» Romance » Letters to a Nobody, Soccerluv4 . [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «Letters to a Nobody, Soccerluv4 . [the dot read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Soccerluv4 .

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Chapter 1-New Beginnings


I don't know why I chose to do what I do. Maybe because I just felt helpful, or maybe helping others let me solve my own problems, I don't know. All I do know is that I did it. I felt like I should. And that's why I'm sitting in the back of the library, reading yet another letter sent to me, and wondering what I should say.


Dear S-


My boyfriend of 3 years feels we should take a break. I don't know what to do! Ever since freshman year, we've loved each other like a couple should, hell, maybe even more! I thought we'd be able to last all through senior year, and go to the same college. What should I do? I love him to much to let him go, and if he really wants, I would take a break. But what if he likes not being around me? Should I go with it, or fight for him?


-Curtains might close


I sighed. It's not like I didn't know who it was. Kate Nowinski, fourth period AP Spanish. She was one of the "it girls". Smart, pretty, outgoing, in almost every club at school. She was going out with Adam Hunt, the quarterback of the football team. I should've seen this coming. The school's it couple was taking a not-so-it hit, but I knew better. I rubbed my face with my hand before coming up with a quick reply. Taking out my laptop, I opened a document and began typing.


Dear Curtains might close,


I understand how aggravated and upset you must feel. You’re confused at how this was even brought up, what may be going on in his mind. Hell, you may just be wondering if he's going crazy?! I understand this, all of it. Truthfully, I feel he may just be overwhelmed with stress. If your boyfriend is in any sports, clubs, activities, etc. he may feel overwhelmed with juggling school, homework, family, friends, extracurriculars, and even you. So don't be upset. Give him the time to cool. You don't even need to clarify that it's a break. Just take some time off, hang with some friends, catch up on the latest Pretty Little Liars episode with a bucket full of Ben & Jerry's, or find a new hobby to pursue. With all the extra time you'll have, you can enjoy yourself, and your boyfriend can also have some time to ease the heat. I'm guessing because you're both seniors, you may feel the college process is practically yanking your hair out. So take the break, because honestly, if your love for each other is as strong as you believe, you'll be smooching behind the bleachers in a week or two's notice. Don't worry, the show is still going on, we're just taking a small break.




I saved the document, promising myself to print it out as soon as I got home. Now, to go find that Chemistry prep book.




Carter Woods walked out of school, swirling his keys in his hand. Nodding his head to some friends standing in the corner, he stepped down the stairs, heading towards his blue mustang. Upon arriving to his car, he saw a girl leaning against it, her back facing him.


Walking towards the passenger side of the car, he faced the pretty brunette.


"Carter, we need to talk,"




"What do you mean you're breaking up with me? How could you do this?" Carter whispered, broken and defeated.


"I, I just don't feel we connect anymore Carter, I'm sorry. Ever since you came back from your vacation over the summer, I realized I didn't exactly miss you much, and S. said that meant-" she rushed out, but got cut off.


"What, did you just say?" his voice was deathly calm, but his demeanor was angry.


"Did you seriously ask S." he spat out the letter, "on information about OUR relationship! She has no idea about us, Lizzie!"


"Carter, please, I was just confused and didn't understand, and I couldn't tell my friends, you know that. I just needed some advice-"


"Are you fucking serious!? She's just some freak who wants attention by writing all these damn useless letters. She's just a freaking home wrecker!" he spat, hitting the steering wheel. 


"No, Carter. This is why I'm breaking up with you. You act like the whole world is yours and you can judge everyone. Well you know what? That's not how it is. So stop acting like a control freak!" She all but yelled.


For a split second everything was quiet until the shrill ring of a cell phone broke the silence.


Checking her phone swiftly, Lizzie looked back up outside the windshield before speaking.


"I have to go. We'll talk about this later,"


With that, she stepped out of his car, and walked away, her brunette hair fluttering in the breeze.


Carter stared until she was out of view before staring straight ahead, his grey eyes darkening with every passing moment.


"Whoever you are S., I'm gonna find you, and when I do, you'll regret ever messing in anybody's life, especially mine."

Chapter 2-Reality Check


Brushing back a lock of my brown hair, I studied the problem in front of me. I swear, AP calculus was made for students to rip their hair out. Biting my lip in frustration, I dropped the pencil down and rolled over on the bed. Sighing into my hands, I peeked out of my hand blindfold to my laptop resting on my desk. One letter couldn't hurt, right?


Jumping to my feet, I grabbed another letter out, and sat at the desk, my laptop bright and glowing, ready for another letter.


Dear S-


So a friend of mine has been crushing on this guy she likes. Now I usually have no problem with her silly crushes, cause she's usually over them in a few days. But this one might be a problem. She's been ogling at this kid whose known to be a troublemaker. I know he's the type that likes having arm candy, and I can't just let my hopeless romantic of a friend ruin herself over this guy. Knowing her, I know all the signs of her usual crushes, but this one's different. She's been obsessed over him for two weeks now, and for her, that's REALLY saying something. Please help me show her that she might be making a mistake going for a heartbreaker without sounding like an overprotective mom.


-protective friend or buzzkill?


I smiled. These were the type of letters I liked to answer. The one's where people who gave advice asked for advice. It made me happy to know I was helping others help the ones they care about.


Dear protective friend or buzzkill,


Do not, for one second, think you're a buzzkill! That's absurd! This is a completely normal situation and the fact that you care makes you a truly genuine friend. Hopeless romantics are like a breed of monkeys, always hanging around and living life with no idea of the consequences. That's why people like you are out there, the one's that help them stand their ground when their flying high on their tails from tree to tree (or I guess in this situation, guy to guy!) Though this one looks particularly difficult, it's not impossible. Let your friend know that you do not approve of this, but say it in a way that makes her seem like you just don't think he's that good. Something along the lines of, "Eh, he's alright. Not as cute as this one guy I saw at the coffee shop, though. Now that guy was smokin! Maybe we should go check out the guys there!" This says you're not opposed to her idea of boy hunting, but you're still establishing that he's a) not good enough for her, and b) he's low, end of story. Giving subtle hints like that will not only make you a good friend, but keep your friend away from boys like him. Also, encourage her to write a list of things she'd like in a guy, and tell her that anytime she sees a potential boyfriend, to go over the checklist. This way, she knows what she wants, ultimately getting rid of the fleabag guys who just want arm candy, and she can learn to make decisions for herself instead of just falling in love with every guy she sees acceptable. Give it some time, and soon both of you will be ogling at the new cashier at that coffee shop you go to, and maybe she'll end up with a great boyfriend. Trust me, she'll remember that you stuck with her through all the craziness come end of high school, and she'll appreciate it like no other.


Keep up the work, you're truly a good friend(:




Closing the laptop, I looked over at my homework on the bed. Well, better do my homework. Stupid calculus. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I was just a normal kid, with friends, and a normal sized brain. Being a nerd, with barely any social ability hurt, but at least I could express my voice through my letter, I thought with a sigh. Well, better do those Calc problems.




Carter sat at the table in the back corner of the library, hiding behind an old copy of Wuthering Heights.


"Come on, it's almost closing time! Where is she?" he grumbled quietly, waiting for S.


All of a sudden, his phone went off, choruses of rap ringing.


Carter hastily dug around his backpack for his phone.


"Damn it, where did I put it!" Finally he found it, at the bottom of his bag, underneath a pile of homework. Looking back up, he noticed the brick on the wall was moved a little. Carter's eyes widened, he just missed her!


He swiveled his head towards the exit. A swish of brown hair was all he could see before it disappeared around the corner.


"Shit," He cursed, grabbing his backpack and chasing after her. Her ran into the parking lot, but couldn't see anyone in sight. The lot was almost empty, except for a few cars parked in the teacher's section.


"Just my luck!" He cursed again, running a hand through his black hair.


"Run all you want S., I'm gonna find you," He muttered, walking towards his blue mustang in defeat.



Chapter 3-Floor It!


“Sammy, Sammy, wake up!” Someone poked me in the arm. I slapped it away, before cradling my head in my hands.

“Okay, you

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