» Romance » My Rejected Heart, Soccerluv4 * [book recommendations based on other books txt] 📗

Book online «My Rejected Heart, Soccerluv4 * [book recommendations based on other books txt] 📗». Author Soccerluv4 *

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grey streaks spiraling around the body. Sam’s eyes lit up at the sight of it. He ran over to the bike, completely engrossed by it.
“Y-you didn’t have to buy this,” I mumbled to Drew.
“Of course I did,” he faced me, smiling a smile that made my stomach flutter. I looked away from him, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Sam, let’s go upstairs,” I said curtly. The sooner I got out of the 5 foot radius around Drew, the better I would be.
Sam whined about, but finally gave in, letting me drag him to his room.
I sighed, collapsing onto his bed while Sammy sat beside me with his homework, as I went through my usual routine of helping him. Soon, I got myself lost in the alphabet jumble that was Sam’s so called homework.
The night sky shone brightly. The stars were dim, illuminating a soft glow around the forest. It almost beckoned me, luring me into its grasp. Oh how I wanted to let my wolf out and relax.
Just 5 minutes, I thought to myself. I jumped off the windowsill, and ran downstairs as quietly as I could. Once reaching downstairs, I bolted for the forest Laying my clothes in a nearby tree stump, I beckoned my wolf. Soon, the familiar feeling of paws on the soft dirt floor encompassed me.
I trotted lazily over to the small pond in the forest. The moon’s reflection was clear as day in the shimmering water. I studied my reflection: soft white/gray fur matching with my brownish-gray eyes. My ears lazily flat against my head, and my posture relaxed and comfy.
The sound of rustling interrupted me from my reverie. I looked back to see the huge wolf of Zane, a close friend of Alpha Drew’s. He wasn’t as bad as the others. Never had he physically or mentally hurt me, however, he didn’t ever stand up for me, which was why I avoided them all.
“W-what are you doing here?” I said through mindlink, submitting towards him with my head down.
“I have a proposition for you,” he smirked at me-well, as much as a smirk would look like on a wolf. Running behind a tree, he shifted and emerged fully clothed. I mirrored him, and we both moved towards the edge of the lake, overlooking the horizon. I decided to speak up again.
“What d-do you mean?” I stuttered confused.
“I know that you and Drew are mates, but him being the dick he is, won’t let go of his player ways so...” he trailed off, looking at me expectantly. I gasped, looking shocked that he’d known. He gave me an understanding smile back, which assured me somewhat.
“So...?” I questioned back, utterly confused.
“So, we both have a fake relationship. It’s simple: you and I act all lovey dovey. Some hugs and kisses here and there, and he’ll be putty in your hands,” he grinned.
“But why? I mean, why would you help me?” I stated, looking down at my hands in shame.
“Because I’m tired of everyone treating you badly, and I’m tired of Drew’s selfish player ways. Unlike him, I’m waiting for my mate like a gentlemen, while he’s off screwing girls left and right. Now I know you might be surprised on why I hang out with a guy like him, but it’s not that complicated. On other terms, we’re like brothers, but when it comes to girls, I have decency, while Drew, catch my drift,” he shrugged.
“No buts Arianna. Please! If not for yourself, do it for all the girls Drew hurts by having one night stands! One of those girls could be a loving mate, tricked by Drew’s selfish ways. Sometimes I’m afraid that it might be my mate one day. I would not hesitate to kick his ass if that ever happened. And besides, I’ve always looked at you like a sister, with Ethan and I being close as kids. He was my mentor on how to be popular, until I met Drew, and he took me under his wing. But it was your brother that taught me to be a good guy, and not a horny wolf. That’s why I feel like it’s my job to help you get Drew on track. So please, Ari, do this for me?” he was using the ultimate weakness: puppy dog eyes.
“Alright!” I huffed, giving into his cute little face. He grinned like a maniac at my giving in.
We walked back together, and I found myself strangely at peace with the strange boy next to me. Sadly, my life just didn’t always work that way.

Chapter 8

I had to admit, Zane’s idea did make me curious. Would it actually work? Could Drew accept me? But this was reality. Yeah, maybe it would work for a normal girl with a loving family, and best friends, but it was me here. I had no parents, a brother who wasn’t always around, and another to take care of. Plus the fact that I was the pack’s little mutt pet. There was no possibility that me and Zane could go out, not even hypothetically. Even if Zane wasn’t as popular as Drew, he was still part of their ‘it’ group. Besides, Zane was pretty hot, and then there’s me.
“Boo!” Zane popped up from behind the breakfast bar, scaring the crap out of me.
“Zane, go now,” I muttered, keeping my eyes fixated on the bowl of eggs I was whipping for breakfast. I couldn’t let him, a well-liked pack member, hanging out with the “girl in rags”. Honestly, Cinderella and I could’ve been best friends.
He sighed, before tipping my chin up. I was met with his beautiful brown eyes, concern and sadness filling them.
“Zane, please, I-I just don’t want you getting hurt because of me. I’ve caused a lot of pain to a lot of people, and I don’t want to add you to the list,” I whispered, tears blurring my vision.
He stood there, dumbfounded, before the spark of determination lit up in his eyes. ‘Uh-oh,’ I gulped. ‘Male wolves and their stupid sense of pride,’
“Hey! I heard that!” Zane pouted, crossing his arms. Oops, I guess I forgot to put up my mental wall. He must’ve overheard my thoughts. Stupid mindlink.
I just shook my head at him, grinning. He looked like a quiet one, but he was a talkative and good natured guy. Almost like a lost puppy, he would trail after me everywhere, whining and begging at me for attention. The thought of him actually getting up on his knees and begging me like the dog he was made me laugh inwardly.
“Zane, just go to the dining room and eat. We’ll talk later.” Scolding him, I grabbed the food and walked into the dining area. Zane trailed behind me, yet again, and stuffed his face instantly. I smiled, he reminded me so much of Sam. With his playful banter and puppy dog eyes, they were like mirror images, except that Zane was a tall, muscled, 18 year old boy.
Who knew one of Drew’s guys would be so caring yet mischievous?
I was brought out of my assessment by the heavy thud of footsteps. My throat gulped nervously. Dad. Instinct made me cower in the corner like always, but I guess today just wasn’t his day.
“Hey bitch, where are you?! Get out here right now!” He whisper/yelled at me.
I gulped once again, and scrambled out to meet his ferocious green eyes blazing right at me. Mentally, I tried to recall anything that I might have made him upset for, but I came up blank. I’d already made him (and the others) breakfast, did his laundry, made his bed, cleaned his room, everything. So why was he mad?
“Why the fuck did I hear you laughing this morning? Stupid piece of shit, you don’t deserve to be happy!” His voice laced with venom directed towards me.
I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from crying. Why, oh why does my life have to suck? Before I could comprehend, I was lifted from the ground. His burly hand wrapped around my slender neck and pushed me against the wall.
“Now you listen here bitch, if I hear so much as a whisper come from your mouth, I will personally rip you to shreds,” he spat, dropping me to the ground and kicking me repeatedly. His kicks targeted my already bruised stomach and ribs. He gripped my arms so hard I was sure purple splotches would be showing up soon, and threw me against the wall. My head throbbed with aching pain, as my lungs scrambled for any last breaths of air. Air was all around me, yet unfortunately, my windpipe couldn’t exactly reach it all. I gasped again as pain shot from my abdomen; where I glanced down to see my father throw one last kick at me.
I couldn’t even begin to imagine how I must’ve looked at that moment. My usual messy bun was rattled into different directions, hair slipping out. The old ratty t-shirt I wore was crumpled around me, seeping blood through. I tried to sigh, but it only hurt my stomach even more. Grudgingly against my body, I hoisted myself off the floor and cleaned up any mess of blood that I may have left behind. The walk up the stairs was just as eventful as walking to my room. Every little body part screamed for release, to just collapse on the bed and sleep away my life. Honestly, I don’t know why I hadn’t ended my life yet, but I already knew the reason: Mom. Because of mom. I promised her, when we were near death in that accident. That stupid accident sealed my fate, as well as my mom’s. If that accident hadn’t happened, I would be hugging my dad, instead of protecting myself against him. Ethan, and I would be making disgusted faces as my parents kissed each other affectionately, while Sam would be hoisted onto dad’s shoulders, laughing. The picture perfect family. Ruined because of me. Just before dying, my mom promised me, that if she were gone, I would take care of the family.

“Mom, oh god, mom please say something!” I screamed frantically, shaking my mom.
Her lips parted, as a low groan emitted from her mouth. I stopped my frantic screaming and helped my mom. We were upside down in the car, and my mom’s head was slouched over on my seat. Blood poured from the long gash on her forehead, where she hit the steering wheel. Glass shards were littered all over my arms, but at that moment, I didn’t care. All I cared about was saving my mom.
“Mom, please, please, wake up! We have to get out of here!” I patted her cheek softly. She lifted her eyes open a fraction, and whispered lowly.
“Sweety, if I don’t make it out, I want you to run out of here. I want you to promise me, you’ll take over my position and be the mom of the family. Please sweetheart, just listen. I don’t have much time, just get out of here and take care of your family.”
Tears scrambled out of my eyes, making her image become fuzzy. I tried to say something, anything, but

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