” he said, a stern look on his face.

“’That would be your child!” I yelled. His face fell to complete shock. His grip tightening on Christan’s arm before dropping it completely.

“You have no proof” He finally whispered. A smirk grew across my face.

“I have all the proof I could ever need” I replied, grabbing Christan and begun to walk away.

“Oh, and don’t worry. You will never have anything to do with this child” I yelled back at him as we exited the shop.

When we got home, we unpacked the shopping and took all the baby stuff down to the baby room. We left the basinets in the boxes, thinking we could get Ethan to set them up when he got home. I decided that we should wash all the baby stuff first before we put it all away, so I took it all to the laundry and put on a load. As I walked back up the stairs I began to think that we should paint the baby room, make it look a bit more… Babyish. Christan was up in the lounge room putting on a movie for us to watch.

“Hey Christan, what do you think about painting the baby room?” I asked. She turned and looked at me, a big smile on her face. She nodded quickly, before running to get some paper and pens.

“Here, we can put down our ideas on this” She said handing me some paper and a couple of coloured pens.

“And maybe draw how we think we could set out the room with all the furniture” I could tell Christan was really excited. She had told me a while ago how she would of set out her baby room, but since we were going to share, we needed to suit it to the both of us. We sat down in our chairs, and while we watched The Vow, we wrote down our ideas for the paint, and how to set out the room. After the movie, we both explained how we thought we should do the room. Since neither of us knew what we were having, we decided we should paint all the walls yellow, with my idea of painting a tree with owls sitting on the branches on the two side walls, with brown curtains to tie it together. It was really easy to place everything around the room since the closet was place in the joining bathroom. We decided that the basinets would go on the opposite sides of the room, under where we would paint the trees. One change table would go up next to the windows, whereas the other one would go in the bathroom for after we gave them a bath. We already had two little cupboards on either side of the change table that was filled with nappies and wipes. A small bin was placed underneath the change table for the dirty nappies and wipes.


We were excited to tell Ethan about our plans that as soon as he got home we rushed to tell him. We showed him how we would set it out, and he really liked our ideas and was keen to help. It was the start of the weekend so we decided that the next morning, we would do an early run into town for the paint, and start doing the walls.

Bed Crawling

By the end of the weekend, the baby room looked amazing. We were all really proud of the work we did, and finally the room was all set up.

That night we all curled up together and watched Frankenweenie before heading off to bed.


I woke up that night suddenly to the fell of someone climbing into my bed next to me.

“Christan?” I asked thinking it would be her.

“No, it’s me” Ethan’s voice softly whispered to me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I couldn’t sleep” He continued as he slowly placed his hand over my belly.

“Christan told me what happened to you. I know that guy, I used to work with him” His voice was soft as he spoke. I begun to feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

“I just want you to know…” He whispered softly.

“That as long as you want me around, I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again”. His words soaked in, and slowly I turned over to face him. The moon light shimmered against his face. He looked so handsome laying next to me. I watched as his mouth slowly opened as he whispered…

“I’m in love with you Sienna. That first day I saw you in the kitchen when I scared you, you stole my heart. You’re the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Then after hearing about everything you’ve been through, and how strong you’ve been, it just made me fall even further for you. I want to be there for you, and your baby. I want to protect you Sienna” Tears streamed down my face at his words, and all I could do was wrap my arms around him and bury my head against his chest. I felt his arms close around me as he pressed his lips to my forehead, kissing it softly. We stayed like that for a while until I could feel my voice back.

“Ethan?” I whispered.

“Yes Sienna” He answered quickly, but quietly.

“Don’t leave me” I whispered. My eyes slowly closing.

“Never” was the last thing I heard him say before I fell back into a deep sleep.


I woke up the next morning to Ethan next to me. I smiled as I watched him sleep. He looked so calm and peaceful, and unbelievably handsome.

“Can you stop watching me sleep?” He asked with smile. I smiled bigger before throwing the covers off me and running to the bathroom for my morning throw up before I climbed in the shower. I got dressed in my full length black maternity dress, tying my hair back in a high ponytail

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